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Topics - silverdraco

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Just for Fun / What does it realy mean?
« on: December 29, 2010, 04:49:48 am »
I am sure all of you know the bears of the layo world,
and all those who can change into a bear form.
...did you know what "Bear" Really means?

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The Monster Name Decoder --- Name Generator and Avatar Creator

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Writeable books?
« on: October 24, 2010, 03:54:55 pm »
I just got of a good quest in which I found a book case with books in them which appeared to be writeable.
As the quest was ended I asked the GM's if there is such a book in available in game. They said it was buy-able but that the quill writing system wasn't installed on it.
I tried to find information on this in the forums to see if it has been asked before but without luck.

So my question is:
Is it possible to have books available in game where players can write on, and in?

and if so,
Could it have more characters on it then the 10000 character that can be on the "Blank Lengthy Parchment"?

and if this all can be done.
could there also be books with different book covers? So that players don't all have the same book,or at least have a choice in books?


Trade and Market Hall / gems for sale
« on: June 04, 2010, 05:37:43 pm »
I have several gems for sale.

14 Mineral Aventurines, 70 trues each,    900 trues for all.
  5 mineral Fire Opals,  200 trues each,    900 trues for all. [SOLD]
  5 Mineral Diamonds, 3000 trues each, 15000 trues for all. [SOLD]

Contact me anyway you like if you are interested in any of these.

Xanya Enyafailm

The Silver Buckle / Mythical Spiders returned?
« on: May 22, 2010, 06:38:06 pm »
*A note is tagged on the wall. It is writen in commen but with the beauty of an elven script. It can be read by all who can read common*
[SIZE=24]This is a Warning to all those who venture in the silkwoods. Expecialy those who enter the spider caves.[/SIZE]

I have been to the spider caves twice within about two weeks time and I have encountered a spider species tougher then the ones who can normally be found there.
These new spiders are almost white in colour, look a lot like there dark cousins but are much tougher and some of them can even shoot some kind of arrow like things at you.
I remember hearing stories about these spiders from centuries ago. But they where thought to be extinct or myth. But now they seem to be back again.

It started about a week or so ago, when I and my friends Annwyl and Ygraine where in those caves to gather some dark silk and put the spider population down a bit.
We got close to the deepest parts of those caves we encountered these mythical spiders. We where able to defeat them but we did not want to risk going any further. So we went out and where not followed.

Some days later I went there again with a new group. One of the people of the group was named Daniel, I'm afraid I forgot the names of the others. But there was an other elf there and a friend of Daniel. We encountered  those spiders when we where close to leaving the caves.

I'm not sure if they are still there but I do not want to risk it. So there for this warning. These spiders are dangerous so please be careful when you enter those cave. DO not underestimate them.

Xanya Enyafailm.

Leringard Arms Inn and Tavern / Mythical Spiders returned?
« on: May 22, 2010, 06:37:27 pm »
*A note is tagged on the wall. It is writen in commen but with the beauty of an elven script. It can be read by all who can read common*
[SIZE=24]This is a Warning to all those who venture in the silkwoods. Expecialy those who enter the spider caves.[/SIZE]

I have been to the spider caves twice within about two weeks time and I have encountered a spider species tougher then the ones who can normally be found there.
These new spiders are almost white in colour, look a lot like there dark cousins but are much tougher and some of them can even shoot some kind of arrow like things at you.
I remember hearing stories about these spiders from centuries ago. But they where thought to be extinct or myth. But now they seem to be back again.

It started about a week or so ago, when I and my friends Annwyl and Ygraine where in those caves to gather some dark silk and put the spider population down a bit.
We got close to the deepest parts of those caves we encountered these mythical spiders. We where able to defeat them but we did not want to risk going any further. So we went out and where not followed.

Some days later I went there again with a new group. One of the people of the group was named Daniel, I'm afraid I forgot the names of the others. But there was an other elf there and a friend of Daniel. We encountered  those spiders when we where close to leaving the caves.

I'm not sure if they are still there but I do not want to risk it. So there for this warning. These spiders are dangerous so please be careful when you enter those cave. DO not underestimate them.

Xanya Enyafailm.

Wild Surge Inn / Mythical Spiders returned?
« on: May 22, 2010, 06:36:45 pm »
*A note is tagged on the wall. It is writen in commen but with the beauty of an elven script. It can be read by all who can read common*
[SIZE=24]This is a Warning to all those who venture in the silkwoods. Expecialy those who enter the spider caves.[/SIZE]

I have been to the spider caves twice within about two weeks time and I have encountered a spider species tougher then the ones who can normally be found there.
These new spiders are almost white in colour, look a lot like there dark cousins but are much tougher and some of them can even shoot some kind of arrow like things at you.
I remember hearing stories about these spiders from centuries ago. But they where thought to be extinct or myth. But now they seem to be back again.

It started about a week or so ago, when I and my friends Annwyl and Ygraine where in those caves to gather some dark silk and put the spider population down a bit.
We got close to the deepest parts of those caves we encountered these mythical spiders. We where able to defeat them but we did not want to risk going any further. So we went out and where not followed.

Some days later I went there again with a new group. One of the people of the group was named Daniel, I'm afraid I forgot the names of the others. But there was an other elf there and a friend of Daniel. We encountered  those spiders when we where close to leaving the caves.

I'm not sure if they are still there but I do not want to risk it. So there for this warning. These spiders are dangerous so please be careful when you enter those cave. DO not underestimate them.

Xanya Enyafailm.

Trade and Market Hall / Cloak for sale
« on: May 16, 2010, 11:37:27 am »
I have a Glorious Mantle for sale.
It will protect against animals, fire, cold and fear.

Price: 5000 trues.

Signed Xanya Enyafailm

// Lvl 15 Req. AB +3 vs Animal, Imp Sav Throw Cold/Fire +2, Fear +3

I got a question that was raised since My currently active character has a chance of owning a house. as in having that house put in her name and then sharing it with two other character belonging to other players.

I already have a character that owns a house. problem is: this character is permed and therefore could not do anything to put the house back on the market.

My questions is. is there a rule against(or for) a player having more then 1 character with a house?

I hope this question is clear. if not let me know.

I have several things for sale.

39 raw saphires. (35 in a box 4 lose) - 9000 trues for all of them. Sold
24 Gem polishing oils - Make a fair offer. Sold
44 Purple mushrooms(35 in a box 9 lose) - 2500 trues for all of them.Sold

Signed Xanya Enyafailm.

I got Some things fore sale again.

2 Capes of the north for sale for 3000 trues each.
Special properties:
Improved saving throws: cold +5

2 dark padded armours for sale for 4000 trues each.
Base armour class: 1
Max Dex bonus: 8
Armor check penalty: 0
Arcane spell failure: 5%
Feats required: Light armor
Special properties:
Armour bonus: +1 (ACArmor modifier)
Improved saving throw: negative energy +1
Skill bonus: Hide +2
Skill bonus Move Silently: +2

Let me know if you have an interest in these items.

Xanya Enyafailm.

Trade and Market Hall / black mushrooms for sale
« on: April 16, 2010, 07:44:17 am »
I have 3 boxes filled with black mushrooms for sale.

2500 trues per box.
7000 trues for all 3 boxes.

Feel free to contact me anyway you wish.

    Xanya Enyafailm

Ask A Gamemaster / need help badly, having a battlehelm moors problem.
« on: January 30, 2010, 10:53:32 am »
Alright, I got a problem loggin in and I think it's because of the battle helm moors.
Here's what happened.

I went to the battlehelm moors with my character Xanya enyafailm. and was partied with Annwyl who joined me there as well.
as I did a few steps in the moors my game crashed. I tried to relog in but never got passed the loading screen for the moors.
I rebooted my computer and tried to log back in. it worked but only for an other few steps. then my game crashed again.
so I rebooted a second time but that didn't work.

Now I can't logg in without crashing my game.

can anyone help?

Silverdraco aka Xanya Enyafailm.

General Discussion / Happy birthday Hellblazer!!!!
« on: November 20, 2009, 01:54:40 pm »

[SIZE=24]Happy birthday Hellblazer.
Have a Great day.[/SIZE]

Ask A Gamemaster / Ask the Loremaster: Bastil
« on: November 10, 2009, 08:14:52 am »
I have a few questions to better help me RP my character and her past from before her Submission approval.

It is about the island of Bastil.
on Lore  I can't find much about the islands history. Other then this page: LORE: Bastil and something I found on thetimeline

Which reads:

With Bloodstone dead, dragons are sighted again, one called Knad'radoniad even proclaims himself as ruler of Bastil. This shows that many more dragons were hidden in remote corners of the world than initially thought.

How would this dragon have affected the life of my character as she grew up. Note that she was born in 1343 and lived in a small tribe.
I also wonder how much of Bastil's History is not on the lore page and which would be known or could be known to my character.

*this post has been completely written in elven.*

I am in search for someone who knows the way's of the bear warrior.
if you know someone or perhaps you are this someone. Then you can contact me by leaving a message below this note.

signed Xanya icebear (this would read "Xanya Enyafailm" in elven)

*this post has been completely written in elven.*

I am in search for someone who knows the way's of the bear warrior.
if you know someone or perhaps you are this someone. Then you can contact me by leaving a message below this note.

signed Xanya icebear (this would read "Xanya Enyafailm" in elven)

*this post has been completely written in elven.*

I am in search for someone who knows the way's of the bear warrior.
if you know someone or perhaps you are this someone. Then you can contact me by leaving a message below this note.

signed Xanya icebear (this would read "Xanya Enyafailm" in elven)

About her past(before this book as writen):
Xanya was born and raised on Bastil. Her mother was named Enyafcilwa (Means Iceblade) and one of the strongest warriors of a small tribe of warriors and the only one with the bear warrior ability. Therefore Xanya and her sister Silveny-Laanilm(means Magic-Star) where trained from a very young age to be warriors themselves.
Xanya and Silveny-Laanilm also helped out a druid with the animals of the forests. This druid named Laecelammilel(means Silverrain) was from the house of Nehdenstral. Xanya and her sister always loved to help her. The druid also learned them how to communicate with the animals. Which was one of Xanya’s most favorite lessons. Because she loved the animals of the Forrest.
Both Xanya and her sister where surprised when they heard that communication with the animals is more a way to convey feelings, imageries, growling, chirpings, facial expressions and so on, then actually talking to the them. Because of that they had to study real hard to learn everything the druid wanted to teach to Xanya and her sister Silveny-Laanilm. But Xanya didn’t mind the hard lessons. She actually loved because after each lesson Xanya was able to understand animals that much more.

One day when Xanya went to help Laecelammilel, her sister Silveny-Laanilm stayed home. The day pasted slowly and Xanya learned more on how to communicate with animals. This time she communicated with a white bear mother and her young. A great experience and one she loved a lot. Because one of the young had violet eyes just like Xanya. She started to communicate with that young bear and at first the young bear was clearly a bit scared of her. She could tell by the way it looked at her she could see it best in its eyes. Xanya put up her most friendliest expression to let it know she didn’t mean any harm and she just wanted to be friends. To give this more power she took a bit of fish that she caught earlier and placed it on the ground. The young white bear slowly went to the fish. Quickly grabbed it and went back to its mother to eat the fish. The other young bears noticed it and slowly walked to Xanya. She laid down a fish for each of the young bears and also for their mother. Xanya could tell that the whole white bear family loved the fish because they at it and seemed to enjoy it. Their mother was also thankful for this treat.

At the end of the day Xanya and the druid Laecelammilel went back to the tribe. On their way back they spotted some strange tracks coming from the tribes camp. Once they got there they found the camp in chaos. The tribe had been attacked by a large group of Dark Elves and most of the children were taken as slaves, including Xanya’s sister. Later that night some of the warriors who went after the Dark Elves came back, empty handed. They had lost all tracks leading to the Dark Elves. But that wasn’t the worse news. They also found some of the children, .... Dead.

During the rest of Xanya’s childhood her mother trained her more. A training Xanya took very serious. Xanya had to learn to make and handle different weapons. She also learned how to channel her rage to give her more strength.
Her days of training with her mother always started with running laps around the camp as fast as she could and as long as she could followed by lifting rocks and other things.
Next in the training session was learning how to handle weapons. At first the training was limited to training in unarmed combat and to a few easy to use weapons mostly made from wood so she wouldn’t get hurt. Later in her training she got to use weapons made from metals.
After the weapons training she had to learn to use her inner rage by focusing her anger in such a way that it would benefit her in battle.
At the end of the training sessions Xanya always had to fight someone in combat. At first only Xanya’s mother was her opponent. But it didn’t stay to a simple sparing match. The battles became more and more dangerous in time. This was done to limit surprises in battles. The more experience she would gain here the less overwhelming a battle would be with real enemies.

Most of the time in the year it was near or below freezing giving the surroundings of the places Xanya grew up and trained in a cold and icy appearance. She preferred to train in the cold environment since she believed it would harden her body and spirit. It wasn’t long until she got a new name. “Enya'Failmla” which means Ice’Bear.
Xanya also continued to help Laecelammilel. She returned the favors by teaching Xanya all she knew about communicating to animals. Everyday Xanya would either be training with her mother or with the druid Laecelammilel. When she was with Laecelammilel and learning how to communicate with the animals, they often went to find animals to test her skills.

As the years past Xanya grew up to be a strong woman just like her mother. But she always felt that her sister might still be alive. One night she told her feelings to her mother and founds out that her mother felt the same way. However her mother didn’t want Xanya to go out into the world to find her sister since she felt that it was too dangerous and she didn’t want to lose another daughter. Instead she would go and leave Xanya to train more. Xanya didn’t agree with it but she respected her mother’s wishes anyway.
With that idea in mind they went to the oldest and wisest member of the tribe to ask permission. He was named named Oe'(means Fox) and although he understood the concerns he thought it was wiser to send Xanya out in the world to look for her sister, because Xanya was younger and her mother was more important to the survival of the tribe.

With that in mind, Xanya went to packed everything she thought she would need on her journey. When Laecelammilel the druid came, she said she wanted to give Xanya something for her journey. She guided Xanya outside where she started to prepare some things. When she was done she asked Xanya to sit down and told her she was going to do the ritual know as “Failmireew” or Bearhood in common. The people of the tribe performed this ritual when a warrior entered adult hood. It was a sign to show that the warrior was ready for the tasks they were trained for. Laecelammilel went to work with several needles and ink and created a permanent image on Xanya’s back.
The image was a large tribal pattern with the following creatures in its design. a Polar Bear, a Snow Leopard, an Eagle, A Fox and an Owl. Each animal represents something different.
The Polar Bear symbolizing Strength,
The Snow Leopard symbolizing Agility,
The Eagle symbolizing Personality,
The Fox symbolizing Intelligence,
The Owl symbolizing Perception and Intuition,

The image was to help Xanya on her travels and it took a very long time before the image was done.
When the ritual was finished they said goodbye to each other and Xanya went to visited the rest of the tribe and said her goodbyes to them. When she was done she left and started on her journey to search for her sister.

General Discussion / How did you RP your characters permanent death?
« on: October 06, 2009, 05:38:31 am »
Since it seems one of my chars is going to be permanently dead somewhere soon.  I wanted to get out some idea's on what to do when that char is going to go. and since I never had a character permanently dead before I thought I'd ask around first.

So how did you RP your characters permanent death, or how was it Rp-ed?

General Discussion / A question on a prc and its feats.
« on: September 28, 2009, 12:45:41 pm »
I got a question to help me with the lvl ups for a character of mine.

This character is a Rogue( 8 )/ Wizard( 4 ). She only needs the 3 more feats (Spring Attack, Weapon focus & Whirlwind Attack) to be able to take lvl's in Weapon master. But.... I know about the minimum of 5 lvl's needed in each class before lvl 20.

Now my question is:
Can I still get the Weapon master lvl's?
or will it be impossible because I will not be able to get the 3 remaining feats before lvl 20?

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