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Topics - Hruby

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Fixed Bugs / Horse Bug on West
« on: March 18, 2009, 01:19:01 pm »
While Kurgin is on the West server he cannot rest due to always being on horseback even though there is no horse.  I hope a server reset will cover this issue but wanted to post here to be sure.



 [SIZE=18]The Orc Bashers are involved in different charities. 10% of all sales go towards charities in addition to the food, blankets and other materials that are donated by the Bashers. There will also be special auctions where 100% of proceeds are set aside for a specific charity.
 [SIZE=18]100% of this auction’s earnings are for the Rebuilding of Stone charitable organization.[/SIZE][/FONT]
 [SIZE=18]These items are being sold together with a very low starting bid of 1000 True.  Increments of 1000 True please.[/SIZE][SIZE=18]
The items up for auction are described below.
[SIZE=18]Three Quivers of 99 Iron Tipped Mahogany Bolts with Stirge Tail  [/SIZE][SIZE=18]
[SIZE=18]Quivers of 99 Platty Tipped Mahogany Bolts with Stirge Tail  [/SIZE][SIZE=18]
[SIZE=18]Three Quivers of 99 Silver Tipped Mahogany Bolts with Falcon Tail
[SIZE=18]One Quiver of 99 Silver Tipped Mahogany Bolts with Raven Tail
[SIZE=18]9 Platty Tipped Mahogany Bolts with Stirge Tail for an even 1000[/SIZE][SIZE=18]

 [SIZE=18]//OOC section[/SIZE][SIZE=18]
 [/SIZE] [SIZE=18]This auction will end on Sunday May 20, 2007 11pm GMT[/SIZE]

Trade and Market Hall / Orc Basher Auction - Rebuilding of Stone
« on: May 09, 2007, 10:35:28 am »
  [SIZE=18]The Orc Bashers are involved in different charities.  10% of sales go towards charities in addition to the food, blankets and other materials that are donated.  There will also be special auctions where 100% of proceeds are set aside for a specific charity.
  [SIZE=18]100% of this auction’s earnings are for the Rebuilding of Stone charitable organization.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  [SIZE=18]These items are being sold together with a starting bid of 10,000 True.  Increments of 1000 True please.[/SIZE][SIZE=18]
The items up for auction are described below.

     [SIZE=18]Sometimes crafters are so in tune with their craft that they succeed in making an item of exceptional quality.  Some say that Dorand himself is watching over the crafter at that particular moment. These amulets are just two examples of a master crafters [/SIZE][SIZE=18]skill.

     [SIZE=18]Exceptional Garnet set in a Platinum Amulet [/SIZE][SIZE=18]
  [SIZE=18]Exceptional Fire Opal set in a Silver Amulet [/SIZE]

  [SIZE=18]//OOC section[/SIZE][SIZE=18]
Exceptional Garnet Amulet – Improved Save Mind Affecting +3
Exceptional Fire Opal Amulet – Improved Save Reflex +3
[/SIZE]   [SIZE=18]This auction will end on Sunday May 13, 2007 11pm GMT


Trade and Market Hall / Orc Basher's Guild
« on: May 09, 2007, 09:35:26 am »

     The Orc Bashers are opening their doors again. Who hasn't seen the shop when they've walked through East Hlint and wondered if this shop is for real. To answer it bluntly; YES and we are open for business once more.

     The Orc Bashers are also involved in different charities.  10% of sales go towards charities in addition to the food, blankets and other materials that are donated.  There will also be special auctions where 100% of proceeds are set aside for a specific charity.  

Current Orc Bashers:
      Tegan, Serissa Windword, Quantum Windword, Barion Firesteed, Voon Loom, Kurgin Stormbrow

Your orders: (don't be shy, we don't bite (...hard))
     - You can make your order here on this notice board - In the shop that is in Port Hempstaeds main square - Airmail, send one of us a message by bird - Directly to one of us if you spot us in town.
We carry most items in stock. If an item isn't in stock we will deliver it as fast as possible. If we can't deliver an order within 4 days, we will notify you of this in advance.

Discounts: (your favourite topic)
     if you order or buy more then one item we can offer you a discount - 2 items: 5%, 3 items: 10%, 4 items: 15%, 5 or more items: 20%. If all materails for a item are supplied by the buyer, we have a 30% discount on the item. The odds of making the item will be told in advance. If there is a fail chance the buyer will know this, so he can agree or disagree on the production of the item. If the item should fail, we do not cover what the buyer lost, but the buyer also doesn't have to pay.

Table of Contents:
        WeaponsLeather, Bronze, Iron,Adamantium,Oak,Mahogany,Special Weapons
  Tailored ItemsCapes, Gloves, Belts, Footwear, Headwear, Reinforced & Special Clothes, Bags
  Armors & ShieldsLeather,Copper, Bronze, Iron, Mahogany, Special armors
  JewelryCopper, Bronze, Platinum, Silver, Ability, Divine
  Enchantments - Elemental & Silver Enhancements,Visual Effects,Elemental Resistances
  Wands & Staves - First Circle,Second Circle,Third Circle,Fourth Circle,Infusion,Rare Items

Trade and Market Hall / Selling Mahogany Parchment
« on: April 03, 2007, 11:32:11 am »
*You see a note posted in the Hall of the Weave, upon further inspection you notice the note is written on finely made mahogany parchment*

Oi have a few stacks of the finest Mahogany parchment fer sale.  The note ye be reading is on an example of this Mahogany parchment.  Now this be the best thing fer yer 5th and 6th circle spells.  Oi kin also add sum sand ta the parchment fer werkin Mahogany crafts loike bows and dem musical instruments.

Oi also have sum spells fer sale that oi have written on dis here parchment.

Create Undead
Energy Buffer
Greater Dispelling
Greater Sanctuary
Healing Circle
Spell Resistance
Summon Creature V
Summon Creature VI
True Seeing
Undeath To Death

Leave yer name at the bottom of dis note or seek me out in Hempsted, oi kin usually be found in da craft halls.

Kurgin Stormbrow

Hammer O' Dorand

Trade and Market Hall / Seeking Malor Pelts
« on: April 03, 2007, 11:14:20 am »
*notes posted in various locations in Hempsted*

Oi be seeking Malor pelts fer craftin.  Oi need at least four but will take whatever ye have.  Leave yer name below or seek me out in Hempsted, oi kin be found in da craft halls most of da toime.

Kurgin Stormbrow

Hammer O' Dorand

Fixed Bugs / Items missing descriptions - CLOSED
« on: March 28, 2007, 05:50:05 pm »
I tried looking this up in previous reports but with no luck.

I have some items that I have identified that do not contain the properties that they give.  For example a Dust of Lucinda has the items name and description but not what it does.  It also cannot be used.  There is also a couple of magic books and a utility belt with the same issues.  I have had others look at the items to make sure it was not an issue with my character.

Not sure if anything can be done or if this is a known NWN bug.  Just wondering so that I can either get them working or just chuck them in the trash can.



Trade and Market Hall / Skelly Bones
« on: March 19, 2007, 06:18:46 pm »
Oi be needin lots o' skelly bones.  I kin use four boxes roight away.   Oi be payin 300 True per box.  If ye bring all four boxes at once oi will make it 1500 True total.

If'n ye be interoisted leave yer name at da bottom of dis notes.

Kurgin Stormbrom
Hammer O' DORAND

Trade and Market Hall / Star Dusts fer Sale
« on: March 18, 2007, 01:19:09 pm »
*Posted in Town*

Oi seems ta have a lots of dese so called Star Dusts.  Oi keep putin em in me pack but oi neber get round ta usin em.  If'n ye be interoisted ye kin usely foind me in Pranz or Hemsted.

Kurgin Stormbrow be me name
Hammer O' Dorand be me Loife

So 'ere be the followin dusts oi have in me pack-

7 - Aragen (Clarity)
3 - Baraeon Ca'Duz (Bane)
1 - Beryl (Greater Sanctuary)
6 - Branderback (Darkness)
3 - Deliar (Remove Curse)
2 - Folian (Cat's Grace)
4 - Goran (Keen Edge)
8 - Grand (Blood Frenzy)
4 - Grannoch (Bull's Strength)
3 - Heavens (Hammer of the Gods)
2 - Ilsare (Sound Burst)
2 - Katia (Spike Growth)
5 - Kithairien (True Strike)
1 - Lucinda
2 - Mist (Lightning Bolt)
3 - Prunilla (Endurance)
1 - Pyrtechon (Flame Lash)
1 - Rofirein (Protection from Evil)
5 - Shadon (Improved Invisibility)
3 - Shindaleria (Healing Sting)
6 - Sulterio (Deafening Clang)
3 - Toran (Death Ward)
3 - Vierdri'ira (Poison)
3 - Vorax (War Cry)
1 - Xeen (Charm Person)

Trade and Market Hall / LIONS BAGS FER SALE
« on: March 08, 2007, 06:45:03 am »
 [SIZE=16]Dese foine Lion bags be helpin ya ta carry more stuff.   Wid me bein a crafter oi shuld know since oi always be carry'intwothree much stuff.   Only way oi be ayble ta is wid dese foin Lion bags.  Now ye know'in how much ten greenstone gems drag ye down, wid dese bags it only be feelin loike ye be carry'in six.  Same goes fer ever whatcha be carry'in.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]Dese bags be garinteed by DORAND himself ta be impervious ta Orc's and Ogre's slashin at em.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]Ye kin carry whatever ya please widout wurrin' uv breakin it too.  Make sure yer buyin da best bags. Look fer DORAND's mark on it oi say.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]Now da hard part. Each bag will be settin ya back 9,000 True.   Oi no it be much True, but oi be makin a deal fer bulk orders.  If'n ye buy three bags oi give ye the therd fer 4,000 True. Dat be 22,000 True totals.  If'n ye buy four bags oi be given ye the fourth bag fer free. Dat be, hmm, 26,000 True totals.  Eny orders larger den dat we kin neg'iate make a deal.  [/SIZE]
[SIZE=16] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]Now ye may be sayin' "Kurgin, ye be usin DORAND's name fer yer own benefit. Is dat a roight ting ta do?"  So oi be sayin' ye may think ye have a point, but ya dunt.   Wid dese bags oi be helpin udders ta be able ta craft more and DORAND blesses all crafters ya no.  Oi also be sellin dese ta ones without enuff True. Oi be willin ta trade bags fer me own craftin materials.  Oi also werk bags in udder materials too, Cougar, Crag and Malor.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]Be careful what ye be buyin' dese days.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]Oi had sum Gnome try ta git me ta sell parchment bags. Bah, stay away from em oi say. Dose will neber werk.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]Enuff blatherin'[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]Crafters Unite in theNameO' DORAND[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]Kurgin Stormbrow, Hammer O' DORAND[/SIZE]

Trade and Market Hall / Spotted Mushrooms
« on: February 26, 2007, 12:25:48 pm »
Oi be needin' mushrooms.  Des be da spotted vaiety.  Oi not be talkin' whoite ones dat been left oot in da sun eder.

Oi be buyin em by da box but if ya have a handful we kin werk it out.  Name yer proice and we will see if'n we kin git dis done.

Craftin in the Master O' Crafts Name,

Kurgin, Hammer O' Dorand

Trade and Market Hall / LOST AXE
« on: February 19, 2007, 12:13:56 pm »
  Oi dropped me axe in Hlint near da bank today. Dis is a very special axe and oi will be glad ta reward enyone who foinds it fer me.  *you notice small water stains on the parchment that look like tears*  Tanks,  Kurgin Stormbrow,  Hammer O' Dorand

Wild Surge Inn / Lost Axe
« on: February 19, 2007, 12:12:38 pm »
[SIZE=48]LOST AXE [/SIZE] Oi dropped me axe in Hlint near da bank today. Dis is a very special axe and oi will be glad ta reward enyone who foinds it fer me.  *you notice small water stains on the parchment that look like tears*  Tanks,  Kurgin Stormbrow,  Hammer O' Dorand

Trade and Market Hall / WANTED: Box of Silk
« on: February 05, 2007, 02:49:06 pm »
****You find this note at the craft hall.****
  [SIZE=18]Oi Kurgin Stormbrowbe needina box o' silk. [/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]Oi be willin ta pay 2500 True fer it. [/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]If ye have a second box oi bewillin tabuy dat one too.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]If'n ye be interoisted leave a message on dis here note.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]Kurgin Stormbrow,[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]Hammer o' DORAND[/SIZE]

Trade and Market Hall / Oi Need Bones
« on: January 30, 2007, 11:18:15 am »
*You see this note tacked up in various popular places in Hlint*  [SIZE=16]Kurgin Stormbrow be lookin fer bones ta make healin potions.   Oi need small bones as the larger bones be too big ta fit in da bottles.   Knuckles from hands be da best fer what oi need.   If any one wuld loike ta go into tha crypts in Hlint ye kin foind plenty of skellys down der.  Oi will gladly pay 300 True per box.   Please place dem in the plain brown boxes ye kin buy from da vendors in town.  Utterwise they make a terrible mess of me pack.  Leave yer name on dis note and oi will meet ya in Hlint ta pay ye. [/SIZE] [SIZE=16][/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]Kurgin Stormbrow, Hammer of Dorand [/SIZE]

Trade and Market Hall / Looking for Silk
« on: August 28, 2006, 11:20:38 am »
Oi Kurgin Stormbrow be lookin fer silk ta make thread.  If da silk already be spun inta thread that be ok too. Oi be payin 2500 gold per box.  Oi also be willin ta buy partial boxes too.

Ye kin send me a bird or jist add yer name ta the end of dis note here.

~Kurgin Stormbrow, Hammer of Dorand

Trade and Market Hall / Exceptional Platinum Ring
« on: July 05, 2006, 02:57:44 pm »
*Kurgin tacks up notes around Hlint*

Dorand has smiled upon me makin of a platinum ring set with a fire agate.  

It has exceptional qualities against fire.  When oi be at the forge the heat be bearly felt.

Oi know not what this be worth so oi be takin bids ta see if there be anyone interoisted in it.

In Dorand's name,

Kurgin Stormbrow

*** Damage Resistance: Fire Resist 10 / -
*** Improved Saving Throws: Fire +2

Trade and Market Hall / Aloe, Ginsing & Ginger
« on: June 05, 2006, 09:26:10 am »
Oi Kurgin Stormbrow be sellin the followin boxes of guds.

1 box Ginsing
1 box Ginger
1 box Aloe
Essences of Cure
Essences of Bark
Essences of Bless
Essences of Grace
Essences of Charm
Essences of Knowledge
Essences of Power
Essences of Restore

Oi not be knowin the goin rate so oi wuld rather trade fer things oi need.

Silk be the highest on me list
Hops and more Hops
Spotted mushrooms
Elderberry juice
Cranberry juice

If ye not have the above all other trades be considered and of course gold if the proice be roight.


Kurgin Stormbrow - Hammer of DORAND

Trade and Market Hall / Feldspar
« on: May 02, 2006, 05:04:55 am »
*You seeparchment around Hlint with a gummy substance all over them, looking closer between the smudges you see the following*
 [SIZE=13]Oi be needin Feldspar minerals fer me craftin of rings and potions.  Oi kin be tradin me services, items or gold.  Oi also be interested in headin to the bottom of Haven moine were there be Feldspar.   Ye kin keep all the rest from der moine, oi just be needin da Feldspar.  Kurgin Stormbrow, Hammer of DORAND[/SIZE]
*If you see Kurgin you may noticepieces of parchment stuck to various parts of his body, if you help remove them he will give you a token of his gratitude*

Trade and Market Hall / Gold Eggs
« on: April 10, 2006, 07:53:37 am »
*You see a note with a large heading that seems to be writtin in gold somehow*  [SIZE=48]GOLD EGGS[/SIZE] *Kurgin thinks to himself - this should git there attention*
  Kurgin Stormbrow be sellin eggs and gold ingots.  3 Boxes of eggs - 2500 per box 6 Gold Ingots - 500 per ingot Also sellin cougar bags ta help carry yer goods - 1800 per bag
   Ye kin respond on dis note or send a message by bird in game.
  -Kurgin, Hammer of Dorand

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