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Layonara Server / Not a bug but still a issue.
« on: December 04, 2005, 12:38:00 pm »
The issue is Lag, and its real bad on this server. Seems to be the case with all servers ive been on which use a crafting system. While the Crafting system may not be the entire problem, it more than likely has something to do with it. Just the load caused on the server by people carrying huge quantities of stuff in their inventory, a problem exasperbated by the fairly large server population should be addressed. One must ask, is the ability to make you own gear verses buying it really worth the excessive lag caused by the system?

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / Crafting and lag
« on: December 04, 2005, 12:32:00 pm »
Dont know for sure if this is the only lag problem on the server, but its been my experience that all servers using a crafting/mining/resource system have lots of lag issues. Being new to the server and experiencing lots of lag, one has to ask the question if the lagggggggg is worth having for the sake of crafting.

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