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Topics - merlin34baseball

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General Discussion / 1 out 0f 10 SS losses
« on: February 13, 2010, 02:03:57 pm »

Me and my son were looking at our character in Lore and it seems you basically average 1 SS loss per ten deaths. Out of 8 characters we have ALL were around 1 SS loss per 10 deaths with two lucky exceptions.

Examples: Chaynce (level 19) 99 deaths 9 SS losses (2 SS returned due to GPs), Urick Stonebreaker (level 9) 20 deaths 2 SS losses, Green (level 7) 10 deaths 1 SS loss, Alton Tealeaf (level 10) 19 deaths 2 SS losses

Exceptions: Tyrian (level 19) 164 deaths 7 SS losses (2 returned from GPs), Laaren Lemeele (level 10) 37 deaths 1 SS loss.

Anyhow, we figured if you don't die more than 9 times total you can reach level 40 with NO SS losses!:)

No idea if this is useful, just our observations!

My Thanks,

Trade and Market Hall / Ginseng wanted
« on: January 29, 2010, 05:11:03 pm »
*tacks up a few notices*

[SIZE=18]I am in need of two boxes of Ginseng. I'll pay 5000 trues for the two boxes.

My Thanks,
Chanyce Baldu'muur

General Discussion / Do not show this again button
« on: January 25, 2010, 09:04:56 pm »

My son accidently clicked on the "Do Not Show This Again" button that comes up when you get a party invite, thus he sees no invites and has to invite me all the time, or if we're going in a group he misses the party invite. Any ideas on how to fix this? I can't find anything in the option section in NWN.

Merlin34 and Teo

Fixed Bugs / Bronze Scimitar
« on: January 18, 2010, 02:32:56 pm »
Description: Bronze Scimitars cannot be edited at the Vehl crafthall. I have a bronze and iron scimitar that Green recently bought. I went to edit them both, I got a message that I was not holding a weapon when I tried to edit the bronze one. I could switch to the iron one and I could edit that one.
 Location: Vehl Crafthall
 Reproducable: Yep, tried everything, even logging in and out.

I don't know that this even matters as not a lot of people probably run about with bronze scimitars...


Ask A Gamemaster / my poor goblin...
« on: January 11, 2010, 04:02:19 am »

My poor goblin I made today is all silver and yellow...  and he has a silvery halfling head.

When I first logged in he looked great, a mean looking green goblin head and all! Then I got booted for no reason. Logged back on and he was all silvery and halflingy. Now his legs are gobliny, but silvery and yellowy... His belly is fat and distended as it should be... So he turned out to be a half halfling, half goblin dipped in liquid silver with nice yellow accents!:)



Development Journals and Discussion / Green... the semi-civilized goblin
« on: January 10, 2010, 06:34:06 pm »
//Bio for the record//

Character: Green
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Class: Fighter
Race: Goblin
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Green was just a toddler, so of course Green doesn't really remember any of this, in fact then his name was not Green then, rather it was Gorp.
It was a damp cold morning in the cave, nothing unusual about this, but the day was about to become more interesting. Green was running around the fire punching his sister much to his father's approval. Some sort of animal was roasting on a spit over the fire, what sort of animal no one knows.
His father heard a sound in the cramped tunnel that led to their small damp cave. Everyone stopped what they were doing and listened, except for Gorp who had to get one last punch in on his sister. Then all was quiet, except a rustling sound from the tunnel. Gorp's father picked up a tree branch that he used as a club and crept to the entrance.
Around the corner stumbled a young elf. The elf and his father locked eyes and his father charged yelling a battle cry. The elf, obviously in shock at what he had stumbled upon raised his hands, and a cone of flame flashed out (burning hands spell). Gorp's mother, father and little sister were lit on fire and died gruesome deaths. Gorp meanwhile was saved from the fire because he was behind the roasting animal carcass stealing pieces of undercooked meat while his parents were watching the tunnel. His sister he had shoved out from beside the meat as he wanted it for himself.
Gorp, after the explosion waddled out from behind the spitted meat and was amazed at what he saw. Three things that looked like the cooking meat, about the size of his parents and sister lay on the floor. Gorp was confused. Then he saw the elf standing there. Gorp looked around for his parents who seemed to have vanished, then he looked back to the elf, who seemed to have a look of shock on his face.
Gorp didn't know why but he found himself being led out of the cave by the elf. Gorp punched him a few times even bit him once but the elf drug him along. The elf drug him all the way to a small shack with a garden out front.
Years went by and the elf, Aust Moonbrook, tried to civilize the goblin. It worked in part since the goblin was so young when he found him. Gorp, or as he was now known as Green since Aust didn't know his real name, became vastly loyal to his new found father figure Aust. Aust channeled Green's energies into a bit of combat with a dummy stuffed with straw outside their meager shack. Green loved whacking the dummy and did it for hours on end beating the straw out of it over and over again. Aust encouraged Green as it seemed to calm the goblin.
After the sword (really a small treebranch) play Aust would teach the goblin facts from some books Aust had. Green didn't like learning at first but over the years he saw that learning was not as bad as he had thought. Thus Green was not the dumbest goblin around. (Int 13)
Green grew up speaking Elvish and Common with Aust, as Aust knew no goblin, and in fact Green only knew a few words himself.
When Aust decided that he wanted to see more of the world Green went with, as there was no stopping the Green from following Aust everywhere he went. They began to wander the world and find themselves outside a city named Vehl.
Green was intensely protective of Aust. Aust is the world to Green and Green will defend him to the death. Aust and Green begin to travel, with Green in a cloak and hood to try and disguise his heritage, but unfortunetly his goblin side comes out whenever Aust is threatened.
So even though Green is more civilized than most goblins he still has a hard time with right and wrong and good and bad. His god is basically Aust, and will do anything to protect him, whether it be an evil act or a good ones. He is selfless to a fault, only caring for Aust's safety.
//requesting an elvish ear. As far as the Goblin one I will not use it in game unless I find someone to properly teach Green to speak it. He would know a few words but nothing that could be used to carry on a conversation. Or if a GM needs to give him a goblin ear IG, I would simply not ask for it//
//Aust Moonbrook is being submitted by MateoEll, and I have his permission to use Aust in my story, and he has permission Green in his biography//
//starting city is obviously Vehl//
//his parents were poor simple goblin's who are now of course dead, so there will be no claiming for Green being the son of the supreme goblin overlord or anything like that//

Ask A Gamemaster / language/speech question
« on: January 10, 2010, 01:56:40 pm »
If a goblin grew up speaking elvish would he sound like an elf? Or do goblins always sound goblin like? I guess the question is almost a physical one, are the goblin vocal cords, etc., structured so they could speak elvish (and common) without a goblin accent?

Reason being I submitted a goblin who was raised by an elf. The goblin never learned goblin, just elvish and common.


Ask A Gamemaster / # of characters
« on: January 10, 2010, 01:04:59 pm »

I think the answer is 5, but I can't find it anywhere.

Now for the question: how many characters can a person have under one account?


Trade and Market Hall / Emerald Ring
« on: January 08, 2010, 01:04:18 pm »
*tacks up a note by the jewelers bench*

[SIZE=16]Could someone provide me with a quote on how much an emerald ring enchanted with foxes cunning would be? Please do not make it, I need to know the price first to make sure I can afford it.

My Thanks,
Chaynce Baldu'muur

Trade and Market Hall / Bow Wanted
« on: January 08, 2010, 01:01:53 pm »
*grudgingly he tacks up a note by various carpenters benches*

[SIZE=16]I am in need of a bow. A good true one as I am not an archer and have little time to learn, so it needs to shoot true. I have also heard of bows that take advantage of a mans strength, I think that would be what I need. The bow needs to be long, not one of those halfling sized ones. Please let me know what you would recommend and the price for such an item.

My Thanks,

*he grimaces again as he tacks it up considering whether he should put Alton's name on it so he doesn't get laughed at*

//he's level 19, and I have no knowledge of advanced bows so an recomendations would be lovely//

Ask A Gamemaster / SS Question
« on: January 07, 2010, 09:36:54 pm »

I now have 2 characters with 9 SS losses so sort of two questions:

1. One of the characters has been approved for 2 SS returns over a month ago, what happens if I play her and she gets number 10 even though I have two that are approved but have not been refunded yet?

2. The second one now has 9 SS losses but the 9th was due to the invis bug or a spawn malfunction. I just put that plea in, but I'm figuring it will be returned at least due to the invis bug. What happens if he gets number ten before the one today is approved for refund?

I'm scared to play either one until I know the answers, or at least they will have to stick to areas where I know they can't be killed!


Trade and Market Hall / More Stuff For Sale!
« on: January 06, 2010, 06:04:01 pm »
*tacks up a note in several areas*
 [SIZE=16]The Protector has the following for sale:
1 - Bronze Full Plate - SOLD
1 - Iron Half Plate - SOLD
1 - Iron Tower Shield - SOLD
1 - Adamantium Kite Shield

1 - Iron Bastard Sword with Enchantments (1d4 Silver and 1d6 Fire)
1 - Iron Maul

1 - Cloak of The North
1 - Glorious Mantle

2 - Boots of the Militia
1 - Ascenders March Boots
1 - Stones Boots - SOLD

1 - Box of Green Stone Dust
1 - Box of Garlic
1 - Box of Bodak Teeth
2 - Boxes of Gorgon Horns - SOLD
2- Boxes of White Silk
1- Box of Aloe

10 - Darkness Scrolls
10 - Magic Missle Scrolls
10 - Identify Scrolls

10 - Potions of Lore

5 - Stardust of Branderback

4 - Burning Hands Wands
1 - Bulls Strength Wand

2 - Rings of Wizardry III
1- Ring of Wizardry II

2 - Fine Diamonds

1 - Mahogany Guitar - SOLD
 No reasonable offer refused.
My Thanks,
Chanyce Baldu'muur

Trade and Market Hall / teeth for sale
« on: December 20, 2009, 02:04:30 pm »
*tacks up a note*

[SIZE=16]I have entered the field of dentistry. Seems there are undead with very bad teeth that need extracting. My practice is doing well as I have had 42 patients so far, though... none of them seem to be giving out referrals. Let me know if you have need for these and what you would pay for them.

My Thanks,
Chaynce Baldu'muur

//three boxes of Bodak teeth//

Ask A Gamemaster / 2 questions
« on: December 18, 2009, 01:18:15 am »


Can someone explain how Base Attacks for a multiclassed character are formulated? I was positive that I would get an extra attack when I leveled but... nope...:( Talked to a few people IG but each seemed to have a different idea on how it was calculated.


Why is displacement not listed as a still spell? Everything else is but not that. I can cast the spell at the lower level normally, but if I look at a level up for it in stilled its not there. My Char casts everything stilled and everything else has always been there except this now.

My Thanks,

Trade and Market Hall / For Sale... Stuff
« on: December 07, 2009, 03:48:46 pm »
*tacks up a note in several areas*

[SIZE=16]The Protector has the following for sale:

1 - Iron Half Plate
1 - Bronze Full Plate
1 - Iron Full Plate
1 - Iron Tower Shield
1 - Iron Bastard Sword with Enchantments (1d4 Silver and 1d6 Fire)
1 - Cloak of The Watchers
1 - Cloak of The North
1 - Box of Green Stone Dust
1 - Box of Witch Hazel
1 - Box of Skullcap
2 - Boxes of Bodak Teeth

No reasonable offer refused.

My Thanks,
Chanyce Baldu'muur

Trade and Market Hall / Dusts, Silk, and Garlic
« on: November 30, 2009, 12:34:02 am »
*Chaynce tacks up a few notices*

I have two boxes of garlic, one box of greenstone dust, and one box of white silk for sale. First come first served. Look for me or my sales assistant Alton, he'd be the short one playing with the chickens in back of Stormhaven Manor. Oh and please don't step on the chickens, Fred's leg still hurts from last time I stepped on him.

My Thanks,
Chaynce Baldu'muur

The Protector

General Discussion / transfering music from one PC to another
« on: November 12, 2009, 07:50:52 pm »
Hiya smart Layo people!

I have a desktop that has all my music collection on it (like 24 days worth with never repeating a song), but what I want to do is put it all on my laptop too, in case one dies. I'd hate to lose all the music I've collected.

So can anyone help me with the easiest way to transfer it all?

Oh... I use iTunes if that helps anyone.

Much Thanks,

Ask A Gamemaster / GP question
« on: November 10, 2009, 03:06:19 am »
Alright... I think I have one of my characters GPs figured out, like the when and where.

I have another (Tyrian) that I have no idea when (years ago) the deaths were. I have some good ideas... one was with Storold and Mylindra, in some cave with hellballing dark elf mages, but geez that was years ago and Tyrian was the last one standing and tryed to run only to try invisibility and get cut down.

Basically, I'm looking to get one SS back for her so I can at least play her again, but I can't go back through 500... Lore updates to find the place.

Any ideas on an easy way to search? Because going one at a time is driving me nuts. You can't just scroll, you have to click on every update one at a time...

My Thanks,

General Discussion / The Arms...
« on: November 10, 2009, 02:57:01 am »
Hey I would just like to send a thank you to the GM (Carillion maybe?) that put the people in the Twin Dragon Inn. I havn't logged in with Tyrian in a long while, and I did (because of the unfortunate fire), not only was there a player there poking about (which was great RP!) but refugees... My thanks for helping me have a nice RP opportunity in a place I worked hard to get.

Much Love,

Ask A Gamemaster / GP Question
« on: October 29, 2009, 01:37:20 am »
Okay here goes...

Under the GP policy if you can't prove something was from a bug, leg etc. it cannot be reimbursed correct?

Now... there is no way I can go back and figure out which deaths my character had that were from the invisibility bug. (and there were several) And of course since they were not reimbursable before I never bothered to apply for them. I have no way to remember which deaths they were from in the last two years. I have no logs, and I certainly kept no records of those deaths since at the time there were no GPs.

So basically I now have a shell of a character who is unplayable (again), though I'm positive some of his deaths were from bugs. Yes, I can go back in Lore and look at deaths, but that helps me in no way shape or form when it comes to asking for a GP from some death I can't remember a year ago.

I'm just looking for any other sort of answer as basically, I have another character who will NEVER get soul mother defense due to the 3 million XP from 20 to 21st level, and with how his personality is he will NEVER sit in the back with a bow trying to soak XP from a party. (and the like 5 million XP on limited play time to get to 21 even if I'm lucky will take me years even if I did that)

I feel disheartened that all the RP and all the time I spent was basically for nothing now with this character, he is basically a ghost now. Why would I bother keeping playing him when I as a person know that he is doomed? I understand that perma death has its merits, but just because I can't prove things like an invis bug from a year ago I get no GPs?

Sorry if that was a rant, but I just watched alot of hard work go down the drain in 3 hours.


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