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Topics - Force_of_Will_

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CNR Suggestions/Discussion / Various wine and Cake recipies
« on: March 15, 2006, 06:32:05 pm »
Id like to see various recipies for cake.Maybe add a cocca tree to gather the cocca leaf for chocolate.
Id also like to see diffrent types of wines that could be made in the brewing.
Like Voltrex Blue a wine Sin drinks and Derrick serves.Its very rare so its very expensive.
Maybe elderberry wine and Wines that could be made from diffrent berries and such.

Just some ideas

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Holy symbol or item
« on: March 15, 2006, 06:28:27 pm »
I was thiking while watching an NPC rez a character who's deity was not liked by the others.

What if when characters are created they get an item (holy symbol,coin,etc).
It has no real special abilites and cant be dropped.
The symbol is used when a cleric casts spells on someone.If they are of the same faith or friendly to that go they get full benifits of the spell.If they are neutral to the god then the spell only does half strength.If they are enemy to the god then the spell doesnt work on them.
A Godless character is considered neutral to the item.

Im not sure if this could be created but I figured I would suggest it.

ps: as to rez,raise since there is no such thing as half.
maybe a percental Roll to see if the spell worked or an XP deduction to the caster and the reciepiant.

Just an Idea.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / The City of Hlint?
« on: March 13, 2006, 12:23:47 pm »
Seeing as to how Hlint is the center of layonara.Due to the fact we all start there.
The toiwn has an influx of people and a high market area.Shouldnt the town Grow into a city.
Mant non-adventurers would flock to Hlint to make their fortunes from adventurers.That means there would be a population boom in Hlint.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Teleportation
« on: March 10, 2006, 02:23:15 pm »
I have an Idea to limit and curb people from using the teleport option when a character gets to the lv to do it.
Make it so everytime a person uses the Book ,etc to teleport.That their constitution is set to 3 for say 10 real minutes. It shows the strain and drain on the person to use such a powerful ability.

Fixed Bugs / Licorice
« on: March 09, 2006, 01:22:15 am »
When you eat the licorice in a bunch say 5 all 5 dissapear instead of one.

*penned note hangs in the trade hall*
I Sin'dolin the mage have some enchanted rod 11's and III's for sale.II's are 6000 gold and III's are 16,000 gold each
They are in electric,cold and fire elements.
I am also selling Scrolls from 1st circle to 6th circle.They vary in name so just ask and I might have it or order some.

1ST circle            100-250
2ND circle            500
3RD circle            1000-1500
4th Circle            2000
5TH circle            4000
6TH circle            8000

I seek ginger,sage and pecans in boxes.I will pay 2500 gold a box or market if its higher.
I seekBodak teeth,glass ingots and Sapphire dust.see me with offers.

Sin'Dolin the Mage

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Water Troughs and hitching posts
« on: February 25, 2006, 12:46:54 pm »
You guys ever think of adding Water Troughs and hitching posts.
They dont have to bein front of every building but maybe in front of Inns or just one large general one in each town.
Maybe have it so you can target the trough and post.When you do you get a message to eaith water,tie or untie a horse.Also a Player can fill their canteen there if they want.

Just an Idea

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / Stronger crafting tools
« on: February 13, 2006, 10:00:46 am »
I was thinking of ATS and the items that we could craft.
There you could make things such as pickaxes,woodcutter axes,etc from many diffrent metals.
The stronger the metal the longer they lasted.
Id like to see some new CNR recipes for said tools made of diffrent metals so they last longer.
I have seen iron and bronze pickaxes but they cant be used to mine.

That would be a good thing to add IMO.

General Discussion / Be Careful of your in game Love intrests
« on: February 13, 2006, 08:58:56 am »
This is a link to a news story.

I saw this story and thought of all the couples in the game.
Its disturbing to hear of such.Just remember ,you nver know who is on the other side of the computer.

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / Mixed Berry Juice
« on: February 01, 2006, 06:32:22 pm »
I seem to always heave odd amounts of berries left over after making juice.
My suggestion is make a recipe that takes 8 of any berry and makes Mixed berry juice.
Make it eaiser to make than pure juice or the same chance as pure juice.

Just an Idea.

Trade and Market Hall / Seeking to purchase Diamonds cut,raw,polished
« on: January 31, 2006, 03:12:30 pm »
*A note is tacked to the board in the trade hall*
I Sin'dolin seek to purchase Diamonds they can be raw,cut even polished.
Contact me if you have any to sell.
Im will to offer 10,000 gold a Diamond .

Trade and Market Hall / Auction- Enchanted Banded mail *Armor of Comfort*
« on: January 23, 2006, 11:14:18 am »
I am having an auction for a suit of enchanted Banded mail I have found In my Travels.
The armor from what my studies have revealed is called Armor of Comfort(+2ac +2 Heal).
It seems to be a great Help to healers as it increases their understanding of herds and tinticures or healing purposes.

I will set the starting Bid at 25,000 gold.
The auction will go for 5 Days.
(auction will end at 8pm est time Friday.)


//Lv req is 13.

Layonara Server / applied for lore and still no email
« on: January 10, 2006, 04:12:00 pm »
Just as the title said.

How long does it take?

General Discussion / Mouse troubles
« on: December 18, 2005, 04:40:00 pm »
I am having mouse troubles while playing NWN.If I hit the center mouse the desktop opens.When i push the mouse to the right to turn the screen it doesnt make the screen turn.
I only have troubles on NWN otherwise the mouse is ok.
I checked my settings and all is as they have been for 2 years.
I uninstalled and reinstalled the mouse program.

I am stuck I really dont know what to do.
Any ideas suggestions?


NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Flameblade and darkfire
« on: November 11, 2005, 10:51:00 pm »
I was playing on another RP server. There they have a scabbard that you must buy for some coin(3000 gold).
The Scabbard had an unlimited use ability.It let you chose what element you wnated to cast when useing the flame spell.There was fire,cold,acid and electric.
I was wondering if there was anyway layo could incorperate it?

Also their death system Drained 1 lv from a person.That remained for 5 mins /lv realtime.
In that state a person could not gain any experience.
I though Id mention that incase you ever decide to look for new death effects.

General Discussion / Mistone alliance?
« on: October 22, 2005, 10:04:00 am »
We have been gathered for over an hour and no DM.
Is the quest Cancelled?

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / recycling weapons and armor
« on: October 15, 2005, 04:29:00 am »
I have notice with my Paladin who has taken up Smithing that weapons and armor cannot be recycled in the ingot recycler.
ATS has it to where you could place a weapon or a suit of armor in the forge and melt it to get some ingots back so you could Practice more.

I was wondering if there is any chane of having that added to CNR here on layo.?
The amount of ingots returned if sucessful could be like Half or a quater rounded up.

Just an idea.

General Discussion / Bloodwar Sucubuss in landiese Planes
« on: October 02, 2005, 01:08:00 am »
I was on my way to Mirtrix invisible and ran past her.
Well she invised and follwed unknow to me till I hit the tranny.
I appeared in the planes as she hit me for 80 points damage.
I ran hoping to escaper her till I could summon my golem.
Well She caught me and wacked me to death.
I came back to retrieve my stone .
I summoned my Golem and lead her away from it.
That way I was able to recover my stone.
I could not take her,So I left her thinking she would go away.
Well seems she didnt and Sand after dying in another part of the server with our group .
Was coming back to get his stone.She killed him.

Id like to apologize to Sands for the death and ask if a DM could get rid of her.
I really felt bad about it.

Hello I am Tristan Du'Loch and I am a novice Smith.
I have toiled long and hard ,But have finally made something worth selling.

Copper Full Platemail  2 in stock  750 gold
Iron Daggers 750 gold
Bronze daggers 500 gold
Bronze Katar 550 gold

Contact me in person or leave a message on this Poster.

Toran Bless and Keep you all.

Trade and Market Hall / Mage seeks scroll
« on: September 15, 2005, 12:31:00 pm »
Mage seeks "True Seeing scroll"
I will pay Good for it.

Contact Sin'dolin the mage.

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