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Topics - Argos Axeblade

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General Discussion / old house
« on: October 14, 2006, 10:42:06 am »
Its been a while since my schedule has allowed some free time. Now I'm going to have more time and will be playing more. I used to have a house with Nossalya Steele and still have key , was wonderin if I should destroy key or can I use the house, Im a weapon maker of all sorts so storage is an issue. Please respond when you get a moment, Thanks

Development Journals and Discussion / Argos Axeblades journals
« on: July 29, 2005, 03:39:00 pm »
Name Argos Axeblade
Class Fighter
Alignment Chaotic Good
Race Dwarf
Deity Dorand Master of Crafts

    Ever since Argos can remember he has had a dream. The dream starts off in a battlefield full of creatures of all sizes and shapes evil and good engulfed in battle. None noticing his presence they fight on. Battle surrounds him longswords hitting sheilds, spears piercing armor, then he notices a dwarf of rather large size, what he can tell, the dwarf is covered in heavy armor and wears a helm, he wields a flaming Great Axe. The dwarf lets out a call to Dorand and rushes in the fray. Argos watches as dwarf and a flame axe cut down opponents one by one at first then the dwarf would jump into a whirlwind attack, and what a sight dwarf spinning and axe cleaving,  and many would fall in its path. Argos stood watching the hypnotizing dance of dwarf and axe and the absolute devastation they caused and then that was all Argos could see. everything else vanished! There stood the dwarf with his fire branded axe approaching him, he stops short and is shocked when the Axe jumps from his hand and floats over to Argos , landing in his hand he immediately notices the feeling of completeness. The dwarf laughs loudly, and as Argos looks to see the source of the laughter hes gone as with the axe. Argos standing in confusion hears the dwarfs voice bellow " Thar be some with a callin, and the Great Axe calls ta ya lad" This is where Argos always awakes.

  As a youth Argos was always at the blacksmith shop or at the guard house (his dad being a guardian of his town) with his dad and brother, his dad was a gifted blacksmith and made many exquisite weapons and armor. Argos would practice with weapons that his dad made( under his dads supervision).And liked many weapons but nothing made him feel like the great axe did, it made his fighting technique complete. As he got older he would work for his dad keepin up with demand and practicing his fighting drills. He learned his dads craftin skills and worked hard on quality. He loves Blacksmithing but there was always a yurn to travel lands and to fight against the evil of the world, that started with the ogres that would attack the town, seemingly endless attacks inspired the warriors of the town  to get the head of the leader. This was triumphant and started Argos on his way, always going further.

Argos always carries his Mighty Flame Great Axe by his side, he has honed his skills with the axe to keep evil at bay, to right the wrong of the world. And as in the "callin" in his dream, to always better his combat abilities with the axe and become like the dwarf in his dream, A Great Axe Weaponmaster!

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