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Topics - RouterBlade

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General Discussion / CDQ short notice
« on: July 20, 2008, 01:07:14 am »
Bruenor's CDQ for battlerager will be kicked off at Sunday night after i get off work. I will be off at work at 9:30pm EST time, so the CDQ will be scheduled to start at 9:45 pm EST, invitations go out to whoever is hanging outside the gates of vehl :) see you all there

Trade and Market Hall / Platinum Ingots
« on: July 05, 2008, 12:59:20 am »
12 for sale, leave yer price

Trade and Market Hall / Aloe for sale
« on: July 04, 2008, 10:28:07 pm »
*roughly scribbled parchment with the text of             "ALOE FER SALE! SEEK OUT BRUENOR! 2000 TRUES!" was all that was scribbled onto the parchment, not to mention taking about a minute to decipher Brue's hand writing.*

General Discussion / Sand Krows
« on: July 04, 2008, 08:34:54 pm »
or also known as Cpt.JackSparrow, anyone have or had any contact with him? Email or whatever? please PM me if you do.

Rumour Has It / Him?
« on: May 23, 2008, 02:39:01 pm »
*in the same place as the old note pronouncing the leave of bruenor wildbeard, it was replaced by the ugliest parchment, with the most jagged handwriting....saying nothing but " Im back" in dwarvish

Introduce Yourself / Re-introduction
« on: May 23, 2008, 02:36:35 pm »
Hello, as many can tell, from looking at my join date of year 2004, im not new, but after taking a long break from Layo, i decided to come back. The character i play is a undisciplined, rude, aggressive and short tempered barbarian dwarf. I hope to see some new faces :), but i hope to see some old faces too, see ya.

Development Journals and Discussion / The Journal of Wildbeard
« on: January 05, 2006, 12:42:00 pm »
*This journal seems to begin in the middle of something. Perhaps there was a previous journal used by the dwarf.*

*Bruenor growls and begins to scribble away in his sloppy dwarvish text*
Bloody ungrateful people all of them except for a certain few. -I- bled for the safety of my friends and ones who I hardly even knew names of. -I- threw my life onto the line carelessly to buy my friends and others time to flee death while -I- look at death in the eye fearlessly and acceptingly. -I- was the mithril wall enemies had to penetrate to cause harm to my friends and others. Now that I have returned I have noticed many have become arrogant,forgetful, and ungrateful. The men and women that I and my other friends raised from whelp to a seasoned adventurer think they dont need me anymore. Ive even been threatened by a whelp traveler... Obviously I have lost my reputation. Men and women have forgotten Bruenor Wildbeard but I shall soon remind them. I will become better and stronger than before and I will become the pinacle of hope for the hopeless. People like Reventage crusade around with that damned smug look on their face but whenever they incur danger, who is the first to flee!! Inside the gates of doom I stand and I stand alone. I have lost my strength, my ability to hold my own and back up my words...but I WILL become Bruenor Wildbeard once again. I am now curious if Vorax has forgotten my name for I have not heard a word from the priest in Shoufal since my incident with the negative energy which has twisted and gnarled my shield hand almost useless and left me too appear a old dwarf on his dying breath. I...however am not the achient dwarf I look like. I dare anyone to ask to prove my youth. I, Bruenor Wildbeard will become the legendary dwarf I once was. My name will be feared among my enemies and will bring hope to my friends and comrades.

General Discussion / GM help needed
« on: September 28, 2005, 03:27:00 pm »
Ok...after i restarted Brue as a lvl 1 barbarian i noticed he is read as the old brue by the game. By this i mean he cant do any quests he did before. Now in a RP point of view this completely makes sense but in another point of view it doesnt. Here i am sitting in hlint with nothing to do i cant go out and do any quests to level up and right now im not in a position to go out and just kill stuff. Gm advice will be helpful here.

General Discussion / Need some help
« on: September 23, 2005, 08:42:00 pm »
Im attempting to revive brue, but i cant revive him without "GET THE BLOODY BASTARDS!". Ive tried the nwnvault and i downloaded the HotU voiceset but nothing has worked...i cant find the old voiceset i used to have. can anyone link a download here if they know where to look exactly?      thanks

I think Hargrannar and Mysterion had the same voiceset as i did, Brue and harg used the same voice and mysterion has a voiceset from the same download. could you guys help me out abit?

General Discussion / The return of the long lost banned guy
« on: September 22, 2005, 01:30:00 pm »
'ello people, good to be back in layo. For those who dont know me,youll find out who i am in the apology.

*cracks knuckles* Round 1!

                                                   Apologies to the community
Right, This whole thing started because Kaizer Thell,Sands Krows, Tomi Shadowfoot, Ars something, and I (Bruenor Wildbeard) went on a 3 hour long expedition in Wallachs tomb in the east server. When i say a 3 hour long expedition, I mean 3 hours of sitting in wallachs crypt and just farming the place. We survived for that long with only 2 deaths due to superb teamwork but we sacraficed RP to get it. With a dash of profanity and ooc it went on and on. To make a long story short, Rhizome and orth caught us and dealt punishment, I refused and I got banned semi-permanently. I apologize for my actions to those that were there to witness it, and to prove my sincerity I type not only this apology to the community but another one to a specific person that I "personally attacked". Due to L's great generosity I have been allowed to come back which I think is a first in all of layo.

Round 2!                            
                                                         Apology to Ice
I apologize for my personal attack on you that day. I was already mad enough about being banned and the comment that you made about how I
RP'd my characters didnt help at all. Well, I know what i did was wrong now and here I am asking for you to forgive me.

As another punishment I must take to be allowed to play, All of my characters have been deleted including my beloved level 19 battlerager (Bruenor Wildbeard). I accept the punishments, I know how lucky I am to be able to return to layonara. To all of the players out there, I hope to see you all soon in game.

Wild Surge Inn / *tacked note*
« on: July 22, 2005, 03:20:00 pm »
My clan calls. ive recieved word from my long thought lost clan and i must depart these lands. I will begin my travel into the halls of the 9 hells or into the halls of vorax. Farewell

-Bruenor Wildbeard

General Discussion / Goodbye
« on: July 22, 2005, 02:43:00 pm »
L has spoken :o
the word of truth is out
im banned and i have no regret
i hope you all have a fun time on layo and farewell
ive been invited to a server so ill still be playing NWN and ill probally go back to World of Warcraft and see if it has improved.
Its been a pleasure playing with some of you. I wish you the best of luck in the future

General Discussion / Any spare GMs?
« on: July 12, 2005, 07:48:00 pm »
nevermind, i got help
thanks IDii

General Discussion / Bruenor LG
« on: July 10, 2005, 09:13:00 pm »
Ok i decided to post this after obvious hints that im not doing a good job going or being Lawful good and its getting quite annoying
not to bash,flame or offend anyone but i know exactly what i am doing and i know of the consequences such as gettings into arguements and taunting people. As L said the change from CG to LG is not going to happen dramatically, it will take time. i know im doing a horrible job at going LG because i just decided to go LG. All because i want LG does not mean im going to Rp bruenor as a champion of vorax right away. Please bare with me on this, to repeat myself i know i am doing a horrible job at LG because im NOT LG yet. Bruenor is still the same old Bruenor, have patience with me, i know Bruenor has made many folk hot under the collar in the past and im sorry but this is the way i choose to Rp bruenors battlerager-ness. Have patience and wait over time, i gaurentee that you will notice a difference.

thanks in the future


Wild Surge Inn / For Sale
« on: July 10, 2005, 06:34:00 pm »
*Bruenor stomps his way into the inn carrying quite a few items. He makes his way to a table and lays down 10 silver ingots, 2 adamantium ingots and a heavy mahogany crossbow* Oi!,gert me ah bloody ale! *looks to everyone in the inn* Oi! ahm sellin ah bar o' silver fer 200 'n adamantium fer 500 'n dis baby *pats the mahogany heavy crossbow* irs fer 8 thousand! any takers!?

General Discussion / What?, another b-day!?
« on: July 07, 2005, 08:42:00 pm »
Happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you!
happy birthday , LONNARIN!!
happy birthday to you!!!

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Drow Silent Language
« on: July 07, 2005, 06:42:00 pm »
just an idea....not pushing it in anyones face but maybe the silent language could actually become a ear like thieves CANT

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Vorax's favored weapons
« on: July 04, 2005, 04:37:00 pm »
Why isnt the Dwarvish Waraxe favored by a dwarvish god?
it would only make sense for this axe to be a favored weapon of Vorax
in my eyes this is like a baker not favoring a campfire or a kitchen

Trade and Market Hall / Axe
« on: July 03, 2005, 04:20:00 pm »
*posted in the inn*
Adamantium Battleaxe with the 3rd rod of fire for sale
tack yer offer here
winning bid must be above 20 thousand

Fixed Bugs / Confusion
« on: July 02, 2005, 03:09:00 pm »
The confusion spell doesnt work as long as its supposed to and it doesnt take up a walnut

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