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Topics - Moley1000

Pages: [1]
*Sitting slumped in a chair, Lancur pulls a small piece of parchment from his robes along with a rather tiny bottle of ink and a quill.  Lancur's face is filthy, his robes are slightly torn, bruises and cuts cover the parts of flesh exposed.* Inexplainable Events  
  Not too long ago, i found myself in a strange place, completely disorientated and alone.  Before me sat a dragon, i do not remember much of what was said, for the confusion clouded my thoughts.  Something about a man called blood, and the calling of heros.  Such talk has been common recently, but I understand now.  Blood is trying to rid the world of the dragons, and those who protect them.  Why I was chosen is a mystery to myself, but dragons deserve my support.
  The last few weeks have been testing.  Long, hard battles with the undead, and strugles with ogres, goblins, and orcs all weaken the body.  I have just returned from the crypts and the dark, damp, foul place is never safe.
  *Lancur seems to be falling asleep as he writes.  He puts the final word of the page, and places it in within his robes, before standing to retire for the night.*

Trade and Market Hall / Looking to Purchase some boxes of Skeleton Knuckles
« on: November 29, 2005, 03:50:00 pm »
I am willing to buy a box of Knuckles for 250 gold per box.  I only require four boxes at most, but they will be most thankfully received.

You may supply the boxes one-by-one, or there may be a box from four different people, It does not matter, once I have all the Knuckles I need, I will add a notice to this one.  There may be another request from me in the future, but we shall see what develops.

Defron, Servent of Rofirein.

//Once you collect a box or boxes for me, please PM me so that I can arrange to collect them and pay you.  You are welcome to post here if interested, and I can make sure I'm not swamped with boxes of Knuckles :)

*sits down in the Wild Surge Inn and opens his bag.  He pulls out his journal, a quill, and a jar of ink.  He starts to write...*

*scribbles small note at top of page*
This journal entry documents events sometime after they happened, not all details are included

*writes in clear, flowing script*

Well, where do I begin.  I guess i should explain what happened after I woke up and found myself in an unfamiliar place.  I was shocked to find myself in the presence of a dragon.  He explained about someone called Blood, whom i had heard of somewhere before, but apparently i had been called to help fight him and his forces of evil.  I eventually found myself in Hlint.  Which was familiar to me, having visited here a few times in the past.  Now....what happened next....oh yes....the tax woman needed some assistance in finding the tax book and advised me that the sewers were the best place to look.  Whilst attempting this task i bumped into Sceadu, and he was willing to assist me, and i was glad to do the same.  Then Erag the Undertaker needed some assistance to obtain a lesser darksoul essence.  Sceadu also came along, and together we managed to obtain it.  I travelled with him some more...but as usual, he was quiet, and still aggressive towards me, but I do not let it bother me.  I seemed to be getting through to him....but then he disappeared....i could find no trace of him.  Although a new person had come to Hlint, Shadoe, he looks remarkably similar to Sceadu, but is less agressive.  I gave him some assistance with a few journeys to the crypts.

I have met a rather remarkable man called Leolaka, he is truely a skilled fighter, and i think he will be a fine tailor too.  We have travelled together often and he ofter brings others, so i have already met plenty of allies to aid in any battles i may face.  My role as a cleric has taken new heights, never before have i needed to help so many, every  day there are those in need passing through Hlint, i try my best to tend to their wounds.  Of course whilst in a group of allies, their protection and safety is worth more than my own.  I am slowly proving myself worthy to them, some were a little aprehensive of my abilities, but i am growing stronger with time.

The Lord of Haven has requested some help, and to complete that task i must venture into Haven mines.....but it is a difficult task, so i will travel down with Leolaka, if he is willing to help me.  I will write more when i have news to tell....

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