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Topics - Niles09

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General Discussion / Goodbye for now
« on: December 03, 2005, 03:28:00 am »
The last weeks on Layo both in and out of game has been pretty bad. The Gm quests havent been as they once where when I joined, and it mostly feels like its suddenly imposible to post a topic without it endning completly wrong :( When we finally finished the xp thing, I got from the ash to the fire. Cause a certain topic for fun went completly out of hand. The suddenly amount of homework I got from school didnt make things better. This doesnt really matter much to me, the thing than matters is that I took distance from one of the players Ive most enjoyed playing with. Im happy I got things solved out over privat messages, cause Spugle is one of the best char in game, bot RP'ing and just being nice.
   Im gonna take a few weeks off this. Concentrating on school and hopefully get time to finish some drawings.
And a last thing take it a bit easy with creating all your rules. Its not those that makes this game good. Its the players and what they do.

Goodbye for the time being.

And unless someone have anything against it, I would be gald if that certain topic on the just for fun forum was removed.

Poetic License / Unite
« on: November 21, 2005, 05:28:00 am »
An essay I wrote in english(class), inspired by the night elf campaign in Warcraft III and by my own char's situation.
The subecjt was that we should choose twenty words from a paper with 30, as I looked at the paper, the first words that I saw was something like: sneak, prey etc. so the story just came naturally.
There migth be some comma mistakes since Ive never learned the difference between danish and english.

Just for Fun / The proof that women are evil!
« on: November 15, 2005, 11:57:00 am »
This is mathematic proof that completly proofs the cruelty of women!

 Women require time and money  
Women = time x money
 Now everyone knows that time IS money
Women = money x money => women = money2
 Everyone knows as well that money is the root of all evil
women = the root of (money2) => women = evil!

Hah! There it is - bulletproof!

General Discussion / Stuck on lvl 8... any advices??
« on: November 10, 2005, 05:43:00 am »
The other day I finally managed to get so much xp that I was half trough lvl 8 (80.000). It have taken me the last tree months to get that amount. I play about 5-6 hours a week, it aint much but Ive seen people raise above me from lvl 1 in a few weeks.

Its not that xp means so much to me, the xp requirements from pnp doesnt suite an online RP nwn game. But honestly some new abilities, feats something would really make things more interesting. And the worst thing is to see your friends raise above you, so you cant explore without being either useless, or one of you taking all the monsters. Ofcourse its still fun, but it would be more fun in same lvl.

What do I do wrong? I've use about 3-4 hours on trips with others, to see the world, that usually makes 3000-5000xp. The most of the other time is used on conversations with other PC's and the last time I've been crafting alot. In tree weeks I've raised from lvl3 in tailoring to 9. The first 25.000xp was from a DM quest tree months ago, Ive now they bring alot of xp, but there is never any quest friday 10:00PM GMT.

I could need some advices!

General Discussion / Stuck in the very very serious way(sigh)
« on: November 06, 2005, 11:25:00 am »
Well, after a day that started with grapihc faults, armor apperance change on DC 26, extremly laggin and a crash, my PC ended it with a, neverwinter nights have found a fault and shots down, we are sorry for the inconvenience, when I loaded "near the blood hills" "Well its of course bad but not so bad I cant relog" I thought, since I've tried the problem with a load scene before, but then I just started in the new place, this time though it kept coming with the fault message, when I enter the game, because I am in that area! What on earth is going on?! When I pay about 600 Pounds for changing your PC's older parts I excpect a little more than this! #(&%#)%#)"(&%"#)(%/#"¤&!=%#&%)(&!!!!!! :(

Wild Surge Inn / Leathers for sale!
« on: October 30, 2005, 10:30:00 am »
Worg leathers for sale, 2000gp - good against goblins.

Other kinds of leather armor can be made for allies of nature.

Sold in Hlint. (//every friday from 10 PM GMT)

please reply on this paper


General Discussion / To Storold, Lan, Kloss and Kahna: Loot
« on: October 30, 2005, 04:12:00 am »
sorry I forgot that I had our loot when I left yesterday, there is 700 GP, 140 to each of us, you can meet Zanirth at friday GMT 10 PM and get your part of the loot.

General Discussion / In-game time
« on: October 29, 2005, 01:47:00 pm »
How fast do the in-game time go? In the usual nwn multiplayer it would be about a year in two RL weeks, is it that in Layonara too, or does it go a little slower?

General Discussion / Layonara to nwn2?
« on: October 26, 2005, 05:17:00 am »
Even though nwn 2 id far from sale, I just wondered if you Gm have thought of it? Of going from nwn to nwn2?
I don't know what to think myself, ofcourse the graphics are better in nwn2 but ther is things more important than that, but it could be bioware actually have managed to put some more RP possibilities in nwn2 (if it havent been for the great modding, there would only be simple fight fight and fight in nwn's Rp servers), and it would allow the player to do more things. On the other hand, I guess it would take a lot of the GM's time to mod it, at that time could be used to mod the old nwn even better.
Anyway I say, if we can't convert our char's to nwn2 then I wouldn't change.

General Discussion / Drawing of Zanirth and thanks!
« on: October 24, 2005, 07:17:00 am »
The real topic is in the poetry section, but I will allow myself to make a little ad here, cause that drawing have taken so many many hours to make! So take a look here
It's the drawing of my char Zanirth Nûr Drichtsarr.

And by the way, the last week was autumn holiday, and I had a lot of fun on Layonara, thanks to all those who ventured and RP'ed with Zanirth it was really great! after a look at my (greater) homework shedule, Im afraid I'll need to go back playing only at fridays, and when I can reach a CDQ

Poetic License / Drawing of Zanirth N
« on: October 24, 2005, 07:09:00 am »
So, finally I got finished, here she is as she really looks! Right now I just gonna enjoy the moment, so you will be spared a looong description of the work behind, which involved several stages and - that's not for now! Enjoy!
oh yes, and comments are most welcome, indeed from those who know and have seen Zanirth in game.

and... The person who invented the scanner must have been chaotic evil!

General Discussion / New drawings!
« on: October 22, 2005, 11:59:00 am »
My drawing of my char Zanirth Nûr Drichtsarr will be posted at Monday 2 o'clock GMT server clock, and I actually think it went pretty well so take a look. I can't post it earlier since I have holiday for now, and can't get to the school's scanners.

But I'll instead post two older drawings - a bit more serious than the others I've posted:
Kord, the name of the guy, is one of the chars in a PnP I was Dm in, but I never got the drawing finished, since the head was waaayyy to big and I got started on Zanirth (its from start of Juli!!!) So thats why all the blue stretches are there, and I and the player never found any knight order, so no family shield on the chest.
This drawing is from about April 2004, but I'll never got tired of it. First of all, the thing between its legs are it tail, NOT anything else! It shouldn't have been there anyway. What is it then? Its a Martian, or Mars-man if translated directly from the danish Marsmand (a bit childsih word, but that was the point) Its not evil just old!

General Discussion / New drawing!
« on: October 14, 2005, 07:27:00 am »
What to say… I was soo close to get my the drawing of my char finished, so I could post it today, but in the end my homework lured my into a trap, and it took me a day to escape it. So I gonna post this instead.

There is some to say about it! I made it, in a German lesson since my teacher anyway was talking about his trip to Africa. The tree heads on the pole most left is actually, from down-up, Kasper and Theis (two friends of me) and me at the top… It doesn’t look like us at all! Anyway the thing Theis is saying is in Danish, it means rhinoceros. He says it because he kept saying there should be a rhino at the drawing as I was making it, but I couldn’t really remember exact how they looked. And all the blood at the bottom is not my work! Didn’t want it to turn out like that. And all the blue stripes are from the ground sketch, I didn’t draw it on to a new paper this time, so some things may look a bit strange.
Oh yes, I and the schools scanners are now officially in war!

Bioware Issues / Lake Alon corrupted?
« on: October 12, 2005, 11:53:00 am »
Every time I enter Lake Alon from Haven my PC crashes with one of those, "send a fault message to Micrisoft" things. It only happens when I enter from Haven.
And whatabout the thread with my char head?

General Discussion / Take a look!
« on: October 07, 2005, 07:34:00 am »
Well, I had told a few that I was making a drawing of my char and... this is not it, cause I aint done with it yet, instead take this as a sort of demostration of my "graphic motor", and to ease some of the biiig presure on me (well I think at least one said, it sounded great:)):

So these two guys are the sord you dont wanna meet in a side alley a lonely night. First there is the "Master of Bartering," the sundial-selling lamp post. Yoo dont wanna barter with this guy, in the end you will beg him to sell you something complete nonsense!
Second there is the most evil (both in the aligment and CR way!) necromancer ever! The Pikachu palemaster! This guy can, with the combination of lightning and undeadmastering, make some serios frankensteins and flesh golems! He's the master of bringing the undead to life! Beside that his mage/Pikachu combination make him cast some serios lightning bolts... YOU DONT WANNA MEET THIS GUY!

So technically someone may had noticed that I couldnt post the drawing since the scanners dont work, now (sigh)... They do, but really not 100% so it was quite complicated to scan this one, and the quality might not be that good, but its a pretty simply drawing anyway.
The drawings were made apart, I did it to lighten up a boring german and danish lesson, but to spare you from the sketch-lines, I drawed it to a new paper with a "lamp-table"

About the drawings they went quite well out I think, except that the shadows on the Pikachu's coate a maked the oppestie way.

About my char drawing, I will try to make a lot of it this weekend, but until then, enjoy those.

General Discussion / A PnP question
« on: September 24, 2005, 02:31:00 am »
Tommorrow I'm gonna play DnD pen & paper, and for the first time in one anda half year Im not a DM so I'm pretty excitied aout it. Anyway then I got this idea about a nearly new class, and my and the DM have talked a lot about it. I've written about five sites about it, and I'm not going to translate them into english, but short: Its a wilf elf order. They are called ShaunKairas (sworddancers) and they sneaks around to get a clear hit at their enemies with their greatswords. They a really acrobatic. In reality its a rogue/ranger but with a few changes:
The char dont have the ranger armor profency, they dont waer armor at all since that disturbs their movement, they dont have two weapon fighting or ambidextery. Neither do they use gloves (bracers is ok), cloaks and helmets. That means that they are really weak while on defensive, because of a hard to get AC.
In return my and my DM is talking about getting, hide in plain sight, monks leap of the clouds, slow fall, maybe deflect arrows, and change the rangers skill point from 4 to 6.
I just want to know what others in here think about, what would be fair.

Development Journals and Discussion / Journal of a drow (Zanirth's)
« on: August 19, 2005, 11:47:00 am »
The journal of Zanirth Nûr Drichtsarr, drowish servant of the woods.

A lot of things have been happening since I left Sielwood. The mind of the drow have a hard time remembering feelings, and its hard to keep track of things, so I will write this down.
Not much have happened lately. I've had a few days in Sielwood, so I can concentrate my thoughts, and practice my skills as a being of the forest. Im still far from reaching the point where Im one with the nature, where I cant be regonized from a leaf, where Im invisible.
I was in Hlint the other day though, just too take a look around and keep track of newcomers. A strange thing happened. As I sat on a bench, relaxing, a elf came by. Her clothes were quite strange, they was made of bright, flashy colours, (if I did wear that every goblin in the high wood would have spotted me, if I sneaked by) not the look of an adventurer, but she had a sword on her back. Most strangly was when she turned to me and said, "hello!" I would rather have exspected her to say something like "drow scum." But she just kept smiling like life was a fairy tale, and it isnt. I asked her what she wanted, she just wanted to take a closer look a a drow and thought I was interesting. Well had a little talk, after some confusion I found out she was a "bard," (better write this down so I wont forget" she made songs and luips! Or it was lyrics, dont know, dont remember hearing such a word before. Then a dark thought crossed my mind, my mother used to wear coloured clothers and wislze melodic words, when she.. *text ends in ink* ...bard talked about inspirieng people, and I thought at Ayla, her singing used to hae this strange lifting effect in combat, could this bard be as the same great sord as Ayla? Then I figured her out, and asked if her songs was about knights in shinning armor and great deeds, and she got excited and answered "yes, yes!" So I told her she couldnt excpect much of me, since I wasnt the type who" bashes down the door, kills the evil minions, and challange the bad guy, no I sneak throught the back door and stabs the evil one in the back." But that couldnt end her smile, I wonder if she have a secret competition with the (damned) sun, about who can be most flashy... Anyway Dorena came by too, its pretty strange we have talked alot but never fought together, and I feel like I really know her, mayby its because we both are of the forest. In the end the three of us departed ways.

General Discussion / Layonara - my opinion
« on: August 19, 2005, 05:43:00 am »
I've played Layonara in a month or two now, have reached lvl 8 and seen the most of Mistone, so I thought this would be a good point to say what I think of this world.
First of all I've been playing DnD pen & paper for some years, both as player and as a DM, and I've also played the BG series, Icewind, Morrowind and now nwn and Layonara, so Im not without experience ;)  in this!

The game: At first sight layonara is really great, there is quest which means, that it all wont end up in monster slaughter for xp. Second the roleplay is really great, I can easily use half an hour just to interact with anoter players char. My char is a drow and because of that, she is often annoyed and called bad things, but I've never felt that it turned out to more than RP.
   But as things go on, and the char raises in lvl, Layonara looses a bit of the charm. The few quesets are fastly done, so there isnt much to do, the char really needs much xp to raise in lvl, and the crafting can be frustrating.
why? well I think the crafting system is good, but it in the start there is a lot o luck in it, and it is extremly annyoing to hit between 1 and ten five times in a row. It would be nice if you could craft some more, and need lesser xp in the start of crafting. Finding the components, piecing them together and so on is really great though, that part of the crafting system is good, and unique.
When I began to realize the extreme hough amount of xp, I must earn to raise in lvl, I first thought it was really stupid, but after some time I realized that, on that way people wouldnt turn into xp hunting players but consentrate on playing the game the Rp way! - getting friends, evolve their char psychotically, and so on. But I still think that it is fair that a char need the same xp to raise in lvl, that it has got in the hole game. The develoment of the char is great - like real roleplay, in games wich, on the other hand, runs with the normal xp, you really dont have the time to do that.
About the quests, that one of the things where Layonara needs to better. There is simply too few of them, and they are too simple. It would be great with some sort of campaign quest (Kill the servant who got papers -> prevent the traitor from killing someone -> and finally kill the bad guy) or some quests with convesation and puzzles. It isnt necesarry to ploth extremely anvanced quest, there is lots of books, films and games to take from. of course there is GM quests, but because LAyo is a whole world game, it can be hard to get time for them.
The strong side of Layonara is the GM quests, the CDQ's mostly. They are great and very fun, and they make it possible to interact with enemies instead of others chars only. They make stories, and changes in the world - for a short time... I think it would be even greater if those quest actually changed something, when they ends all turns into normal again anyway.
As for te world virtually, the custom made tilesets are used very good, and the monsters too, but the world have a lack of detail, some areas simple doesnt serve as anything. The towns are to low populated with NPC's. The first time I reached Spellguard I thought it was cursed or something! I also think the sellers are putted very unauthentic together in one house. A market in HLint would be much better than those two houses. Anyway the virtual part of Layonara is the last thing to improve, since it only visually.

This site: Only the this forum is useful for players who have played the game in a week. The menue (up in the right cornor) is really only usable for new players, but it has a great unused portential. History... on home it says that every player can change the world, but I dont see the changes. I think there should be a closer discreption of the deeds of the players, and what about the few epic lvl chars? havent they earned a place there? I think there should be a lot more about the different players. I also think this site could have good of a new look. Works of the players could be in different cornors, there is a lot of good poetry which could be used in citates there.

I simply dont understand how the GM's and particularly Leanther have made all this! They put a huge amount of work and time in this, so I just wanna say that all this is just what I think would be good, and I understand if you scip it all, since I think my ideas would take too much time and work to make, and who says that other would like them? I just want to say thanks for the great time I've spent here, because of Leanther and Co's.

(sorry for my broken english :) and I've probaly ad some more here, besides say what YOU think of the Layonara.

Fixed Bugs / Healed - server crash - death
« on: August 12, 2005, 04:31:00 pm »
At a point I died, but then I went for my grave and recovered. Because my strengt was reduced I left my shield on my ox. Some minuttes after my recover the server crashed. When I started again my char was reflecting at 0, and I didnt heal be sleep, besides now I both have a shield on my ox and my char's inventory. What now? How to recover?

General Discussion / Rat and bat skins
« on: July 23, 2005, 05:01:00 pm »
I have spent a least thousand gp on making enough pattern and leather for a light armor, but when I consult the armor dummy, I cant find any armor made of rat or bat leather! What can I make of rat and bat leather?

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