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Topics - Soldier0fortunE

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General Discussion / After my last failed attempt...
« on: July 08, 2011, 11:40:27 pm »
I personally reckon this is one of the best songs ever written, if you have ever lost someone then it...well...just speaks to you.

Probably the best version of of it ever recorded to, remember seeing this a few months after my brother died on jools holland back around 2000 about 2 in the morning while ed out of my face, remembering that moment still brings tears to my eyes to this day.

I have quite a lot of my own lyrics too, but as i have recently discovered most of them are not quite capable of passing the parental advisory filter.

Anyway, i will post some clean lyrics in the poetry forum at some point, probably when i get back to my own computer.

But anyway, without further ado...i give you the masterpiece that is...

the Verve.

YouTube - ‪the drugs dont work BBC1 (live)‬‏

Development Journals and Discussion / Taran D'Arboran's Journal
« on: July 07, 2011, 09:00:48 pm »
This is the personal Journal of Taran D'Arboran, if found please return this book to its rightful owner, who can usually be found currently in either the Bulls Eye Tavern in Center, or around town.

Alternatively, please return to the D'Arboran estate in Port Hempstead.

Mar. 1484

I arrived in Center late last night after a fairly lengthy journey by caravan. My parents told me that there was not much to the town, but i fear that even labeling it as a town may have been misleading, as it seems more a...temporary camp.

No matter.

After using some of my limited funds to rent a room in the local inn (the food and drink are acceptable) for a month, i have decided to begin a new journal, as it seems fitting to chronicle what i suppose must be considered the start of my life, being away from home and own my own for the first time.

In this book i shall make a note of any interesting matters, people or events that come to my attention.

My first task it would seem, would be to find some way of increasing my resources. After having taken a look at some of the local prices i fear the starting capital received from my father to increase our family holdings in the north are woefully less than i shall require.

I suppose i could send a letter by post back to Port Hempstead requesting more funds, but knowing father, that would be awaste of my time and ink.

No matter, i shall have to think on this.

General Discussion / Your all honoured...((Parental Advisory))
« on: July 01, 2011, 10:40:03 pm »
*** removed due to inappropriate content ***

Introduce Yourself / Hello people
« on: June 29, 2011, 01:40:27 pm »
Well, ive been playing as Aaron for awhile now (though been busy the last few days so not been able to log on) and am waiting on authorisation for another character (who is going to be my main), so guess its time to introduce meself to you all out of character.

Names Patrick, im from the UK and im 26 years old. Been messing around on roleplay servers for nwn since it came out (with gaps in between), played on quite a few servers, FRC, CD, Moonsea (old and new), Myth Drannor, Planar Legends, Arelith...and Amia. (Come on, we all slip up every now and then and fancy a a bit of powerbuilding and creating the new God of Battle, War, Death, Destruction and General Mayhem).

Anyway, really enjoying the server so far, just a shame i play in GMT when no one seems to be about. Ah well, im currently unemployed at the moment so playing until 5 am isnt as bad a thing as it could be...(then again, ive gone to work with a hangover and on 2 hours sleep many a time so...meh).

Obviously, i have a lot of free time at the moment to devote to playing, but that'll change at any time when i get work again (meh, economy), anyway, before i start singing the blues and open a bottle of whisky ill be off.

Look forward to meeting more of you in game!


Development Journals and Discussion / Aaron's Tale
« on: June 24, 2011, 06:14:30 pm »
Aaron sat brooding in the tavern in Center, a mug of cheap ale and his breakfast, a plate of eggs, toasted bread and rashers of bacon half finished before him.

He had been busy for the past week. Already he had made some coin, and possibly some friends. The crazy bard, Karn, Breanna the Magician...and Laz.


He snorted and shook his head, looking at the plate before him. Eggs!? When he asked Laz, clearly a powerful fighter to train him he hadnt expected his first lesson would be so ridiculous. Bring him a basket of eggs? What in the hells would that prove?

Aaron shook his head again and took a swig from his mug of ale, making a face at the bitter taste. His hangover was killing him, he would have been better off getting some brandy or a tot of whisky, nothing like the hair of the dog that bit you for a hangover, but his funds were limited. Although he had made a little coin, at the rate things were going he would soon have to return to his old methods of making especially.

Setting up a chicken coop would make a large dent in his already limited funds, and if he had to sit and watch chickens peck at corn and wait for them to start laying eggs (he really didnt know the first thing about chicken farming either! even more reason to be annoyed at his 'task') he wouldnt have time to do any more of the work he had been doing recently.

He had made a bit of coin hunting in the nearby area, bringing skins to Center and selling them, slowly building up some coin while at the same time increasing his skill with the bow, two birds with one stone really, but he wouldnt be able to carry on doing that now, he wouldnt have the time.

What he needed was one large score, large enough so the take from it could keep him fed and a roof over his head until this ridiculous task was completed and he could get back to hunting, and maybe even see about investigating some of the local ruins dotted about. Surely there was bound to be some long forgotten treasures to be found.

His mind wandered as he took another sip of ale. Where was a likely place to find a large enough job though? In Center itself? No, most of the locals were even poorer than him, and besides, robbing a couple of the tents would only cause him problems in the long term and make him need to leave. He was a stranger in town and any thefts would draw the locals straight to him.

Port Hempstead maybe? Or this other town he had heard of...what was it called? Vehl! Yes, those were possibilities. Port Hempstead was fairly large, so surely he would be able to find a likely mark amongst its teeming masses, and easily hide itself among those teeming masses after he was done.

Yes. Port Hempstead made the most sense. He drained his ale, then stood up, pushing his half finished breakfast away across the table. He would have to scout the town out, mark some likely individuals, find a fence, that sort of thing, and there was no time like the present to start.

Reaching into his belt pouch he headed across the common room to the bartender to buy the supplies he would need for the journey.


If possible, i would like to ask a dm to set up a small CDQ regarding this burglary. Aaron is now level 4, if necesary it can wait until he is level 7, though, the sooner the better :)

Loving the server by the way, and please let me know if i need to post this request in the appropriate forum or if it is fine still new here :)

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