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Topics - Zoogmunch

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Just for Fun / Bolting dwarf
« on: August 20, 2009, 02:37:56 pm »
the purple clad dwarf drinks the potion and manages 19.18 secs over the 200 metres into town. LOL

Trade and Market Hall / Found enchanted gems
« on: July 16, 2009, 06:52:31 am »
Isherwood tacks up a note

Dear populace, whilst smashing some cheap gems to smithereens i came across some enchanted gems at the crafting hall in Hemp. If you know the form of enchantment for these gems ( being the owner who lost them) I can be found at the temple at Vehl or thereabouts. Please note that any roguish characters seeking to make a quick true or two will be dealt with roughly and i may have to set up some stocks outside the temple for such purposes.

Isherwood Smithson, Cleric of Rofirein.

//occ     with such in mind could a gm look to create same stocks at Vehl as i'm sure there are lots of people of dubious character who could find a home in such. The Temple will  ( almost certainly) pay for any rotten fruit that may be used and I'm sure it would raise the moral of the good folk around in these times of war and pestilence.
ps, would we get some gain from target practice as per arrows training?

I can start nominating folk if it would help things along.

Just for Fun / Wizardy components fer sale
« on: June 16, 2009, 02:49:12 pm »
Oi ter all you wizards!

*int check rolls d20 and gets 6*

i've been watching me brother griff casting magicky arrow spells and he uses up a great deal of bat poop. Right I thought, theres true ter be had there so i've been around and have gathered three sacks of cow dung and and four boxes of horse loike from around the place fer yer ter use in yer spell loike. Its much smellier than bat poop but theres much more of it ter go round. Going cheap ter the first bidder loike!

p.s. Is there a good laundry ter be had cos these here stains on me coat aint moving.


Rockhead Howling Wolf in his second best coat.

General Discussion / Sorry folks
« on: June 14, 2009, 04:58:15 pm »
Isherwood appears in leringard after his second death in succession.

Having being invisible and about to leave the caverns a fighter ( who will remain nameless) bashed one of the many giants who had respawned with Ish in the middle, having recently perished and met the SM,  Ish ran for the nearest doors having cast ahmmer of the gods to try and save the fellow, to be followed through and squished by two giants ( loosing mega xp)

please guys, a run out is a run out. true rp'ing from Ish means hes going to stay and protect rather than protect his own hide but having to get smooshed a second time in 2 mins was just silly.

*grumbles and goes off  the nearest tavern*

Just for Fun / Rocky's Guide ter goremay- Part the first
« on: April 28, 2009, 02:32:59 pm »
( in homage to fastshow but here goes)

You lot don't know a good meal when yer see one. Here's me guide loike...

This week I have been mostly eating Badger Pie and blueberries washed down with Wizard wheat ale.

and my life story so far......

This week I have mostly killed by Giants, Gnolls, Bears and cows.

(please feel free to report on your own deaths, sort of straw pole?)

Rockhead Howling Wolf, bard and connorsurre loike.

General Discussion / Gala's birthday tommorrow
« on: March 27, 2009, 03:59:10 pm »
I'm mining gems all tommorrow so here's an early happy skinnydipping in the nearest pond day to Gala ( tickets available at 100 true each from Rockhead but can't promise she would show), or is that hippy birdday ( lost in translation)

also Happy Pieday from Keppli!

...couldnt leave it without a song ( eleanor rigby may come to mind)

                        Galathea Arnaduillae

Gala Arnaduillae,
picks up the rice near the crypt where the undead have been,
lives in a dream.

Looks out the window,
holding a mace that she keeps not too far from the door,
what is it for?

All the Layo people,
where do they all come from?
All the Layo people,
I'll sing their tales in song.

Gala the cleric,
writing her thoughts 'bout the things in the dark that have caused her to fear,
they come too near.
look at her working,
healing the sick in the night when there's nobody there,
Why does she care?

All the Layo people,
where do they all come from?
All the Layo people,
I'll sing their tales in song.
Arghhhhhhh look at all the boney people,
Arghhhhhhh look at all the boney people.

Rockhead Howling Wolf

hippy birddday lass!

Poetic License / Keppli Clever Clogs Quickhands
« on: October 11, 2008, 01:15:53 pm »
Keppli Clever Clogs Quickhands,
the cleverst girl in town.
Keppli Clever Clogs Quickhands,
pretends to be the clown.

She's smarter than a wizard,
and wiser than the owl,
quicker than a lizard,
in apple green cape and cowl.

She runs through tress and forest glades,
she doesn't have a care,
with sword and dagger blades,
a twirling death affair.

Keppli Clever Clogs Quickhands,
that halfling girl's a star,
Keppli Clever Clogs Quickhands,
the brightest one by far!

from the jottings of Rockhead Howling Wolf, Dwarven Bard

General Discussion / Naughty naughty dwarf
« on: October 05, 2008, 12:23:14 pm »
dear Sniverous or guild owners of chests at 223 Prantz,

my apologies but whilst innocently waiting to use the portal from Prantz ter wayfare I, Rockhead Howling Wolf, had an overwhelming desire ter sneak a look in a large storage chest. I think it was the result if some mind altering attacks from the mushrooms close ter Prantz! Anyway the bloomin thing wouldnt close so I has moved all the objects into the adjacent chest ( overseen by the gods! (dm)).

please accept my apologies fer the fingerprints all over yer goods, all of which are still there! and fer the spittle on the adamantium as I was just checking ter see if it were real by tasting it.

please leave a note if'n yer want ter get the judges involved in the matter and I will gladly pay yer some compensation, maybe a few flagons of dwarf ale, fer being rude and nosey whilst in your abode.I promise I did not try any of yer clothes but that purple shirt hanging up in the corner is nice. I never touched it!

Alternatively yer may want ter call the militia out in which case please give advance warning by bird and I will be away ter the dessert fer a few months ter perfect me disguise.

Yours Humbly,

Rockhead Howling Wolf.

(ps. thanks ter Atlas, Vincent and Salleron fer the advice. Hope the close circuit tv shows me being honest!)

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