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Topics - Quercus the Navigato

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Marianna
« on: September 24, 2005, 06:33:00 pm »
Since this seems to be the forum for expressing frustration, let me do so.

First, let me ask, how many folks have been killed because they miscalled a ma'am a sir?  I was in the sewers fighting rats (I'm very new), and having a bit of trouble with the last two.  Marianna helped with one, while I killed the other.  I called out "Thank you, sir".  The response was *smiles* and a flaming sword in the gut.  

I joined Layonara because I'd been told it was a good family friendly place to RP, and that you could pretty much count on being safe from marauding PC's.  If this is the norm, killing for fun, then frankly, I think the "family frinedly" is a misnomer.  

Is this the norm?  Or is Marianna a deviation from the rules?

Quercus the Navigator

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