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Topics - mikligardr

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / rogue deity?
« on: August 27, 2006, 07:12:45 pm »
can anyone offer their suggestion for the deity which might best represent rogues?   after reading through the info in LORE, it seems like Branderback is appropriate, but the suggested alignments of his followers are a bit of an obstacle (Neutral Evil, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil).   Shadon seems a little too "light-hearted" to represent rogues (being more about pranks and celebrations), and Xeen seems a bit too preoccupied with the pleasures of the flesh.  Deliar seems to govern material gain through trade and commerce more than....well, er.... other more stealthy pursuits.

so, would it be possible for a rogue character with an allowed alignment (i.e., not Evil or Chaotic Neutral) to follow the teachings of Branderback?   does anyone have an opinion about the other deities i mentioned as they pertain to rogues?

much appreciated, thanks!

General Discussion / attributes and crafting
« on: August 21, 2006, 07:52:08 pm »
is there a listing somewhere of the Layo crafts and the character attributes (Strength, Wisdom, Charisma, etc..) that influence the success rate when attempting these crafts?

i didn't find it in Lore, and wondered if i had just missed it or, if it isn't in Lore, if perhaps anyone has compiled such a listing.


Trade and Market Hall / pipe
« on: August 16, 2006, 08:54:03 pm »
if'n der be any folk wot ken carve me a foine pipe fer smokin' a loverly bit o' tobacco, i'd be mooch obliged.

i dun cut me fingers tryin' t' do it meself an' i ain't got da patience fer it no more!

send me word in Hlint if'n ye ken, t'anks.

 { Björri Torstun }

Trade and Market Hall / things for sale
« on: August 14, 2006, 08:23:54 pm »
*a neatly written note*

i have 3 boxes of aloe for sale (1000 gold each), as well as an amount of greenstone dust (5 gold per bag), and a wand of Melf's Acid Arrow (1500 gold).

please see me in Hlint, or send a message if you are interested in these items.

.- Eylianna Tir'endil -.

Server Rules / 'special' races and XP
« on: August 13, 2006, 05:51:43 pm »
i didn't find this on the Races section, so i wanted to ask (but maybe i missed it):

do the special races of Layo (Brownie, Orc, Weimic, etc..) suffer the XP penalties of their "base" race when determining XP penalties for multiclassing?

for example, a Brownie's "base" race is Halfling, whose favored class is Rogue.   if a Brownie character multiclasses as a Cleric/Fighter, would that character suffer the XP penalty for not having at least one of his multiclass levels in the favored class of Rogue?

just curious - it seems that this would apply, but i wanted to be sure.


Trade and Market Hall / knuckles
« on: August 08, 2006, 05:38:18 pm »
*scribbled note tacked to the board*

i got four full boxes of knuckle bones from them skeleton deaders for sale - put yer name here if'n ye be innerested in buyin dem.

200 coin per box or best offer.


 { Björri Torstun }

General Discussion / RDD question
« on: July 15, 2006, 06:25:04 pm »
i'm not exactly new to the server, but new in this incarnation (returning after a long hiatus), i was curious about RDD and the proper way to RP and submit a character for approval.

after reading through the History section and also the Classes section of LORE, my question would be:

is there a difficulty in RPing the dragon blood, since dragons were nearly all destroyed by Sinthar, and the Dragon Gods were driven out at the start of the Second Age?

could a bio indicate that the PC has dragon blood dating back beyond the start of the Second Age, to the time of the Dragon Wars (and subsequent Race Wars)?   a quote from the History section makes me think it would be possible, since: "...This all came about because all creatures believed in the cause of a particular type of Dragon and they fought for what they thought was right..."   if some races apparently 'took up the banner' of a Dragon from time to time, this makes me think that dragon blood could then have perhaps entered a lineage of a particular race (thus allowing a PC to trace his blood lineage back to the First Age perhaps).

any opinions on the merits of this RP would be appreciated.   anyone else RP an RDD character?  how have you done it thus far?


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