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Topics - odie1970

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Leaving
« on: June 13, 2006, 04:04:16 am »
Due to some serious rl issues, I will no longer have the time to put in to play NWN.  So it's with sadness that I must say goodbye.

Special goodbyes and thank yous go to Voon & Kinson for being great characters that I've enjoyed rp with.



General Discussion / The Necessity of CD Threads
« on: May 12, 2006, 03:50:12 pm »
After looking at all the great CD posts, I've come to the conclusion that I am one of the rare few who does -not- enjoy creative writing.

That being said, and by no means wanting to be an exception to the rule, I am wondering if you absolutely -must- post CD threads in order to a) Multi-classing to WM and b) Progressing beyond level 20.

I was never good at it and I find that doing these posts stress me out totally, to the point where it is not fun for me, it is a chore.

Is there another way I can achieve the above two objectives in my time here? Would it be possible for me to co-write a combined CD thread for my character Sabel Silverthorne and her husband?

Like I said, I don't want special privelege, I'm just curious.


Development Journals and Discussion / Journal of Kesa Briams
« on: May 01, 2006, 01:31:04 pm »
I finally decided to take the time to write down all that has happened to me since I arrived here.  Time goes by so quickly.

My very first day started out in a good way. I met Kyle and Ferrit Pandorn. They helped me learn how to fish as well as accompany on my first steps towards learning how to use a bastard sword like my father.  I also met Jeremy that day, little did I know that he would bring joy and pain to my life.

Jeremy and I became fast friends adventuring together. We shared similar interests and got along well.  Before long we fell in love with each other but, it was not meant to be.  I hardly ever saw him and I know that to have my dream of marriage and family come true, I need someone who can be with me more often.

A halfling I met, Jennara(sp), introduced me to a weapons master by the name of Cole Norseman.  He took me adventuring to see what I could do with a sword so far, then gave me an assignment.  The assignment was to go to Willow's Weep by myself to find out the name of the guard captain.  I haven't decided if I will do this or not.  I think he's trying to test my skills further but, I'm not sure.  Someone gave me directions on how to get to the place by either taking the long way or taking a portal.  The long way would involve some fighting, the portal would not.  This man also reminded me that part of being a weapons master is knowing when to fight and when to talk.  A point I have taken to heart.  I assume Cole knows both ways of getting there so, why send me if he knows I can get there without fighting?

I've also met a cleric of Beryl by the name of Voon. His brother Boon is a weapons master as well.  Recently I had the chance to go adventuring with both of them.  Watching Boon go into battle was a huge learning experience.  I kept back to use my crossbow and also to take careful note of his stance, how he holds his weapons as well as some ways to attack your enemy.  I look forward to the chance of adventuring with them both again.

My skill with my sword is growing with every day that goes by. My movements are more fluid, my attacks more sure.  The sword grows more and more comfortable in my hands.  I know that my learning will not end if I do become a weapons master.  If anything, I will be learning even more. I expect it to be never ending.

When I haven't been adventuring, I've been learning how to mine my own ore to smelt into ingots so that I can one day make my own armor and perhaps make a little extra coin on the side.  Gem crafting is another skill I've been honing. Watching the beauty of the gems come out is so relaxing and peaceful.

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