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Messages - Eorendil

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Layonara Server / Re: Elemental Mysteries
« on: May 25, 2007, 12:22:20 pm »
See the Elemental Mystery forum if you have questions.  We will be doing a bit of work in there to make up for the canceled session.  If you do not have access yet please request access via the Group Membership menu.

Roleplaying / Re: what is a half elf?
« on: May 24, 2007, 10:17:21 am »
Elves are an inherently mystical race.  By tainting their blood even a little with the human genome which, while hardy, is pretty much the epitome of mundane you effectively impare, to some degree, the offspring's mystical nature.  It won't matter whether its 1% or 75%.  

Physical traits may vary and show as more or less elven but the physical and mystical traits are a world apart and not mutually exclusive.

The name Half Elf is a very general classification and not really a racial designation so while your character may be offended at being called a half elf when he's two thirds or three quarters.. it has no bearing on the label.

It has been years since I picked up this tome.. years since I was moved to chronicle the goings on of things and my experiences in this world.  Even now the quill hesitates in my hand.  It is hard to write.  Ironic, really.. the first true statement, ever, that my quill.. my lips... even my heart is loathe to let free; as if the telling or writing of it makes it any more real...

Mother had sent urgent word to me in Fort Vehl, pleading for me to return home immediately.   A hundred possible reasons fled through my mind, forcing my trek to Haven to take on even more urgency.  I truthfully did not rest during the entire trip.  I could not.  

Thoughts flooded my mind about the state of mother or father or my siblings and even though it was not at the forefront of my mind, my heart knew what this was about.  I denied it without even thinking.  I hid it from myself until it was right before me... until I was in the house of my parents, their tears pouring forth at the sight of me.. my mother's arms begging to hold still my movement as my pace took me to the doorway of that familiar room.  

Standing there it hit me how little it had changed in over ten years, as though not a day had passed since Imogen's retreat.  I stood there at the threshold for moments without end, afraid to cross or be seen.... but nothing happened.   I didn't even notice the priestess of Aeridin till she excused herself from the room, politely pressing past me.  I was in a trance.  

My eyes were held fast by the form laying on the bed.  The bony fingers and sunken features were almost alien to me.  Her sleeping gown betrayed the withering form beneath and her uneven, shallow breaths spoke as loud as my breaking heart.  I knew as my feet carried me to her bedside that this could be the last chance I would have to ask her forgiveness.. to hope that the storm inside her might calm.

Her eyes had opened as I knelt down next to her and bowed my head.  I could not look into those eyes.. not with all my strength.. not with all the strength ever gifted by my Lord to every holy warrior that ever existed in his name.  It was her frail hands that found the strength to right my sight and squeeze my own.  Her eyes looked to me full of water, pleading.  For what, I may never know.  With what must have been the last of her strength she softly whispered my name and then quietly slipped away.

*in shaky, heavy scripting* My Imogen is dead..

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: About character age
« on: May 11, 2007, 09:31:13 am »
Unfortunately, its difficult to keep track of and quantify the effects of haste in the current environment.  Its much easier in table top games.  

I, personally, do not feel that haste, used occasionally, would drain ten, five or even one year of your life.   If it does I'd better be on par with The Flash (TM) while hasted.   Though if it did, its use would be guarded, at best.  Many would likely have words, at sword point, with casters who cast it without their permission. Habitual or continual use could have seriously adverse effects.

As a note:  Though Layo runs on a platform that pulls a lot of mechanics from 3.0 situations that can not be handled by the system and require GM rulings often follow more old-school revisions.

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: About character age
« on: May 10, 2007, 03:45:47 pm »
Ignoring time jumps due world level quests, one year passes approximately every 24 real life days which means a character would age a little over 15 years for every real life year.  Given the prevalence of healing magic among adventurers you could draw parallel between it and a higher technical knowledge of, say, medicine.  People, at least people with access to healing and those with immunities to infection will likely live longer and have a better quality of health resulting in being more active even through what we term now to be middle age.  This, generally, would include many adventurers.

Assuming few or no great jumps in in-game time and a fairly young starting age a human character could be RP'd for four years or more.  Now, at that point it might be interesting if someone could change their appearance to that of the old woman or old man..

Layonara Server / Re: Elemental Mystery Discussion Forum
« on: May 09, 2007, 08:13:55 pm »
For those requesting access, go to your private messages and then scroll down.  On the left side there will be a selection titled group memberships.  After clicking on that you will be given a list of forums that require requests for access.  Find Elemental Mysteries and you're most the way there.

Roleplaying / Re: Lying.
« on: May 07, 2007, 07:30:58 pm »
There are limits and reasonable boundaries.  Even coercive magics can't make someone violate their instinct for self preservation against their will.  It all depends on the person you're dealing with as to how far you will get.  The trick with persuasion is knowing where people's limits are and walking them right up to and along that line without crossing it or getting them so familiar with that line that they no longer no where it is.. in a way.  The same thing can be held true regarding Intimidation.. take it too far.. make it absurd... and all the rolls in the world won't make it work.  

Rolls by themselves mean nothing without 1) situational facts and 2) RP.

Layonara Server / RE: To all those on or signed up for my quests
« on: February 21, 2007, 05:26:25 pm »
Alright, what I was expecting has come to pass so I just wanted to let Pyyran and the people signed up for my Friday quest that I'll have to postpone for a week, maybe more. I'll make sure to post when things change.

General Discussion / RE: Before I Buy This, Tell Me ...
« on: February 12, 2007, 06:54:41 pm »
I work for a company that works exclusively for Dell. One of the other techs hates putting together his own machines and so buys from Dell. *shrugs* He says he's had very little trouble with his XPS system. I'm just too much into tweaking, modding and building.
  Anyway.. component-wise it'll do you good. While I'm an AMD fan I'm familiar with the improvements and performance advantages of the Core2 Duo Intel processors. I don't think you'd have trouble running NWN and NWN2 but I'd trash Vista as soon as I got it and install XP Professional if it were me. Again, that's just me. I've had no experience or tell of how well or if NWN and NWN2 run on Vista.

Layonara Server / Re: 2x XP and 1.5x GP Weekend
« on: January 31, 2007, 08:49:15 pm »
ThrainSil - 1/31/2007  1:35 AM  Great!.  bummer no open quests.
 Do not discount that which you do not perceive. 8)

General Discussion / RE: metagaming and cdts
« on: January 18, 2007, 12:19:54 pm »
If it were up to me, and it isn't, things like CDTs would only be viewable by GMs and their creators. If an entry needs to be shared it could always be copied and sent to intended parties.
  I'm not sure if the current board system could do that but there's no sense in worrying about it. If everyone could keep OOC info separate it wouldn't be a concern.

General Discussion / RE: rp'ing accents
« on: January 18, 2007, 11:46:08 am »
I love playing Caighd when he has a full mouth... Not really a dialect but it could be.. *chuckles*

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Notice to all Travelers
« on: January 11, 2007, 05:33:49 pm »
*A very comely young lady with an air of majesty about her walks into the Wild Surge.  Her blond hair is tied back, smartly and the spectacles that rest upon her nose add to her professional appearance.  There is purpose in her steps this day because she doesn't waste a single step plotting her course to the board.  She scans it quickly and nods, apparently having found what she sought.  With amazing efficiency she pulls a document from her pouch, unfurls it and tacs it to the board in one fluid movement.  Turning on her heal she walks from the Surge.  Outside you hear the faint sound a horse's hooves trailing into the distance.*
  *The paper if of considerable quality.  Near the bottom rests the official seal of Lord Rodor of Haven Castle.  Penned on it in a flowing, almost perfect script, is the following*
  To whom it may concern,
     Thanks to Priestess Muireann, Galen Tweed, the Elf Elohanna, the warrior Melanna and many others, whose names shall not soon be forgotten in the city of Haven, a grave threat was expulsed.  The gnolls have been driven from the city and repairs are continuing at a considerable pace.  Officer Kit, having been quite busy marshaling and organizing the recovery, was not fully informed as to what happened during the occupation of the outlying city.  Nor was she fully briefed on the specifics of the enemy's defeat.  This has been corrected.  
  To Praylor Falcus,
     It is regrettable that you never sought an audience with his Lordship to discuss what actually happened.
  *the page is torn here. In what space is available is a masterfully penned signature and the official seal of Lord Rodor of Haven Castle*
   Lady Delia, Attendant to his Lordship, Lord Rodor of Haven Castle.

General Discussion / Re: Dice Bag Etiquette
« on: January 11, 2007, 08:48:49 am »
*focuses real hard and tries not to put his 2 truth in on the forms of magic and cross class/style understandings thereof*

    Ditto on what Ice said.  I don't want to leave anyone out but not all characters and classes or circumstances require for everyone to roll on a particular item and there's also the issue of manageability and the flow of the quest.  If you emote the action and are descriptive I'm bound to ask for the roll.

Rumour Has It / RE: Iron Clad - Discussion
« on: December 13, 2006, 08:07:03 pm »
Alright guys. Because of my own work related conflicts as well as the Holiday and several key people having difficulty I'm postponing the next episode till Saturday, January 6th.
  If I don't see you all before then, have a great holiday!

Rumour Has It / Re: Iron Clad - Discussion
« on: December 11, 2006, 03:01:43 pm »
//Quest moved up a week. Hope everyone is alright with that. My last one for the year *grins*

Rumour Has It / RE: Iron Clad - Discussion
« on: December 10, 2006, 07:39:15 pm »
//Alright, I have the next session tentatively scheduled for the 23rd. I know this is close to a holiday.... so if its trouble I'll move it but it'll most likely get moved to the first weekend in January at that point. Let me know.

Rumour Has It / Re: Iron Clad - Discussion
« on: December 05, 2006, 06:31:34 am »
//Don't worry about it Stephen. Most GMs will not penalize you if you go over the limit during the course of the quest. Besides, I think you all have plenty to deal with already.

Rumour Has It / RE: Iron Clad - Discussion
« on: December 01, 2006, 09:09:45 am »
//The next episode for this quest has been posted for next Saturday at the regular time. Sorry for not getting back to things sooner. The holidays coupled with a heavy work load, exhaustion and several small emergencies have made things difficult. If you have any questions feel free to PM me as I do check the boards regularly.
  Thank you,

Roleplaying / Re: Elves
« on: November 14, 2006, 05:13:52 am »
And that same human that went a week+ without sleep will, almost invariably, go insane.  ;)

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