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Topics - AOSGUY

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Development Journals and Discussion / Jared's Prose
« on: October 27, 2011, 05:54:04 pm »
I am here.  Some place called Center.  Strange name. I was looking about and I entered the Crafting Hall and talked briefly with the matron there.  She wasn't very much help. First thing she said was that I needed a crafting badge to be able use any of the devices therein.  Indeed!  

I wasn't there to craft anyway.  I was there for information.  And what better spot to look than the bulleton board.  After looking over the list of activites and jobs I settled on the lady who needed packages delivered. Seemed easy enough and it would help me look around the area without seeming suspicious.  So I went and applied for the job.  Luckilly no one else made inquiries.   It was easy enough.  Four packages to four locations.  Only thing is I wish she could have given to me all at once.  Anyway they are delivered.  Didn't see anything that peaked my interest.  Pretty dull places really.

But I did chance upon a young miss.   And after a brief talk she offered to show me about.  Be my personal tour guide you see.  She's a wizard, or sorcereres,  either way she's quite adept in her spell casting.  Calylith is her name.  She was very gracious and I do thank her for the tour and help in some matters.

But now the deliveries have been made and I noticed plenty of areas to practice my stealth.  The Inn here in Center seems reasonable.  After the hide practice I shall retire to one of the rooms there and study.   I have always believed that the swift blade hanging from my hip would be end all of my attacks.  I still believe that.  However,  Miss Calylith has exhibited to me that abilities such as hers can turn that swift blade into a devistatingly swift blade.  I'd be a fool not to pursue those talents.  Thank you Miss Calylith for giving me sight in this area.  I do thank you indeed.

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