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Topics - Findecáno

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Wild Surge Inn / *A ornately written Note*
« on: August 10, 2005, 10:33:00 pm »
*A young elf sits at a table in the corner of the inn. He sits there meticulously writing out a note on a piece of parchment. Next to him on the table sits an open spellbook.*

*After a few minutes reading over the note and making sure that it was to his satisfaction, the elf gets up and posts the note on the board and retires to his room*

To all wizards,

I am seeking a high ranking wizard that is willing to take on an apprentice. I believe that I have within me great potential for the arcane abilities and that I could be of great service to Lucinda and help to preserve as well as make the Weave stonger. I have been studying magic and while I have made great progress on my own, I believe with the help of a master, my true talents would be brought out and my true potential could be reached. I can usually be found around Hlint searching for spell components or studying and preparing my spellbook.


Findecáno Calmcacil

May Lucinda guide you and the Weave protect.

General Discussion / Level and experience question
« on: August 01, 2005, 10:30:00 pm »
I just passed 3000XP (3049ish) and I am still at level 2. I thought at 3000 I would become level 3 but it says 5000 on my character record. I could be mistaken about the 3000XP mark but I'm not sure. My character is a mage if that makes any differance. If it's actually 5000XP for lvl 3 than cool, I was just wondering thats all. Thanks.

Development Journals and Discussion / Findec
« on: July 31, 2005, 08:45:00 pm »
Day 1:  

I awoke this morning lying in a grassy field. Now this would not have been so alarming except for the fact that I did lie down to go to sleep in a grassy field. I did however lie down to go to sleep in a boat that had left port in Waysend as I started my journey to become closer to the weave and to learn more of the magic that encompasses it. I had to find out more about this strange town that I now found myself a part of so I headed towards to only tavern in town, The Wild Surge Inn.

I found out a lot about htis place and the outlying lands from a friendly youg hostess at the tavern, her name was Doris. She told me that the town was named Hlint, and it was on the continent of Mistone. Doria also told me (after a few glasses of wine, mind you) that several other adventures had arrived in town recently under mysterious circumstances. Even more had claimed that they had been given a special mission by some dragon to try and save the world. By a dragon, Dragons don't even exsist in this world anymore and good riddance to them I say, all they did was cause trouble and bring about the deaths of lots of people, innocent people.

A most horrendous thing happened to me during a walk around this town. I witnessed the local pawnbroker murder  a halfling in broad daylight. I went over to question the pawnbroker about what had just occured when suddenly a paladin comes running up and accusing me of killing the halfling. I tried to explain my innocence and show him I don't did not even carry any weapon. Sadly this proclamation fell on deaf ears as the paladin pointed out that a mage is capible of killing without a weapon, I was trying to explain the paladin how I was but a apprentice mage and did not know any spells capible of doing that much damage when thankfully someone came to interject. He was a tiefling Maxi I believe his name was. He explained how the halfling was a bounty hunter that had been chasing him for a bounty that had been placed on him and how the pawnbroker had killed the halfling to help him escape. That sort of straightened everything out and I got to know the paladin whose name it turns out isn't paladin but Thuralin. Thuralin I believe has a very pure heart especially for one who confines himself with many laws and orders, and I believe a bond of strong friendship can be built in time, however the only one who knows this is time herself.

Alas, all this writing and the days events have disheartened and exhausted me, I think I'll order another drink and than retire to my room here at the Wild Surge, to raise my spirits and rest my bones...

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