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Messages - Joyrock

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General Discussion / Re: Confessions of an RPer
« on: June 24, 2007, 11:54:50 pm »
I have actually gotten Adventuring XP for RPing. As well I like to drink banana strawberry. THere have been a few fruits actually made by mixing fruits and they create new fruits but that is pointless. What your suggesting is not making this a RP server, because if RP is something you came, you have to have something with them to counter balance against those that Get everything not by RPing, but bashing monsters on heads, it make little logic that because you bashed 10,000 monster on the head some where in that lift club, bash, repeat you fell into a deep state of mind and learned how to ride a horse, craft better gear, or collect information. While while you can't gain levels through RP you can stil lgain things that help you get more XP when you bash monsters. You still need to bash monsters.

Thing is why should you not gain some form of XP from RPing? after all life changing events that great new found wisdom happen more there then bashing monsters.

You can gain RP related things, like access to the craft hall, horses, but more importantly Skill points. RP related things through monster bashing, this should not be related but it is. WHY would you learn how to gather information from bashing a monster on the head, rather then doing something that RP's putting that skill to use?

the problem is one grants both adventure rewards and RP skills, while RP has no way to gather skill points to use in RP. We all might as well just bash monsters all day, so we can level so we can be important enough to gain access, attention to RP, or to back up the RP.

You don't have a RP Server here you have a action/RP server. but it really on catters to one side of that. Would'nt it be nice if it cattered to both? It not like RPers will sudden jump and pass you in levels. An it not as if they won't have to go out and level.

General Discussion / Re: Confessions of an RPer
« on: June 24, 2007, 07:21:12 pm »
Well the thing is adventuring is really the only real way to gain XP. We don't have a problem with people adventuring, I would say more adventuring goes on then RP.

the problem is how to get RP to = to the same IG rewards, as Leveling? you can't really if you use some methods used like the one that gives your char XP over time, folks just leave there char logged in, if you use the one that picks up on emotes, well you just spam.

if RPing ever has a method that is easier and better then XP farming you will see a lack of Monster farming thus removing a part of the server a huge part from it. since you have a world mixed with RP, and action. you must mix the RP rewards.

not only does it balance it out but it also makes RP logic, your fighter still gains fighter levels from killing things like he should he just found a way to get fast at learning by perhaps using advice given to him that he learned while RPing, or some other insight.

Mixing RP rewards with bashing just takes away some of the pain of monster bashing from the Rper's, and those that just love to monster bash lose nothing. find your find your treatise on it, and give me something to counter. because just saying Ehh does not fix problems.

General Discussion / Re: Confessions of an RPer
« on: June 24, 2007, 06:46:08 pm »
I have faced the same problem as well as many of my friends, to the point we shamelessly call Layo WoW because that what it feels like. Even WoW has RP servers, and you get about the same amount there as here, due to the mass rush for XP.

TO be honest there just not enough conflict of intrest here, a CvC was added to fix this but never been used because to put it simple a standard has been brain washed into everyone to NEVER use it even for RP, turning something added to add RP into a useless tool, due to fear of being looked down on in the eyes of players and DM's, and possibly even being banned for fear you made a mistake. :S

I find in many ways layo is a victim of it's standards, but that a tale for another time.

The best method I can think of to fit layo, would be RP tokens that increase the XP gained from monsters yu kill by 25% a token. Being I have seen the amount of Rp one must do to get a RP reward it pretty rare, so you have to make a system that makes up for the amount of time.

Last time I got a reward was after 4 hours of RP and was 310ish of XP I am guessing 3% of the Xp needed to level or around there. If that the amount used then well then I need 30 such XP rewards to level at a avg of 4 hours each that 120 hours.

the thing about the 25% tokens that stack is this. it will take you 6 days to level that is 144 hours. Now you use these RP tokens, make them RP rewards only handed out from a DM ghosting players and finding non DM related RP, and reward it. you get 4 of these tokens which take you about 2 days lets say well that half's the time needed gathering XP through farming. coming out to 72 hours needed if you stop gather RP tokens at that point. which in turns comes out to 3 days + the 2 you spent RPing to get the tokens comes out to 5 days instead of 6. making leveling through RP the better way to level then just monster bash farming.:)

For high level chars that would take 288 hours to level (12 days) 4 tokens would only take 6 days.

There no fool proof system, but this one does work when used properly.

General Discussion / Re: In Memory of the Demi-God, Hawklen Ancalime
« on: June 24, 2007, 05:21:58 pm »
Was willing to RP, and even on his elf that did not talk much, he talked more then steel. Always wondered what would happen if you locked them in a room together, probly nothing good.

General Discussion / Re: i know some people have been quiet of late
« on: June 24, 2007, 05:10:48 pm »
I just read the forums when I am looking for something to read not play, and it the same for many, I have been told many left after hawk got banned, and the announcement was not the end just things before that were going down that did things here and there for each different person.

I honestly never saw to much in Layonora but folks talking about how great it was and that no RP server could match it when there's  servers out there that still get much higher counts then it, I am not saying this to put  layo players players/DM's/project team down, but respect peoples choice to move on to less headaches, because sometimes less headaches make the better RP server. for those I have talked to layo became a personal thing like the banning with hawk, and then feel being betrayed by the DM team leaving them behind with the new engine, etc.

the fact is to alot that left it was not a out of no where heart breaker but the final straw on the camels back.

If layo is great no matter the player count ( which new servers start up ever day with no players and rise to get them) then layo will continue.

Take it from a guy who server was the same thing a big name top of the RP listing and went through the same thing, you can't keep assuming your the best server because it was your first server and you looked at others and they were nto as fun, nor that it the best because you been playing it for 5 years. MANY servers have come along way in 5 years, you want to be the best you got to constantly keep pushing it. but layo does not offer alot of basic things that come standard with NWN like evil chars, etc. when you got to do so much time related things to earn your basic NWN, rights on a server no one is sure will last a few more months it really saps one's energy. That standard will never change, people don't want to fight it, it is less work to just move on.

Nearly ever server out there can offer you everything Layo can, and that basic right which equals out to offer more then layo, the only thing they don't have are your friends, which many seem to now be dragging with them. This far into NWN only the best are still around or even make it. Does layo still hold up the the standard of being the best in NWN servers? the Project team does not wish to be one of the best NWN servers they wish to be something else, a different goal then some of the NWN players have in mind for the server they play on. Alot of factors come into play, be it fear of valuable time playing NWN1 in the end of it's days or just different goals then what the ones in charge have, have caused folks to pack up and move. No amount of cheering will fix that.

I like layo but the "GO TEAM LOGON AND PLAY!" Cheer does not help it, I logon then what? What I am saying is this, you want players to logon, do more then just ask in Cheers that spout joy and everything is ok, push RP like you did when you first found out about this thing called RP. When word gets around that the RP is REALLY good even with 7 people on, people will logon for it, when that happens more will and more word will spread.

Because to be honest, when I see pleads to logon, it just tells me. "I am loyal but I am bored on this server with seven people" If I logon will that change?
So I logon to the same boredom and I share because with 8 it has not got any better. It not easy, but your own actions must draw players not cry's for help.

I know I posted something that is not postive, and many don't want to hear but it is realistic. Some times you put up a good fight and you don't always win. Sometimes you fight hard and you do. If you really care about Layo you got to carry some of the needs of others on your back, and there's alot of needs.

Good luck to all those willing to fight for the NWN version of layo, the Project team is making a bold move that is all or nothing for the future of Layo, it only fair those willing do the same for the NWN version.

Layonara Server / Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« on: June 23, 2007, 05:10:33 am »
I had fun with him, one of the few people I met willing to travel with a care of my level no questions asked to adventure. I had fun with him, never saw really a odd or majorly conflictive side of him, but on the forums.

In that I saw the same old thing you see on alot of servers, well liked player bashing heads with the admins, doing things that annoy others but with in game rules, and asked to avoid doing them for the peace of all. over time these build up and somethings got to give.

Will miss him, he was one of the more active players from what I remebered, and had lots of freinds around him. Made him someone you wanted to be around because something fun might happen.

I know he was a younger lad in the teens I believe the rebel youth if you will.
I know some of the older folks might not care for line pushers, and the admins do get tired of pushing with it.

I can say I know this was a call DM's were unhappy to make, no team ever likes making a call on a well liked player, even though others may not like him.
So they tend to try to be very fair in the calls they make so it does not come back to bite them. Well harder then it will because friends speak up, It seems it was just one to chaotic action to many in a time of great change, and pressure on the team.

I enjoyed playing with him, was fun and always gave me the time of day to chat, More I will say then others not to say he was better then anyone but that when I was wandering bored friendsless he was there to invite to a party and give me something to do.

If chars are going to go away soon anyway, why remove a system, because it going to go away soon?

If your going to lose your char anyway fear of death should not really be much of a blow, if you lose it now and are gloom about it, well you can get over it before you lose it when the NWN version is dropped, along with  which ever other one you have at the same time.

keep in mind no matter what your probly going to lose the char, so why not enjoy it? live the last bits of moments on it, enjoy the exciment of facing death and chancing it? Least you can RP them dieing in some fun grand way, on a big DM quest, rather then *poof* server wipe!

Server Rules / Re: For those fast leveling characters out there
« on: May 31, 2007, 06:42:04 pm »
Hmm only advice I can give about being I guess you could call being uber at a lower level so your more equal with the higher level chars is play a mage, or cleric. both gain spells that allow you to out last most other classes when the bad stuff hits. be it G-sanc, prem, improved invis.

but there pretty weak to start out but once you get good with them, know your spells and when to use them, you can out last any higher level char.
The question wether you can last, or be useful in this party is not as much in question.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Movable Corpses
« on: May 29, 2007, 08:10:33 pm »
Well the only thing I have seen posted on is movable post would break balance, bu tit seems to be very blanced on every server that uses it. Just as balanced as the current one.

As for death having a reason, I find It does not for me. I raise I walk out someone comes up to me and trys to talk to me because I am glowing and wish to help me get back to my grave stone. Now I don't know if you know this but a but returning to life, a magic grave stone popping up, and the ability for a fighter to heal the soul are all things that fit in a high magic world. places where dragons are common place and perma haste boots are on every feet.

But that just NWN ingeneral, because you can't make a very realistic low magic world with out making it one death perma unless raised by a high level priest, which is not a very player friendly world.

When I die, I just gather a few people don't talk to them don't care to they help me get to my corpse as a OOC respect amoung players where we pwn every thing in the way because it like 6 monsters. Really easy thing to do.

Or you simply just logoff and wait, now how is that a very demanding system compared to the movables corpses? I don't see how it makes it any easier then just logging off and waiting while I play my 2nd server or other game, or do school work, make dinner etc.

The layo death system is easy recovery, with some chance of lossing XP. but it still made to be easy to make it easy on the players.

Now just as much as movables corpses aid corpse recovery, it hinders it and makes it more dangerous as well. Through the movement speed.

Now if I wanted balance I would play WoW, layo will never be able to match WoW in balance, but WoW will never match layo in RP. This is a RP server.
Movable corpse hinder corpse recovery very little, and aids it very little.

You can Recover a corpse with a DM so I think it makes little difference unless the DM's by your logic favor players and allow quests to be easy so they always win and don't cry by allowing corpse recovery.

Now here is a thought, take the time to give a list of reason's how picking up corpses would hurt the server, and I will take the counter argument of how it would help the server.

you see we have a CvC widget which can help a server or hurt it, all based on the type of players that use it, there the abusive kind and the non-abusive kind. The current death system is no harder or easier with or with out movable corpses, it just more Rpable, and party friendly.

Movables corpse does you nothing when your alone, because there no one to drag you back, if your with a lone friend then corpse recovey is more dangerous because you will move slow and you wil be fighting more then one monster with no chance of out running them, or evading there attacks.

A mage can invis to avoid the mobs I know, but a mage can just cast invis on you and tell you to run to your grave stone. the trick here is that one can run, and the other can only walk, if you use polymorph and umber hulk you lose much needed spell slots, have no way to cast spells unless you return to human form.

Why do I want movable corpses? Because it insanely silly not to be able to move a corpse three feet, when it can be RPed by a Dm, but not done normally because a game mechanic. Not a balance mechanic.

now let talk about how frustrating it is, for there to be 10 people in the party, but they can't pickup your corpse and drag it along.

But what they can do is farm more Xp by escorting you back which is pretty much the point of going into the dungeon you did. over they can just send back the mage invisible to cast invisiblity on you and lead you back to the party.

Now I think there been some confunsion about how I stated corpse could work, so here goes again.

When you die instead of a grave, your corpse is left there it can be moved around by being put in your inventory, can be tradded or dropped on the ground. the dead person can ether wait for help (just like the current system) or respawn, at which the corpse is removed from the game.

Now you can even make it under that the same price as normally respawning, and even still keep them as a ghost/glowie person, missing parts of themself.
where if they run back there a grave stone marker, denoting the place of death. and they can prey there and be whole again.

The only thing that has changed is the need for DM's to move the corpse.

movable corpses does nothing for alone player, hinders a pair of players by one having to carry the other, not everyone has invis, and if they did then they would just invis back, invis the ghost and themselves and run back.

And it helps the group of adventures, which would easily bash the monsters in front of them to escort a player. But it hinders them greatly if more then one person dies, three people carrying a corpse each, is very dangerous to a party. So as far as balance goes it keeps it pretty much the same.

Now that just on balance that not about how it helps in other ways such as RP, something the Dm's don't need to be bugged about, another things don't need to depend on DM's for giving them more reason to logon when there are no DM's, etc.

To be a little more blunt and specific, the comment about the "exploit" was made because it seems a little misleading and deceitful for someone to claim that it is hard to haul a body to safety because of the slowing of the pace after having already posted that it can easily be overcome by polymorphing into an umber hulk.

Thing is hauling a body by a mage if they even use polymorph which movable corpse would be one more reason to use it, calls for the need of 2 spells invisibilty, which everymage worth there salt has, and polymorph not used by many mages, because it eats a spell slot and you never use it for anything other then troll form to heal, or as a last resort. you see it uses up half your spell slots using it. So umber hulk can and has put players in danger using it to haul a dead friend.

Now using umber hulk uses up two spells to use, escorting a player uses up one invisibility. And using umberhulk form is not a exploit, even if theydid add it just to carry corpses, it a useful spell not useful in most places but in hauling things like resources it is.

But keep in mind umberhulk form is not somthing you use when you must pass the path of monsters. it add's extra life and allows you to run, but you got no clue how easy it is to get stuck on things and with the new tiles I would not want to get caught on something and beaten to death by the mobs after me.

But if your invised, there there no fear of the mobs. umber hulk form is not the key to avoiding mobs, it just a time savior.

The same thing that allow you to avoid the mobs with movables corpses, allows you to avoid them with the non moving ones.

the thing is not everyone is a mage, and not everyone has access to the spell.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Movable Corpses
« on: May 29, 2007, 03:10:01 am »
was not talking of changing anything with the current bind stones, they work they do there thing and there setup like that for a reason.

here the thing, you carry a extra 160 stones, walk at a very slow pace and do a dungeon, carrying a body does not make it easier trust me I have played on a server that used it for along time. there more threat with one guy moving slow getting swarmed and not being able to back off the mob fast enough for fellows to heal because he moves slow.

Trust me it makes recovery no easier. You know what the only real problem with movable corpses is? is someone hiding it. but then the only thing it forces you to do is respawn, which since your were alone then you probly would have had to do that anyway.

Movable corpses help, in groups or with a friend. and then with your lone friend carrys you, he probly risk's his life very much for having to carry you back, because we will probly be walking pretty slow.

Now with people not having alot of time to play or wait that fine you still get the option to just respawn, I think somewhere you missed something on the matter.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Movable Corpses
« on: May 28, 2007, 07:37:21 pm »
Quote from: Gulnyr
Okay, thanks.  I think if there are bodies left lying around, though, then the glow definitely has to go.  No one returning to a body is going to see that shining, see-through character and not believe he is a ghost.  It's hard enough to convince people now.

To firm up the explanation of my opinion, then, I'm not a big fan of movable corpses for the purpose of easier recovery.  If your character dies and gets a brand new body with all their gear, the only purpose for returning to the site of death or the body is psychological.  In fact, that would be true even if the dead body were teleported and revived by the bindstones.  Anyway, if the body is the important part (for whatever reason, rather than just being a marker) and is brought to the respawned character, then nothing has been overcome, really.  There wasn't any effort.  Recovering from that kind of trauma needs to require time or effort or both, and a system that allows players to get around those requirements lessens the cost of death.  Dying should mean something, and if it's only going to mean the potential loss of Soul Strands followed by a quick recovery, then maybe it would be easier just to remove the need to recover rather than add a way to haul corpses.

Understand that movable corpses sounds pretty cool to me, but when I think more about it, it just sounds like a way to try to have more of the good with less of the bad, to circumvent the cost of dying.

Ok the first part I don't get. but you talk of the downside of a easy recovery? if your in a dungeon with 6 people you die, often they go back and escort you there easy recovery, same as if they just drag your body along.
Your not going to escape folks doing easy recovery. least with them having the body, it keeps a person out of the dungeon unless they all go find someone to raise them.

Now what does this add? Well your chars is in a romantic relationsship they wake up in there lovers arms, that RP can't really do that with respawn, it keeps things flowing.

Evil villian takes your body and wishes to raises you and then wishes to hold you for ransom. See the worst thing that can happen is someone stumbles on your body, and hides it but the forcing a respawn, which is no difference then what you currently must do when you die. So the little trickster did something, and RP would be created from it.

Easy recovery, is in the current system, and that would not change. what not in the system is the ability to keep things flowing, which flow is important to RP. it is kinda like your Rping and someone goes AFK for 5 minutes and everyone has to wait for them, it puts a hold on things, or can out right kill it.

Now least with movables corpses clerics meet folks get Rp from them asking them hey can you raise my friend? sure this can happen now but movable corpses greatly increases the chance of this happening.

It not just a realistic or handy thing, it is a RP thing. I just can't really discribe all the RP I have seen from meeting folks due to carring a body, it gives you something to do.

Here think of this. Sir john kisses barbie and goes off to battle the foul dragon with sir Ensure, Sir john promised to return at sundown, but there late what could have happend, oh wait she see's something alone figure that seems to be carrying something. Oh Sir Ensure must have fallen and sir john is carrying him back, but sadly she finds out it is not sir john carrying Ensure, but the other way around, she crys over the corpse cursing with the gods, pulls a dagger and does some speach, but luckily old cleric jimbo wonders by stays her hand, and touches the young barbie who always cursed the gods for taking her parents away the cleirc raises sir john, barbie struck by the clerics actions and that of his god befriends the cleric and wishes to follow the god that returned her love to her I have seen stuff like this happen alot not only is it fun to be in but fun to watch.

You can't really do that with a gravestone in a spawn spot of a dungeon many miles away with out her metagaming, nor when she see's the ghost of her lover run back to the dungeon to fight with his friends untill they win.

It just greatly enhances RP, and that is really why I am here.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Movable Corpses
« on: May 28, 2007, 04:40:24 pm »
Well there way around the weight, like I often kept a mage spell handy that was not very useful, polymorph self. Umber hulk form can carry alot. I used it just for carrying big heavy fighter classes out of the dungeon.

It can use the bind system, we used your starting location or you bind spot, and players had the option of binding themselves to any safe location. be it there house, a inn, so we had it working pretty good on the bind location part. So it works very well with bind locations.

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: A few questions some wish to know.
« on: May 28, 2007, 04:35:07 pm »
Well how would instant travel be RP? because in a world it unrealistic not to have full magic travel, when you can open gates to other planes. now the unrealistic part aisde, a evil wizard lures hero's away from the city, and you have to get back in time, what is the RP excuse for traveling halfway around the world in 15 minutes? O.o mass travel could do that and even make it instant, more functions in the player world allows for more functions in the MD world, * a evil mage is caught but just as you plan to bring him and his men to justice they are al lmass recalled away* A player can't argue with that, because a player has the same option if they were caught by the forces of evil, and mass and lone recall is the difference of being in a prison and escaping your self, or escaping with your friends. it matters to RP.

the less DM needed functions the less player need DM's to get them through DM quest wandering what they emote they can or can't.  

Now as far as it being a feat for PRC's making it a feat would need a hak.

But you can make a scripted widget that detects PrC's and hands them out.

Teleportation en masse is pretty hard here, too... plus distance/number of people being taken. I'm not sure exactly who makes all these housing portals IC but they're not exactly representative of difficulty.

Plus all wizards will get it, even if they have conjuration as their banned school. *Squints at Storold.* :P
You sure about that? ;)
That can be scripted around being when you take the class that ban's conjuration that school is placed under feats, you simple make the script look for that feat.

Now since the PrC's are hak packed in scripts can be made to detect them so you could make it work for them and the specialization classes. You just make it check for them

I wish there was a way to make things based off of the specialist schools... I reaaally wanted to tweak some things for them but there doesn't seem to be a function or a work-around for detecting that.
There is away to detect & a work around. you can set it up to detect the feat of the school, which the game uses to keep track of it. Then for the work around you make the Database detect it and mark it with a variable.

One thing about the gate system that I have always liked, is you can make the gates lead to ancient place's that are blocked off neraly but for the use of magic. Such as the abyss, or some other plane. Now I don't care to much for plane travel but that was a example.

You make protals rather hard to get players must find out the true name and know the language in which it is spoken. right there you must not only find the name, but learn the langauge. that just for one gate, it add's something completely knew to the server. Another way to spice things up.

Now scripting it is not to hard. Uses a script of it own, so it does not tie into any other script so it does not need a include.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Movable Corpses
« on: May 28, 2007, 04:11:23 pm »
I really don't mind how it works aslong as the corpse can be moved, and is more realistic.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Movable Corpses
« on: May 28, 2007, 03:03:49 am »
no worries, when we post things we can never besure how people will read it, because writting is a system that makes it rather difficult to properly display our outlook on such things.

We may write something that we think is harmless but looked at in another view it is insulting to others.

I am sorry for even looking at it in a slightly insulting way.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Movable Corpses
« on: May 28, 2007, 12:59:51 am »
Quote from: Dorganath
One thing that warrants some clarification:

The "next version" is not going to be 1-2 years away.  When I talk about the next update, it's coming soon, and it's going to be a "point" release, not a "major" version increment, to use the more industry-standard terms.

We're currently running 3.00.4.  The next update will be like...3.00.5 or maybe 3.01.0, depending. If we do decide to add this, I strongly doubt that it will take 1-2 years to see it implemented. I know I'm not making those decisions anymore.

If I caused any confusion by saying Nibor21 was working on a "major" update, I only mean it's big, not a move to version 4.x.

that was in response to Zuckermens, wait untill the next version, which this is V3. which is planned to last 1-2 years, and is more what I believe he was hitting at.

General Discussion / Re: NWN crashes
« on: May 28, 2007, 12:56:50 am »
disable shinny water, the water in the moors is probly doing it. then also turn down your graphics. this will all help stop crashes.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Movable Corpses
« on: May 27, 2007, 11:38:14 pm »
I am very much aware of my option's and what I can do. Probly more so then you, but thank you for dumbing it down and insulting my intelligence. :p

I think you forgot that I was not intrested in waiting for the next version being this version is dated to last 1-2 years.

As I said I know my options and I do not wish to discuss them further here.

I have made my offer, This person will get back to me, I will check the forums now and again, if he does not or does not in a timely manner I have a No.

being he does work for free, he has been in my shoes and such I am sure he can fully understand where I come from, having been in the same place he is I can understand where he is coming from when he comments. (which he has not yet, so please don't not speak for him)

He is not someone who can work forever, I am not someone who can wait forever. I have made the offer to repay the work and time he would need to put in by repaying him in man hours.

 I have a RL as well, and I try to stay busy. I might be working on a NWN2 module by the time he gets back to me I don't know, I will wait and see, but I think in this topic I have expressed the want/need of a answer soon.

So please when you comment next, don't brush me off as a child or a idiot which your numbered  statements addressing me does. I am not some angry child that wants my way or I am gone, I am a adult willing to work for what I want/need, and what seems many others do as well.

if a simple Yes or No can not be supplied in a timely manner, which since this has been posted, just by my self not counting the2 other times in the past they have had ample time to decide if they wish to have such things in layo.
with holding a statement is as good as a no, I have been in server politics for a long time.

If it a yes I will get to work, if it a no I will simply just leave, and oneday if they add it perhaps I will return if I am not busy simple as that.

It not a I want this or I am gone, it is a I need this or I can't play here. I play to enjoy my self, and the frustration from it cancels out the fun. and I feel leaving before I make any lasting friends to tie me down, and those that I came here with that wish to go with me is something that needs done.

I will just say I understand where Dorg is coming from, I talked to him before on this matter I was not looking for a reply from him on posting this, I was looking for the reply from the one that matters on this subject. I understand things take time, I have told people that on my own server, and I never held hard feelings if they felt that was to long and left, for not wanting to get attached to friends, when they find the server to frustrating to play on.

I came here to have fun and if I find it to much to dealing with the mechanics of the server, I will simply leave before anyone grows attached to me or me to them. Then I will continue my search for a place that has everything to suit my needs and those that go with me, if I can not find a NWN server like that I will just move on to NWN2.

Remember I came here with friends, and only because friends came. half them won't play here currently partly due to the death system and it became that way for me as well. I wish us to stay together and that is what I will do keep my group together the longer we wait the ones that like it here will wish to stay here, and grow apart from the ones that don't who move on.

So please do not judge harshly what I do mr. Zuckermen.

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: A few questions some wish to know.
« on: May 27, 2007, 06:05:49 pm »
Would you like a teleportation system for druids, and clerics done? I can do it send it in. ;)  the spell mass word of recall and recall  for clerics, and just old fashioned recall for druids. they teleport you back to your bind location with some fancy effects, and mass teleports everyone in your nearby party to there bind location.

for mages I can make a actual portal script that can open usable gates to those locations you al'ready have down for them to goto.

Normally this system requires them to speach draconic (the langauge often used in ancient magic scrolls, and just magic spells in genral) and they must speak the true name,  not only could they use the portal but others could as well, and would not even need to be in the party. (all optional, and the portal does not last for more then 3 minutes)

lots of pretty spell effects as well. These are all pretty old idea's we used in the past. Having seen how they work I can recreate it if you wish, consider it part of that work load if you like. while I don't see this as a need, I do see it as a fun very useful toy which would spice things up and give folks another reason to come on stay and try to obtain.

While I don't play any of these classes, I know folks like useful things like this and makes the world more alive, and fun. none of it would need haks, trying to think of something I could offer to get that movable corpse in.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Movable Corpses
« on: May 27, 2007, 05:52:07 pm »
I have no intentions on needing the module. What I offer is to do the scripting, the coprse hodilding zone pretagged and tied into the script, the Your dead waiting zone, the script to put on any temples you wish, if you wish that added to the temples to raise people for a price. all the scripts done. you merely need to import it and tie that in on your own. which I am sure you are capable of, after that run a build and it is done. I am sure there is alittle work needed on the project teams part like tieing the respawn point into the bind locations, and the edits they wish. but a majority of the work would be done.

I said I would meet the team half way, which is all's I can do with out the module, and I have no want or need of it. working with out it removes the need for trust which removes it as being a problem, it makes the work harder, and I work blind, but it has not been the first time I have had to do that.

And I am more then willing to work blind, if it removes the stone of trust from my path. Sure it means alittle bit of scripting is needed on the project team side of tieing it in to the current system. But I hope the offer of making something that was great but hard and time consuming, needing much less man hours, and uses the most advanced system. with out the need of hak packs, would appeal as something alittle to good to pass on.

And if that is not enough to sway for the work load needed, I will offer to remove some more by doing a job for the project team, be it build something, script something, or help them with a script there having problems with.

They can name there price on that one, and I am sure a few can tell you I am a scripter of some skill so my help will not be more trouble then it worth, it is clean, easy to understand, and properly tagged and dated. with clear details explaining what is being done and how things function for those working behind me.;) And I can make script systems to do some things that most would believe require haks, such as PRC's (they would not fit in this system, being you use haks al'ready but it is a example)

If you want a full detailed explanation of the work done, and what would need to be done after I sent it in to be tied in and added, I can PM you it.

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