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Topics - superdoofus

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Just for Fun / A new youtube I uploaded from Layonara
« on: April 09, 2011, 12:34:31 am »
YouTube - Castor's New Moves
Kinda funny.  The dance classes paid off.

Rumour Has It / A giveaway.
« on: April 08, 2011, 06:50:13 pm »
A mid aged elf is giving away his old adventuring gear.  You can find castor goodshot in Port Hempstead or Center just look for the one in black leather armor with a green cape.  Item's rumored to be given away.
Copper Chainmail
Panther Cloak
Riam's Cloak of Reflex.
//My only request is you are level 9 or less.  If you need to no what each thing does please feel free to ask.  I will probably add somethings I forgot.

Trade and Market Hall / Dyes
« on: April 07, 2011, 09:35:56 pm »
Looking for three Brown or black dyes prefferably of the same color.  If this is not doable I will accept two dyes of Red.  Will pay top coin.
C Goodshot *Marked with an elven ear*
//Clothing can be dyed right.  If not someone PM me so I can delete this request.

Trade and Market Hall / Dyes
« on: April 07, 2011, 09:34:04 pm »
Looking for two Brown, Red, or black dyes prefferably of the same color.  Will pay top coin.
C Goodshot *Marked with an elven ear*
//Clothing can be dyed right.  If not someone PM me so I can delete this request.

Trade and Market Hall / Castors Mined Metals and other stuffs
« on: April 03, 2011, 10:20:44 pm »
//I may pause ordering if I feel overwhelmed.  Contracts will never be put on hold but I will be offering very limited contracts.  Also when RL gets in the way I will tell you unless I don't.\\\\
Tin by the ox(May be slow)
Copper By the ox
Eggs by the box
Copper tipped Hickory arrows by the stack of 500 (Stirge or Falcoln Tailed)(Bronze Coming soon)
1 Cape of Panther
1 Riam's Cloak of Reflex
A contract for copper.
C Goodshot-*dips his ear in ink and puts it against the paper*

Ask A Gamemaster / Can't log into Central
« on: April 03, 2011, 09:11:52 pm »
Apparently it's been up for 30 minutes now but I can't relog in.

Ask A Gamemaster / What happened?
« on: April 03, 2011, 10:44:06 am »
I go into the Silkwood Cave system.  I'm Picking up loot when all of a sudden I get an attack and Damage Penalty.  I go outside and tried dropping all of the things I picked up but nothing worked.  I now try to rest it off and that doesn't work.  I go back in and don't expect the kobolds to have respawned.  But they did.  They daze me and Knock Me down to 20 HP but I can usually beat them with just 20, but the Penalties made me die.  So what happened.  Im not looking for any compensation I just want to know what happened.  If it helps this happened around 1030 Est.  Thanks All.  Im a little Confused right now though. :\

Trade and Market Hall / Castors Goods
« on: April 02, 2011, 07:07:20 pm »
Cape of Panther-500
Riam's Cloak of Reflex-200
Ox Load of Copper Ingots-1000
Ox Load of Tin Ingots-1000
1 Contract for Copper-900 a week
//Changed the rules.  Orders are Okay now but I will stop orders when I feel overwhelmed.  I need to do this thing called enjoying the game ;)

Ask A Gamemaster / Real Estate
« on: April 02, 2011, 07:02:26 pm »
Is there a list of all available real estate and the prices of it?

Trade and Market Hall / Capes for Sale
« on: April 02, 2011, 12:06:48 pm »
Cape of Panther-500
Riams Cloak of Reflex-300
-Castor Goodshot

General Discussion / Lore Q's For my story on Layo
« on: April 01, 2011, 10:58:44 pm »
As extensive as our Lore is it does not cover every detail.  I'm making a story about Layo so I made this thread hoping that if I needed help that couldn't be found in the lore I would ask here.  Thanks for the Help Community.
1st question:Can I have a little Info on Tavaralda on Voltrex.  All I need is Race and very basic info.  Thanks again guys.  The community is so helpful.
*Edit:I mean Tavaralda

Introduce Yourself / Hey I'm Back Again Again(Maybe for a third time)
« on: March 31, 2011, 07:29:28 pm »
Anyway that is not the point.  I will now actually play Layonara and not play for a month leave for 6 months and come back(repeat).  Anyhow lately I have been writing in school about Orcs, Elves, and you guessed it, your favorite disgruntled elf CASTOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRR GOOOOOOODDDDSHOOOOT! *applause*  Anyhow Im here to stay.  Oh and please help me do this.
*Castor will not sell anything
*Castor will not cheat you
*Castor will not be an incompetent salesman due to the person behind the keyboard's shoret attention span

Trade and Market Hall / Contracts.
« on: August 14, 2010, 04:41:33 pm »
Contract 1 oxload of hickory a week. 500 a load.

Contract 1 oxload of copper a week.  500 a load.

Contract 1 oxload of copper ingots a week.  900 a load.

Contract 1 oxload of tin a week.  400 a load.

//Guys if these prices are outrageous please tell me.  I just came back.

All things can be ordered in single oxloads.

Thank you.  I'll do my best too fill all orders.

Just for Fun / Snow Day!
« on: February 10, 2010, 08:11:13 pm »
Well it was just announced I'm getting my second snow day which will lead me into a 4 day weekend.  THAT"S 6 DAYS.  Have a good snow day most of Central and Northern jersey.  Pennsilvania and DC and Virginia too.

Just for Fun / Castor's Poem
« on: January 27, 2010, 08:42:37 pm »
I made up this poem on a long car ride and I thought I could turn it into a Death metal song ;)
Anyhow here it is

Say what you want
Say what you will
Put it on my tab
Put it on my Bill
I don't know a thing about money
But I have a license to kill

General Discussion / Oxes. How many should Layonarans be allowed?
« on: January 24, 2010, 10:14:41 am »
I found this a big question.  When you think about almost all buisness being done in a quick manner is based on oxes.  So should contractors and any layonaran be allowed more than 1.  Maybe this could be a base for good buisness.  The layonaran economy is strong and can we make it stronger.  I ask that of ye merry men!

Trade and Market Hall / Contracts available.
« on: January 24, 2010, 10:06:35 am »
Copper.  I can get you lots of copper.
Hickory.  I can get you lots of Hickory.
Skins. Lion, Panther, Wolf and Dire Boar available.  Go easy on the dire Boar orders.  I don't want to die again.
Oak.  Maybe.  As available don't be afraid to ask.
Tin. Can get you lots of tin.
Hickory and Copper are available in Processed form but I do not make finished products.
Molds also available.
Sand available but may be taken off the menu.
One contract at a time also.  I don't have multiple oxes.

Ask A Gamemaster / A quick question about Char Dev journals.
« on: January 24, 2010, 08:56:59 am »
Say castor wants to be a wizard.  Does he actually have to do something in game or can I just write a story about mrs scorbenhelga and just say She teaches him magic.  I mean more detailed but I think you guys get the question. Right? :\

Trade and Market Hall / Ring and stuffs for sale.
« on: January 21, 2010, 04:10:20 pm »
I need to take inventory but I have an Adventurine ring that gives you a chance of not being killed by electricity
//Saving throw:Electric +3
That's it for now.  I'd like a fair price.

General Discussion / All those included In the battle of bloodstone.
« on: August 25, 2009, 12:44:27 pm »
I would like information on the battle.  I would like to attempt a recreation of this battle as it played a major role in layonaran history.  All reliable information will be accepted.

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