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Topics - Mr. Erth

Pages: [1]
To Isaac.

I hope this letter finds you well. I write from Fort Llast, as you probably expected. I have taken my vows and the clergy from the temple of Toran accepted me into their ranks as a cleric. I thank you, father, for I would surely not have succeeded without your teachings. I cannot describe how wonderful it feels and how excited I am to begin my duty.

They have allowed me to travel, to learn more of the world I live in and fulfill my new duties as a cleric of Toran wherever I go. When this letter reaches you, I will have arrived at Hempstead which was selected as the first stop on my journey. I will stay there for a couple of weeks and see what the Great Leader has in store for me.

May the Allwatching hold you under his mighty protection and keep you safe till I return.

Yours truly,

PS. Give my regards to those at home. Though the world is big and filled with strange new things, I can't help but to miss my home.

//OOC notes: Isaac is Khalem's foster father, a cleric from Beirun who took care of Khalem since he was found as a child.

Roleplaying / Great Guides to Roleplay
« on: May 13, 2008, 04:27:10 am »
The brilliant DivisionByZero from the City of Arabel NWN RP-PW has written some EXCELLENT guides to roleplaying. Both people who have never roleplayed before and old timers who've been at it for years can use these guides.

The Art of Roleplaying
Mostly for newbies, this guide contains:
  • Roleplaying and In Character Defined
  • Rolling with the Punches
  • Balancing Realism and Fun
  • What is OOC Consideration, really?
  • Retiring a Character
  • Respectful Disagreement

Ask A Gamemaster / The everyday life of a cleric
« on: May 01, 2008, 05:49:13 am »
First off I'd like to say that I've haven't read EVERYTHING in the lore sections (but I did read all I was able to find about this subject) so there might be something elsewhere that answers my questions. If so, then please direct me to it. Thanks.

Now to the actual question: What is expected from a cleric? I don't mean in the general picture, I mean down to the details: Are there examples of prayers, any official or frequently used ones or do you just have to make that up as you go? Are there certain rituals, rites, blessings or such that a cleric of Toran (as my character is) would be expected to perform? I'll probably be able to get by RPing a cleric but some answers to some of these questions would make it a great deal easier.

Introduce Yourself / Greetings and all that
« on: April 27, 2008, 04:55:30 pm »
Hi there. I'm considering submitting a character for approval and all that, so I figured I'd stop by and say hi.

So... Hi.
There we go. Wasn't that hard.

I've been roleplaying in City of Heroes for about a year now when suddenly a friend of mine mentioned good ol' Neverwinter Nights. Another friend of mine came to me, totally unrelated, and asked if I wanted do a little RP in NWN. Long story short, I got this place recommended, did some reading and I must say that I like what I see.

Expect to see more of me, sometime soon ;)

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