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Topics - Noddndonkey

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Development Journals and Discussion / For Law and Justice
« on: August 18, 2008, 11:19:00 am »
Freas, Febra 27, 1437

My first entry in this newly bound book of oak parchments provided by Reus, himself. What shall I write of? Shall I expound on the virtues of service, the pursuit of justice found in the edicts of the church or do as my uncle Daniel instructs and write of the heart?

His is a simple faith, my dear uncle and namesake, yet it has brought him both great pain and great joy. Sister Serissa encourages me to enter the ranks of the Justicars, since my studies have me dwell deeply into Church Law. I find this appealing, yet remember the wise words of Justicar Reus - One must listen in order to be heard. To this end, I have taken a vow of silence for my last year as initiate and only communicate with simple hand gestures and the occasional note. My duties for the last few years have been transcription of ancient texts to common speech and record keeping, in which there has been much since the new construction the Temple of Corsain.

Knight - Captain Jennara visits me often as well, and I treasure our time together. Her simple speech and mannerisms hide a strength, that belies her small stature.
She and Sister Serissa both inspire my studies further and I wish to do them both credit with my own service.

This year is quickly ending; however, and on the holiest of holies, Ausir Shining - When the Gold's Eye looks brightest upon all of Layonara, I shall assume the mantle of full priest shortly after my eighteeth summer. I pray to the Great Golden one, that my Uncle and Father will both attend. I feel the presence of my mother, Tariana, close as always here in the temple, so at least one of mine parents shall see my iniate years completed.

Grant me your wisdom, All-Seeing, so that I may see men's hearts and minds and know thier true purpose as to best judge them according to your holy law.

Daniel Benjamin Poetr, Initiate
Temple of the Lord Protector, Vehl, Mistone.

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