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Topics - Atomsk

Pages: [1]
Fixed Bugs / Calise, Ilsare temple vendor
« on: February 11, 2006, 11:12:00 am »
The first number is the individual price, the second is the price of a stack, and third is the cost if you bought a stack by buying individuals.
Healing Kit +1 - 18g, 131g, 126g //stacks of 7
Healing Kit +3 - 46g, 327g, 322g //stacks of 7
Cure Light Wounds - 18g, 180g, 180g //stacks of 10
Cure Moderate Wounds - 60g, 608g, 600g //stacks of 10

I'm not one to say that Calise or the temple is trying to take advantage of people, but I thought it curious that the prices differ accordingly.  Either they're trying to make extra money on a stack, or the numbers are posted incorrectly because the Cure Light Wounds potion numbers work out, but none of the others do.  Just a strange occurance I noticed. *winks and walks off*

//thought I'd also mention my merchant reaction was unfavorable, but I wouldn't think that'd make a strange variance in numbers like this..maybe it would.

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