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Messages - NEXUS7

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General Discussion / RE: Of to China for 4 weeks
« on: May 13, 2006, 11:14:58 am »
Niles09 - 5/13/2006  9:54 AM

Enjoy your trip, if you bump into some girl who is all mad about diving it might be my sister :) I mean China cant be soo big cant it??!

Right, will do Niles09

Thanks all

So thats 7 swords for you lot and look out for Niles09 Sis if I go diving.
Can not be that hard, I will be looking at the Loo-shen where the pot army is.

Wild Surge Inn / Re: Giant Army: NOW RECRUTING
« on: May 10, 2006, 01:05:28 pm »
*Captin Spugly Fuglet, comes in looking batterd and road warn, he places LightBringer the grate, grate sword made of Ice by the Lady Ayla next to his pack and sees his old note. He takes out a barnt pice of wood and notes on whos put there name down, He looks round at the 3 gaint recrutes behind him.  "You lots gets drinks we moves out soons, me bes we all gets ouched to death so gets lot of beer, and breads for da march."  * he looks at them, be better if I has good fighters whos smash good, then he sees Pigs name and Smiles, he rights a note"  PIG yous in see serget Zug hes swares yous in untill me gets back Pay 100 shinys.  *He picks up his sword and pack* "come on time to gos" he nods as barman and walks out ready for his next fight

The Silver Buckle / Re: Wanted: Scribe
« on: April 23, 2006, 03:11:08 am »
mille mooneyes the map maker may be of use, she may take on this roll. will need to lolk into lore notes more and I'm dslxic so my grammer and spelling my be of after spell cheching. real world comitments my get in the way as well. other than that she dos get a round a bit so flying would be ok and it merns me doing stuff on my game down time which is ok to.

what do you think

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Gold as well as EXP
« on: April 22, 2006, 08:35:21 am »
I hear you all and yes its fustrion comming out, a lot of what has been said ill take on bord and Weeblie sorry your right the XP is not has I said.
I have had a few days off and feel better for it, I think spedding my time RPs is much much better than and Craft/gold/Ep grind which means I live not look at the numbers on my PC but its the Feats I like so much.

Thanks fro all your feed back and for putting up with my rant.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Gold as well as EXP
« on: April 21, 2006, 06:25:29 am »
Acacea, Humm it dos sound like Im saying that but has been poined out the true is

Long pay time = RP, Levels, Gold, stuff

Short play time = RP and fustraion

The arguments gave for this are sound and fair as it saves DM's debating why RP
should be reworded out side of Quests with all the PCs ingame.

But your point is to say Im wrong for thinking as I do that Layo is a lesser place for having rules which
fix the system and not the play.

But I am just one new player and I will bow to thows DMS and players who have been part of Layo much longer
than my self.

As for having more than 1 PC yes I do but Spugly and Max rearly see the light of day now, Mille is my main
PC and shes the one who hides and dos not fight.

I think what im saying is
Levels go up by a facter of X2 in EXP so 7th to 8th is some thing like 160,000 to 320,000
But the play time needed for that also gos up by a facter of X2
1 to 7 can be done in 64 hours of game play ( I know it can be done in a week but how many hours)
8 the is 128 hours
9 256 hours

If you only play 10 hours a week thats 25 weeks for level 9 (cut that down with quests say)
15 weeks RL

10 = 30 weeks
11 = 1 year 6 weeks
12 = 2 years 16 weeks

Well thats what I feel.

General Discussion / Re: I.G. Maps
« on: April 20, 2006, 05:40:42 am »
Yep My PC Mille Mooneyes The Map Maker sells maps in game
They cost and will only show the root from point A to point B
with N S E W as Dirations and notes on what you may find in an area or on root.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Gold as well as EXP
« on: April 20, 2006, 05:16:12 am »
After reading throw the post I still feel that the longer you play the more you get, and that Good RP in the day to day of LAyo is just expected but not rewarded.
Again for playes like my self that have limited time and login infrqwanty layo seem to only have very very very slow PC dveliment after 7th level.
If you have a PC that dos not kill your only root then is crafts and if you dont have the time for Craft Graind then your stuck playing the same level and whaching others pass you by.

Mille, Pugly and Max have it that Level wall, and my RL lets me only play the times I can.
Like so meny others this is Killing Layo for me, I feel im a good player and have done some good RP
in the times Ive been on Layo.

Its such a shame that the one boot fits all rule has to be so rigedly held to.
When it comes to Loot, gold and Exp.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Gold as well as EXP
« on: April 20, 2006, 05:07:24 am »
vgn-> but even a low level can run through the crypts and clean them out. You can get around 1000+ gold in one trip. If that's just the low level area in Hlint.
No way I have do the crypts meny meny times I have a PC who do not like killing as she hides more, so I have to take some one with me share loot.
So its back to the Gold Grind again where the RP in that.

I do take your paint on PnP v NWN game mecanics yes I can see how that makes looting A thing to be done in game and all the risks that impliyes.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Gold as well as EXP
« on: April 20, 2006, 04:57:02 am »
Acacea -> "I have rephrased this somewhat since it was just coming across as a preachy rant."
Sorry old chap its still comming over as a preachy rant, with lines like I play of RP only etc
If you know how to get easy gold with a PC who hates to kill pray tell Im all ears.
The gold "Gaind" if thats what your on about has very littel RP so im not doing that.
Thats why I do Quests and thats why I would like gold then and there not throw "Griand"
Ive put the time and RP work in lets some some PC progretion.
Im not some one who has 10 to 30 hours a week to specnd on layo, I try my best to RP as good as I can.
Ask any one about Mille Mooneyes shes been around and done things, but I just can not see how players who spend
hours in game get to dictate the why things are done, its just

Time in game = Rewareds
says nothing about RP qulity of a player I have only ever had once a 500Exp rewared for in game, none qwest activity after 6 Mouths and
100s of hours of playing the best RP I can.

Well thats my rant back sorry

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Gold as well as EXP
« on: April 18, 2006, 03:34:18 pm »
I think that shuting down more than EX as the rewares fro low level PC's is wrong, 5k to a 6 level PC means a lot, and handing out some
small magic items. Would that brake the world have giveing 4 to 6 hours of real world time to Layo

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Gold as well as EXP
« on: April 18, 2006, 03:29:16 pm »
Dorganath-> "We actually want less gold in the economy, not more, so handing out gold at the end of a quest is probably not going to happen.
I think your dead wrong all the higher level PCs have all the gold, they swon around thorw 100000 at each other, but we low levels have to scrip and save to get
4 or 5k what is wrong with giveing a low level PC some coin after finding the a so rear Low level GM game, If you think not have a look at the GM games
see how many are for Levels 3 to 7

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Gold as well as EXP
« on: April 18, 2006, 03:23:30 pm »
Acacea -> It happens, but even then, the "loot" is never the point of the quest ending.

I must disagre so you wade throw loads of bad guys just to get a nice EXP bit, come on
I have had this chat about being stuck at 9th level and all the post back said

Hay do GM games then you get XP then Levels then can see more of Layo world, do more.

Now your say what, The XP dos not matter.

come on, we have all played PnP and you know and good game knows that to hind out loot
at the end as rewareds for good indavitual RP is part and posel of gameing.

General Discussion / Re: Anyone else think it's WRONG...?
« on: April 16, 2006, 10:28:09 am »
Its going to get a lot lot wose the plain is to go to war with Iran which kicks out 1/4 of the worlds oil
them Texas boys have us all stiched up now the GM boys have sold us all Trucks not cars

This has been in the making for years and you know what the the Nuck boys just can not wait to start up

Just for Fun / Re: Why dos it hurt so much
« on: April 16, 2006, 09:41:48 am »
Found this on the web seems to sum up where my head was at all thows years ago and why its taken a hit now
Feel a lot better for reading it helped a lot to staten out my head.

 As Part of Obsessive Relational Progression
The initial phase of ORP is characterized by an instantaneous and overwhelming attraction to another person. It is at this point the relationally dependent person becomes "hooked" on a romantic interest, usually resulting from the slightest bit of attention from the person they are attracted to. Phase One ORP behaviors can include:
 • An instant attraction to romantic interest, usually occurring within the first few minutes of meeting.
 • An immediate urge to rush into a relationship regardless of compatibility.
 • Becoming "hooked on the look" of another, focusing on the person's physical characteristics while ignoring personality differences.
 • Unrealistic fantasies about a relationship with a love interest, assigning "magical" qualities to an object of affection.
 • The beginnings of obsessive, controlling behaviors begin to manifest.
This phase in considered a relational turning point, which usually occurs after a commitment has been made between both parties. Sometimes however, the relationally dependent person will enter into this phase without the presence of a commitment. This happens when the afflicted person creates the illusion of intimacy, regardless of the other person's true feelings. The second phase of ORP behaviors can include:
 • Unfounded thoughts of infidelity on the part of a partner and demanding accountability for normal daily activities.
 • An overwhelming fear of abandonment, including baseless thoughts of a partner walking out on the relationship in favor of another person.
 • The need to constantly be in contact with a love interest via phone, email or in person.
 • Strong feelings of mistrust begin to emerge, causing depression, resentment and relational tension.
 • The continuation and escalation of obsessive, controlling behaviors.
This particular phase represents the rapid escalation of this unhealthy attachment style. It is at this point that obsessive, controlling behaviors reach critical mass, ultimately overwhelming the RD person's life. It is also at this point that the person being controlled begins to pull back and ultimately, severs the relationship. In short, Phase Three is characterized by a total loss of control on the part of the RD person, resulting from extreme anxiety. Usually, the following characteristics are apparent during the third phase of ORP.
 • The onset of "tunnel vision," meaning that the relationally dependent person cannot stop thinking about a love interest and required his or her constant attention.
 • Neurotic, compulsive behaviors, including rapid telephone calls to love interest's place of residence or workplace.
 • Unfounded accusations of "cheating" due to extreme anxiety.
 • "Drive-bys" around a love interest's home or place of employment, with the goal of assuring that the person is at where "he or she is supposed to be."
 • Physical or electronic monitoring activities, following a love interest's whereabouts throughout the course of a day to discover daily activities.
 • Extreme control tactics, including questioning a love interest's commitment to the relationship (guilt trips) with the goal of manipulating a love interest into providing more attention.
This is the final phase of Obsessive Relational Progression. It represents the destruction of the relationship, due to phase three behaviors, which have caused a love interest to understandably flee. For a variety of reasons, this is considered the most dangerous of the four phases, because the RD person suddenly plummets into a deep depression due to the collapse of the relationship. Here are some of the more common behaviors that are exhibited during phase four of ORP:
 • Overwhelming feelings of depression (feeling "empty" inside).
 • A sudden loss of self-esteem, due to the collapse of the relationship.
 • Extreme feelings of self-blame and at times, self-hatred.
 • Anger, rage and a desire to seek revenge against a love interest for breaking off the relationship.
 • Denial that the relationship has ended and attempting to "win a loved one back" by making promises to "change".
 • The use of drugs, alcohol, food or sex to "medicate" the emotional pain.
If your behaviors mirrored the various phases or the Obsessive Love Wheel, then it may be time to learn more. Obsessive Relational Progression is a problem that does not get better on its own and does not get better over time. Sadly for many people, the only way they can get off their frenzied wheel is by jumping onto a new one.

See thats I was doing and have been doing for a long time, Hellon, Nicki, Julea, and on and on untill  Qin Qi who got me of the drink and back to thinking strate.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Gold as well as EXP
« on: April 12, 2006, 05:11:19 am »
Sorry can this post be moved to NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests I put it in the wrong list Dooowww

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Millie Mooneyes MAPS
« on: April 12, 2006, 05:08:58 am »
This day I have complested my 1st trip around the world with the aid of Mr Ozys magic house, thow his books did try to eat me i was abel to get abck to hlint. I have seen such lands the deep woods lakes and hills of 3 worlds, the lear of dragons and grate refts in the land. Mr Oyz has told me of the shadowdances and there skills he showed me a book but would net give it to me, hes so odd some times. I dont under stand his words its as if he knows things but will not tell me.
But the pictuers in the books showed a land of shadows like ours. Mr Ozy says its next door what ever that means I look next to his house but it stands alone.
He says he has walked in that land but there is no roads there but the ones in ones mind. What do that mean?

Ill ask Abi next time I see her, I practice every day the exusaises she has shown me to do, dome are add but I do them they are very hard as well.
Well thats it for now back to work.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Millie Mooneyes MAPS
« on: April 12, 2006, 05:02:41 am »
Abi has found me a ring a rear thing that aids in the skills of moveing with our sound of form. I have used it all raidy and found that it is of grate help. Next I will look for a belt I need to be stronger to carry more travils.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Millie Mooneyes MAPS
« on: April 12, 2006, 05:00:39 am »
O what A night I have at last seen what the ways of moving in shadows can do Abi asked me to come with her into the wild woods and there we moved throw into the lands of the grate gaints, I hid as Abi walked up to them seeing her thay at once pulled long a crule looking plades but she seemed to pull the night around her and befor my eyes faided from view, the dump founded gaints fell into fighting them selfs after a bit of help from me, but O such skill if only I could be do the same. I know the ways of the shadows but to be as one of them. I could walk any where unseen even dear I say all the way to the serpent Ileas and my races lost home land then O grate day I will make my last and gratest map for all my kind to use.

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Blinds21
« on: April 11, 2006, 02:27:12 am »
happy bath day old chap have fun and get lots of prezys

General Discussion / RE: Happy Birthday Leanthar
« on: April 11, 2006, 02:25:08 am »
FOOOOOORRRRR hes a golly god fellllooooowww
Forrrrrr hes a golly good feeeelllllloooowww

Happy birthday Big L

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