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Messages - Yar Ydnar

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Trade and Market Hall / RE: Buying and Selling.
« on: May 22, 2005, 09:51:00 pm »
Thanks to Gloin I now have my Iron Greatsword.  But it has replaced an iron Greataxe that has a level one electrical imbedded.  So I'm putting it up for sale.  If anyones interested drop a line.



Development Journals and Discussion / Riley's Writings
« on: November 06, 2011, 08:28:16 am »
(Not from in game)

Riley's Resurrection

Riley Alexander awoke, his head pounding, his ribs on fire. Behind him a familiar voice gleefully exclaimed, "See mam's, told ye ee was gonna make it.
Ee's head is too hard." Another voice. This one female. "Praise be the gods then. Nothin to do with ee's head. Ee's watched oer. Like no other I seen.
Fetch papa." Scurrying feet followed by a slamming door and a child yelling for his father fades. Riley feels no danger, no immediacy in his situation,
he feels ...... safe. Steps came closer and the female says. "Alright there Ben, hold still whilst I remove this bandage. Hmmm. Let me ave yer hand. Hold some light pressure there. I need to get some water. Ye are still bleeding. Not much. But enough to stick to the bandage." Soft footsteps away and sound of water being dipped. Soft footsteps back. "Ere let me ave at it. There tis. Close yer eyes whilst I unwrap ye." He could feel the wraps as they came off. With each one the light became brighter and brighter. Even with his eyes tightly shut. Once she finished she could see the wince in his face so she drew the door curtains closed. He felt her hands softly run over his head as if searching for ..... what he didn't know. "Yes..yes. Ye surely ave the gods oer ye. No worse for wear it seems. By all rights ye should be dead. But then ye should ave been dead when that devil horse drug ye in ere. Hold there til papa comes. Ee'll wanna take ee's own look. Keep yer eyes shut. Be dark soon enough. Won't hurt as much when ye open em."

Not long until he heard the child yelling for papa to hurry. That Ben was awake. She called him Ben too. Why? A door opening. Heavier footsteps
coming. "Well there. Ye finally came round. Mam's an me had our doubts." The child inserted "Not me. No.. no.. Not me. I knew ye be round. Didn't
I papa?" "Yes Zachary. Ye naer had doubts. Well Ben. Can ye open them eyes? Slowly now. Test em first." Riley slowly opened one eye. Then the other. It was dark outside. The only light was that of a candle and the soft glow of fireplace embers. He was in a small abode with thatched walls and roof with an earthen floor. Directly across from him was the only door. To his right was a vaguely familiar large stone structure which housed a large fireplace with what seemed to an equally large cooking pot. And what was in the pot was calling to him. Papa saw the look in the eyes and said, "Mams, Ben's back fer sure. An I think ee's ready to sup." Mams returns the remark with a smile that shows relief, "When was ee naer ready to sup. Ee eats all durin the wakin hours. Just appens I got plenty. Just keep em sittin. Ee looks unsteady still." Riley had no idea what came from the pot. He didn't care. He ate and drank his fill. Then a wave of exhaustion fell upon him. He fell asleep in the chair.

Upon awaking the next morning he felt refreshed. Rubbed his eyes and tried to sit up in the cot. Whoa. Not so fast. Still not all there. Take it slow.
"Mams. Ee's awake." Zachary called out. Seems as if the child was his appointed herald. "I can see son. Go feed the chickens so they'll lay. Ben will be fine without ye." "Ahhh mams." "Don't dally boy. Get." A smile came to Riley's face as he watched the young lad hang his head and stomp out the door. He looked across at the fireplace and for the first time started to take in his surroundings. The night's sleep didn't change the abode. Still thatch construction with a large stone fireplace that made up one complete wall. Mams is a short woman. Not thin, but not large. He could see that she was a life hardened no nonsense woman. Kind. But firm. Zachary was a gangly youth, figured 12 or 13, with a smile that showed he was carefree. Doesn't recall much about papa. Oh well. Later. Mams said "Ben, papa found the crutch ye used afore. Said ye might want it. There. -points- The other side of yer cot. But afore ye try it ave some birch tea to clear yer head." Again she called him Ben. This time it wouldn't go unchallenged. After asking why she called him so mams silently gasped and carefully put the tea in Riley's hand and quickly walked out the door.

She was right. The strong tea worked wonders. With every sip the cobwebs cleared from his mind. Soon he hears urgent conversation outside.

Papa, "I told ye that ee might come full round Sara. That day may be nigh." So her name is Sara. Or do I call her mams?

Sara, "It worries me Caleb. Remember when ee was drug in ere. All dressed in armor. It worries me cause I do not know of what ee's truly capable. I do know ee's as strong as our oxen and as elusive as the
wind. It just scares me as to the true nature of em."

Papa, "Sara, it's been three years or more since he came to us and in all that time ee's naer showed any sign different than being who we came to call family. I'll think no different of em n...."

Caleb stopped as he saw Riley stoop to hobble through the door. Caleb.
A round man of average height. His hands calloused from work. A crooked grin. Confident in his opinion and sure in his work. Not human. Half elf was his guess. Yes. Definitely half elf.

Papa, "Well there. Seems that we can't call ye Ben anymore. Not proper now that ye ave come round. So then. What do we call ye."

Riley, "Riley.....Riley Alexander.... But by the sound of the conversation it would seem that I am more in your debt than I could ever repay....And then some. You can still call me Ben. I'll answer. No need to confuse the lad."

It was weeks before Riley regained his strength and coordination. In that time Caleb and Sara told him of the day he arrived. How he was caught in the stirrup of his saddle being dragged about lifeless. His head packed with mud and grass. A fortunate thing as it stopped the bleeding. At first they thought he was dead. And if it weren't for his horse, Pearl, trotting into the oxen corral he might very well be. Caleb and Sara tried for a full day to get him untangled but Pearl would have nothing of it. Finally Sara came up with the idea of feeding Pearl a mild drug she remembered her father using to subdue problem horses while he worked as a smithy. It worked and they pulled Riley from the pen. Armor and all. They took his armor, weapons, and all other possessions and hid them away. Now returned. After many weeks of care by Sara Riley eventually, seemingly, came to his senses but was devoid of all memories. No knowledge of his past or name. As such he became Ben because Zachary said the newcomer, "Been sleepin.", "Been ere forever.", or "Just been in the way." So Ben it became. Caleb and Sara figured one name was as good as the other. Riley knew no different so Ben it stayed. He remained with the family and helped with the farming. Caleb used to get a belly laugh at first because it was plain to see that Ben knew little, if anything, about farming. But Ben was exceptionally smart and good with his hands. The first year he learned. The second year he hauled stones for weeks. Caleb asked what was afoot but Ben kept to himself. Ben knew that the family had to travel to pay respects to a passing family member and would be gone for a few weeks. Ben stayed and kept up the farm. Tore down a thatch wall. Mixed up motor and reconstructed the wall using those many stones. The family returned to a large fireplace rather than a small fire pit in the center of the home. A welcome addition to be sure. Sara was positively giddy.

Caleb always said that Ben "Might come round". They didn't know when, or if, that day would ever happen. Seemed for the longest that it never would. Then near tragedy when Ben fell through the barn roof. Caleb told him he was too heavy. Told him many times. But Ben had been up there often repairing the thatch. He thought this time would be no different. Almost at the top of the pitch the roof completely gave way. Ben plummeted to the floor below striking his head on a fence railing and landing length wise across the anvil. Explains the smarting ribs. He was unconscious for three days. And woke up to a new reality.


Ask A Gamemaster / Need gm assistance on central
« on: October 30, 2011, 09:34:06 pm »
Riley Alexander now a dwarf.

General Discussion / Need GM Assist
« on: October 29, 2011, 10:25:45 am »
Riley Alexabder relogged this AM.  And the system put me into the middle of the Frindahls leader bedroom.  Last night when I logged I was at Nort Pointe.  Request a port to there.  

Time is 7:31 PDT



Development Journals and Discussion / Riley's Journal
« on: October 14, 2011, 09:29:31 am »
Riley's Resurrection

     Riley Alexander awoke, his head pounding, his ribs on fire.  Behind him a familiar voice gleefully exclaimed, "See mam's, told ye ee was gonna make it.  
Ee's head is too hard."  Another voice. This one female.  "Praise be the gods then.  Nothin to do with ee's  head.  Ee's watched oer.  Like no other I seen.
Fetch papa."  Scurrying feet followed by a slamming door and a child yelling for his father fades.  Riley feels no danger, no immediacy in his situation,
he feels ...... safe.   Steps came closer and the female says.  "Alright there Ben, hold still whilst I remove this bandage.  Hmmm.   Let me ave yer hand.  Hold some light pressure there.  I need to get some water.  Ye are still bleeding.  Not much.  But enough to stick to the bandage."  Soft footsteps away and sound of water being dipped.  Soft footsteps back.  "Ere let me ave at it.  There tis.  Close yer eyes whilst I unwrap ye."  He could feel the wraps as they came off.  With each one the light became brighter and brighter.  Even with his eyes tightly shut.  Once she finished she could see the wince in his face so she drew the door curtains closed.  He felt her hands softly run over his head as if searching for ..... what he didn't know.  "Yes..yes.  Ye surely ave the gods oer ye.  No worse for wear it seems.  By all rights ye should be dead.  But then ye should ave been dead when that devil horse drug ye in ere.  Hold there til papa comes.  Ee'll wanna take ee's own look.  Keep yer eyes shut.  Be dark soon enough.  Won't hurt as much when ye open em."

     Not long until he heard the child yelling for papa to hurry.  That Ben was awake.  She called him Ben too.  Why?  A door opening.  Heavier footsteps
coming.  "Well there.  Ye finally came round.  Mam's an me had our doubts."  The child inserted "Not me.  No.. no.. Not me.  I knew ye be round.  Didn't
I papa?"  "Yes Zachary.  Ye naer had doubts.  Well Ben.  Can ye open them eyes?  Slowly now.  Test em first."  Riley slowly opened one eye. Then the other.  It was dark outside.  The only light was that of a candle and the soft glow of fireplace embers.  He was in a small abode with thatched walls and roof with an earthen floor.  Directly across from him was the only door.  To his right was a vaguely familiar large stone structure which housed a large fireplace with what seemed to an equally large cooking pot.  And what was in the pot was calling to him.  Papa saw the look in the eyes and said, "Mams, Ben's back fer sure.  An I think ee's ready to sup."  Mams returns the remark with a smile that shows relief, "When was ee naer ready to sup.  Ee eats all durin the wakin hours.  Just appens I got plenty.  Just keep em sittin.  Ee looks unsteady still."  Riley had no idea what came from the pot.  He didn't care. He ate and drank his fill. Then a wave of exhaustion fell upon him.  He fell asleep in the chair.
     Upon awaking the next morning he felt refreshed.  Rubbed his eyes and tried to sit up in the cot.  Whoa.  Not so fast. Still not all there. Take it slow.
"Mams.  Ee's awake." Zachary called out.  Seems as if the child was his appointed herald.  "I can see son.  Go feed the chickens so they'll lay. Ben will be fine without ye."  "Ahhh mams."  "Don't dally boy.  Get."  A smile came to Riley's face as he watched the young lad hang his head and stomp out the door. He looked across at the fireplace and for the first time started to take in his surroundings.  The night's sleep didn't change the abode.  Still thatch construction with a large stone fireplace that made up one complete wall.  Mams is a short woman.  Not thin, but not large.  He could see that she was a life hardened no nonsense woman.  Kind.  But firm.  Zachary was a gangly youth, figured 12 or 13, with a smile that showed he was carefree.  Doesn't recall much about papa.  Oh well.  Later. Mams said "Ben, papa found the crutch ye used afore.  Said ye might want it.  There. -points-  The other side of yer cot.  But afore ye try it ave some birch tea to clear yer head."  Again she called him Ben.  This time it wouldn't go unchallenged.  After asking why she called him so mams silently gasped and carefully put the tea in Riley's hand and quickly walked out the door.

     She was right.  The strong tea worked wonders.  With every sip the cobwebs cleared from his mind.  Soon he hears urgent conversation outside.  

     Papa, "I told ye that ee might come full round Sara.  That day may be nigh."  So her name is Sara.  Or do I call her mams?  

     Sara, "It worries me Caleb.  Remember when ee was drug in ere.  All dressed in armor.  It worries me cause I do not know of what ee's truly capable.  I do know ee's as strong as our oxen and as elusive as the
wind.  It just scares me as to the true nature of em."  

     Papa, "Sara, it's been three years or more since he came to us and in all that time ee's naer showed any sign different than being who we came to call family.  I'll think no different of em n...."  

Caleb stopped as he saw Riley stoop to hobble through the door.  Caleb.
A round man of average height.   His hands calloused from work.  A crooked grin.  Confident in his opinion and sure in his work.  Not human.  Half elf was his guess.  Yes.  Definitely half elf.  

     Papa, "Well there.  Seems that we can't call ye Ben anymore.  Not proper now that ye ave come round.  So then.  What do we call ye."

     Riley, "Riley.....Riley Alexander.... But by the sound of the conversation it would seem that I am more in your debt than I could ever repay....And then some.  You can still call me Ben.  I'll answer.  No need to confuse the lad."
     It was weeks before Riley regained his strength and coordination.  In that time Caleb and Sara told him of the day he arrived. How he was caught in the stirrup of his saddle being dragged about lifeless.  His head packed with mud and grass.  A fortunate thing as it stopped the bleeding.  At first they thought he was dead.  And if it weren't for his horse, Pearl, trotting into the oxen corral he might very well be.  Caleb and Sara tried for a full day to get him untangled but Pearl would have nothing of it. Finally Sara came up with the idea of feeding Pearl a mild drug she remembered her father using to subdue problem horses while he worked as a smithy.  It worked and they pulled Riley from the pen.  Armor and all.  They took his armor, weapons, and all other possessions and hid them away.  Now returned.  After many weeks of care by Sara Riley eventually, seemingly, came to his senses but was devoid of all memories.  No knowledge of his past or name.  As such he became Ben because Zachary said the newcomer, "Been sleepin.", "Been ere forever.", or "Just been in the way."  So Ben it became.  Caleb and Sara figured one name was as good as the other.  Riley knew no different so Ben it stayed.  He remained with the family and helped with the farming. Caleb used to get a belly laugh at first because it was plain to see that Ben knew little, if anything, about farming.  But Ben was exceptionally smart and good with his hands.  The first year he learned.  The second year he hauled stones for weeks.  Caleb asked what was afoot but Ben kept to himself.  Ben knew that the family had to travel to pay respects to a passing family member and would be gone for a few weeks.  Ben stayed and kept up the farm.  Tore down a thatch wall.  Mixed up motor and reconstructed the wall using those many stones.  The family returned to a large fireplace rather than a small fire pit in the center of the home.  A welcome addition to be sure. Sara was positively giddy.
     Caleb always said that Ben "Might come round". They didn't know when, or if, that day would ever happen.  Seemed for the longest that it never would.  Then near tragedy when Ben fell through the barn roof.  Caleb told him he was too heavy. Told him many times. But Ben had been up there often repairing the thatch.  He thought this time would be no different.  Almost at the top of the pitch the roof completely gave way.  Ben plummeted to the floor below striking his head on a fence railing and landing length wise across the anvil.  Explains the smarting ribs.  He was unconscious for three days.  And woke up to a new reality.  


Development Journals and Discussion / Helper's desire
« on: September 05, 2011, 02:35:45 pm »
How do they do that? I mean. I can see them and then I can't. It's not magic. There is no waving of the hands. No incantation. They just fade away and return to attack again and again. Those vile creatures knew not what was tormenting them so. Is it something I can learn? I'm good at hiding. Very good in fact yet I cannot just hide on a whim. I need space. I require unprying eyes. How do they do that!? I must find out. I must.

- excerpts from Helper's journal after witnessing two Shadowdancers battle Trolls in the Sinister Forrest -

Development Journals and Discussion / Helper's desire
« on: August 07, 2011, 02:46:18 pm »
How do they do that?  I mean.  I can see them and then I can't.  It's not magic there is no waving of the hands.  No incantation.  They just fade away and return to attack again and again.  Those vile creatures knew not what was tormenting them so.  Is it something I can learn?  I'm good at hiding. Very good in fact yet I cannot just hide on a whim.  I need space.  I require unprying eyes.  How do they do that!?  I must find out.  I must.  

 - excerpts from Helper's journal after witnessing two Shadowdancers battle Trolls in the Sinister Forrest -

Ask A Gamemaster / Paladin on speed
« on: July 31, 2011, 03:40:56 pm »
Had to rebuild my entire CPU this past weekend and when I finally was able to log back it would seem that Riley, my Paladin, has been blessed with a little extra pep in his step.  Not sure if he has been mis-coded as a monk or what.  Not that I don't mind the extra speed but it's not correct.



Rumour Has It / Dark Elves in Silkwood
« on: July 31, 2011, 03:34:10 pm »
Had a start just this day. Encountered two Dark warriors at the bottom of the Silkwood Caves.  Take heed.  They were outfitted for action and more than able to defend, or take, from the unprepared.  Where there are two there are many.

Riley Alexander

Layonara Server / New HAK file
« on: July 17, 2011, 12:31:21 pm »
Tried to log on and was instructed to get the new hak (layo_ctrlv3r13.hak) which is not on the download site.  Any suggestions?



General Discussion / Leaving.......But only for a while.
« on: January 12, 2007, 06:33:29 pm »
Work related travel has thrust itself upon me and I will be experiencing Layo withdrawls.  It will be some months until I return but return I shall.  Best of this new year to all.  Remember, be on time, but if you can't be on time at least be good.


Layonara Server / Central reset
« on: November 24, 2006, 08:51:49 pm »
Riley just died and received his 10th DT for the effort.  The server, by my view, froze on me twice and they beat me senseless. Feel that Central needs rebooting so it doesn't happen to anyone else.



General Discussion / Stuck on cliff
« on: November 11, 2006, 12:52:13 pm »
On Central Tajucin Mire is stuck on a cliff in the southwest corner of Corax Lake.   Need GM help to get him down.



Trade and Market Hall / Platinum Full plate for sale
« on: June 16, 2006, 06:46:52 pm »
*Posted in all the Inns throughout the land*

Have one set of platinum full available now.  Others can be created on demand.  No auction. Requires 15 seasons of experience to don.  First 20,000 coin offer under this post will benefit.  Contact Riley Alexander to complete transaction.

General Discussion / Goggles of Night
« on: March 20, 2006, 06:44:16 pm »
Riley Alexander purchased a "Goggles of Night" helmet from the salesman outside of Vale.  They absolutely changed nothing in his night vision ability.  Expected to see some, any, improvement but alas nada.  Are these things broken or are the differences so slight it's imperceptable.



General Discussion / Can't log on
« on: March 18, 2006, 01:43:20 pm »
Was just in the 1000 years quest with Riley Alexander on the quest server.  I was booted for some reason and now I can't log back on.  Have tried west as well. May have tried to soon, too many times and caused a trip wire to flip.  Just a guess.  Need assistance just to get to where I can get back on.

General Discussion / Removing Visual
« on: February 25, 2006, 04:28:52 pm »
How does one remove a visual from a weapon.  I've tried placing it on my ox and the "Mysterious Device" in the Scamps Mug but it still remains.  Any and all advice welcome.



General Discussion / STUCK ON A CLIFF
« on: January 07, 2006, 05:29:00 pm »
Was ported onto a cliff in Haven Outskirts.  Need assistance getting down.



General Discussion / Zero to 3 PK's
« on: December 20, 2005, 02:59:00 am »
Got what I thought was my first PK tonight when I cleaved poor Owen Lo'Kiar while battling to rescue a noble woman.  When I went to check it at the binding cross in Hlint it said I had three. And since the last time I checked, within the past week, it's gone from zero to three. I'm sure I'd remember the others as well.  Not saying they didn't happen but I've no idea where, when, or who.  Like I said as far as I know I can vouch for one.  Can the others be called up to refresh my memory?  Character is Riley Alexander.

Best Christmas to everyone.


Hall of Heroes and Heroines / Yar D' Ydnar's Demise
« on: November 30, 2005, 02:29:00 pm »
"Why is Rodlin running?  What did he say?  Crap!! Did he just say crap?  What's chasing him?  Bugbears! Too many.  Turn.  Run. Too late.   Surrounded.  Have to fight.  Maybe I can distract enough of them so the others can escape.  One down.  Two down.  Three down.  Too many.  Can't watch my back.  Where are the others?  Run you dolts!  Why is Rodlin so close?  Quit hitting me in the back! Have to clear a path.  Have to run.  Have to escape. So weak.  Another down.  An opening.  Run! ARGH! ... So tired. So very tired.  I'll just lie here a while and rest.  What's this?  Some kind of Demon!  Get your claws off me!  Let me go!  Can't watch.  Just a dream.  Close your eyes go back to sleep.  It will all be better when you awake.  Better now.  So comfortable.  Haven't felt this good in along time.  Open your eyes.  Face the new day.  Who is this holding me? Smiling at me.  So quiet.  So peaceful.  What have I done with my life?  I've left my mark.  I've trained many. Equipped many.  Saved many. Is my work done?  No.  My work will never be done.  There will always be more to do.  Hopefully those I've touched will continue. Am I ready to transcend this life?  Yes.  I'm ready.  Take me home."  Yar D' Ydnars last thoughts as the Soulmother gently cradled him in her arms in the Serpent Mountains.

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