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Topics - switchblade5681

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General Discussion / equipment on avatars
« on: April 19, 2006, 06:58:46 pm »
I tried using the forum search to find an answer, but couldn't.  My question is how do you get equipment to show up as being carried on your avatars.  I've seen several people with weapons and such hanging off their avatars.  If there's an explanation and someone wants to just throw a URL up, I'd be very grateful.

General Discussion / Farming
« on: April 19, 2006, 07:50:11 am »
I know I haven't been here as a player for very long, however I just wanted to toss out that since my character's a farmer, if any help is needed "beta testing" the farming stuff, I'd be more than happy to help.  I'm not really sure where this post should go so please feel free to move it if need be.

General Discussion / characters from other worlds
« on: April 17, 2006, 10:54:29 am »
I was just reading through a character submission in which someone was trying to bring a character in from another world (server) and I noticed that part of the response to that was that the dragon only summoned people from Layonara.  I remember reading in the advanced character submission guidelines that characters CAN be from a different world.  So, I guess I'm confused and curious on this.  I have a dwarven character from another realm that at some point I'll probably want to bring here, as I love to roleplay with the character.  The biggest problems would be that in times past, he was a great hero (40th lvl) of another realm, and had direct contact with the patron deity, etc.  When I moved him to another server previously, he basically understood that there were new gods, but came to believe that the patron god was really all the same, just understood differently on different planes of existance.

All of that aside, I guess I'm seeking guidance from everyone here in knowing what the best route is to take to bring him here.  

An option I thought of was that in his past life (other server), he was told he was needed elsewhere, and was sent here under the condition that he would be "reborn" and remember close to nothing. Being a champion for his god, he would accept the need without question.  The character would have grand dreams of past lives as a result, but would have been born and lived his life in this realm.  

Please, any thoughts and comments on the matter is greatly appreciated.

General Discussion / Question on Spell Sword
« on: April 07, 2006, 08:02:58 am »
I've been thinking about where my new character could go, and there's the definite possiblity that he may try to learn magic.  That being said, a natural progression for this would probably be to spellsword.  My question is, would that work for a ranged weapon, or is it melee only?  I originally thought about maybe arcane archer, but Brian's a human and wouldn't qualify.  I already did a search on the forums and all I found was a discussion about whether it was a class worth taking or not, that doesn't concern me as I feel it would fit the character if possible to do.

Brian has had his first encounter with new races, magic, and generally life in the real world.  He met several people upon his first appearance in town, notably to him are Frelbo, a bard, and Rhynn, an arcane spellcaster.  He finds magic to be absolutely fascinating, wanting to know more about it.  He's been shown around town a little, and he has acquired a new bow, some arrows, and some provisions.  He is starting to accept that he has no choice but to become an adventurer, though he misses his family and is worried about them.  

He has seen and fought giant rats, the size of badgers, the "ratman" monster and goblins.  The adventurers he travelled with assured him that killing the goblins was alright.  That it was population control, just like with wolves on the farm.  He also died for the first time ever, a dreadful experience he will never forget.  Brian is as nervous as ever and full of self doubt, but wonders why the dragon summoned him if he wasn't needed for something.

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