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Topics - Medieve

Pages: [1]
NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Layonara Breakdown
« on: November 20, 2006, 01:07:05 pm »
It was fairly bothersome to me trying to make a character with so many fun subraces banned because people liked them too much. I tried to find some evidence of the problem and couldn't find the information! So I was wondering, since NWN allows you to collect profile information, would it be possible to setup a table listing the exact number and type of characters registered? Giving information such as race, level, and class?

I think this would be a helpful guide for people to see the race and class balance on the server in a dynamic way and create their characters accordingly.

General Discussion / Fans fans fans fans [question]
« on: November 17, 2006, 08:18:57 am »
I love fans! And having read that you have fans, I'd like to use fans!

I understand that you can't select the fan in several feats, but I wanted to ask if Weapon Finesse will work with fans. And if you can't select fans in the feat menu, how do you become proficient in them? Do you simply "burn" a feat by taking Exotic Weapon Proficiency in say, whips or something?

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