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Topics - e'Kieron

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Development Journals and Discussion / The Trials of a Priest
« on: March 23, 2005, 12:00:00 pm »
The story really begins after I had come back to the town of Hlint from a journey to Krandor to investigate some crypts there.  I was quietly resting next to a bench near the small pond of Hlint, taking in a well deserved nap when I began to hear shouts and some commotion coming from the main drag of the town.  I remember being quick to get up and loose my mace and shield from the holding spots where they stay secured to my person - I did this because I had presumption of a ill feeling...    The kind I get when I am around the unnatural living.  Moving quickly to the bustle, I noticed then and there a mummy standing before a few people.  

"Oh my, it certainly looks as if it is a mummy, only..."  It had already killed one person, and the creature began to lumber towards me.  Rather fast I might add.  

"Back you foul creature!  Back to the fields of the Dead where you belong!  The power of Aeridin compells you!"  I shouted.

There was merely a groaning as it turned toward a friend of mine, Ardul, a Drow who worshipped Lucinda.  It struck twice, killing her in a mere moment, but the strange thing was, as it did this - it seemed to struggle with itself.

"No!" It said, "she is an innocent!"

An innocent?  It speaks?  It is intelligent?  This cannot be good for us.  I must put this thing down.

Throwing my robes back, I revealed my glistening light of Aeridin bouncing off the golden leaves emblazoned upon my chest plate.  I gripped my Mace tighly in my hand and threw my shield before me as I advanced toward the thing if only to see to my fallen friend.

"Back to the Hells fouls undead!  The power of the Lord compells you!  I will see his will be done!"  As these words leaped from Aeridin unto me and out of me, I spent forth a mighty blow which would have at least rendered any normal undead a sizable wound.  This only bounced off the creatures wrappings as if I was a mere inconvenience.  I struck a second time, the mace being blocked by the creatures hand, he knocked it away and struck me one time in the chest, crimping my armor and putting a mighty dent in my so cherished golden leaves.  I was knocked to the ground only to be hit once more and rendered unconscious.  

Bleeding, I struggled to my feet as I regained my composure after I had awoken and stabalized.  I cast a quick healing spell and I felt a bit better albeit my vision substantially blury from the mere pressure of the blows and the crushed metal upon my chest.

It lumbered into the inn now.

Oh no!  All those people!

Ardul, who had come back to life and reclaimed her soul, myself, and a few others raced into the Inn only to find what we had horribly expected.  It was a massacre - the mummy had already murdered several and was after the rest.  Ardul was quick to react - getting close to it and laying her hands upon the thing, she called upon her healing powers of Lucinda at which a mighty explosion took place and the thing actually seemed to be hurt by the action!

I took it upon myself to cast a spell which called upon the Light of Aeridin and projected it forth as a beam which can sear and harm any undead.  The searing light exploded upon the mummy, seeming to harm it as well, but not enough.  The thing stomped toward us and delivered a few blows to each of us, killing us all.   Is there no stopping this monster?!

After this time, it lumbered out the door, seeming to struggle with its actions as if something else were inside of it besides a mindless undead creature.

"Father Maylin!  Are you alright?!"  Came a shout from the door of the Inn.  I had been delivered back to the plane by Aeridin and staggered slowly into the Inn to reclaim my soul.  Though it must have taken me some time, for Arudul seemed to be a bit worried.  I nodded my head.  "Aeridin has seen me to another day - so, I am fine for now."

"We cannot let this creature go unchecked."  I began.  "I sense an intelligence in it.  A fight within the thing.  We must figure out what it is and how we can stop it!"  

"Yes."  Came another.  But I do not think it can be stopped.  If you see it, you must run or be killed."

" I cannot run from such a creature, madam.  I am compelled by the Will of my Lord to do battle with such atrocities to the Great Cycle."  

Ardul nodded.  "He is right.  We must find out about it and see how we can stop it.  I saw it go out west, and it desecrated a temple to Toran earlier.  Perhaps it is headed back to Llast."

I nodded.  "Then perhaps we should see what we can do about it."  

Ardul then spoke of another thing.  "I have heard of a Necromancer in Spellgard who may be able to help us with such things.  Possibly there are books within the Library of Lucinda which may shed light on what the thing is."

"Aye," I said, "It is certainly not merely a mummy.  Let us pass through Llast to see if it has harmed anyone there, then see if we can find anything out about this creature."

All the while the group as well as the Innkeeper were busy carrying bodies from the Inn.  I blessed them all in hoped to a safe passing journey.

Off to Spellgard we were.

This was only the beginning.  The calling of my Lord in my dreams to seek out the undead had come true.  There was a powerful undead here - and I was to stop it or forever be killed, trying.

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