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Messages - Locust

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Poetic License / The ranger and the maiden
« on: December 07, 2004, 04:08:00 am »
This is a story, a rhyme, a tale
About a ranger entering a vale
His companion, a dog, agile and slim
Strolled a few yards in front of him
It was already nearing the end of spring
The time when young birds try their wing
Everything was still lush and green
All around him, all that could be seen
In the distance a few dear
He felt at ease with nature so near
Solitude was broken by a howl
What followed was a deep growl
Then he heard a cold shout
What should he do, flee and rout
Or should he just follow his dog
Follow its tail to up there, that rock
His mind making the decision at last
He dashed, jumped and got up there fast
From the rock it was clear for him to see
A maiden who needed to be set free
Grass colored dark within a few yards
Blood of a few brigands and here guards
Two survivors were tossing here around
Until she landed with her bum on the ground
He heard here voice from where he stood
She yelled in agony “Brute”
He quickly pulled an arrow from his quiver
Lightning speed, it would make you shiver
Now he had his aim to trust
Or the ambush would go bust
The arrow flew, piercing the air
Slaying the first one when the maiden was close to despair
Another arrow already in mid-flight
Hit the other, it turned out its light
With the maiden now released
The name of them all through time deceased
It is the vale that lives on in rhyme
As the valley of just in time

Development Journals and Discussion / In dreams
« on: November 24, 2004, 04:06:00 am »
It was there again this dream that haunted me since, I don’t know actually. It just was there when I became conscious of it. The monks have talked about an accident but they can tell nothing of the circumstances, the cause. Heck. These questions I cannot answer myself. But can my past be found in this dream or is it telling me a story of a horrific future? Maybe it’s all a fantasy that only exists in my mind. Anyway my first memory goes back to this ever-present dream fantasy or not.

In this dream there is this chain slowly swinging on the rhythm of my hart, left to right, squeaking when it changes direction. I have the impression it is attached to me but I do not see how or where. Also I can not see it’s end because at one point is simply disappears into darkness. Besides the squeaking I hear a voice singing from far behind me, comforting me as my dream continues.

Then every so often the tension in the chain increases until I feel it pulling me. I try to resist it and I don’t move. It’s obvious that a force pulls the chain. Pulling until my strength gives way and pain enters my body. It feels as if my muscles will be torn apart, pain is immense. I shout, I cry, tears don’t take away the pain only seem to intensify it. I’m a puppet, a toy, to the force pulling the chain, playing with me. Soon after the singing behind me stops and a blur enters my view form behind and overtakes me. It rapidly follows the chain until it is too out of my view and moments later I hear the loud clashing of metal upon metal. Slowly the tension in the chain is released and when the sounds of battle disappear I feel myself again without the pain, in control of what I can do. With the pain gone I see the blur returning quickly taking its position far behind me. And the comforting songs? They continue in a language I do not understand.

This was the ever-present dream I had when I was still comatose and in the care of the monks. By counting the swings I noticed it took longer and longer before the invisible force would try to pull me closer. Until one day I woke up out of my comatose state and the dream was gone, not to appear again even after the monks brought me to full health and released me from their care. But the dream it has come back to me tonight.

This time there were no monks and I woke up on the floor face up, alone. My left hand ached as if it had been burning and the ‘III’ tattooed on it had changed from green to the deepest shade of black. When I touch my hand I only feel the cold sweat that also covers the rest of my body and the blisters that had formed on it. Blankets hang from the bed onto the floor barely covering part of my body. I’m shivering and wondering how long I have been lying there on the floor. When I get up I notice some burn marks on the blankets and when I try my hand on the marks it fits perfectly. This discovery, it leaves me both wondering and shocked at the same time.

~ Na~hani

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