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Topics - Tir McDohl

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / New guy. Short on any classes?
« on: February 05, 2006, 04:49:57 am »
Yo.  New guy here, doing his rounds of lurking before even making a character concept.  I've got a good number of potential ideas, but I don't really know what's overdone here and what's underdone.  Since I obviously can't romp around on the server without a character, this is pretty much my only way of finding out.  I've been roleplaying for longer than I'll ever really admit, so don't give me the "Whatever you want to play." answer.  I can handle it.

Is there a shortage of a certain class?  Is there an overpopulation of a certain class?  Is there an archtype that's overdone?  Underdone?  In your typical party, are you usually lacking a certain type of class?

I've got an idea of what I'll PROBABLY play, but to keep from contaminating the results, I'll keep the ideas quiet for now.  This is mostly just to make sure I don't go and make the exact same character you see every five seconds.  I wouldn't find that any fun, and likely neither would you.

Thanks, guys.

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