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Topics - SkyBlues87

Pages: [1]
Important Layonara Announcements / nwn1 or 2 or EE ?
« on: January 31, 2020, 06:55:54 am »
Am quite new to Layonara and a very recent registrationist...   But Am now having an issue trying to find the serverI see it on EE list but can not even login or even get the message about needing a password....
Sometimes on EE I see Layonara "greyed" on the list as well...  Yet it shows that somewhere between 3 and 5 players logged in... 
Just wondering are you running the server in NWN 1 or NWN 2, or even if there is some other problem on EE that I am unaware of at this time...

I do realise I will have to post a sort of character log with a short back-story which I will probably attended to this weekend.... But would like to get at least that message that a password is required just to confirm for myself that the server is active in which ever mode/version ...

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