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Topics - deagle

Pages: [1] 2 3
General Discussion / Happy B-Day Gridblader
« on: June 15, 2008, 03:30:35 am »
Hey Buddy,
 Wishing you the best on the day you gain another year....


General Discussion / 2 week Vacation
« on: May 06, 2008, 02:15:32 pm »
Hey All,
 Off on a 2 week vacation...well more like family reunion.
 Don't believe I'll have access to a system so see you all when I return.

Fixed Bugs / Feat Question
« on: February 23, 2008, 01:29:31 am »
I noticed that Daylight Adaptation doesn't appear as an option for my character Ruby that because her character type is "Svirfneblin" and not "Deep Gnome"?

Trade and Market Hall / Looking for Eggs
« on: November 26, 2007, 10:01:24 pm »
[SIZE=18]I am in the market to purchase eggs...[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=18]I offer 3000 true per box...[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=18]Contact Starr Sapphire .[/SIZE]

Fixed Bugs / Bug on Ruby Gemcrusher
« on: October 16, 2007, 11:31:32 pm »
 I have been running Ruby Gemcrusher, Svirfneblin.....
 She is affected with light sensitivity as all underdark characters should be, but recently went I earned a feat I went to select daylight adaptation and it did not appear on the list. Did the prereqs change? I thought you only needed to be an underdark race....but I also noticed that light sensitivity wasn't appearing in her current feat list as it does with Starr and Twixel.

Trade and Market Hall / Closet is getting full...
« on: September 12, 2007, 11:39:36 pm »
I realized I have alot of things piling up if any have an interest contact me...Starr Sapphire
 Bracers of the Scout (x3) ..... 2000 true each
 Gloves of the Scout (x3) ..... 4000 true each
 Belt - Healer's Hug ..... 10,000 true (SOLD)
 Boots of the Militia ..... 8000 true
 Full Plate Armor - Iron w/cold resist 1 ..... 15,000 true
 Mace - Iron w/electrical 2 ..... 6000 true
 Jewelry of Bull's Strength, Bear's Endurance, Owl's Wisdom, Fox's Cunning, or Eagle's Splendor.... made of alexandrite.... rings / amulets ..... 2000 / 2500 true
 Jewelry of silver and topaz ..... 1000 true
 Books of Skullduggery (x2) ..... 2000 true each
 Looking for something enchanted, infused, or alchemically blended?
 Need gemstones cut and polished?
 Ask and we shall see what can be done.

General Discussion / Looking for a home in Stone
« on: September 01, 2007, 01:33:44 pm »
Love the rebuilt Stone....
 Starr has one question though...when can he purchase a home to be near his temple and svirfneblin brethren?
 Thanks to all the great work that has been done by all...

Trade and Market Hall / Skeleton Knuckles...
« on: August 11, 2007, 07:56:08 pm »
If you are needing skeleton knuckles.... I have 3 boxes for sell...
 Seek out Thomas Martin

General Discussion / Happy Birthday Grid Blader
« on: June 17, 2007, 11:40:23 am »
I know it was on the 15th but better late than never.

Hope you had a great day.


General Discussion / To All the Dads out there...
« on: June 17, 2007, 11:35:35 am »
Wishing you all a very Happy Fathers Day....

Trade and Market Hall / Wizards, Scorcerers, and Druids.....
« on: May 27, 2007, 09:33:52 pm »
Tired of running out of topaz dust, or having to memorize a skin of stone spell to assist the warriors when you would rather have something else available.

Well then, here is the answer you need...

Magical wands that grant Skin of Stone....

...simply carry a couple of the small wands with you and have easy access to give that warrior some protection by hardening their skin like stone.

If interested out Starr Sapphire, I currently have a dozen in stock.

...and if there is others you have interest in...ask and we shall see if it can be made...

// 12 Stoneskins wands available...find me IG or PM.

General Discussion / Happy Mother's Day
« on: May 13, 2007, 08:35:52 am »
Here's to all the Mothers, Grandmothers, and Mother's to be....

Have a Great and Happy ...Mother's Day.....

General Discussion / Help !! Stuck on cliff...
« on: April 03, 2007, 11:37:19 pm »
Not sure what Twixel is doing but he bounced up on a cliff in haven and he can't get down.

Someone call the fire brigade....

General Discussion / Request for Forum Membership
« on: March 21, 2007, 12:28:59 am »
Sorry, not quite sure where to post but I would like to request membership to the following forum for Ice's quest series.
Deagle wants to acomplish the Dark Hounds wishes.....



Trade and Market Hall / Looking to Purchase
« on: March 20, 2007, 01:27:26 am »
To those good with an axe...I am looking to purchase the following...

2 dozen oak shafts

boxes of hickory sawdust and oak sawdust.

Send me a note if you have some for sell.

Starr Sapphire

Introduce Yourself / Hiya All
« on: March 11, 2007, 08:41:44 pm »
Well thought I would introduce myself.

My name is Tom, won't bother with the last name cause my first name is easier to remember and pronounce. Anyhow, I am nearly 40, well I will be 40 this year, and I have been rping for nearly 30 years.

The stories that introduced me to fantasy was The Lord of the Rings and the Chronicles of Narnia, I was hooked from there and have been reading fantasy novels since. I started rping with D&D when a few friends introduced me to it. I still remeber Thorin Tumblebelly my first dwarven warrior and his mishap of tripping and falling into a lava pit. I still have my second character ever rped though...a druid by the name of Qausar. Anyhow, I ventured into other arenas of rp such as GammaWorld, Bushido, Star Frontiers, Star Wars,Marvel, and multiple Palladium type games but have always gone back to D & D.

I was introduced to Layonara 2.5 years agao by a couple of co-workers and have been hooked since. This is the dismay of many friends though that still try and get me to go back to PnP, but after dming for so many years I truly enjoy rping my characters and interacting with a world of others that enjoy it as well.

I work for a national payroll comapny that calls for much of my time, actually I give alot of my time as I am working to attain my own branch but what I can spare I try and devote to Layo.

Leanthar and team, thank you to all your hard work and imagination.

Trade and Market Hall / Adventurers All...come and see...
« on: March 10, 2007, 01:49:34 pm »
Adventurer all and one...come and see what is for sale...Is there an item you seek that I may me and by the blessing of the Deep Mother we shall meet.
Starr Sapphire...Feldspar of Her Perfection


Ring of Bulls Strength
Ring of Cats Grace (3)
Ring of Owl's Wisdom (2)
Ring of Eagle's Spendor
..............................................1500 true each

Amulet of Bull's Strength (2)
..............................................2000 true each

Ring of Divinity III
..............................................10,000 true


Iron Mace with electrical enchanment II
...........................................................6,000 true

Last Defense Great Sword
...........................................................3,000 true

Bloodfall Longsword
...........................................................2,000 true


Gloves of Fury
..........................................................1500 true

Armband of the Scouts
..........................................................2000 true

Gloves of the Scouts
..........................................................5000 true

Silver Adept Stone (2)
...........................................................2000 true each

If there items you wish enchanted or something infused that are within my abilities and skills...we shall discuss a commission.

Trade and Market Hall / Gatherers needed...
« on: December 17, 2006, 03:16:39 pm »
I am in need of some materials to be gathered and am willing to pay for your service...

The items in need and the pieces of coin to be paid in true are as follows....

               Walnuts      -    1000 true per box
               Hazelnuts    -    1000 true per box

               Bodak Teeth -   250 true each

Most appreciative for those that assist .... please contact me should you have items of request.

May Her Perfection grant you success.

Starr Sapphire

Trade and Market Hall / Few items found in travels
« on: October 14, 2006, 12:06:29 pm »
I have found a few items in my travels that if any have an interest just offer the right amount of gold and its yours.

Lesser monk's robes

a pair of Lion gloves

Iron rapier.

Just look for Deagle to make a deal.

General Discussion / Help...stuck on a ledge
« on: August 13, 2006, 11:09:48 am »
Help...Starr is travelling Black Ice island and was port up onto a cliff ledge and can't find a way down...

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