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Topics - merlin34baseball

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Rumour Has It / Kitchen open for use
« on: February 19, 2011, 01:15:22 pm »
*a notice is tacked up in many of the craft halls and kitchens of Mistone*

[SIZE=18]The Twin Dragon in recently remodeled their kitchen and have opened it for public use. We do ask though that you are respectful of the tenants and clean up after yourselves.

The kitchen is located in the Twin Dragon Inn, 137 Leringard. The door to the kitchen is on the north wall of the main hall, near the bar and shop area.

There is also a crate for giving and taking of extra supplies you may have, along with a crate for finished food products that you wish to share with fellow cooks and tenants of the Inn.

My Thanks,
Tyrian Baldu'muur
Proprietor of the Twin Dragon Inn

General Discussion / Changing CD keys...
« on: February 18, 2011, 09:27:36 pm »
Is there a way to change CD keys on a CPU without completely reinstalling NWN?

My son used to use my laptop, now he has his own, therefor I want my laptop back to my CD key. We can't play together now cause his CD key is in use when he's on since the same one is on both laptops.

My Thanks,

General Discussion / Bird Mesages
« on: February 13, 2011, 08:24:03 pm »
Heya Everyone,

I was thinking the other day that bird messages are not being used much in game. It's kind of cool to be walking along and have a bird poo a message on your head. It's so much more realistic than pretending you got a bird and therefore the message.

For anyone new,

you just log into Lore
Type in the characters name you wish to message
This takes you to the characters profile page
There's an option in the top middle that says "send message"
Then it lets you select which of your characters it is from
Then a text box will pop up where you can IN CHARACTER send them a real bird.

The next time the recipient logs in a bird will fly up and dump the message on their heads!

So much fun!

Especially with the war going on its a great tool to communicate... even secretly.....

AND you get a letter to keep. (or proof) :rolleyes:

My Thanks,

Ask A Gamemaster / way bugged
« on: January 28, 2011, 04:38:44 pm »

I was just in the spider cave on Mistone with Chaynce. I got to the bottom and was fighting the same spiders I have always fought there. All of the sudden I couldn't cast any spells on myself, and my weapon was ineffective against the deep spiders, which should not be so. I tried invis and it wouldn't let me cast it to run. I tried stoneskin and everything I could think of and nothing worked. I could cast no spells and my blade became a wet noodle.

I logged out as I ran because I'm not losing my last soul strand to something weird like that.

Please advise on what I should do. I'd log back in in a bit but I'm worried that I'm going to be instantly eaten, or that I lost my last SS by logging out already.

My Thanks,

Trade and Market Hall / Chanyce's Dusty Crate Sale
« on: December 23, 2010, 02:02:11 pm »
*a note tacked up in several places*

[SIZE=16]I have some things I need to get rid of for coins. Reasonable offers only please. Send me a bird, leave word at Stormhaven Manor, or find my friend Alton Tealeaf.

[SIZE=16]Blade of Reckoning[/SIZE][/B][/I][SIZE=16] - Sold[/SIZE]

Damage Bonus vs Chaotic +1 positive energy
Damage Bonus vs. Chaotic 1d6 fire
Enchantment Bonus vs Chaotic +3
Enchantment Bonus STR +1
Keen (17-20 Crits)
Level 19//

[SIZE=16]Wizardry Ring III - two -4000?
Wizardry Ring II - 2500?

[SIZE=16]Adamantium Visor Helm - 5000?[/SIZE][/I][/B]

//AC +3
Concentration +3
Discipline +3//

[SIZE=16]Adamantium Kite Shield - 5000?[/SIZE][/I][/B]

//+2 shield//

[SIZE=16]Stones Boots of Protection -3000?[/SIZE]

//AC +1
Acid Resist 5/-
Concentration +4
Discipline +4//

[SIZE=16]Alaamiathela's Slippers -4000?[/SIZE][/I][/B]

//+1 dodge AC
cold resist 10/-
Heal +4
Spell craft +4//
Healers Hug Belt -
10,000 ?[/SIZE]

//Heal +3
Cure Critical Wounds (7) 1 per day//
Dorand's Brace -
[/I][/B][SIZE=16] 10,000 ?[/SIZE]

//Str +2
Concentration +2
 Discipline +2
Elect Resistance 10/-//
Boots of Striding - 5000?

//Constitution +2//
Accender's March Boots -3000?

//+3 dodge AC vs. Elementals, Giants, and Goblinoids//

Rumour Has It / The Cold Cold North
« on: December 22, 2010, 02:13:15 pm »
*Chaynce and Alton can be seen discussing a trip to the frozen marshes around the campfire in Center*

//we would like to schedule a trip to the frozen Marshes sometime tomorow afternoon. Let us know if you're interested. We won't go if we don't have a cleric who can cast FOE, and a fairly balanced group//

About 1 hour form now Chaynce will be leading a tour of Dragon Isles... Low level characters invited! Look for me (Chaynce) or Arthor Slowstone on and send us a tell if you want to come. Should be a fairly quick (2 hours max I hope) trip... we hope... going as far as... welp... a dungeon you have to swim to!
Chaynce will try to keep you alive... but no guarantees:D!

But... he's not doing all the work!

RP... not hack and slash... Chaynce is good enough on the hack and slash alone!:D

General Discussion / War of the Roses
« on: October 03, 2010, 12:36:24 pm »
Ok... kind of a silly idea, but two halflings got into a flower duel today.

We were thinking of setting up a tournament in the arena... using your favorite flowers... no armor, no magic, just pummeling each other with flowers!

Think you have what it takes to win THE WAR OF THE ROSES?

If there's any interest in a silly contest like this let us know and we can put up an event on the calendar...

It was... Hilarious...

I want to see Gork, Steel or a fat dwarf battling it out with tulips!

We also thought roses should get wounding properties added...

Perhaps we can even get a GM to help us a bit with moving the flower girl to the arena for the event! And maybe a silly prize for the victor!

We were also thinking of having a mass brawl at the end after the individual tourney was over.

Some pics of the fun:

My Thanks,

General Discussion / Halflings Looking for Fun
« on: September 11, 2010, 07:05:45 pm »

At about 6:30 mountain time Saturday night my son and I will be on playing halflings. (level 12 ranger/rogue and a level 7 rogue)

Send us a tell if you'd like to adventure! Any and all welcome, we'll be traveling around Mistone.



Trade and Market Hall / //OOC// Need Addy Bastard Sword
« on: September 05, 2010, 02:06:00 pm »
Ok... this is an OOC request.


Addy Bastard Sword with 1d8 fire enchantment, 1d8 silver enchantment and a holy visual.

I was chopping trees to make arrows for a friend and had overfilled my inventory, thus dropping my shield and blade. I immediately picked up the shield but had no idea the blade dropped too, as I did not see it on the ground. Then I went through a transition before realizing the blade was not in my inventory, sooo... it got gobbled up by the clean up script.

There is no way Chaynce would have left his blade on the ground so I decided to try and replace it OOC and pretend like this disaster never happened, so here's the deal...

I have the following things to trade for a new Addy Bastard Sword, and would like the transaction to be carried out in an OOC manner.

Basically look through the list of stuff I have for trade and let me know if any would help pay for the new blade. Basically I'm taking bids until next weekend when I can play again as I'm going out of town for work, I won't be able to check the forums until then and I'll figure out who I'll get it from. I have coin as well if needed to fill out the deal, but would rather trade some of this useful stuff instead of coins.

2 boxes of aloe

1 box of gorgon horns (6 in the box)

1 box of bodak teeth plus 5 loose ones (19 total)

2 boxes of white silk

1 box of garlic

137 pinches of greenstone dust

1 Addy kite shield

3 branches of Yew

1 iron half plate

1 set ascenders march boots

2 set militia boots

1 glorious mantle

1 cape of the north

Note to GMs:

If there is any problem with me doing this this way please let me know and I'll try and figure something else out. I just can't think of a justification IG on why he'd let his blade lie in the road...

General Discussion / 1/4 elves breeding?
« on: August 17, 2010, 04:37:10 pm »

I saw a couple posts recently that talked about how if you are a mixed race you cannot have children. While, granted, I've known that for a long time, but one talked about the fact that only if your character got mechanical benefits from the race they could not breed.

So... here's the question...

Can 1/4 elves have children with a human? Chaynce's mother was a half elf and father a human.



//oh and look out Daniella... this could ruin your plans for Toranite domination of the world...//

Oh and to quote the post the piqued my interest...

For clarity, no one who is of mixed breeding has the capability to breed as of 1421. If you have even the slightest hint of other racial blood in you (enough to make a mechanical difference in your character) you cannot breed. That means all half elves, half ogres, half giants, etc are sterile and can no longer have children. Additionally, there can no longer be a product from two pure blooded individuals of different races.

Fixed Bugs / kobold stick
« on: July 07, 2010, 03:12:35 pm »
Description: The kobold stick quest outside of Hempstead seems to be broken. I have now done it 6 times over the course of a week and no stick ever dropped. This was both before and after a server reset.
 Location: Near Hemp
 Verified: ?
 Reproducable: Seems so...

Development Journals and Discussion / Lindara - Halfling Rogue
« on: June 30, 2010, 02:07:03 pm »
For posterity:

Character: Lindara
Age: 40
Gender: Female
Class: Rogue
Race: Halfling
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Lindara slunk through the streets of Hempstead, staying out of sight from the guards. She had been living out of the dumpsters and trash cans behind the Inns for months. Her friend Alton Tealeaf had left, and she didn't know what else to do. All she wanted was to reunite with Alton as he had been her protector from the bullies when he was around.
She had never known her parents and Alton's family had taken her in at a young age as an orphan. She did visit Alton's family every once in a while but decided that she no longer wanted to be a burden on them and had struck out on her own, not knowing that the streets of Hempstead could be much meaner than one would think.
She saw Alton one day traveling the streets with a man in black and gold armor. She was so excited to see him running up and speaking as quickly as she could in halfling. The man in armor cocked his head and looked at her and laughed.
"Tell her to slow down and speak somethin' I can understand!" Chaynce laughed.
She looked up at the man in armor and stepped behind Alton.
"He's not nice." she said.
"Oh he's fine, this is the..." Alton snickers, "The protector of paladins."
She giggled, "I didn't know paladins needed protection."
Alton replied, "Um tell him that."
Chaynce looked down a bit confused and stated that he had business to attend to and walked off.
She glanced back at Alton and told him of her situation, about not wanting to be a burden to his family, about how she left his house and only visits once in a great while, when she was really hungry. She told him of how she was living day to day out of dumpsters and scraps behind the Inn's.
Alton decided that once again he would help out his childhood friend. He told he that he could teach her what he knew of stealth and cunning so that she could feed herself and take better care of herself. She happily agreed to learn his ways, as she knew a few of them from hiding in the alleys of Hempstead.
Alton got one of his old bows and an old short sword from his bank chest and handed them to her. It was a simple bow of hickory and a simple copper short sword, both battle scared but of no exceptional quality.
Alton decided that the first place he should take her was rat hunting. Her dexterity and ability to slide out of harms way served her well during the short trip to the sewers of Hempstead. The times living in the alleys and keeping out of sight served her well.
Alton proceeded to teach her what he knew of hitting the soft spots in someones armor, and how best to sneak behind someone with a bow and support the battle. She learned all she could until Alton decided that it was safe to take her out and face his first nemesis, the kobolds.
Out of the gates they went, her old hickory bow in one hand and the chipped copper short sword at her waist, preparing to take on the challenge of her life. Into the vast word Lindara went, following her longtime friend Alton Tealeaf.
//she has no ties to anyone important and her parents are dead or gone never to return, she has no noble bloodlines or anything silly like that//
//Chaynce is my character so of course he gives permission to be laughed at in the bio. Alton Tealeaf is my sons character and he will be following this post with an affirmation that I'm allowed to use Alton in my bio//

Ask A Gamemaster / Chaynce is stuck
« on: June 15, 2010, 02:09:11 pm »
Chaynce was on Dregar and got mobbed by giants and died. He lost a SS and I got mad and logged off without respawning. My sons character was with me and he did the same thing. When he logged back in he was alive long enough to get killed again by the giants, no SS loss though. Now I'm afraid to log back in with Chaynce as he's in the middle of a spawn and has 9 SS losses now, and I can't take the chance of another one.

Any ideas on how to get him out?

My Thanks,

General Discussion / Looking for adventure, LFG
« on: May 08, 2010, 02:13:40 pm »

Me and my son will be playing for the next couple of hours. He's a halfling Deliarian pie eater, and Chyance is a (I hate to admit this...) Toranite leaning fighter/wizard.

Let us know if you'd like to run about!


General Discussion / A Question for the computer experts
« on: March 25, 2010, 10:37:05 pm »
Hello Smart People,

Is there a way to find out how old a web page is?

I'm looking for a new apartment online and everyone I call tells me its rented but the web pages are still up saying they are for rent. So I was thinking I could eliminate wasted time by seeing when the page was put up, if it was more than a month old no need to call on the house.

Hope that made sense... I just didn't know if there was some sort of fancy button you could push to see when a web page first went up!

My Thanks!

Trade and Market Hall / wanted... Alcohol and Food supplier
« on: March 10, 2010, 03:22:54 am »
*post a note up in the kitchens she knows*

[SIZE=16]I need a supplier of good roasts, pies, wine, beers, and liquors.
Please let me know if you fit the bill.
The job should pay well.
I need my crates filled every month or so.
I can also pay with trade goods, which will be worth more than coins.

My Thanks,
Tyrian Baldu'muur
Proprietor of the Twin Dragon Inn

Stop by the Inn so we can talk, or a bird, or a message on the door will do.

General Discussion / Big Fun!?!
« on: March 05, 2010, 09:27:33 pm »
Hiya Layo People...

It was my son's birthday today and he's coming over tomorrow to spend the weekend.

One thing I know he wants to do is level his poo scooping halfling Alton. Soooo... if you see us on tomorrow send a tell, I'd like to get a good group together to erm... bash and RP!

Even Toranites can come... yes even Daniella.;)

My Thanks,

oh we'll probably be on as Alton Tealeaf and Tyrian or Chaynce Baldu'muur

Trade and Market Hall / Wanted, Emerald Amulet of Cats Grace
« on: February 28, 2010, 08:46:37 pm »
*Tyrian posts a few notices*

[SIZE=18]I seek an amulet of cats grace set with an emerald. I would much prefer an independent craftsperson to fill this order, if not I suppose a guild will do. Please leave me a note with the price so I can go about selling the things I need to to raise the coins. I believe I also have a ring of owl's wisdom set with an emerald if one would be interested in a trade for all or part of the cost of the amulet. I also have a rather large mithril shield to barter as well.

My Thanks,
Tyrian Baldu'muur

Firestarter and Proprietor of the Twin Dragon Inn

//as a note, I have no idea on level req's for emeralds, I'm assuming that at level 19 she can use it, if not please let me know so I can take down the poster!//

Ask A Gamemaster / Yet another GP question
« on: February 25, 2010, 08:39:39 pm »
Hello All!

I was wondering if the delay in using a potion in combat with a death resulting in a SS loss is redeemable with a GP?

I lost a SS due to the person I was traveling with's familiar dragging a whole spawn to us while I was resting. So I was mobbed by about 10 trolls. They were only doing 6-10 damage a hit so I was slowly dying. I finally decided to just start downing potions until my companion could buff me during the battle and then I could wail on them. I must have clicked on the potion button 20 times and never once drank a potion, while I watched my HPs slowly go away.

So SS loss number 9. I only have one GP left and would rather use it now than on his 10th death. And in reality I havn't really played since then as I was rather upset with the way the loss went down, and I'm hoping this is a use of a GP so I can get back in game!

My thanks for your thoughts,

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