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Topics - Shilinia

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Development Journals and Discussion / Shilin`s days
« on: June 10, 2006, 12:23:43 pm »
This was my first day in Hlint. It is a beautifull town without many big buildings. The first thing that i made was to buy a bow from a store. It was kinda expensive. Then i and my brother searched for some jobs. Its was very fun and we got some money.

Then i meet an elf called Celith that helped me much. He showed me Hlint, some more jobs and he took me to kill some Ogres a creature that i had never seen before so close.

Then with Celith and some other guys like Drogo and Kor i could get the head of the cheifan of the goblins. Then i gave it to Ronus and he gave me some bad smelly boots.

The more interesting part of the day was when i meat a Sea Elf. She was terrified because everbody was around her and she didnt know how to talk common or elven. Then Drogo caught a fish for her she was very gratefull to him. Then she started singing. Celith sang too and she liked. After he was gone with my performer talents i was able to sing to her and understand that we could almost talk with the music. She was unhappy because she want to see, smell, and be in the sea. I first took her to a waterfall near the blackford castle she liked very much. Then i remembered that Leilon was near there and took her to see the sea. She got very very much happy. Then i went away and let her looking and thinking in front of the sea. I hope i find her again.

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