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Topics - Tialle Dianesis

Pages: [1]
Bug Report

Description: When a new player is not bound to a bindstone and die, they are automatically taken to the bindstone in Hlint instead of Port Hempstead. New players unfamiliar with the area won't know how to get back to Hempstead from there.

Location: Hlint

Reproducable: I don't have a new character to try this with, but was informed by a new player about the issue after he was found lost in Hlint. He confirmed with me later that he never bound himself to any stone with the assumption he'd be taken back to Port Hempstead after death.

Fixed Bugs / Color Black for Tailoring Loom - Closed
« on: March 12, 2007, 08:39:27 pm »
I'm not sure if it's just my computer, but the color BLACK seems to be a dark green instead when dying it to clothes on the loom. The only true black is PURE BLACK if I'm remembering correctly, but this isn't available as an option. This never happened before the update so I figured it's at least worth mentioning here.

Trade and Market Hall / Mushrooms and Graveyard dirt
« on: March 05, 2007, 10:45:02 pm »
I'm currently selling:
1 Box of Purple Mushrooms
1 Box of Black Mushrooms
1 Box of Graveyard dirt

Prices for the items will be arranged in person.

There are also several ingots of Copper I would like to be rid of. I am also willing to gather materials for anyone who is in need of items in quantity as long as I am well informed of the location and dangers that are associated with the task. If you're interested in these items or my services please contact me in person or you can place your order below this note.

-Tialle Dianesis

*gives a detailed description of herself*

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