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Topics - miltonyorkcastle

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/// This is the last call/notice for former/current tenants to remove personal items from your rooms. All new deeded furniture will be going into the Arms after the update, with the current set being destroyed. If you have questions, post here or PM me. Thanks! ///

Rumour Has It / Word trickles out...
« on: October 13, 2010, 05:02:15 pm »
... to the mercenary and glory-seeking elements of Mistonian society: The infamous Steel and the ever-silent Viper have arrived in Fort Vehl with their eyes on those sell-swords who prove themselves to be the most clever and the most determined. They're recruiting for the elite "Triple S" strike force, and any who wish to meet Triple S members in person, this is your chance.

///// Alatriel and myself will be IG around 9pm EDT (1am GMT the next day) this evening. This is an RP event that will challenge your character and potentially force him/her to make decisions about his/her own person/beliefs. All are welcome, even those that simply wish to watch. Level doesn't matter. See you there. //////

Ask A Gamemaster / Layonara Maps: "Driving Directions"
« on: September 22, 2010, 11:33:37 am »
This thread is for all those questions about how far one place really is from another, and how long it will take to get there. Why? Because there clearly is some confusion as to how far and how fast our intrepid adventurers can travel in a given day (by players and GMs alike, heh).

How this works:

1. Fill out the form below. (copy and paste into your post)



            [b][u]Layonara Date[/u][/b]:


[u][b]Starting City/Location[/b][/u]:

[u][b]Ending City/Location[/b][/u]:

[u][b]Vehicles (Horse, Dragon, Cart, etc.)[/b][/u]:

[u][b]Magic (Haste, Teleport, etc.)[/b][/u]:

[u][b]Additional Notes[/b][/u]:

2. A GM will respond with the appropriate distance from your starting point to your ending point, as well as how long it will take for your character to make the trip. We will take into consideration everything from terrain (it will take you much longer if mountains are in the way, for instance), to trade routes, to lack of roadways, to magical barriers.

Simple, yeah? We won't always be able to respond super fast, so if you need to post something that has to do with distance, just note in your post that you're waiting on confirmation of how long your journey will take, and then update your post when we give you the answer.

General Discussion / Trust the Axe: Final Session
« on: September 20, 2010, 02:11:42 pm »
First, check the calendar:

Second, please note that this session is closed. Only those who have attended at least two prior sessions may attend this one.

Third, the show starts an hour earlier than it has been starting. Hopefully that works for everyone.

Fourth, post here with any questions or conflicts.

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Stalking the borders of Kuhl...
« on: September 10, 2010, 05:03:35 pm »
Steel (and any other self-proclaimed Triple S members who wish to do so either on their own or with Steel) spends weeks traveling the southern border of Kuhl (northern Nesar) between Miritrix and Nith, scouting the number of checkpoints and troops. He's looking for a rough estimate of how many troops patrol the southern border at any given time, as well as what kind of troops (recruits, drachs, etc.), and timing of the border patrols, if in fact there are troops that troll the border along with those that guard the check points and roads.

In short, he's looking for two things:

1) The opportunity to hit an isolated group of soldiers in a forested region away from major roadways and cities.

2) Which checkpoint on the southern border is weakest at a given time, providing the opportunity to hit a unit of GDC troops where witnesses (such as traveling merchants) can describe the scene.

Those other strikers that wish to participate, if you have anything else you want to add, or are looking for something different than Steel, feel free to post that here for the plot GMs to review and respond.

General Discussion / Notice: OOC move of the Leringard Arms Grand Reopening.
« on: September 10, 2010, 03:38:14 pm »
As per the the announcement, I cannot run this event until after the next update. Hence, I will have to bump the event a few Saturdays, and will continue to do so until the update hits.

Those of you that have reserved merchant booths will of course be able to keep your spot if you want.

Also, I realized I forgot to put up a list of raffle items, so I'll do that (ideally) within the next few days. If you have any OOC questions about the raffle, feel free to PM me or post here.

If you have any questions about the gig in general, let me know. I apologize to any who had plans for the morrow, but I really can't run this until after the update.

Trade and Market Hall / Sent to Merchants and Guilds across the world:
« on: September 03, 2010, 05:44:57 pm »




Esteemed men and women of the business world,

The Leringard Arms would like to invite you to participate in the week long celebration of the inn's Grand Reopening. To be certain, this event will draw impressive crowds, and therefore you have the potential to earn a fair sum of True. Additionally, the Arms itself will be looking to purchase goods and services including food and cleaning-up.

Simply respond to this letter with your RSVP and offer the specifics of how you'd like to be involved in the affair, be it as merchant or otherwise. You will be contacted promptly upon receipt of the RSVP.

Best of wishes,

The Leringard Arms


//// Feel free to post or PM how you might want to be involved. The Arms intends to buy foodstuffs, and to pay a group to keep the streets around the Arms clean of trash and defecation during the festival. This last part will be purely RP, but your organization will be paid in True if you can actually have members present to RP performing this task. As the event will run over the course of six or so hours, I expect people to come and go, so it would make sense that guilds split their duties among members, taking turns manning the guild's allotted booth, etc. ////

Rumour Has It / Sent to Merchants and Guilds across the world:
« on: September 03, 2010, 05:44:57 pm »




Esteemed men and women of the business world,

The Leringard Arms would like to invite you to participate in the week long celebration of the inn's Grand Reopening. To be certain, this event will draw impressive crowds, and therefore you have the potential to earn a fair sum of True. Additionally, the Arms itself will be looking to purchase goods and services including food and cleaning-up.

Simply respond to this letter with your RSVP and offer the specifics of how you'd like to be involved in the affair, be it as merchant or otherwise. You will be contacted promptly upon receipt of the RSVP.

Best of wishes,

The Leringard Arms


//// Feel free to post or PM how you might want to be involved. The Arms intends to buy foodstuffs, and to pay a group to keep the streets around the Arms clean of trash and defecation during the festival. This last part will be purely RP, but your organization will be paid in True if you can actually have members present to RP performing this task. As the event will run over the course of six or so hours, I expect people to come and go, so it would make sense that guilds split their duties among members, taking turns manning the guild's allotted booth, etc. ////





Esteemed men and women of the business world,

The Leringard Arms would like to invite you to participate in the week long celebration of the inn's Grand Reopening. To be certain, this event will draw impressive crowds, and therefore you have the potential to earn a fair sum of True. Additionally, the Arms itself will be looking to purchase goods and services including food and cleaning-up.

Simply respond to this letter with your RSVP and offer the specifics of how you'd like to be involved in the affair, be it as merchant or otherwise. You will be contacted promptly upon receipt of the RSVP.

Best of wishes,

The Leringard Arms


//// Feel free to post or PM how you might want to be involved. The Arms intends to buy foodstuffs, and to pay a group to keep the streets around the Arms clean of trash and defecation during the festival. This last part will be purely RP, but your organization will be paid in True if you can actually have members present to RP performing this task. As the event will run over the course of six or so hours, I expect people to come and go, so it would make sense that guilds split their duties among members, taking turns manning the guild's allotted booth, etc. ////

Just for Fun / Organization Theme Songs
« on: July 30, 2010, 10:17:07 am »
Yeah, since we have character theme songs, it might be fun to see what theme songs people think apply to the different IG organizations, governments, etc.

For a starter, here's a thought for a theme song for the recently formed "Triple S": Five Finger Death Punch's cover of Bad Company

General Discussion / A notice about the Saturday TK Quest....
« on: May 22, 2010, 02:16:22 am »
..... yeah, had to bump it to next week. I apologize to all those that had been hoping and planning to make a Saturday quest today. I've just not had the time to rightly prepare for the quest.

For your thoughts, since I don't have details up yet, I'm fairly certain I'm going to run another deity related quest, likely surrounding Vorax in some form or fashion.

And I will run the quest next Saturday, come hell or high water.

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Scholars and Fortune Seekers
« on: May 17, 2010, 10:57:34 am »
[SIZE=24]A certain blue-skinned mercenary has been seen in Port Hempstead contracting for large quantities of expeditionary goods, such as dried foods, mining picks, and climbing gear. Those that follow a bit closer discover he's also collecting information about the northern isles, specifically the Black Ice Isle. The brave few who ask about his interest in the isles receive an answer much like the following:

"I've recently learned of a certain artifact supposedly hidden deep in the frozen wastes of the Black Ice. I'm putting together an expedition to find this piece. If you're interested, the pay is good, and should we find the thing, there will be glory and fame to spare. I can use mercenary guards, scholars, mining experts, and mages. Oh, and don't forget to bring your fur coat. It's a bit chilly there."[/SIZE]

///// This pertains to the plot quest on Friday:  :) /////

General Discussion / Web-Client (Mibbit) IRC Crash?
« on: April 28, 2010, 10:28:32 am »
For some reason the client (Layonara Mibbit IRC Widget) won't load up. I get a connection error (see attached screenshot). I tend to want to blame internet explorer, but I figured I'd ask to see what's up.

*tacked to the door and various other locations around the building*

[SIZE=48]To our loyal patrons everywhere:
The Leringard Arms will be hosting a grand reopening party, complete with song, dance, drink, and door prizes.

We'll even be choosing a new Gypsy King and Queen to commemorate the opening.

Be watching for the announcement of the grandest party of the year![/SIZE]

[SIZE=24]Until then, the Arms is closed for further renovation and refurnishing. On the other hand, the Derrick Loadson and Cole Norseman Creature Card Room is fully open and ready for patronage. [/SIZE]

Rumour Has It / Mutterings and tavern talk in the Northern Gem
« on: April 07, 2010, 06:02:12 pm »
A few brave or slightly crazy souls tell of a woman, one of Leringard's local singers, that had in recent months revamped her wardrobe and added a body guard to her retinue. She, who once wore neat and colorful but plain clothes as she sang her way to a dinner and a bed, now appeared in foreign silk finery. Perfumes and daily bathing (because she could apparently now afford such) brought her renewed popularity, desired attention.

What caused her transformation is unknown. Known, however, is that she took to singing edgy new songs along with her old tunes, and that within weeks after her new found glory, she was seen with a black eye and without the silk dress, refusing her previous invitations to sing at popular taverns. And without her bodyguard.

Some speculate a noble made a pass at her and she refused him. Others think that perhaps her new songs were a bit too politically charged in the wrong direction. Most think she just got mugged.

LORE Bugs / Spelling and Punctuation Errors
« on: February 15, 2010, 12:28:25 am »
Inevitably, with the sheer volume of text we have in LORE, we're going to misspell something. So, when you nice people catch an incorrectly spelled word or a missing period at the end of a sentence, or maybe we just forgot to put a space between two words, please post your findings here and we'll get it fixed up in a jiffy. That's right, I said "jiffy."

General Discussion / Exciting!
« on: January 29, 2010, 12:52:27 pm »
It truly is exciting to see all the applications coming in for the positions of GM/LORE team. Why? Because it shows we still have folks that care about the community and want to see it grow and prosper. At least, I hope that's why you guys are applying :p. Seriously, though, I'm looking forward to mentoring and working with the "next generation."

And yeah, I still miss all you "old folks" who had to leave the team for one reason or another. We couldn't have done it without you.

So here's to the new and old, and the ugly trolls like me! *raises a bowl of cereal-sweetened milk*


General Discussion / Note concerning the quest series, The Artist.
« on: January 27, 2010, 01:27:34 pm »
My boss decided I need to help with a recruiting seminar this Saturday, which means I have to bump the quest a week to the 6th. Let me know if that works for you guys. I'm willing to consider other times- Sundays, even some times on weekdays- though I suspect that weekends will remain what works for most folks.

Rumour Has It / A woman adorned in gold and silver robes...
« on: December 25, 2009, 09:49:01 pm »
... and several unnamed helpers are seen passing out small boxes to the people in Karst, Krandor, and even Port Hempstead, as well as many of the other unnamed hamlets dotting the west coast trade route on Mistone. These boxes are small,wooden, and wrapped in dyed paper, an adornment worth more than the box itself. Inside the boxes were found all manner of trinkets, ranging from silver necklaces to carved animals and fine soaps. Some people have already begun to speculate from where the woman and her boxes came. The woman calls herself, "The Giver."

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