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Topics - DiegoBastet

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General Discussion / Layonara Itch
« on: November 14, 2014, 12:38:25 pm »
Hello everyone, I'm an old timer in layonara. It looks like it's been years since I used to play in these halls (or servers). And after all these years (5+ I believe) I found some free time at the end of this year to revisit some old games, and I got an itch to revisit two rp servers that I remember being fond of, Layonara and Prisioner os the Mist.

Does Layo still runs on nwn? Are there ongoing quests at this time? Are the servers alive? I'm itching to create a CG cleric of Kithairien, that I fondly remember being one of the gods of layonara that I "imported" to my own pnp setting (actually something of a little mix of kithairien and the hunter aspects of folian). If you're curious Ilsare, holy symbol and all, was another one of the "imported" gods, and a little darker and edgier version of xeen was the last of the three.

At the time I had some nice adventures with Eliza, my druid. I wonder if the people she knew still exist in the game!

Ask A Gamemaster / Rebuilding and Graceful Pleas? Oh!
« on: January 11, 2010, 06:12:26 am »
Hello GMs, I came back to Layo recently, and I was looking until late at night (waiting for approval to my char, and spending time) at LORE, and found a session that I missed, about the submissions and all. Back in my time every PrC needed a CDQ, and now I see that some require only a CDT, and some not even that.

Looking further I saw the option of rebuilding levels of the character. That sounded pretty interesting, since I made some terrible choices based on RP with my druid char that crippled her considerably (she's still a druid, so she can keep her own, but sincerely, it's sad to play with her in this regard).

Finally, I saw about Graceful Pleas, and the ability to get accepted requests that were denied, or to re-level beyond the normal threshold or ay other thing.

So, explaining myself: When I began her I wanted my char to be a shifter, since she was raised among feys, she considered herself more "other things" than a half-elf, but I decided to leave this idea behind when I saw it required a CDQ. My problem with CDQ is that I didn't have as much time as I wanted to play, and really, I couldn't really say that I could tell a GM that I would be avaible at a certain time and really be there. To tell the truth little changed in this regard.

So I made my char a spellcasting Druid with some little shapes here and there (I find myself dying a lot because of that ;) I can't stope wildshaping, since this was the original idea!), but even for that I made some very terrible choices, mostly based on RP, things that I only noticed later. Yet it was fun to play and craft the CNR (even this I choose for RP, since I choose Cooking -the single more "useless" craft- as my unique craft (let's face it, many players like to rp and such, but won't care about cooking or their chars eating better always. It usually isn't worth, and this still is a game about fighting and levels, sadly)), but now that I see this, it becomes even more and more fun.

So, now my char is a 7th level druid crippled beauty, and I don't quite like her build. What could I do with the tools avaible to rebuild her?

-Die many many times (this is incredible IC-wise

General Discussion / Coming Back and Wanting to Play (and needing help)
« on: January 06, 2010, 08:26:07 am »
Hello community of Layonara. I have been far from here for quite a long time. Actually I think it's been almost two years since I last played. As we all know we all have to deal with the terrible Real Life, and between college, job, my D&D campaign, and preparations to live with my girlfriend I don't really have enought time to dedicate myself as I really wanted.

However, now that things are settling I want to get my prized copy of NWN (for those who remember me from back them, can remember the HELL I went to get myself a copy!) and installing it and trying to play a new char. Actually, I want to get back to be a (half) active member of the community.

As I have need for help, and I don't know where to post this, i'm posting here so I won't make any kind of forum-related-social-mistake.

The thing is, I have a concept fairly well in my mind of what I want to play (thanks the years as a DM, creating chars is easy), but  don't have as much  experience as I wanted with the regions of the world, and to create a good BG I need some help about this:

-The char is to be a Xeenite priestess, but the important part is that she is supposed to be one of those young that is kept in slavery in brothels and then raises to a position of influence, or something around that. The unwilling beggining on the religion is actually the most important part. Looking at LORE I can see cities with more Xeenite influence, but I need to know the "persona" of some cities. Something where this terrible practice of more-or-less-slavery do happens, and somewhere with a big black market / thief influence / governed by crime. No no, my char isn't a villain, its just part of her whole concept.

Could someone with more experience point me a good place for such, and better yet, explain a little about the subject? I would be mostly grateful for the help, and I can even pay it in the form of a character drawing if someone find the time to give some extensive help (I'm not buying anyone, I just like to draw and in my ignorance I imagine that giving extensive help is going to be a pain in the *** (I used the * on purpose, I did not type the word) so a payment seem honorable).

-About humans, their skin and hair colors. Are there regions with specific looks? Like a place where humans have usualy olive skin and green eyes, or where they tend to have red hair or whatever?

In any case, thanks for the help and more importantly:

I'm back at home!

General Discussion / Download Problems.
« on: March 08, 2008, 09:25:27 pm »
Hey there guys, I'm again. it's been some time, with job and all, since the last time I played. Now I want to play, but I need the new downloads. The servers are down, there is some other place to dl, or what? I can't seem to be able to download the files from the New Players menu...

What am I doing wrong?

Ps: One year of Layo for me (more or less), yey!!! \\o/

General Discussion / So, what's up?
« on: December 06, 2007, 01:23:50 am »
I have not been playing on Layo because of my new job, and my studies and all, but some time or other I come here to take a look.

How's the world? How are things going? Is it alive or just the old players leaving and all? How are things going, pleople? Is there a good influx of new players? For me, it is the best thing a server could have, players...

So, what's going on?

Fixed Bugs / Enraged Commoner
« on: July 16, 2007, 11:44:12 am »
Oh gods, why did he attack me? Was something like the sort "You can't get my cow back from the big, fat griffon! I will kill you with my bucket!!!" thing? Without more jokes, here is the format.

Bug Report

Character: Eliza

Time: Around 3:28 pm GMT, 16 / 07 / 2007

Description: The commoner Patrick Borden seemed to be on the Hostile faction or set Eliza to hostile and ran to attack Eliza, my character. I evaded him and went out of town, then came back and he did the same. I took a screen of it to show. No other NPC was Hostile.

Location: Fort Homestead.

Verified: Screenshot added.

Reproducable: Went to town two times and was attacked two times.

General Discussion / Characters on the new Layo version.
« on: July 10, 2007, 11:49:36 am »
I think I did not see a thread like this around, or maybe this kind of discussion is inside some other thread, and if that's the case, please, give me the link of it.

But if not, what are the intentions of you people about characters in the new Layo? Do any have some idea of concept already?

I'm thinking about playing with some concepts, and one of them is actualy very similar to my actual character, Eliza. The concept is to be something around a fey character, may that be elf, half-fey, nymph (THIS would be great!), priestess of the woods, and that would be anything from magician/cleric/spellcaster of the woods, anything like that. The rp would not be that different from Eliza: The side of the nature full of emotions.

And you people?

Trade and Market Hall / Hard to get stuff.
« on: July 10, 2007, 09:34:34 am »
*In the board of the Inn, a note made of a strange type of sandpaper is tucked over the others, on the top*

Hello for all those who are reading this.

If you have anything natural that you need for you craft, that is easy to conceal, and it's hard to get, like strange leaves or fruits, that rest in some sort of cave/place that is too dangerous, and need assistance, find a mean to contact Eliza of the forest. I may help you, sneaking and getting what you want. Any bird or servant of the nature can find me, don't worry.

I do not ask for payment besides some thanks.

Eliza of the forest.

Fixed Bugs / Just thought I should show this.
« on: July 07, 2007, 02:40:10 pm »
This is not exactly a problem for me, so I didn't put it on the reimbursement or something like that, but this is odd and I thought I should show as some kind of bug.

Don't know what is, why happened, or whatever, but it did.

Fixed Bugs / No more xp?
« on: July 02, 2007, 10:24:33 pm »
I don't know if this should come here, on bugs, or in another place, buyt I found something: My character Linda Valkhein simply just don't gain XP anymore. It does not matter being alone or in a party, she does not get not even 1 xp for kill. What's happening?

Layonara Server / Cheetah
« on: July 02, 2007, 07:57:49 pm »
Oh man, now that I came back I think it's time already to ask about this: Well, for some reason that I think it was because I died while cheetah, my char Eliza is stuck with a cheetah portrait. Can someone please change it back?

General Discussion / In case someone noticed...
« on: July 02, 2007, 11:01:44 am »
WARNING: This a big post, and a little personal. If you don't know who I am, if you don't care, or if you thought this was world-important, maybe you will not want to read all.

In case someone who plays with Eliza noticed, the fey-girl disapeared, right? Don't know if any noticed it, but she did. Oh, but no, this is not the work of a plot, quest, or anything.

It is the work of hackers, it seems.

Well, let me explain. My NWN was given to my by a friend who owned it for some big time now. He did not play anymore, so he gave me the game and the expansions, since I'm a DM (Dungeon Master, of the pnp "oh-my-god-how-great"  Dungeons and Dragons) for some years and all, and I like a little of computer games. He had not the manual yet (his game was old), but he got the serial on the pc and gave me. I played for some time, and then, decided to find some rp based world.

Then I found Layo. The best, it seems, might I say...

Then I played and all.

BUT, my friend still had his original serial somewhere in his computer, it seems, since he used to build modules here and there. Now it seems that the someone who hacked his computer managed to grab his serials (he is a games-fan, not a D&D fan like me), including my (remember, he gave me the game as a gift) serial of NWN.

As you can imagine, my serial managed to find the internet, and some (maybe many) people are playing with it online. Don't know if you people know, but if someone uses your serial, you can't use it at the same time. This happens with me. I can't just log when I want. There are times of the day that's easier to play (I made some testing, and it seems that someone in my own time-zone is using it. By 6:00 to 9:00 am is easy to connect, after that no).

That coupled with the past three weeks of tests on the college, a job that I got last week (Hooray for me!), and the lack of patience to try to log and don't be able, made me stay out all this time. It seems that I will not be playing for some time...

Then, someone could just say "hey Diego, just buy a new game. It's not THAT expensive", and indeed, it is not. However, here in Brazil I just CAN'T find anymore the game. The only thing I can find is Hordes and Kingmaker on the big stores. And hell, I did a LOT of search on the small stores of downtown, and the only original thing I found was a USED SoU. So, I'm stuck without a original serial to play.

I took a look at some of the big nasty and greased online stores, after all I could import the game (after all, as a roleplayer DM I REALLY like Layonara!), even being a college student with little money. The fact is that the Platinum Edition is just mere US$ 14,99. Man, fifteen dollars, this is nothing. Even if you think that the money on my country (the Real, or R$) is about R$ 1,95 for dollar, the game would just be R$ 29,25, and this is not much for Layo. But there is a plus of 1/3 of shipping, and the 60% (!!!!!) cost for imported computer things, that would take the game to an amount of R$ 56,95 (ouch).

Okay, this is not THAT much too. It will hurt my pocket, but hell, I'll have the game and be able to play Layo. But when I try to make my purchase....

TA-DA! DON'T deliver to Brazil.


So, it seems I'll try some other things to get my game. Maybe contact someone of the family or friend, or this kind of thing. Don't know, but I'll try. But I have to say that: It will take me a little while to come back to Layo, and I hope that at least someone who read this feels sorry for me, and tries to understand my anger (and sadness too, to some extent).

Oh, well, I guess that this is it. I hope I find a solution soon people. And even if I don't do it soon, I think that Layo will still be here when I come back, right?

Ps: Sorry for the long post. Had to take it out of my shoulders.

Fixed Bugs / Some kind of weapon bug...
« on: June 07, 2007, 06:04:40 am »
I just made my fighter character I was waiting so long to make and all, and then began the game and ran to buy the stylish set of weapons she was going to use: Trident and Tower Shield.

I choose trident (even being a unique weapon of layo, and on that not working with the fighter feats of weapon focus, weapon specialization and improved critical) because it was the only spear that could be used in one hand, and that just fitted my concept perfectly!

But the weapon says Medium on its size, so I can believe this means one-handed, as all the others, but the weapon is two-handed when I equip it. I can't use it with a shield.

Can someone please just fix this and make it being a really onde-handed weapon? I await.

Ask A Gamemaster / Where in the Nine Hells...???
« on: May 19, 2007, 05:26:17 am »
Hey people, I finally got to play Layo again, but when I connect there's something strange... I don't remember only two servers... I can see the East server (that I know was merged with the Central) and a Quest server. Is in the Quest that you got to play now??? Or do I have a problem?

General Discussion / Cute SD Characters
« on: May 17, 2007, 12:17:36 pm »
Ok, I REALLY don't think where this should be, so I put it here. Dm's, please, ut it elsewhere if needed.

Does anyone here likes that kind of Gaia avatar, of the Dream Avatar Creator? I like to make them, and I'm used to make them with the help of my little-good-for-everything-photoshop. Anyone else?

Just for fun, does anyone wants your character to be made? If anyone wants it, just PM me with the char name, something little about him ("he is a wizard in blue robes" is great) and a good screenshot. I promise I'll make it, and it will be very cute.

They look like this image here, that I made of the characters of the D&D group that I'm DM.

Edit: Save the image to your computer and give it a zoom to see the details.

Ask A Gamemaster / So, I'm back. And...?
« on: May 17, 2007, 11:41:10 am »
After some new gaming in Layo, going crazy with the great thing and all (and some great advance in my English, that's not the best!), I really loved Layo.

And then, BOOM.

I'm not kidding. My pc screen made some strange noises and a white smoke began to come from it, and then it EXPLODED inside! Well, bad for me.

The thing is, I was without a pc, and was some time away from Layo. Now that I (still don't have a new pc, but) can play again, I was thinking about some things that I was sad with. Can someone help me?

1 - There is a little problem with the "friend groups" in Layo, I think. Ok ok, everyone has their friends and all, but a new player, with a new character (and one that CAN'T fight), like me, just can't do much: People just ignore use, most of time. Is there now a place where, I don't know, maybe the new characters could meet, like, say, a adventurer's guild or something like that?

2 - What the hell happened the time I was off? Is there a place with the news all in one?

3 - Where would be the place, in the forums, that players could schedule with other players to meet their low-level/new/weak characters to meet on the world and all?

4 - Sorry about the bad English, again. I'm getting better (I think).

Roleplaying / Roleplaying of some spells
« on: March 03, 2007, 06:00:32 am »
Hello people, I created this topic so the people could put their ideas, ask their questions and this kind of thing about roleplaying some spells.

For myself, I have one question, that I think it's pretty interesting. The spell Awaken, is a druid spell wich makes the animal companion stronger. Now, everyone knows that for game mechanics and possibilities, there was no way to Bioware to recreate all the spells with things that were found on the pnp D&D, so I came here to ask about this:

In the PnP D&D, this spell, Awaken, makes the animal companion stronger, but also smarter. In fact, it awakens the animal to human sentience (Hence the name. To tell the truth the spell can be used to awaken animals and even plants.), giving him ability to speak and all. In the original NWN game this would not prove so invaluable as in the PnP, so I think this is how the spell does not do this, but on a roleplaying world like Layo, I was thinking if this could not be roleplayed more closely to the PnP. Now's the question: Is it wrong for a druid to roleplaythat his animal companion can speak by the time he is ale to cast this spell on his companion? As a 5th circle spell, the druid will only cast it after a while, and then the bond with his animal companion will be very strong at this time. For example, in the pnp game, Eliza, the character I will play now tried by any means to awaken Moju, her animal companion, and it was a great thing for the group, as the big wolf brought another kind of humor and rp to the table. In Layo, Eliza will try to awaken Moju too, be it by the Awaken spell or any other means (like a CDQ only for this).

After all, what do you think? Could, and should, this be roleplayed or not?

Fixed Bugs / soul will rest for -2 more times? What???
« on: March 02, 2007, 02:47:34 am »
Hey, I don't know if this was already posted, because I didn't found it. I went to play Layo, and had to update to v3, then I logged on and started playing with my character, and he was translucid, like he had died. I did not understand that, but kept it anyway, maybe it was some kind of bug that got me "killed", and after the common time I would simply come back, but then something strange happened: It said he would reflect on his recent passing -1 times, then, some time later, -2 times. I REALLY didn't understand that. Now the times chars reflect on their death are counted from -1 to -x, or there's a bug with me?

Please, help, and thanks!

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Leadership Feat
« on: March 01, 2007, 05:37:57 am »
Hello, one more question? What abput the Leadership feat? I really think that it is on mood with Layo. Not everyone will get it, of course, but I really think that a great warrior, paladin or cleric of Layo would have a loyal cohort by his side. I also can see the RP aplications of a cohort, like the players speaking for the two "*The paladin nods* Heh, he is just somewhat shy, arern't you Drya? *The female cleric of the same god as him just shakes her head shy and step back, letting the adventurers speak*" and this kind of thing. The PRC brings a cool Leadership feat, after all, too.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / New Spells
« on: March 01, 2007, 05:01:04 am »
Hello, I just wanted to know, if some new spell would be introduced in the game if some players put them here. Not just the think that "I like this spell, and I want it", but some spells that are really usefull and that are not on the Player's Handbook or Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (the books from wici NWN spells came from...), like spells from Spell Compendium and all. There are also some spells, like "Whispering Wind", from the Player's Handbook that fit so very well to the Layo setting and play experience...

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