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Topics - halfling_rules

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Trade and Market Hall / Searching a tinker
« on: February 20, 2007, 12:22:02 pm »
*Jaspar writes a note with a weater blue color*

I am searching for a tinker who can make me 10 crystal rods I. The price will be discussed. Search for me in Hlint, I am probably the blue hooded man.


Jaspar  Cirinus, priest of Lady Doom

*Jaspar falls asleep in a room of the wilds urge inn*

-Wake up all!
-We are being attacked by pirates!

Jaspar wakes up quickly and like normaly he takes his flail and his shield. Has he gets to the deck sees the other members of The Circle fighting. Altought he was not has good has the other members he fought like them, defeating man after man.

*a big lighting hits Storm and it starts burning*

The other pirates started running away.

Two of The Circle were dead. The other pirates were gone now and they needed to do something.
-Jaspar ya go pray ta Lady and the rest of us go end the fire, the leader said

Jaspar went to prow and kneeled.

-Oh! Mist, Lady of the Sea, make this a stormy day so the fire can be ended allowing us ta get our revenge from those coward pirates!

*has Jaspar finishes his sentence another lighting hits the ship destroying it*

Jaspar grabs a big piece of wood and faints.

*wakes up sudently*

He was at the inn. This was the last day with The Circle and with Storm. Then he closed his eyes thinking in his friends, in the ship and on all those memories he had about his golden times.

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