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Topics - Evil Dad

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General Discussion / Goodbye to Malc
« on: December 19, 2005, 09:15:00 am »
I am just posting to say goodbye to Malc .. he used to play Fifur and Aries.  The toad promised he would post, but hasnt yet, so hopefully he will add to this at some point.

There were a couple of recent incidents that have caused this, but I won't go into them as it for him to discuss if he wants to.  

But, I do know he would like to say goodbyte to a couple of people.  Me, of course, at least he'd better want to.  There was also Rylok, Roxx, Sen, Srak, Aza and Shelu. There are others obviously, but I can't remember all the names off hand, so hopefully he will see this and add his own goodbye.

Unfortunately for you lot, I am still staying, so there!

But, to add my goodbye .. you will be sorely missed mate and we've had some great times.

Trade and Market Hall / Items for Trade
« on: December 18, 2005, 08:52:00 am »
Belt of Cunning - SOLD
Gloves of Fury - SOLD
Gloves of Fury - SOLD
Necklace of Prayer Beads 1 - 1500
Necklace of Shield 1 - SOLD
Ring of Bulls Strength 1 - SOLD
Ring of Cats Grace 1 - 2000
Ring of Cats Grace 1 - 2000
Ring of Divinity 1 - 2500
Ring of Owls Wisdom 1 - SOLD

Bronze Full Plate - 4000
Lion Studded Leather - 5000

Adamantium Halberd - 20000


Trade and Market Hall / Minerals for trade
« on: December 18, 2005, 08:31:00 am »
I have several minerals for trade ..

1 x Ruby
2 x Sapphire - SOLD
1 x Garnet - SOLD
1 x Alexandrite _ SOLD

Please leave a note if any of these are of interest.


General Discussion / Need DM help .. in -ve reflections
« on: December 15, 2005, 05:52:00 am »
Nim is in -ve reflections as a result of last nights crash.  She was recovered her grave prior to the crash, but came back in -ve reflections after :(

Just need a simple kill/resurrect from a kindly DM is one is about please.


Hall of Heroes and Heroines / Sy'Ravenne Firith
« on: December 11, 2005, 04:15:00 am »
They are crouched, hiding within the forest.  They spot a clearing.  A small pack of animals roams freely.  The hunter notches an arrow and says “these will provide good meat and hides for the tribe”.  He slowly takes aim, when he suddenly sees a figure run in front of him.  A young child, charges at the pack with sword blazoned.  It is over quickly.  The hunter rushes to the clearing, a look of anger on his face.  He turns the child round to face him.  She stands there, a grin spread across her face and she says innocently “What?”.  This was Sy’Ravenne, the way she always was…

There are those that simply live and those that know how to live.  Sy’Ravenne certainly knew how to live.  Without much care for the future, she lived each and every day to the fullest.  She was a fierce warrior, who could be found in the midst of any battle.  Never one to run away from trouble, she was actually far more likely to run headlong into it, laughing all the time.  She would often be the last person standing, or falling, on the battlefield and when others would run she would laugh and shout “Never Run!”

She would greet you with a grin and a “heya”.  Sy’Ravenne had many friends, but only a few she classed as close.  These were was of course Shelu U’Alarune her very best and dearest friend, the first person she met in Hlint and her best friend to he end.  There were a few that had a special place in Sy’Ravenne’s heart, these were cray, sahala and thais.  Ultimately, she reveled in battle and many of her friends were made fighting side-by-side on the battle field, these included fifur, aries, barion, glokk, faile, pendar, rylok, spugley, trysk and ael.

Sy’Ravenne had many loves, during her short life, but only one true love.  Annun Firith came into her life, quite by chance.  Neither was looking for love.  But, they met, hunted and traveled together.  From that day forward they were rarely separated, and spent nearly every moment of every day together.

Her last days are largely unknown.  Annun, had gone to pray and meditate, like she did sometimes.  Having visited the soulmother too many times already, Sy’Ravenne had decided to write to her mother as she wanted to see her family again.  To her surprise, her mother arrived days later in Hlint.  But, it was not a happy meeting.  Her mother had told her that her father had died a year earlier, killed by giants.  She was distraught and ran off seeking revenge.  

She had disappeared for days; apparently she had gone to dregar and was taking out her revenge on any giant she came across.  She cut her way through giant after giant.  She was in the silver mines with Aries, busy chopping down giants, when a witchdoctor starting blasting her with fireballs.  “Run!” she heard Aries shouting.  But, she was Sy’Ravenne and all she would say was “Never Run!” and the next thing was the void and she was returned to the bindstone in Hlint.  

Feeling, low, she went to visit Shelu her “bestest friend” as she used to say.  Sy’Ravenne promised to stay out of trouble and decided to return to dregar and wait for Annun to return.  The irony of her life, is that she never made it.  She was in a weakened state, walking through rilara, when she was attacked.  She was unprepared for battle and fell.  She knew her time was up, and her life faded slowly.  As her final breath left her body, she uttered her last words “I love you Annun! Forgive me!”  

This was too much for her soul and the soulmother came the final time and ripped out her soul.

Fixed Bugs / Nim'Sy'Amandil - Not Gaining XP
« on: November 30, 2005, 04:53:00 am »
Nim died last night, and while on her way back to her grave the counter reached zero.  Keeping it inline with rp, whe continued to her grave and recovered.  But since then, she has gained no XP.  It's not a great deal, only 1-2k, but it does kinda limit what she can do.

Also, the area on Rilara with the huge griffon (caitlin hills?) .. the cows and griffon arent appearing for her, after numerous attempts and relogs.  This has happeneds since the death as well.


ZeroVega tried to fix in-game with a couple of dm deaths and a re-log, but it didn't work :(

thanks to ZeroVega anyway, for the time put it to try and fix it

Trade and Market Hall / Silver Rods for Trade
« on: November 18, 2005, 06:21:00 am »
We have some Silver Rods I for trade ... please contact Sy'Ravenne or Annun Firith if you are interested.

-- Sy'Ravenne

Development Journals and Discussion / Sy'Ravenne: Taming of a Wild Heart
« on: October 23, 2005, 01:48:00 pm »
*the parchment is old and worn, covered in blood stains. the writing is awkward and untidy, obviously that of a young child*

It has been a while since I have written in any journal.

What is in a name? Is it simply used to call someone?  For me it is more than that.  I am Sy'Ravenne of the Black Lion tribe.  It is not my birth name.  It was given to me by my tribe as a symbol of who I am, or at least who I was.  Sy'Ravenne means Wild Lioness.

My friends would know me as Ravenne.  It is strong and proud.  A name to wear with pride.  I was a proud warrior and hunter.  I would stand side-by-side with more skilled warriors, hunt with them, and earn their respect.

But what injustices have I done my name?  I became known as Sy and I became wild.  I would seek pleasure as I wanted it, without a care for who got hurt.  I have been hurt also, but I have hurt so many more.  It was fun and I did not care.  I forgot who I was and what I was.  I dishonoured my name and my tribe.  Was there a way out of this nightmare?  

I had to become Ravenne again.  It is who I should be.  Who I am!

Trade and Market Hall / Amethysts and Topaz For Sale
« on: October 16, 2005, 05:05:00 am »


Trade and Market Hall / Diamon For Sale
« on: October 16, 2005, 04:41:00 am »


General Discussion / Need GM's help .. stuck at sea!!
« on: October 03, 2005, 03:01:00 pm »
Just did a mini-quest with mixafix.

After the crash .. Sy'Ravenne ended up stuck at sea and a couple of others are stuck on the plane of law.

any help would be appreciated :)

General Discussion / Need DM help in-game please - RESOLVED
« on: September 18, 2005, 01:04:00 pm »
Before the crash I was in shoufal and wandered into the Berhagens where I met a hill giant.  Tried running but lag meant it took 5 attempts to make it to the exit.  Hill giant killed me but I stabilized.  After crash instead of being in Shoufal I was in the forest of summons where I bled to death.  Now I can't get to my grave.  What can I do?

Trade and Market Hall / Mineral Amethyst and Garnet
« on: September 18, 2005, 07:02:00 am »
I have a mineral amethyst and garnet for sale if anyone needs.  Don't know what they are used for or what they worth, so just make offer if you need.


Fixed Bugs / Bank Persistent Chest - Items Disappeared
« on: September 13, 2005, 03:08:00 am »
Sy'Ravenne had some items in a bank persistent chest, nothing too special but not cheap for me to replace either.  I went to the bank today to add something else to the chest and the chest was empty!!!

Leather Armour of the Wolf
Iron Scalemail
Iron Greatsword

I can't remember if I had anything else in there, but these were the only worthwhile items.  Is it possible to get these items back?

General Discussion / Too many skill point with -int skins
« on: September 08, 2005, 11:58:00 am »
I have a wildelf character.  She has 12int normally.  When the skin is applied she has 10int.  This should be 4 skill points on level up, but i actually get 5.  It may seem stupid to ignore it ... but it is frustrating.  If i roleplay, I shouldnt use the extra points.  But, it is so tempting when they are just sitting there waiting to be used.  Is this a bug with the skins?  or a general problem with NWN that cant be fixed?

I ask mainly as I would like to create a sea-elf character next and she will have the same problems.

General Discussion / Sea Elf
« on: September 08, 2005, 05:16:00 am »
I am considering applying for a sea-elf character as I think these will be very interesting to play.  But, I have a few minor questions ...

1. Their version of elvish is meant to me slightly different, so when using the /dm [...] command should I mis-spell things to try and give it that flavour?
2. Would they actually know common?  So should I work through Hlint just talking elvish until I find an elf that can translate for me and maybe go through a learning process for common?  This could be quite hard as you hard have to ignore everythign being said and how would you gauge what you knew/didnt konw?
3. You would only eat fish as you would be unused to human foods and animal meats? is this right?
4. They are classed as agile hunters in the description.  When I think of hunters, I think of Rangers but this would be wrong.  So is fighter the best starting class? or maybe cleric?
5. It states they dont where metal armour as it inhibits them underwater.  What about on land?  You know you are surviving on the surface now, so wouldnt you want the best protection you could? or would you stick to leathers?

oh! a final question (or 2) on weapons ...

The trident is a medium weapon d8 and x2 crit.  The spear is a large weapon d8 and x3 crit.  I tried equipping the trident on my current elf, with a shield and it wouldnt let me.  I thought medium weapons were 1-handed for elves.  Is this a bug with the description or the implementation?  If it is actually a 2-handed weapon, then i see no benefit to using it over the spear.  Other than roleplay of course.

What ranged weapon would a sea-elf use?  I presume they might learn to use the bow for defence and hunting if a fighter type.

Sorry .. more questions than I had anticipated


General Discussion / Intelligence for Fighters
« on: September 07, 2005, 10:18:00 am »
another stupid question ... my barbarian has intelligance 10, now if i want her to become a weapon master whe will need intelligance 13.  that will take 12 levels to achieve ... yikes!  can i give her int=12 and use a amulet of +1 int to give me int=13 so i can choose the appropriate feats? or does it have to be hard points in int?


General Discussion / Half Spears?
« on: September 04, 2005, 06:04:00 am »
This might be a stupid question, but are there any half spears in the game.  I would love my character to run round with a spear+shield.  They are in pnp, but i havent noticed them in NWN at all.  I have seen things like whips and tridents, so i wasnt sure if other obscure weapons were available.


Autumn twilight is all but over.  This passing moon has see many changes.

The dreams of the dragon, were not just dreams, I was called to a town called Hlint to help.  I was weak, lost and without equipment.  I made my way along a road, and found this town.  It was quieter than I imagined a town to be.

I have met many people and had many adventures.  Too many for me to write down, as I hate this written word so much.  It is the only way to record what has happened to me.  I hope you reading this can understand my words.

First few weeks have been spent running errands and fighting creatures like rats, skeletons and goblins.  I have visited fort llast and krandor.  More errands!  I have started going out with parties on mining trips to the goblin caves and sielwood forest.  They bash away at their rocks and I bash away at the monsters.  It all works very well!  

Shelu and Ayla have both been very helpful to me.  Shelu especially.  She is a dear elf.  Affectionate and friendly.  She makes you feel cared for and safe.  There is a warrior Jet.  He has also been good to me and has help me gain some experience in using my weapon.

I have met Glokk the half-ogre.  He seemed a bit scary at first and I was ready to bash him, but then I saw he was carrying a tamborine.  We have become good friends.  He often comes out on trips with me and helps me.  He has promised to sing his badger song for me.  He is going to be in a band!

General Discussion / Playing a Barbarian/Skald
« on: August 29, 2005, 03:28:00 am »
Not sure if this is the right forum or not, so apologies if it isn't.

I would like to play a Wildelf Barbarian/Skald, but there are a few points that would be really useful to have cleared up.

1. Should I become a Bard before being a Skald? or would a Skald be a more natural progression for a Barbarian than a Bard?

2. Does a Skald learn any spells like a Bard? it doesn't say, so I am assuming not

3. What is the attack table used for the Skald? i.e. same as Bard or are they more warrior?

4. What are the main save?  Reflex + Will?

5. What happens after L10?

6. Could I train as a Bard, become a Skald, then continue my Bardic training?

7. Is it possible to alternate Bard/Skald levels?

8. Seeing as the Dragon summons you to Layonara, is it feasible to start on a different continent or is it always assumed you start on Mistone?

9. Finally, are wildeleves present in all deep forests? or are there certain areas that i should concentrate my bio on?

Sorry, for all the questions, but I want to make this character as in-depth as possible and any help you can give me would be appreciated.

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