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Development Journals and Discussion / Selevein Saphron
« on: November 03, 2006, 08:08:38 pm »
Full Name: Selevein Saphron

Age: 130 Years Old

Class(es): Rouge

Race: Elf

Gender: Female

Alignment: True Neutral

Diety: None (Planning to pick one, later in the story)

Biography: Selevein became an orphan very early in her life. When she was a child, her parents were slaughtered by rouges right in front of her eyes. Her parents killed one of them but they were shot and stabbed while she ran to a nearby forest. She spent almost over an hour in the forest while they searched for her but then the rouges eventually fled as nearby villagers started to show up. When she was still almost a teenager (in elven years), she wandered from town to town in search of any traces of her parents murderers. She almost blames herself for her parents death because she found her parents murderers at one time but they only beat her brutally and leaft her for dead in the middle of the street. Luckily she was found and nursed back to health by a doctor but as soon as she was well, she left for her journey again. She sometimes talks in her sleep when she has nightmares about her parents. They keep happening more and more but it only fuels her rage against her parents murderers. She grew up on her own, learning everything she could by herself and he always had a knack for stealth and pickpocketing (I know, pickpocketing is not allowed but I just wanted it in my bio.) She also learned to speak theives chant earlier in her life, only because she spent alot of time in very poor parts of towns with a lot of crime and anarchy. She does not talk much or interact with others at all but she sometimes becomes sad in her lonesome because she keeps to herself mostly. If she is somewhere in public, you would probably see her in the shadowy corner, but despite her shyness, she is almost never willing to give a helping hand, but, she has never tried to hurt anyone. She spends most of her time working, or doing whatever she can to earn money because she travels alot and she tends to get carried away when buying things, especially combat items and jewelry. She usually hunts bears and deer for food and she also likes fire for some reason but she does not know why.    

(P.S. I apologize if her name seems a little wierd, I'm not very good at creating names)

Edit: Revised Gender and Class.

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