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Topics - jecklar

Pages: [1]
Fixed Bugs / No Portal in Mariner's Hold
« on: May 26, 2008, 10:05:04 pm »
I know that the portal in the Inn in Mariner's Hold sometimes get "lost" with updates (and I really like the water in the streets!).  But with the docks closed, it makes getting home to Leringard a particularly trying ordeal just now.
 Just thought I'd mention that the portal was currently gone, in case it was an easy fix.  Thanks!

General Discussion / Stacking Spells
« on: January 20, 2008, 06:21:58 pm »
So this is mostly me being really terrible at figuring out the fine points of things like how spells interact (which has a lot to do with why I play fighters and not magic users!)  :D
 Say my paladin casts Bless (+1 attack and damage for all allies near caster), Divine Favor (caster gains +1 to attack and weapon damage), and Prayer (all allies gain +1 to attack, damage, skill, and saving throw rolls).  Do these stack, such that my allies now have a +2 to their attack and damage, and I have a +3 (because of Divine Favor on me)?
 If not, can somebody give me an explanation I'm likely to remember for how to tell which spells stack and when/why?  :\\

Trade and Market Hall / Wanted: Diamond Ring to Increase Strength
« on: November 04, 2007, 01:28:31 am »
I am looking to purchase a diamond ring, enchanted to increase the wearer's strength.  If I am satisfied with the quality of the workmanship and the price, I may be interested in purchasing two such items.
 I may be contacted by messenger falcon (// in-game Tell) or by leaving word at 131 Leringard (// PM).

General Discussion / Using the Dice Bag
« on: September 22, 2007, 07:35:19 pm »
OK, I THINK this is a good place to ask this...
 Once upon a time, when I was in a large party, the GM running us around (or somebody) said, "Set your dice bag so that the results of your rolls don't show to everybody."  And he gave us one of those "/t o " commands (or something similar), which makes my dice rolls show up for ME, but no one else in my party.
 Well, now I don't know how to set it back to showing up!  I've tried "using" the dice bag and telling it to show the results locally, but that doesn't seem to do it.  Does anybody know how to fix this?

Fixed Bugs / Sky Still Dark in Bloody Gate Outskirts
« on: August 20, 2007, 01:19:53 am »
The new blue sky is gorgeous! In the Bloody Gate Outskirts adjacent to Rusty River/Lake of Glass, however, the sky is still black.

Fixed Bugs / Hurm Ship Captains on Strike
« on: June 30, 2007, 10:18:38 pm »
Description: My party and I took a boat from Leringard (West) to Hurm (Central). Once at Hurm, we tried to take a boat from Hurm to North Point (also on Central). The ship's captain took our tickets (even when we asked him two or three times), and the dialogue ran as though we should have been transported, but we were never moved. After each of us tried multiple times, we took the ship back to Leringard. (06/30/07, around 10pm EST)
 Location: Hurm docks.
 Reproducable: Don't know, beyond the fact that four individual players were involved, and none of us could use the boat to go to North Point.

Trade and Market Hall / Armor/Weapons for New Adventurers
« on: June 20, 2007, 12:18:19 pm »
*A neatly calligraphed note on fine linen paper is hung at inns, ox barns, and watering holes*

[SIZE=24]Attention Young Adventurers[/SIZE]

Weapons and Armor of Copper and Bronze, the Finest Quality

Priced to fit the Beginning Adventurer's coin purse

Copper items are 3/4 the price commonly listed in merchant houses

Bronze items are sold at the price of merchant house copper

[SIZE=16]Buy "The Whole Kit and Kaboodle"[/SIZE]

(any combination of 3 items)

[SIZE=16]For 40% Reduction in Total Price[/SIZE]

Items can be Customized to your Preference

[SIZE=16]Payment Plans and Barter both Welcomed[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Make an Offer![/SIZE][/B]

[SIZE=18]**Skeleton Knuckles are Good as Gold!!**[/SIZE]

Contact me either through messenger bird (//in-game Tell),

or by leaving a note at the Twin Dragon Inn, Leringard (//Private Message)

Trade and Market Hall / Wanted to Purchase: Amulet of Shield
« on: June 20, 2007, 12:13:41 pm »
I am interested in purchasing a Amulet of Shield.  Please contact me by leaving a note at the Twin Dragon Inn (//PM) or via messenger bird (//in-game Tell).
 Thank you,

Trade and Market Hall / For Sale: Copper, Tin, Bronze Ingots
« on: May 30, 2007, 07:42:47 pm »
I will supply ingots of copper, tin, or bronze to crafters in need of materials for either True or barter.
 Smelting services for raw ore are also available upon request.  Guaranteed 100% return on the smelting of copper and bronze, exception success with iron, gold, and platinum, although not perfect.  (There is no charge for smelting these latter three ores.)
 I can be contacted either via messenger falcon (//in-game Tell) or by leaving a message at the Twin Dragon Inn (//PM).

Trade and Market Hall / Armor/Weapons for Adventurers on a Budget
« on: May 20, 2007, 06:51:07 pm »
*A neatly calligraphed note on fine linen paper is hung at inns, ox barns, and watering holes*

[SIZE=24]Attention Young Adventurers[/SIZE]

Weapons and Armor of Copper and Bronze, the Finest Quality

Priced to fit the Beginning Adventurer's coin purse

Copper items are 3/4 the price commonly listed in merchant houses

Bronze items are sold at the price of merchant house copper

[SIZE=16]Buy "The Whole Kit and Kaboodle"[/SIZE]

(any combination of 3 items)

[SIZE=16]For 40% Reduction in Total Price[/SIZE]

Items can be Customized to your Preference

[SIZE=16]Payment Plans and Barter both Welcomed[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Make an Offer![/SIZE][/B]

[SIZE=18]**Skeleton Knuckles are Good as Gold!!**[/SIZE]

Contact me either through messenger bird (//in-game Tell),

or by leaving a note at the Twin Dragon Inn, Leringard (//Private Message)

Fixed Bugs / No Ship Captains in North Point
« on: March 14, 2007, 05:24:38 pm »
Alas, after following another character to North Point (and then being left there when he had to log), my little party discovered that there were no ship captains to take us back to Leringard!  Oh, no!

We took the portal to Spellgard (300 true down the drain, grrr), only to embark on a long foot trek which ended less than successfully (another 300 true lost to "death taxes", grrr).  Not a happy outcome on our first visit to Dregar.

Can we please have the ship captains back in North Point?  Please?  :)

Fixed Bugs / No Craft Vendor in Fort Vehl
« on: March 07, 2007, 04:17:10 pm »
I can't seem to locate a crafting supply vendor anywhere near Fort Vehl.  Am I just missing him?

General Discussion / Disbanding of Toranite Justicers
« on: January 22, 2007, 09:25:18 am »
This is one of those "unsure where else to post it" posts.

I entered Layonara with a character submission that made reference to my character coming from a family where his father was a Toranite Justicer (as were other family members).  Shortly after beginning to play, however, this character heard the town crier in Hlint announcing the disbanding of the Justicers.  Since nobody said anything about this in my character submission, I assume this is a plot development that came up after I began playing.  Great!  Lots of fun RP fodder to work with!

However, I haven't been able to track down any further information on this thread.  Is there somebody in-game my character should talk to (the couple of Toranites I've been able to get in touch with haven't been helpful)?  Or a forum thread that I just haven't been able to locate?  I'd like to reflect the disbanding in my CDT, but don't want to be going anywhere with it until I know more detail.


Forum Discussion / Profile Update
« on: December 24, 2006, 10:31:33 am »
Not really a log-in problem, but...

Is there anyway to access your own profile for updating/editing?  I've figured out how to LOOK at it, but would like to make some changes.


General Discussion / Newbie Questions Before a Quest
« on: December 23, 2006, 11:00:05 am »
Hi, guys!

I'm hoping to join in my first quest this evening.  Very exciting!  However, I'm new to Layonara and have so far only played on the Layonara West server, and the quest is listed as being on the Lake Rillon Quest server.  How do I get over there?


Wild Surge Inn / Note for Brem Widgeweaver
« on: December 18, 2006, 10:17:15 am »
*a half-piece of nice paper tacked to the wall, inscribed in rich blue ink in a strong, elegant hand*


Please contact me soonest.  I am concerned for your continued health after our parting a few evenings past.  I will be descending to the crypts in fear of finding your body.

With sincerest hopes that this finds you well,

Galan Iraes

General Discussion / Customizing Shields
« on: December 18, 2006, 09:13:43 am »
Hello, Layonara Brain Trust!

I'm new to Layonara (and loving it), and have no experience with using any of the crafting/customizing options for armor and weapons.  I have the basic crafting certificate and the smith's hammer, some metal dyes, etc.  I've successfully customized a melee weapon using the customizing bench, but can't seem to figure out how to do the same with my shield!

When at the bench without the shield equipped, the bench says, "You don't have armor or a shield equippped."  But when I equip the shield, it says, "You aren't standing near the tool you need to do this."  If I hold the smith's hammer in my other hand, it customizes the hammer!

So what am I doing wrong here?

Thanks, guys!


Wild Surge Inn / Envelope Addressed to "Shae Fellis"
« on: December 17, 2006, 11:29:13 am »
*The envelope tacked up near the entrance is addressed in a strong, elegant hand.  The note inside is from the same pen, on a small sheet of clean paper.*


I have in my possession several of the small bones of which we spoke on our last meeting.  If you would like these for use in your potions, please seek me out here at the Inn or the surrounding environs.  You may also leave a note with the innkeeper at your convenience.

I remain sincerely yours,

Galan Iraes
Paladin of Toran

//OOC  If you are reading this and you are not Ms. Fellis, shame on you for peeking at someone else's mail!  ;)

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