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Topics - Alkhilian

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Development Journals and Discussion / Oli sends home a letter...
« on: July 20, 2005, 10:26:00 am »
Dear Ma and Pa, Arty and Uncle Kil,

I'd like to begin by saying don't worry about me, I'm fine. I wasn't planning on leaving as I did, but the opportunity arose and I took the boar by the tusks!! I hope Pa can forgive me.
I am with Alanna and Meri and we are all happy here learning new things. I have taken up some crafts and plan to send something home as soon as I can master anything.
Nothing new is worth mentioning really. Oh, I have a good tale to share. I was out in the lands around Hlint, and I ran into an army of gobblins! There were hundreds of em, thousands! I was in a huge battle! Even their king was there, riding atop a three headed horse that spit fire and had horns!
Well, needless to say I was overrun by the buggers! So I ran for the only safe place, the western gate! As I dashed through the gates they followed and cut me down before I could turn and give em what for! Everything was black, and I thought I was dead. (Don't worry ma, I wasn't) I awoke to a dark elf over me. I was confused for a moment, then realized he had saved me. A Drow elf saved me! I know, I was stunned as well. We dispatched the rest of the gobbos and then I thanked him profusely!! I no longer have my doubts about them, at least here in the city.

I love you all and I'll try to write some more when I have time.

Your son,
Olias Sunhillow

P.S. I bought an ox and named him Oxy!!

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