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Topics - Pseudonym

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 10
Just for Fun / Remember these??
« on: April 20, 2009, 09:33:54 am »
Anyone else remember these with much nostalgic fondness? When I was a young lad in the 1980s they were the MUST HAVE coolest thing around. I can't really remember that commercials but it did bring back memories of a 12 year old Pseudo gettin' about desperately wishing he was Rambo.

Just for Fun / 3,000 posts
« on: March 31, 2009, 03:20:29 am »
Wow, 3,000 posts.

What were the chances the 3,000th was going to be something frivolous and pretty much non-contributive to Layonara?

General Discussion / Birthday
« on: March 23, 2009, 04:47:34 pm »
Is it someone's birthday?

I wonder whom?

A clue ... hmmmm ...

He delivers submission advice with mellifluous charm though lack of full disclosure on the forum birthday calendar is somewhat pusillanimous.

Rumour Has It / Celebrations in Audira
« on: March 17, 2009, 06:35:26 pm »
*Word drifts across the civilized lands of a celebration to take place in the Sederan capital. Herek Ovarnger, notorious murderer,
is to be executed during a great festival of song, wine, dance, merriment and public execution.

In a time honoured tradition, Herek (the despicable) shall be chained to a stone chair and thrown into the harbour.

Don't miss your opportunity to ridicule and torment the criminal prior to his imminent execution!*


*In related news, fruiterers rejoice as the festival is one of the few times where rotten fruit fetches higher prices at market than fresh*

Wild Surge Inn / Posted on the noticeboard
« on: March 11, 2009, 02:18:15 am »
[SIZE=18]Greetings fellow adventurers and adventuresses!

Some time ago a friend of mine had an idea to see the city which he called home safeguarded against the perils of gnolls that infested the hills nearby. A dream where the men, women and children of his city would remember the gnoll menace only in tales. A dream of peace. Sadly this man has passed into the great unknown that awaits us all, his dream of a Haven safe from the gnoll menace going to the grave with him?

Yet I ponder, need his dream die? What better legacy to remember this man than to see his idea brought to fruition and Haven forevermore be a haven for it's citizens as well as just a name.

If you too once called Pyyran Rahth friend, then heed my call. Such a dream as his might be something that can still be accomplished by those who wish to remember.

Find me if you wish to see this dream fulfilled.

Arkolio de'Averlain

[SIZE=10]// PM me if interested.[/SIZE]

Rumour Has It / Posted on noticeboards where good adventurers gather
« on: March 11, 2009, 02:16:55 am »
[SIZE=18]Greetings fellow adventurers and adventuresses!

Some time ago a friend of mine had an idea to see the city which he called home safeguarded against the perils of gnolls that infested the hills nearby. A dream where the men, women and children of his city would remember the gnoll menace only in tales. A dream of peace. Sadly this man has passed into the great unknown that awaits us all, his dream of a Haven safe from the gnoll menace going to the grave with him?

Yet I ponder, need his dream die? What better legacy to remember this man than to see his idea brought to fruition and Haven forevermore be a haven for it's citizens as well as just a name.

If you too once called Pyyran Rahth friend, then heed my call. Such a dream as his might be something that can still be accomplished by those who wish to remember.

Find me if you wish to see this dream fulfilled.

Arkolio de'Averlain

[SIZE=10]// PM me if interested.[/SIZE]

Just for Fun / Pseudonym's random recommendations
« on: February 21, 2009, 05:25:47 pm »
You know, there I was, contemplating what a good choice I had made in renting that movie from the DVD store when it occurred to me ... yes Pseudo, you -do- have good taste and judgment. Share your gift. Help other that cannot help themselves. Yes, generous of nature as I am, I shall be your rudder through the treacherous waters of the DVD store/library/itunes website/whatever.

And so, here I present some things I have encountered, that I enjoyed, that I recommend to others.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Get me outta here! - Rogues
« on: February 14, 2009, 07:37:34 pm »
Yeah, i'll admit to being somewhat biased on all matters concerning rogues.

Yeah, i'll concede this is not really a high priority, even if those in a position to implement agreed upon the general concept.

Anyways, that said, almost everyone I have spoken to who know about such things have confessed rogues, as a single class, are the most underpowered combat class in game. I, as a player (at one time or another) of each and every single class able to played in game, concur. ((If someone wants to defend the awesome martial prowess of the rogue, send me a PM, i'll happily debate this with you all day but not to derail this thread))

Why then, do wizards and druids, get a free teleport to a predetermined location as a class ability .. in addition to possessing heaps of other mechanical advantages already? Is it so inconceivable, as a balancing issue, to say the single class rogue of level >X calls upon his contacts to whisk him away in the back of a hay wagon/smuggled aboard the ship/ in much the same manner as a wizard can activate his/her teleportation tome or a druid their tree-walking branch thingy?

Just an idea.

Just for Fun / If...
« on: February 13, 2009, 06:46:59 am »
Last Christmas I received a book titled "If...(Questions for the Game of Life)". It was one of my favourite presents, perhaps only just pipped at the post by my Flight of the Conchords DVDs.

A book, some 130 pages long, filled with scenarios, choices, questions, dreams, imagination. Essentially the book throws out a provocative question and asks for your answer. Throughout last year I would send a sample 'If' question out as an email each morning to a group of my friends and was enormously entertained by the fascinating and surprising answers that came back. As the book boasts, and I found it to be true, each and every time a kind of synergetic and addictive momentum took over as answers led to other related questions, reasons were demanded, conditions were imposed, other's answers were predicted and inevitably those involved were startled by the responses, at times even their own.

And so, here I present some of the questions from this book. Aside from the truths revealed, the contemplation that is provoked, the confidence or anxiety that surfaces, the self-knowledge that results, or the understanding that might be gained, above all it is hoped that asking these questions inspires optimism as we, the community of Layonara, share together a small part of the unpredictable journey of the imagination, which leads us through the wonderful game of life.

You may feel the desire to answer publicly, you may wish to contemplate in private, ain't nothing to me .. it remains an interesting exercise regardless of how you may wish (or not) to participate. Many of those friends I emailed an 'If' question last year I never received a response. However, of those, many told me they enjoyed the questions without feeling the need to reveal to anyone but themselves their answer.

PS. Please be mindful this is a family server. None of the questions are overtly rude, but ... you know, commonsense.

That said, question #1 ...

Just for Fun / Awesome ads
« on: January 20, 2009, 06:47:56 am »
Funny ads a friend just sent to me. I'm not sure if they've done the rounds everywhere else but it was the first time I have seen them. Made me (and my wife) laugh.

Rumour Has It / Praise for the Silverguard
« on: January 06, 2009, 06:58:05 am »
*In taverns throughout the Port of Hempstead steins are lifted to toast the ever efficient Silverguard who protect the fair city and it's inhabitants. Just today saw yet another example of the diligent protection of the populace from near certain crimes-to-be when a squad of stout guards forcibly removed a cross-blooded giantkin from the docks district. Though no weapons were drawn in it's evulsion, more than one guard was seen sporting bruises afterwards as the giant ne'er-do-well refused to leave without "Me Wife"*

Just for Fun / Funny
« on: January 01, 2009, 11:08:00 pm »
I don't know if this is as funny to those not from my part of the globe, but here it is anyways. A whale washes up on the beach of Tanmanland.

YouTube - Beached Whale

NB. Mild profanity (the 's' word).

General Discussion / Merry Christmas!
« on: December 22, 2008, 08:23:00 am »
I know it's two days early but I don't think even with the lovely layo-tolerant wife I have will I be allowed near the forums on Christmas day.

Curse your secular political correctness ...


... from the Pseudonym clan!

General Discussion / So you think you're clever?
« on: December 12, 2008, 03:14:56 am »
So there you are, thinking you're pretty fair at puzzle based quests.

You've dissected darkstorme's deviltry.
You've conquered Carillon's conundrums.
You've made a mockery of Makashi's attempts to mystify.
You've extricated yourself from Ed's entanglements.

Game on!

Trade and Market Hall / Desperately Seeking Summons
« on: December 06, 2008, 04:47:50 pm »
Sought: One scroll of Summon Beasties of the Ninth Circle. Please contact me if you are able to assist. Yes, I have resorted to magical means to make friends.

Arkolio de'Averlain

Just for Fun / Inaugural Australian Layonaran BBQ
« on: December 05, 2008, 06:54:14 pm »
Inaugural Layonaran BBQ - South Eastern Australian Division

I can confirm the inaugural Layonaran Xmas BBQ was a success and saw the gathering of such luminaries as Pseudonym, Script Wrecked, Incahootz, Angelic, Hood!um, Dezza and Polak76.

The great divide between cyber and real life has been crossed with no casualties!

I can also confirm Script Wrecked really is a 2' 6" woman who rolls her 'R's, Polak turned up in black robes spouting Corathite rhetoric and Pseudonym was far more handsome than any of his posted photos might suggest.

Development Journals and Discussion / WLDQ Bits and Pieces
« on: December 03, 2008, 06:59:16 pm »
Kobal hops onboard.

Arkolio de'Averlain: *rolls a coin over his knuckles*
Arkolio de'Averlain: Dexterity Check:  11 + 11 = 22
Kobal Bluntaxe: *looks around, then spots Ark*
Arkolio de'Averlain: *lifts a hand in greeting* Oi Der Kobal
Kobal Bluntaxe: *offers hand* 'ello Akkolio
Arkolio de'Averlain: *shakes it with a smile*
Andrach Anhout: *pauses leaning both hands on aged hips and seems to appraise the Dwraf*
Arkolio de'Averlain: I'd say you're looking well .. but you're still short and nowhere near handsome
Kobal Bluntaxe: Ye aint pretty eihder, lad, fer a dwarf.
Arkolio de'Averlain: Nor for a human I am told by the ladies
Andrach Anhout: *sharp eyes taking in the exchange of words*
Arkolio de'Averlain: Where are my manners? Andrach .. Kobal Bluntaxe .. Kobal .. Andrach Anhout
Kobal Bluntaxe: Deh soign 'ere says dis be yer new partner?
Andrach Anhout: daresay this is that Dwarf friend you mentioned Mr de'Averlan?
Andrach Anhout: ah Kobal eh well as he says I am Andrach Anhout, well met
Arkolio de'Averlain: *nods* Kobal and I have been acquainted for some years now
Kobal Bluntaxe: *he looks him up and down after nodding a greeting* Well met, mister Anhout.
Andrach Anhout: *offers a hand* I hear you are the Dwarf might do us some good business
Kobal Bluntaxe: Perhaps *he smiles as he shakes his hand, taking care not to squeeze too hard*
Arkolio de'Averlain: He's a straight shooter Andrach .. no need to mince words here .. Kobal will wanna hear whatever we have to say straight
Andrach Anhout: Yes indeed Arkolio here has put some new...younger ideas into the company
Andrach Anhout: not least he has overhauled my wagons here with this new model behind see
Kobal Bluntaxe: Aye? Oi be lookin' ferward ter 'earin' 'em. Cannae be easy, aftar all, doin' honourable business in Katherian.
Arkolio de'Averlain: Ain't that the truth *to Kobal* Gotta spend it before you make it *to Andrach*
Andrach Anhout: well that is simple economy...of course it wont work all the trails...too big you see
Kobal Bluntaxe: *he looks to the wagons briefly - this seemingly not much to his interest*
Arkolio de'Averlain: Kobal, you wanna come in and hear what we have to say?
Kobal Bluntaxe: Aye, Oi'd loike ter.
Arkolio de'Averlain: *motions to the door*
Andrach Anhout: put a dwarven meal on will you Victor got a guest
Andrach Anhout: Ark you go get the papers Ill talk
Kobal Bluntaxe: Oi be all yers, mister.
Andrach Anhout: Now Arkolio here adds some breath to the company, but it will be business as usual for Grain to GO, I have been hauling grain for ..too many years to change
Andrach Anhout: I don't do business with Bloody Gate or overseas...though thats all going to change *smiles* well of course that might be .....depending how we get on
Kobal Bluntaxe: Indeed. Hauw ye workin' thus far?
Andrach Anhout: Arkolio tells me you can come up some contacts at Bloody Gate, if it is all agreable to you of course
Kobal Bluntaxe: An' wha will change in dah future?
Andrach Anhout: Busy busy right now, taken on another 3 wagons and crew, and we...well this is my idea but I want to get some shipping haulage too
Arkolio de'Averlain: And where i'd hoped we might be able to score some extra business .. is with the kin up in the mountains
Andrach Anhout: so the change will be size and transport, nothing too fancy of course, we build slowly as the market dictates
Arkolio de'Averlain: Thus .. you here today
Arkolio de'Averlain: *nods towards Andrach*
Andrach Anhout: *looks from one to the other*
Kobal Bluntaxe: I see.
Arkolio de'Averlain: As I see it ... the dwarves need grain and they don't exactly live in prime grain growing territory
Kobal Bluntaxe: *grins* Ye're sharp lad
Arkolio de'Averlain: Down here in the lowlands we have plenty of it .. problem being, as you well know, Katherians and Bloody Gat .. ians? .. well, dwarves not exactly trusting of each other
Arkolio de'Averlain: And there is really no need to be underhanded or cheaty anyone to make a good profit here
Andrach Anhout: Kobal I know you may have concerns about supply in these parts of the country, and rightly so but can I tell you Grain to Go went right on shipping through the Dark times, not regular of course but fair..fair to all our customers
Kobal Bluntaxe: Oi'm keen on knowin' hauw ye be dealin' wit' deh administration 'ere in Katheiroian. OI wager broibes be daily matters an' per'aps payin' fer protection as well?
Andrach Anhout: *shrugs*
Arkolio de'Averlain: Kobal, I won't kiss your arse with flattery .. I know you see right through it ..
Andrach Anhout: My work force and profile, not so great as to need much involvement there, but you would be right in saying this about belonging
Arkolio de'Averlain: .. there will probably be a little bit of .. tomfoolery .. here in Katherian to make things here run smooth .. but all that is done and gone by the time I lay eyes on a kin
Andrach Anhout: *waits*
Kobal Bluntaxe: *he licks his lips, folding his arms*
Arkolio de'Averlain: I'd guess i'm right in thinking your concerns are all about the dwraves being looked after .. not being cheated, right?
Kobal Bluntaxe: Kin aint doin' shady business, lad.
Andrach Anhout: *arches proudly* nor is Grain to Go
Arkolio de'Averlain: What's shady about them needin' grain and us supplyin' it?
Andrach Anhout: I am not so long for this life I will be changing any ways there
Kobal Bluntaxe: Bu' dey'll show 'onour an' even offer aid in toimes of need, iffen honour be shown from deir associates.
Andrach Anhout: *snaps a finger like a youngster* Arkolio is plain enough there, and Kobal if you dont mind me saying, so are you
Arkolio de'Averlain: I know my reputation Kobal .. but when there is no need to be shady .. you'd be stupid to be shady for the sake of it .. I'm many things but I ain't stupid
Kobal Bluntaxe: An' wha' made ye git inter dis business Akolio?
Kobal Bluntaxe: Oi mean, dere be more profitable ones... *to Andrach* Nay offense ter yer branch 'ere, sir.
Arkolio de'Averlain: Honestly? Money initially .. but I like what they do here Kobal ..
Andrach Anhout: well...well....I will not take short cuts for profit Sir
Arkolio de'Averlain: People here got jobs .. families get fed cos' of what Andrach has been doing for decades
Arkolio de'Averlain: *looks thoughtful* What are people going to remember me for?
Arkolio de'Averlain: *slight shrug* Seemed like the right kinda thing to do
Kobal Bluntaxe: *slight smile* Alroigh' ten.
Kobal Bluntaxe: One more question though.
Kobal Bluntaxe: 'ave ye troied contactin' deh Gate already?
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Tell] Have you seen Pretty Woman? You know when Richard Gere becomes partners in the shipping company at the end instead of taking it over
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Tell] who with a GF hasnt seen it, hehe
Andrach Anhout: Its a new departure for Grain, and so I have not
Arkolio de'Averlain: *shakes his head* An introduction seemed a better way to ensure the door don't get slammed in my face
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Tell] that was the vibe I was going for .. that Pretty Woman-Richard Gere seeing the light vibe
Kobal Bluntaxe: *he nods*
Kobal Bluntaxe: *to Andrach* Can Oi be gettin' a look at deh papers, or is dat too much ter ask?
Andrach Anhout: hmm sure say that food might be ready....we can do both what do you want to se?
Andrach Anhout: // in here a couple of workers are making food and preparing scrolls
Kobal Bluntaxe: Income an' expenses.
Andrach Anhout: hmm sure, got those somewhere, only most of it is in my head
Andrach Anhout: but I have references and current orders....I dont usually this okay?
Arkolio de'Averlain: Hey Andrach, you're the brains of this operation .. i'm the beauty
Andrach Anhout: here we go... *puts out some papers*
Kobal Bluntaxe: *he nods and examines the numbers*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Tell] PS. You're a pansy for admitting to watching Pretty Woman
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Tell] Yeah, I already admitted to being a softy - so the harm's done
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Tell] 7' 4 pansy
Arkolio de'Averlain: *arranges the bouquet in the room to his satisfaction*
Andrach Anhout: I have one or two things in mind for us to try, Bloody Gate market being one of them..I am sure we can do good business there, *snaps fingers* what matters most here is continued trade...something you can set the sun by
Andrach Anhout: with that I will work towards keeping wagons rolling
Kobal Bluntaxe: Hauw is all deh slaver business 'ere? Aint it interferin' wit' good business loike yer own?
Andrach Anhout: *grimaces*
Arkolio de'Averlain: A bit quieter of later I hear *smiles grimly* .. go ask Sall if you have time Kobal
Andrach Anhout: This town has many things, not all of which is agreable, and most that make work hard....but to your questin I dont, wont and never take to using slaves
Andrach Anhout: Now with a contract or two with like minded individuals this company will thrive
Andrach Anhout: *folds arms looking confident*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Tell] Ark helped Sall destroy a large slaver cell as part of his WLDQ ... which Kobal can verify with Sall
Kobal Bluntaxe: *he nods and walks back out to Arkolio*
Andrach Anhout: *puts away records*
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Tell] OOC I know
Andrach Anhout: thanks Rudolf can you get those dishes away when you get the chance
Andrach Anhout: Ill be out with our guest make sure that wagon and escort get off sharp don't let them dawdle
Kobal Bluntaxe: It seems ter meh dat ye're one deh kinsmen from the Gate moigh' do business wit', Andrach.
Andrach Anhout: hmm now Mr Bluntaxe can I advertise for new staff?
Kobal Bluntaxe: Oi cannae speak fer dah Gate, of course.
Andrach Anhout: *nods* well I will get a wagon organised - test out the travel issues and see on a fair price
Kobal Bluntaxe: Bu' Oi'll wroite ye a short note iffen ye wish.
 Andrach Anhout: It always helps
Arkolio de'Averlain: *nods, relieved* Of course Kobal .. it is appreciated
Andrach Anhout: Ill get that wagon loaded, we got enough grain yesterday
Arkolio de'Averlain: I know you didn't fancy a trip to Katherian ..
Kobal Bluntaxe: One thing ye shoul' know though. Iffen ye cheat or fault kinsmen once, deh deal will be off. Ye got only one shot at dis.
Kobal Bluntaxe: Make it a good one.
Arkolio de'Averlain: *nods*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Tell] did you just join party so I could see you had 4 times the amount of HPs that I do?? show off
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] Iffen Oi can borrow quill an' paper nauw, OI will wroite ye a note immediately.
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *fetches a quill and paper*
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Tell] more like 5 times, hehe
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *hands them over* You want a drink? .. I didn't offer while you were deciding ...
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] I didn't want you to think I didn't want you to have a clear head *smiles*
Kobal Bluntaxe: Pfftt... turn aroun' lad
Kobal Bluntaxe: *he puts the scroll against your back*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *winces in preparation*
Kobal Bluntaxe uses Writing Quill
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] ~To whomever this may concern.
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] ~!I hereby verify that I have spoken to Andrach Anhout, the owner of Grain to Go.
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] ~!I find him a seemingly honest and honourable man.
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] ~!Furthermore I have gone through the finances through out the past years.
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] ~!These I found to be accurate. No amounts disappeared or were seemingly lost.
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Tell] Kobal should have been a bloody auditor!
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] ~!Arkolio is Andrach's partner. I know little about his morale values nor what gods he prays to.
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] ~!But I have found him agreeable company in the past.
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Tell] agreeable? That's about as warm as Kobal gets with humans I suppose!
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] ~!*signed* Kobal Bluntaxe
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] *he punctuates it with more strength than necessary*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *winces*
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] *he hands the paper to Arkolio*
Acquired Item: Blank Lengthy Parchment
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] You bloody enjoyed each and every full stop didn't you!
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] Hmm? Wha' ye mean? *he smiles innocently*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Hmmm *rolls the parchment and tucks it away* You want that drink ye unfunny sod?
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] OI'll take it along wit' deh gold ye owe meh. *he barks a chuckle*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Okay, walk this way .. but with smaller steps of course
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *hands over a bank note* They'll change this over there
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] Thank ye lad
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] *checks it carefully*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *nods* No worries .. and I promise that wasn't from an undesirable sale
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] Ye bettar be roight it was nay.
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *waves his hand dismissively* My memoery ain't taht bad
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] Well, Oi hate dis tauwn so Oi cannae wait ter git deh next boat. A boat! Bloody hell.
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *grins* Looks choppy out there too
Arkolio de'Averlain: *heads to the wagons*
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] Ye be careful aroun' 'ere lad
Arkolio de'Averlain: Always am .. you too
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] *he nods* Rofirein guide ye.
Arkolio de'Averlain: *nods in farewell*

Just for Fun / Pseudonym's Boasting and Crowing Thread
« on: November 15, 2008, 04:49:15 pm »
I anticipate this will be quite the vibrant thread, let me start here with the humiliation of the Old Country at Twickenham.

Rumour Has It / Journey's End
« on: October 25, 2008, 10:11:01 am »
*Two forlorn figures lead a small cart to Folian's Temple in the depths of the Forst of Fog. Wordlessly, the older of the two figures, a lean man of middle years, takes from the cart the linen-wrapped body of his fallen friend and companion. Nearby, at the shoulder of the second figure, she a lithe younger woman who watches the scene through reddened eyes, a white-faced Belinaran monkey chitters and fidgets, distress and confusion written large in all-too-human expressions.

Moving slowly under the weight of his lifeless burden, the man approaches the High Priest of the Temple of the Longstrider. Carefully, gently, he lays the corpse to the sward at his feet.*

A fallen son of the Prince of Wolves.


Rest well nephew.

*With a nod towards his lady companion, the man quickly and quietly departs the temple to find the fallen's father and mother and tell them of life's greatest curse .. to outlive one's child.*

[size=-3]// The end of Trouble Tempest //[/size]

Ask A Gamemaster / Aedst
« on: October 17, 2008, 07:40:53 pm »
I'm not sure if the timezone wobbles recently experienced for Dezza, Tanman and my quests have been due to any issues on the forum clock?

At the time of this post, it is 10.50am AEDST. The clock up in the top right hand corner says 10.50am AEST. When I click on the post button, it tells me I have posted at 9.50am (where my timezone has been long set as AEST)?

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