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Topics - Mastiff of Liv

Pages: [1] 2
Trade and Market Hall / For Sale: Lesser Gauntlets of Ogre Power
« on: August 25, 2011, 11:31:19 pm »
A pair of Ogre Powered Gauntlets for anyone beginning their saga.  750T is all they be.
~ Durgen Stormbrow

Trade and Market Hall / Jewelry for Sale
« on: July 26, 2011, 11:39:45 pm »
I was cleaning out my jewelry box and found some items folk might have interest in.

Ring of Fox's Cunning II ---- 5200T (sold)
Ring of Fox's Cunning I ---- 1400T
Ring of Bull's Strength I ---- 1400T

~ Durgen Stormbrow

Trade and Market Hall / For Sale: Resources
« on: July 18, 2011, 06:16:22 pm »
The following items have recently been procured and are ready for delivery:

Box of Ginseng (35 cnt) - 2700 True

Box of Silk (35 cnt) - 2000 True

Box of Corn Oil (14 cnt) - 3000 True

~ Durgen Stormbrow

Trade and Market Hall / Rye for Sale
« on: July 18, 2011, 12:35:46 am »
*a parchment penned in neat yet blocky letters states the following*

Box of Rye available for 3,000 True.
Seek out Durgen Stormbrow.

Trade and Market Hall / For sale: Light Oak Crossbow
« on: July 17, 2011, 03:35:44 pm »
*a parchment with neat yet blocky letters is placed on the board*

For sale to a young adventurer,
Light Oak Crossbow     500T

Leave message or seek out the dwarven mage Durgen Stormbrow

Trade and Market Hall / Walnuts for Sale
« on: July 05, 2011, 04:38:56 pm »
*a clean piece of parchment with neat but blocky letters is posted on the local board*

Two boxes of walnuts for sale.  2,000T each box.
Please leave a reply on this page as I do travel these parts often.

~ Durgen Stormbrow

Trade and Market Hall / Wanted: Bronze
« on: September 18, 2010, 11:02:22 pm »
*tacked onto the board is a clean sheet of parchment with blocky yet quite legible writing*

I do be looking for an ox load of bronze ingots and will pay 60T per ingot.  Please leave me a message or seek me out.

~ Durgen Stormbrow

Trade and Market Hall / Needed: Coal, Glass and Sand
« on: September 11, 2010, 03:52:24 pm »
Cailomel Goods and Wares are in demand of coal, glass and sand.

We pay in true not in trade.

Coal - - -
100T / Lump

 Glass - - - 65T / Ingot

 Sand - - - 30T / Bag


On behalf of Cailomel Goods and Wares,

 Hanta Deshaldi



 //All deliveries can be made at the shop location in Fort Wayfare.


Contact any associate for delivery and payment:




Duchess (//Eleandilethessa)


Hanta Deshaldi

Trade and Market Hall / Minerals needed
« on: September 11, 2010, 03:35:35 pm »
Dig out your gem mining picks.  I am in need of four boxes of minerals.  Let me know if you are interested by leaving a note below.

Alexandrite (1 Box) - - -

Sapphires (1 Box) - - - 3000T

Topaz (1 Box) - - - 3000T

Fire Opals (1 Box) - - - 5000T

On behalf of Cailomel Goods and Wares,

 Hanta Deshaldi

//1 Box = 35 minerals

//All deliveries can be made at the shop location in Fort Wayfare.

Contact any associate for delivery and payment:




Duchess (//Eleandilethessa)


Hanta Deshaldi

Trade and Market Hall / Spotted Mushrooms for sale
« on: June 22, 2010, 01:28:26 am »
I got a box of spotted mushrooms for sale.  
3,000T be the price.

~ Durgen Stormbrow

General Discussion / Death of a *coughs* Maiden
« on: June 06, 2010, 03:28:52 pm »
*Durgen casually enters the tavern keeping his eye on the corners of the place as he usually does for signs that this may not be safest place to drink.

Picking a dead leaf out of his beard, he takes a seat at a table near the door.  As the not-so-pretty barmaid starts to near his table, he overhears two young, muscled looking fellows talking about a scantly dressed woman who called herself a Xeenite priestess.  After drinking round for round with these two louts, she stated she had her fill with them and was going to look for some real men to party with.  With a long kiss for each of them she sauntered out of the tavern and set a course for The Rolling Hills.

The next morning her body had been found, laying at a very awkward angle.  It appeared she had run into a band of madmen that roam around those parts.

"What was her name again?"
 The second replied, "It was Hedessa.  Man could she drink.  And those legs...."  The fellow just shook his head with a grin before changing to a somber look.

"Huh?" says Durgen.  The barmaid, not so patiently repeats "I said are ya just gonna sit there or do you want something to drink?"

"I be 'avin an ale" he says absently.  Then quickly states  "Naw, oi'll be 'avin one of dem Xeenite wines if ye 'ave somethin loike dat."  The barmaid looks at the dwarf curiously.  "I'll go find out."

After a fashion, the barmaid returns.  "Apparently some woman drank nearly everything we had.  I have this" she says as she sets a glass down "but I think it has turned."

Minutes pass after the barmaid leaves the table, the dwarf sniffs the glass and wrinkles his nose.  
"Well Essa, ye always be a pain in me rear.  Naw ya got me drinkin' dis nasty stuff."

"What kin oi say, ye loiked ta 'ave fun, party ta wee hours in da mornin' with sailors, an use dat whip of yers ta beat both enemy an' social acquaintance, from whot oi 'ere, in ta submission.  And, durn it, ye tended ta git da best of me in our verbal barbs.  Oi guess oi'm jus sorry oi could nah be der when ye died.  Ye must 'ave found fellas dat loiked ta party a bit too rough."

"All oi kin say naw is dat oi got da last word in", he pauses, "but dat do nah really feel loike a victory."  

Durgen raises his glass and to no one in particular says "to Hedessa Tanario, may ye be buried with a smile on yer face an' wine in yer flask."

Finishing the turned wine, the dwarf nearly chokes.  "By da gods, oi kin nah believe dis did nah get ya first."  He throws far too much true on the table and leaves out the front door.

Trade and Market Hall / Box of Aloe for sale
« on: March 08, 2010, 12:03:00 pm »
I have a box of aloe available for 1,800T. Please seek me out for  delivery.
~ Hanta Deshaldi
 [SIZE=24]Mossfeild-Deshaldi Trading Co.[/SIZE][/URL]

Rumour Has It / Spellslinger in Sprit Dunes mine
« on: March 03, 2010, 08:52:47 pm »
*Hanta makes her way to Lucinda's School of Magic in Spellgard.  She offers up her name and some information to a low ranking guard at the school's entrance.*

While checking out the mine in the Spirit Dunes not far from here I encountered some mercenaries.  Now this is something that isn't out of the ordinary.  However, holed up with these mercenaries was a dirty looking fellow that threw up balls of fire continuously.  He didn't seem to care if the roof was brought down on all of us.  

Because of his proximity to you, I thought maybe he was a runaway from your school or something.  He seemed a bit desperate and I'm sorry to say that I couldn't allow him to continue throwing balls of fire at me; I ended his life.  

I don't know what kind of deal he had worked out with the mercenaries but they obviously let him stay with them.  I found nothing in his possession except for some true and a flail.  Maybe this news is useful and maybe it isn't.  Either way I thought someone at the school might be interested.

Ask A Gamemaster / Housing?
« on: March 02, 2010, 11:34:13 am »
How does one who does not belong to an organization or have an alternate character that is willed a house obtain one?

From looking around myself and seeing other folks who have done the same, it appears that none of the existing properties will ever come back on the market and I don't believe there is any intention on creating new properties for purchase.

Trade and Market Hall / Box of Hops for sale
« on: January 29, 2010, 12:15:57 am »
I have a box of hops available for 1,300T. Please seek me out for delivery.
~ Hanta Deshaldi
 [SIZE=24]Mossfeild-Deshaldi Trading Co.[/SIZE][/URL]

Trade and Market Hall / Box of corn oil for sale
« on: January 22, 2010, 10:56:02 pm »
I have a box of corn oil available for 3,500T. The box contains 14 bottles.
Please seek me out for delivery.
~ Hanta Deshaldi
 [SIZE=24]Mossfeild-Deshaldi Trading Co.[/SIZE][/URL]

Trade and Market Hall / Box of Corn Oil for sale
« on: December 20, 2009, 02:15:26 pm »
I have a box of corn oil available for 3,500T. The box contains 14 bottles.
Please seek me out for delivery.
~ Hanta Deshaldi
 [SIZE=24]Mossfeild Caravan's[/SIZE]

Trade and Market Hall / Box of Apples for sale
« on: December 19, 2009, 11:42:52 pm »
I have a box of apples available for 1,500 Tr.  Get them while they are fresh.
Please seek me out for delivery.

~ Hanta Deshaldi

[SIZE=24]Mossfeild Caravan's[/SIZE]

Trade and Market Hall / Box of Walnuts for sale
« on: December 19, 2009, 11:40:12 pm »
I have one box of walnuts available for 2,000 Tr.

~ Hanta Deshaldi

[SIZE=24]Mossfeild Caravan's[/SIZE]

Trade and Market Hall / Delivery for a halfling in Hlint
« on: November 28, 2009, 09:34:37 pm »
*A note is tacked up low on the posting boards with legible script*

To the halfling in Hlint who was wandering around with sword drawn as if
something was going to jump out from behind the barley,

You had requested my services to gather aloe, honey and eggs.  The items
requested have been gathered...please note that one box of eggs has been

~ Hanta

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