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Topics - Mykah

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Development Journals and Discussion / Mykah's Journal -
« on: June 26, 2008, 09:24:48 pm »
Entry One -

Well, I arrived at the Hempstead and much to my surprise there were many different types of people here.. I even met a Half-Orc named Rak that was not only decent.. but friendly.  Things are not as they seem here however.. I spoke with a women that lived near the sewers and she needed some rats purged from it, I can only assume that they were causing a disturbance of some kind.  Perhaps they were getting into her food.  Who knows.  

I also met a few people that I dare call friends..  odd I know considered I've known them for only a short time.. and lets just say trust isn't necessarily my thing.  A few in particular I feel a great bond growing already.  

As I started my journey I came across a young elven women (Ironically enough) By the name of Sun.. her and I quickly became friends.  This kind hearted woman showed me around most of the area that I am still unfamiliar with as of now.. but I am beginning to know my way around thanks to her.. also she saved me more then once, though I believe I've returned the favor once or twice.  

Sun had mentioned that she needed to venture to a part of the country that Goblins inhabited.. and while these creatures are mostly misunderstood sometimes there is no other choice but to put them to rest.. and with a noble and clear objective I could not refuse to help.  She also seems to have an affinity for nature.. which makes me feel better about the friendship we have.

Shortly after we dispatched of enough Goblins to fulfill the dire need of a dwarf in Hlint, we moved on to Kobolds which the Captain of Hempstead's guard asked me to retrieve a "stick" from them.. that seemed to gift them powers.  Well soon after we realized that the "stick" was some sort of magical "staff" of sorts.  Returning it to the guard he gave me a handsome reward, which was enough to purchase some decent.. not great.. but decent equipment.

On our way back into Town from the kobold camp, and after a near death encounter with one.. after the scout snuck up on me and attacked me from behind.. we ran into a few people that I again call "friends".  Marcus, which was the name of a Cleric that just happened to be near by, casted a healing spell that literally saved me from death.. and soon afterward his friend Melissa  came over and introduced herself.  I'm not completely certain but I'd say that they have a thing for one another. Regardless, we all kept the conversation going and ended up going into some caverns that spanned deep beneath the  town and inhabited MORE goblins. Tod Fellows (A VERY interesting Halfling indeed) also accompanied us.. and I don't know why but I've developed a kind of soft spot for the little guy.  He's a small guy with a lot of heart and a lot of fight in him.  I can see that we're going to become good friends, just from his demeanor and his willingness to fight.  Even if he is a bit shady.  

 *the pen strokes trail off from an obvious chuckle from the author*

On that note, I notice myself become increasingly handy with scimitars.  Maybe it's just that I've been using them more often in this one day and my time here.. then almost my entire life.

After succumbing to a massive attack deep within the caves, I felt myself slip away from the clutches of death and return back in town.  Realizing that my soul would not rest until I reached my "grave" site.. I felt torn.. almost.. thin.  I ran as fast as I could to regain contact with the group and as I arrived I overheard them talking about how myself and Tod were going to go back in and settle my spirit be seeing my body.. apparently I am not the only one this has happened to.. so I trusted their word.  After saving my life.. why wouldn't I?  Melissa placed a few enchantments on us that made us invisable to the naked eye and allowed us to move at a much more rapid rate...  moving as quickly as we could we raced to where I had fallen.. manuevering between goblins and what have you the entire way, snaking in unnoticed.  I can only assume that it's not the first time that Tod had entered some place "unnoticed" probably not the first time he had entered some place "unwanted" either.  

*again the pen strokes dance from another chuckle from the author*

Reaching my grave site I realized that my soul had come to terms with my passing.. as a weight had been lifted from my mind.. body.. and my shoulders.  Inner peace seemed inevitable once again..  

So far the happenings within the confines of this city.. and the area are if nothing else.. exciting.  I feel more at place here then I ever did at home, although I do miss my Mother.  

Perhaps once I find what it is I'm looking for.. I will return to see her, but for now.. I think I'll stay here.

General Discussion / This place.
« on: June 26, 2008, 08:46:40 pm »
Hello again everyone, It's me Mykah again..  (Yes I like to post on these forums for some reason)  

I have to say that when I signed up to play on this server.. after reading all the rules, as much lore as I could (Which won't be enough until I've read it all) and what not..  I was expecting this server to be amazing.  I was expecting this server to be better then any server I had ever played..  I was expecting this server to be exactly what was missing out of Neverwinter Nights and every other RP game out on the market today..

Well.. I'm here to tell you.. that my expectations.. were completely blown away.  This is by far the best server and best roleplaying experience that I have ever experienced in any form.  Pen and Paper, MMO's.. All of it.  The community that consists of both Players, GMs, etc.. is the most diverse, friendly, helpful and humble atmosphere that I have ever experienced.  Not to mention that every single person that I came across asked me if there was anything that they could do to help.  I am going to be playing here, for a VERY long time.  I just want to thank you all (and I mean it, all) for finally putting to rest the long search of finding a place that just feels.. "right".  

You all make it what it is.. without the individuals and the "team" behind it.. it would be nothing more then a virtual replication of everything else out there.  Thank you again, for bringing a LONG time RPers hopes and wishes to a realization and giving me the chance to enjoy RP for what it really is.

General Discussion / I would just like to say.
« on: June 25, 2008, 05:10:30 pm »
Hello everyone, I'm rather new here, infact..  I am still waiting on a character submission to be accepted and even though I haven't played yet I would like to commend everyone and anyone that had a hand in creating Layonara.

The amount of explicit detail that you guys put in to this world is astronomical.  The systems that are/were developed are amazing.. and the fact that you have gone to such lengths to ensure that everyone has a clear image of what Layonara is.. is mind blowing.  

Kudos to every single one of you, as well as to the GM's that work hard to maintain the level playing field and the environment.  You guys obviously work very hard at what you do, and don't ask anything from anyone.

Just my two Cents.

Ask A Gamemaster / Just wondering if...
« on: June 25, 2008, 12:21:31 pm »
Hey guys I'm not trying to be impatient, I was just wondering if you thought that you might get to my character approval (or denial) today?  I only ask because today is my day off from work and I'd like to get the chance to play him and start developing him a bit.

Thanks, and sorry if I seem a bit pushy?

Ask A Gamemaster / Banned and never played before?
« on: June 25, 2008, 10:54:06 am »
To whom ever it may concern,

As a few of you may know I recently signed up here to play on Layonara, and I have submitted a character for approval.  

Well, lately I've had some problems after reinstalling my OS and my CD Key (Or something related) seems to be acting funny.  

I attempted to login to Layonara (Just to see if I could login, because every time I try to join a server through gamespy it tells me that my cd key is still in use)

well when I logged in, it said Failed to Connect: BANNED.  

I was wondering if this is something that always happens before a character is approved on your end, (Maybe something that denies all I.P.'s unless approved, or if it's just me?)

If it IS just me.. first off let me say that I would be extremely dissapointed as I was really looking forward to playing.. and also.. I would wonder why, as I have never played here.. or on any other server for QUITE some time and I would really like to have the oppertunity to do so.  

Thanks for your time,  

Introduce Yourself / Hey everyone.
« on: June 24, 2008, 10:17:19 pm »
Hello everyone, just thought I would take the time to stop by and say hello.

Been RPing most of my life and I'm 26 today actually.  So when I stumbled on this site (when I was actually looking for information/ideas on a module to build myself in the toolset Ironically enough) I was pleasantly suprised.

Well that's about all.  I look forward to playing with you all, just waiting on a character approval.

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