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Topics - Ravemore

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Rumour Has It / Eaornath D’lisk - The Rebuilding
« on: August 07, 2014, 01:06:16 am »
The sun was a few hands above the horizon when the wagons began pulling into Eaornath D’lisk. The villagers began making their way to the town square, whispers and questioning looks everywhere. Ten large wagons in all, drawn by oxen, there muscles bulging beneath the straps and yokes. Their cargo holds loaded with wood, rope, nails, and stone. A few carried provisions, large sacks of wheat and root vegetables stacked high. The occasional crack of a whip and yell of a teamster rose above the buzzing talk.The town Alderman approached the lead wagon and raised his hands, his face full of sorrow. “Sir, although we have need for the supplies you carry, we are unlikely to be able to afford your wares. Some perhaps, but we do not have the money for most of your goods.” The teamster smiled kindly at him. “No need for coin your honor. All of these goods are being provided free of charge by Hilm Castle…” He chuckles, “…and their labor is at no cost as well.” The Alderman follows the man’s pointing thumb and his mouth hangs open in disbelief as he watches a column of carpenters, engineers, stone masons, and soldiers of the Company of the Star making their way into the town. A cheer from the villagers echoes over the rooftops as they eagerly begin helping with the unloading.

Rumour Has It / Sublimis
« on: July 25, 2014, 04:13:23 pm »
This is the time when both Ausir and Orn become new simultaneously and start their revolutions of light again. This night, legendary and feared by the rest of the world, is called Sublimis. The followers of Corath often overrun their local areas with armies of unliving. Like locusts, the horde will grow as it moves until daylight hits and they are driven back.Eaornath D’lisk, which translates in the older “folk tongue” loosely as “Briardusk’s little sister” is a small village in the Hilm Protectorate. An urgent plea for assistance from the local Toranite Priest named “Cinestral” has made its way to Briardusk. Undead have been spotted in the countryside in growing numbers, and it is feared that within a couple days time the village will be overrun when the moons become new. Many families have refused to leave and have boarded themselves up in their homes.-------------// Impromptu Quest Saturday July 26th, 12:00 – 2:00PM -PDT (Seattle WA).This will primarily be a “hack and slash” event. Waves upon waves of undead. This will be posted on the event Calendar.Meet in Dalanthar on the Central Cerver.

Trade and Market Hall / House in Dalanthar
« on: July 22, 2014, 11:10:56 pm »
Businessman seeking to downgrade his dwelling size. Interested in trading a large and spacious remodeled two story facility in 
Dalanthar, complete with large common areas, five bedrooms, meeting room, kitchen, and downstairs storage area for something much smaller on Mistone. Some furniture left for the new owner can possibly be part of the deal. Will also pay the prospective trader 100,000 true weight coins on top of the trade.This building would be perfect for conversion into a tavern, inn, guild headquarters, or merchantile shop. Sits next door to the bank, and a public portal and market place is a hop, skip, and jump away.If interested, please pen here and we can meet to discuss.S.A.

Forum Bugs / Error Posting - Teo
« on: July 13, 2014, 07:00:03 pm »
Teo tried to post into my CDQ thread for a request and stated he is receiving an error of some type. Curious if there are any settings inadvertently in affect that might be giving him that error?Teo, can you please reply to this with details for Dorg? Thanks.

Trade and Market Hall / Rough Emeralds
« on: July 08, 2014, 11:06:37 pm »
Two rough emeralds reasonably priced. Cutting and polishing extra.-S.A.

Rumour Has It / End Game
« on: June 10, 2014, 11:23:55 pm »
//Continued from “The Assault” This will be the last installment of this plotline. For those players already involved, or those wanting to become involved, please begin posting here in this thread. At this point it is unknown whether this will be RP heavy like the first installment “Reward” (Click Here) or Action as in “The Assault” (Click Here) when it goes to an in-game session. Player forum involvement will dictate this over the next few weeks. If you are new, please read through the threads for the previous two installments to get up to speed and figure out a RP way of inserting your character...//-----IGA bird circles slowly in the air around the two captured rune stones, the consciousness inside its avian form carefully considering both actions and impacts on The Balance.The Rofirein knights seem very grateful for both the assistance of the adventurers and their sacrifices in the assault itself. Deverain is seen among them, working himself to the point of exhaustion. Many of the wounded are brought back from death’s door, the soul mother robbed of her chance to cut their strings this time around. The Rofirein officer in charge, Lieutenant Vercilaas, is insistent on returning to Fort Vehl with their dead before heading elsewhere. He refuses to leave any of their dead in the swamps. He also cautions against moving the stones to Dapplegreen, but defers to Aesthir’s decision as the ranking Co’rys officer present. Regardless, it is obvious he will return their dead and wounded to the temple first.Mangus trips on a gnarled root hidden within the muck and water of the swamp. A nearby knight quickly offers his hand to pull him to his feet, ignoring the fact that orcish blood flows through the veins of the wet and tired adventurer. This is something Mangus has rarely seen or experienced… an appreciation and concern for who he is as a person, not a reaction to the color of his skin and his large jutting teeth.Storold and Vreeble are seen conferring. Those close to them overhear conversation regarding the strange stones. The bird flutters to their position and fluidly shifts into the shape of Foresta. She joins the conversation.The time is nearly upon them, equipment has been stowed, men are mounted, and the dead are secured. Lieutenant Vercilaas calls out to the adventurers, “What shall it be brave ones? Will you accompany us to Vehl, and then to Dapplegreen… or do you make haste direct? If you head to Dapplegreen, do you think it wise to take those stones to a lightly defended population center?” To Aesthir he gives a wry grin and says “Perhaps your superiors will want to weigh in on your decision too…”

General Discussion / Development Opportunities...
« on: May 23, 2014, 02:06:36 pm »
It can sometimes be frustrating when trying to develop a character along a certain tangent to prepare them for the CDQ that will push them over the threshold to reaching their goal, or fleshing out that CDT for a request. From the GM side it can also be hard to come up with a good idea for a CDQ without some background story to work from. If this is something you are experiencing, please read on.An aspiring weapon master with no master...?A devotee of a certain deity with nobody to teach them the basics...?A shadowy rogue wanting to probe possible membership in a thieves’ guild...?An adept wanting to learn more about Al'Noth and its applications...?The list goes on and on. I'm going to take requests for a while from players needing some extra GM involvement with their characters to help with this. If you are interested, post something here and I will start a thread and we can get the ball rolling. This is an excellent opportunity to start a plot or tangent you can use to later request a super high quality CDQ.

General Discussion / My status..
« on: May 12, 2014, 08:09:48 am »
Hey everyone, just a little status update. This week I will be out of state on business and may have limited access to my computer as IT will be taking it for upgrades for a few days. Also, things have been slow response-wise for the last week and a half or so and will continue to be so for another week or two due to obligations with my HOA as we are in the middle of about 11 civil suits and 30 lien filings... so apologies if posts and in-game actions continue to be a little slow. I'm off to the airport now and will try to stay in touch. :-)

Rumour Has It / The Assault
« on: April 29, 2014, 11:11:56 pm »
Continued from “Reward”Captain Dreardan and the Lucindite Jason poured over a map with Storold and Aesthir. The location of the portal was in Co’rys, in an ancient crypt known for incursions by “outsiders”, a little less than 100 miles northeast of the town of Halin.

Rumour Has It / The Summit
« on: April 26, 2014, 02:29:55 pm »
Stygian pulled up an old stump in the small clearing near the abandoned bandit camp and arranged it close to the fire. He had sent some follow-up messages to those brave enough to respond to his first missive, and hopefully some of them would soon show up to discuss the future… possibilities.He breathed in a deep breath, savoring the faint smell that reached his nostrils… the scent of death. Obviously the old camp had not been abandoned for as long as he thought. He muttered a low and terrible incantation, weaving the Al’Noth, and interlacing entreaties to the Dark One. A low keening scream emanated from the ground and the translucent form of the spirit he dragged before him wavered in the feeble light of the small camp fire.“Go and watch. Warn me when others approach.” The spirit faded from sight to do the bidding of its new master.

*Stygian finishes penning some instructions on a piece of parchment, folds it in half, and seals it with a black blob of wax, inserting his signet ring into the soft material before it hardens. He hands it to one of his Corathite shop employees… and so begins the long journey of a piece of parchment whose message ultimately reaches the hands of some of Layonara’s worst criminals, pirates, serial killers, and worshippers of evil gods.“If you have received this missive you have been deemed both worthy and capable of contributing to an enterprise with the potential to generate great wealth, bring those competing against our goals to their knees, and further our overlapping areas of interest. Therefore, you are invited to take part in a summit where we can discuss the feasibility of a temporary alliance and strategize possible courses of action.The meeting time and place will be provided at a later date. Please leave sealed word of your interest at the Harpy in Fort Vehl, attention: Adder-------//Anyone interested that was not included in the group private message that is currently ongoing, please contact gilshem ironstone via PM and he will see to it that you are included and brought up to date. The goal is to actually put together a group interested in competing against the interests of "good" in some of the upcoming major plot-line quests. PVP is likely (as long as all parties are in agreement)... as well as some darned good RP. We may also be able to tie this group into some of the other GM quests and work against their "good" players.When appropriate, I'll create a forum for RP to give those not able to attend in-game functions an opportunity to be involved. (Insert GMT Players) As always, I will reward forum involvement the same as I do with my other plot-lines. I'm not a fan of private forums because I think most of us are experienced enough to not fall prey to meta-gaming, and it is fun for everyone to read and know as the players what is happening behind the scenes. If we have any issues I'll be available to gently council an offender.To prevent possible conflict of interest, I may lessen Stygian's involvement later because as a GM I want to give this little player driven initiative some "love and attention." You can count on some quests and GM forum response to your actions...If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to PM me or Gilshem.

Rumour Has It / Trouble in the Hilm Protectorate?
« on: June 26, 2014, 10:33:53 pm »
Reports begin to filter into Sundance and Hilm Castle that a child has been burned at the stake by residents of a small village near Briardusk for being a witch... Little more is known of the event.

Trade and Market Hall / Seeking
« on: April 06, 2014, 03:06:46 pm »
10 glands from a species of small spider... commonly found in the catacombs below Center. Offering 2,000 true weight coins.S.A.

Rumour Has It / Adversary
« on: April 03, 2014, 12:14:44 am »
// Thread for Borris's CDQ and any involved.The smell of tar, dead fish, and seaweed was thick in the hull of the ship. Young Pirate Breaksalot was curled in a ball in the corner of the ship's hold, an iron manacle fastened around his ankle. He was a hardscrabble kid, raised on the mean streets of Vehl... but he was still a kid. Tears welled up in his eyes as he listened to the two men above decks."We're awaiting some more supplies and a few more deliveries. We should be able to sail out with the outgoing tide this evening."The voice of the other individual was cold as ice. "See to it there are no problems. If this load of meat is delayed, the sanctum will be displeased... and if they are displeased it may be your carcass on the Dark Lord's altar. Keep your men below deck. We don't want any problems with the local Rofirein contingents."

Rumour Has It / All in the Name of Love
« on: June 25, 2014, 05:35:37 pm »
Bling Bling, the ugly orc sister of Moreg, a gate guard at Fort Vehl, was pining away. Moreg looked disgusted and yelled at her, “Why you sad?! You thinking about wild little halfling?! You crush him with you love. He too small.”She yelled back and pouted, “He say me Pretty!”Moreg rolled his eyes and slapped his large forehead with the palm of his hand. “Forget him. He nothing but little flea.”Big tears developed in her eyes. “No, he say me pretty! He say he come back and talk on conquest and battle. He bring trophy!”Moreg laughed, “You never see him again... He not come back to you. If he do, he probably bring twiggy man and you break in half.” When he slammed the door and left she started crying again.

General Discussion / LFG...
« on: March 19, 2014, 11:18:25 pm »
Wanting to run around the Spirit Dunes over by Krellin's Tents with Sty... deaders, etc.. Will be logged in for a while.

Rumour Has It / Mud, muck, and zealots
« on: March 15, 2014, 03:15:20 pm »
//This thread to be used if needed for upcoming quest. Event is on Calendar HERE.  Forum work in advance can make the event both more rewarding on a personal level, increase favor, and help to "flesh out" the quest.---------------------Word begins to filter around that an unsavory merchant named Boris Shiel (The Unwashed) in Fort Vehl is looking for a small group of adventurers for a job. Rumor has it that the work involves some type of hunting expedition into the Sooth Moors… and that the pay will be generous.

Rumour Has It / Reward
« on: March 15, 2014, 02:06:00 am »
Word has spread that Rashish “The Red”, an allusive and brutal highwayman with a well-armed gang, has been confirmed to be operating throughout Southern and Central Mistone. This group of bandits has hit multiple caravans, civilian travelers, tax inspectors, and even small groups of adventurers. His attacks have provoked the Merchants of Port Hempstead and they have offered a 500 True reward for his head, or his arrest.Port Hempstead authorities indicate that the number of his forces cannot be confirmed, although the survivors of his raids have stated between 20 and 40. Survivors also claim he has spellweavers in his employ, and attacks have been coordinated with military precision. Caution should be used in tracking and engaging this criminal enterprise.

Character Development Quests (CDQ's) / Ravemore (CDQ)
« on: September 21, 2016, 09:49:29 pm »
Reading my GM Introduction will be very important for you before you decide to sign up. It's best that you know what to expect.Time Zone is Pacific Standard USA. I can usually squeeze in a session during the week or one on the weekend... both may be difficult, but not impossible. We will need to schedule in advance either way. Also note, I will usually only have the two slots below available.Special Note: Due to possible conflicts of interest, I will not run any CDQs having to do with political structure, political intrigue, or positions of authority in the Corathite Church... as I have a toon of my own heavily involved with that sort of stuff. I will do initiations into the church though, or other Corath related personal development. If you desire something like this, we will need to have a detailed discussion in advance to discern your expectations and ensure I'm not getting into anything I would feel uncomfortable with.
Current CDQ:
1. Thhakuk
In Planning:
1. Mari
On Hold:Dev

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