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Topics - Reventage

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Fixed Bugs / Double Almanac
« on: December 05, 2006, 05:00:34 pm »
There are two pages in Lore with the same information:


Only the Months and Dates one is linked to, from the Start Here page.

Trade and Market Hall / For Sale: Mithril Lonsword
« on: December 04, 2006, 10:35:04 am »
Trough courage of many and luck of my own I have come to possess a blade made of the most elusive of materials. Light as a feather, sharp as a dragon's fang and wields with the perfect balance this blade stands amongst its more common brothers as unique.  And it is for sale.  I will place the starting price at 120 000 True. A new bid should surpass the old one by at least five thousand. The auction ends once the last bid has reigned for over a day.  You can contact me either through our respected postal system or by leaving a note here. All offers need to be signed and they are binding.  I wish you all the best of luck.  Reventage D'vinn 105 Hlint Mistone
  // +3 Enchantment Bonus. Light, only 80% of normal weight. Level req. 15.

Once again the server crashed one minute past 4PM GM and I lost what I had set up for the quest. As I only had four hours to use on today's quest, this would have meant using one hour of the quest time to set up again leaving us with so little time that it's not worth it. Thus I apologize but there will be no quest tonight.

I've scheduled the same event again on the next weekend. It can be found here.

There are two items I am considering of releasing from my vaults. If interested approach me either trough the postal system or by leaving a note here.  First item:  Belt of the Brawler  While worn this expensive belt assures that all bare knuckle assaults at your person will feel light as the tickle of a feather. Created by an unknown leather worker from the hide of a bear, belts of this quality and particular enchantment are rarely seen.  Initial Price: 40 000 True  // Damage resistance: Bludgeoning 5/-. Level Req. of no consequence.   Second Item: Masterwork ring of both beauty and skilled enchantment - SOLD  One big diamond cut in five small pieces and set into gold band in the shape of a star. Seven smaller stars emerging from the gold compliment well their larger sister. By touching the diamond star and uttering a command word the user can invoke the well known spell "Cat's Grace". This action requires no proficiency in the Art. In addition to this the ring offers a steady enchantment for the same purpose while worn.  Initial price: 45 000 True  // +2 to Dexterity. Ability to cast Cat's Grace twice per day with caster level 3. Level req. 14.   Third item  Exquisitely well balanced Scimitar made out of Mithril  -  SOLD  While carved blades do take some time to get accustomed to, in skilled hands they can become perfect tools of combat. This mithril scimitar is extremely light and durable and easily accepts any enchantment one might wish to place on it. While the creator of this tool is not know, initials U.G can be found from the hilt. I have been told that often weapons of this nature are the only metallic ones allowed by the code of the guardians of the Forest  Initial price: 55 000 True  // +3 Enchantment Bonus. Light, only 80% of normal weight. Level req. 15.
  Finally I would like to point out that the initial prices stated on this parchment are merely suggestions and should be used as guidelines only. I will not promise to sell any of the items unless I am happy with the final price.
  If you wish to do your bidding by leaving notes under this posting, clearly state what item you are interested in and the amount you are offering. When increasing the offer the new one should surpass the old one with at least 5 000 True.
  Reventage D'vinn
  105 Hlint

Trade and Market Hall / For Sale: Emerald set in a Silver Amulet
« on: November 20, 2006, 11:23:01 am »
Picked it up. Willing to give it up. Lowest price 45 000 True.

Contact details:

Reventage D'vinn
105 Hlint

// +2 Universal saves. Level req. 10

General Discussion / The Den of Desperation this Saturday - Postponed.
« on: November 10, 2006, 03:38:15 pm »
Due to an acute situation I'll be out of town tomorrow and thus need to postpone the quest by a week. Sorry for doing this on such a short notice.

Trade and Market Hall / For Sale: Set of Diamond Fox's Cunning Jewelry
« on: October 13, 2006, 08:44:09 am »
I am placing for sale a set of beautiful golden jewelry. In the set are included two diamonds rings with a strong Fox's cunning enchantment upon them and a necklace with a similar gem and enchantment. The theme of the set is "Stars" and the rings are designed for human fingers, though I can be contracted to resize them for a nominal fee.

The first person to relieve me of them will get them for the price of 63 000 True. This is not an auction.

For further information contact:

Reventage D'vinn
105 Hlint

// Three items. Two rings and an amulet, all with +2 bonus to intelligence. Level requirement 12ish.

Trade and Market Hall / For Sale: Yew Compound Shortbow
« on: October 05, 2006, 09:13:12 am »
On sale for a limited time: Compound shortbow made of a fresh branch of yew. Expected price 100 000 True.  Contact me either trough the postal system or leave a note here.  Reventage D'vinn 105 Hlint Mistone
  // Shortbow: +3 Attack Bonus, Massive Criticals 1d6. Level req. 16.

Trade and Market Hall / For Sale: Yew Longbow
« on: September 25, 2006, 07:59:32 am »
I am ready to part with an exquisite elven longbow made of the elusive yew. Asking price is 60 000 True. No auctions will be held, the item is sold to the first person to actually pick it up. Unless a higher price is offered I will not commit to holding the item for you.

To find me, ask for directions from the temple of Ilsare in Hlint.

Reventage D'vinn
105 Hlint

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Banking - Depositing gold
« on: September 24, 2006, 02:43:25 am »
Nothing of any great importance, but could it be possible to add an option to deposit or withdraw 50 000 gold from one's bank account? This would cut down some excessive clicking.

Another thing that bothers me on occasion is the vault keeper shouting the total of the account every time you access it in public. Maybe we could move the information on total from the conversation to the server window where the total appears after you withdraw/deposit something. This would give the impression of confidential banking.

Fixed Bugs / New Cloaks: Issues with animation
« on: September 20, 2006, 11:18:05 pm »
I did some testing and the females of the following races do not get the animations on the new cloaks:


The animations worked fine for female dwarves and half orcs. All male models seem to be getting the proper animations as well.

Lacking animations means that the cloaks look stiff and they clip trough the ground when sitting down, kneeling, etc.

I'm not sure if we can do anything about this though.

Trade and Market Hall / For Sale: Ioun Stone of the Deepest Blue
« on: September 17, 2006, 02:00:39 am »
The other day when on my way from one unpleasant location to another, I was beset by a group of creatures of most unsavoury nature whom started flinging stones at me. While I have to say that this seems to happen on more regular basis than I care to admit, this time was marked special by the peculiar qualities on one of the stones flying my way. It appears that when properly utilized, a stone such as this can be employed to take air into an orbit around the user's head. While it can be perceived as somewhat irritating, stones such as this are well known in their ability to fortify the mental and physical capabilities of the user.

This particular stone seems to act as a catalyst for a certain type of natural insight and understanding of the world and it's workings. The value of such a benefit should not be misunderstood. The stone is especially useful for those who find themselves inclined to rely on divine or natural inspiration.

Due to the unpleasant memories I have of acquiring the stone I am willing to give it up if an agreement on which I can be satisfied is reached. I will accept either gold, be it True or Tower, or items of considerable value. The very lowest monetary compensation I might be willing to give up the item for would be the amount of 120 000 True.

If interested, contact me either trough the postal system or leaving a message here.

Reventage D'vinn
105 Hlint

// Ioun stone, Blue. +2 Wisdom.

Fixed Bugs / Underdark areas 16 and 17 - Unbalanced spawns
« on: September 13, 2006, 08:45:23 am »
In both of the areas there are still a few of the old mind flayers placed that use old mind flayers without psionic powers or the BW model. Also the CRs at least on the area number 17 deviate quite a bit, as there are a few old driders and mind flayers of extremely low CR placed with their high CR brethren.

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Star of Ilsare - Breaking the cage
« on: August 17, 2006, 01:42:24 pm »
Rev leans against the end of the bed her arms crossed and looks at the other three in the room.

I feel like a puppet that's not quite sure if there actually are strings attached to her or not. We were told that she's a master of manipulation and I suppose she has to be as how ever hard I try I can't see much more than what is clearly apparent in her.

The situation is the same with this island. I was told that it would twist my senses and turn them into weapons used against me yet apart from the absence of the Harmony everything in here seems real.

It's quite possible that she is... controlling these creatures here, forcing them to tell us stories of her crying, knowing that such stories would appeal to me.

She sighs but then refocuses herself.

So, let us gather what we have and know and turn them into tools with which we'll break this cage.

As an afterthought she seems to add,

If there is one.

She stays silent for a while after that, clearly annoyed at herself for the final addition.

After a while she continues, somewhat abruptly.

It should be clear that she is avoiding explaining the full extent of the price I would have to pay for her tutelage. I find this peculiar if she indeed does have as great a need for my powers as she claims. Furthermore the things we have heard of her would make me believe that she could simply force me to accept the deal.

She must know that as things are I am far from being inclined to accept her offer, yet she refuses to discuss the conditions. This makes me worry.

I can not help but feel that perhaps this whole bargain is for the purpose of having me make a decision. She was offered something by the Goddess and I am under the impression that she felt like she was never given a choice. Maybe this situation is supposed to reflect her own fate?

Looking somewhat tired and strained she sighs and raises her fingers to massage her temple.

I am sorry... The silence is bothering me and I find it hard to stay focused. I am far too accustomed to the eternal melody to be comfortable when it's missing.

She looks up at each of the others.

What do you all feel is important in this? Could you name a few of the points you feel we should focus on?

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Weapon and armor crafting animation
« on: August 04, 2006, 10:16:33 am »
Maybe we should replace the current animation that runs when you carft something on armor and weapon crafting anvils in to the "Hammers" one?

Fixed Bugs / Spell description: War Cry
« on: August 03, 2006, 04:04:30 am »
The IG description states that the spell has a somatic component while it in fact does not.

Can't check if Lore has the same problem yet, will when it comes back up.

Trade and Market Hall / Looking to buy: Spotted Mushrooms
« on: July 31, 2006, 03:05:53 pm »
I am looking for two boxes of spotted mushrooms. I will pay 2000 for the two boxes if the delivery is swift.
 Reventage D'vinn
 105 Hlint

Trade and Market Hall / For Sale: Enchanted diamond jewelry
« on: July 31, 2006, 01:58:00 pm »
I have a limited stock of enchanted diamond jewelry for sale. The rings will be sold for 20 000 and amulets for 27 000.    Items and quantities:  Amulet of Cat's grace  Amulet of Owl's wisdom  Amulet of Bull's strength  Ring of Fox's cunning  Ring of Cat's grace x 2    I can also create similar jewelry of any enchantment upon request but the request must have three or more items or it won't be accepted. Another option to have me create the rings on order is for me to accumulate enough individual orders for it to be worth my time.    Those interested send a message here or approach me trough mail. This is not an auction, the items will be sold to the first person to make an offer for them.    Reventage D'vinn  105 Hlint  Mistone

I am in the need of the services of both a Master Armor smith and a Master Weapon smith for two items I am looking to acquire.
 The two items would be:
Blade of Dragon Slaying
  Mithril Towershield

 I'm prepared to supply the craftsman contracted with all the ingredients to both of the items but I would rather not waste resources on many fruitless attempts and will only hire skilled masters of their trade.
 Contact me trough mail or leaving a note here. To the reply you must include a suggested price for the work and some credentials proving your ability.
 You can trust to be duly compensated for your efforts.
 Reventage D'vinn
 105 Hlint

Trade and Market Hall / For sale: Gem of Beryl - Emerald
« on: July 18, 2006, 04:24:05 pm »
I am considering parting with a cut version of these precious gems if a price fitting my preference is offered. If a high enough a price is not reached I will withdraw the stone from open market. Offers below 85 000 gold will not be responded to.

If deemed necessary polishing of the gem will be included to the price.
 Reventage D'vinn
 105 Hlint

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