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Messages - Lance Stargazer

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Rumour Has It / *The gnuman nods once to the
« on: December 15, 2016, 03:57:22 pm »

*The gnuman nods once to the reply*  Of course ... it could be not conected but good to check anyway , otherwise the investigation will lead into nothing, but you are right, One should conccern ourselves with what is at hand, We could always be worse, **nods enthusiastically** 

We could always have a worse problem, this coudl be orchestrated by the SSGEMP, that would end in truly dissastrous consecuences ** nods sagely once*  .. You know they once made a bomb that randomly changed  the body fat of the residents of one district of a city ?

 **he says matter of factly with security on his voice ** 

Anyway ... I'll keep my eyes open for more development, we might even find the tracks of the pink hippo most recent nefarious activities . . **nods*  

Rumour Has It / *The unconfortable silence is
« on: December 14, 2016, 11:41:27 am »
*The unconfortable silence is interrupted after about 20 more seconds, when the man snorts a laugh and then says* 
- Oh... its a joke, yeah. . i know. . jokes one is supposed to laugh at those .. Good one.. yes  ..
*The ankward moment continues as he snorts a couple more times and then  replies*  
- I was thinking on something along what is known *mutters or i read something like that * passionate crime, that goes along that,  My thoughts would be like she used to date one bully whtich maybe its a chief of something around. .  but so far are conjetures and informacion pieces.  .. just a big part of the gigantic puzzle that is this small issue. . Which we need to solve soon so we can go back to bring science to your town **nods sagely twice* 
- I was thinking to ask, has been there any reports of missing person in town that might coincide with a woman of this description ?  **he adds another page of the description of the body he found with as many details he could get from the state of the body ** ( hair color , approximate height, face , race and so ) 

Rumour Has It / *The gnuman replies as the
« on: December 14, 2016, 02:26:32 am »

*The gnuman replies as the new guard comes * 

- Indeed, While i was exploring getting into more salt to do some calibrations for the arm, and also some important project about drying methods for pelts, which of course will disclose later. .  anyway .. the point is that i found another body in another section of the cave, this one was visibly female **nods a bit, blushing something**  And had still some rags on, so diferently to the first ones found, This one seemed to have been taken away by some current of the subterranean water over that cave, anyway .. AS this poor lass had still something on her, she had a small pouch with this note ... - 

*He presents a crimpled note with the following message* 

" Baths if yoo will  brayk with cheef fur me be shor "

*He then continues*  Its by most the most amusing way to write common i've ever seen, you know it wrote as phonetic language rather than an pictographic , see?   


But as per my understanding  it would say something along the lines of  : Baths if you will break with chief for me be short" **he scratches his head a bit*  Does this seems familiar somehow? 

*Armand awaits for the reply *

Rumour Has It / *After one week the same meek
« on: December 13, 2016, 08:15:13 pm »
*After one week the same meek human comes to the Guard post, he fidgets a bit and looks around a bit nervous* 
- Er. . hello, i found something else to have to do with the murders.
*he looks around for the young guard that he met before or if not available someone who might carry the same kind of uniform*

Rumour Has It / *As he keeps walking into
« on: December 13, 2016, 05:20:27 pm »

*As he keeps walking into towards the barrier he replies to Lia* 

- The problem is that we are facing something diferent here, this is not a portal, its more like a summoning spell, its indeed conjuration but not a teleportation in the full sense of it, what the barrier actually do is to pull you from here to there, once we got there i found that we still had the aura of conjuration about us, it bound us in the way a Summoning spell do, Jenna was able to "convince" the barrier to undo the summon that is why it brought us back, alongside all those gnolls that were brought with us.  - *he leaves a moment in silcence , for this to be understood then continues* -

- The main problem would be that there is no end point where we are sucked in, we are summoned to that specific point but the magical trace remains in us, not in a circle or a portal per se, so there is nothing to destroy on the other end, Again i could try to transfer my matter away,i've done in the past, but to get to bydell it might requiere a day ,.. or so .. which its what i think i'll do if things go south with this plan

*As he approcahes to the barrier, he is looking for a particular page of the small book he is examinating*  

Just for Fun / Everytime i heard this song
« on: December 13, 2016, 12:43:43 pm »

Everytime i heard this song it remind me of Armand "The gnuman", he is one big experiment going horribly wrong to go all the way to where this song would lead. 


Skullcrusher Mountain - Jon Coulton




Rumour Has It / *The gnuman looks is lost in
« on: December 13, 2016, 12:48:16 pm »
*The gnuman looks is lost in thought , constantly processing the information and probably thinkin g like four conversations at the same time, then boldly states * 
- Yes the one who invented the nail, had no idea of what he was doing -  
*He snaps back noticing as Lia approaches and speaks about learning*  - It certainly would be a good study case, the enchanting pattern is created to confuse those who examine it, it clouds the mind to subconciously overlook the original intent of the barrier, granted the one who actually crafted this mixure of patterns shoudl be indeed very able in the trade. 
*He nods at Jenna's remark*  Don't worry, maybe then just be near in case extra energy is needed, I myself am not the most proficient on the dispelative patterns weaves, but the option we have is either try or wait for us to be sucked in again, so I'd rather try.  
*To Lia maybe a bit too loud for everyone to listen*  Learning yes, i have really no hurry to get out of here, I could take a full year down there to study it, but i am sure that eventually we would die of starvation or something worse, so we need to close as wonderful as this is,  I asked before, if you have some kind of dispelative or disruptive patterns knowledge or capabilities now would be more than welcome for the effort. 
*Before he moves towards the barrier again he speaks openly*  I don't want to give you false hopes, as I mention this is a long shot, not something i am able to perform usually, and it could simply not work, but its the only thing i have now to try to pull this out, ... Isn't it exciting? Its like a big gamble for your lives  **he grins*
*With this said he is seen walking towards the barrier, with one stash of papers on his hands, his big and ridiculous monocle over his right eye*  

Rumour Has It / Of course  *he nods twice at
« on: December 12, 2016, 09:45:51 pm »

Of course  *he nods twice at the man*  I will make sure to work on this contraption so it won't explode ... too soon ..

*He then looks over to the other two gnomes*  So now you live here, huh?  So convenient indeed, its a good spot for comerce  

And a tragedy indeed what its happening here, how the fair people of this town can start to think in science if they have basic worries as people casually being murdered around isn't it? 

Rumour Has It / *The gnuman nods in
« on: December 12, 2016, 04:14:31 pm »

*The gnuman nods in understanding* Well.. yes, people always want someone to blame,   Don't do this, stop touching that,.. its your fault its going to explode. .. told you so . . **nods*  Yes, I've heard all of those. At least this doesn't seem to be a work of the SSGEMP, otherwise it could become really hectic  **nods thrice sagely ** 

*As if having to pull a really hard feat he manages to stop the derailing train of thoughts that started to form on his mind, and that inevitably was going to end in the reasons why the  definition of the the structure of the universe have  the shape of a muffin, and he returns his attention to the conversation and the reality he lives in * 

I ... am .. Glad you asked. .    I am Armand Dawson, engineer extraordinaire, and Adjunct Proffessor of the Clockwork academy **nods thrice sagely*  I will be spending the rest of the week here. . . need to do some repairs on the arm you know?  **he nods sagely once*  

*He shows some of his notes of the state of decay of both bodies, the general characteristics of them , even if they are written as if you were describing golems rather than human beings , the details of the approximate weight in stones and all manner of apparently useless information as well* 


Rumour Has It / *The man nods
« on: December 12, 2016, 03:03:35 pm »
*The man nods enthusiatically*  Yes , you are grasping the basic of it, good,  
I found indeed two  bodies in a cave that remains some miles to the west of the lake, but the most curious part is that they had diferent levels of decomposition, which makes me think that they weren't murdered at diferent times. 
Also i found some marks of attacks on a sailship in the lake as well, there are splinters everywhere and the area shows the marks of something heavy being dragged there, I found this marks on two difrent areas about the shore of the lake **nods sagely once* 
Could you tell me why all this people is angry?  *looking around*  

Trade and Market Hall / *Argos enters to the store
« on: December 11, 2016, 11:45:18 am »
*Argos enters to the store and looks upon some wares, and he is seen muttering*-  Oh this would be so useful to miss Tegan .
**he picks 28 Glass ingots*
// Deposited 173 Gp's at the chest of thisle
Total :  265914 - 1460 = 264454

Rumour Has It / *As he looks at the crowd, he
« on: December 11, 2016, 11:08:18 am »
*As he looks at the crowd, he seems surprising to find sympatetic voices, a strange ocurrence indeed, he was more expecting people getting away from him or people with forks and tar scenario, so for now had been a very good visit, for a change *
*Now that the soldier seems to be coming his way, he gives a step forward and moves towards him* 
- Oh for Goran's oiled wheels and mighty mechanical hammer, *he looks at the soldier from head to toe as if he was searching for something, then continues*  
- I want to give a report of a possible murder, well.. mostly a murder because i don't think the bodies would have ended in a cave in the state they were without an external agent to produce that, but right now i did not saw the event itself so.. *he thinks a bit*  yes, allegated Murder it would be the case - **nods twice sagely as if he had finally convinced hismelf * 
- I found two bodies in diferent state of decomposition on a cave some miles south of here, - *he stops a bit * Er... you coming to ask for this and not to throw me out of town, right?  - *he tilt his head a bit awaiting his reply* 

Trade and Market Hall / Paying for the platinum   (
« on: December 09, 2016, 03:38:42 pm »
Paying for the platinum   ( 13 ingots ) 
 Previous credit:  20391 - 2600 = .17791
Deposited the 260 at the  Skullcap chests
// Armand Dawson

Rumour Has It / *Armand gives some thoughts
« on: December 09, 2016, 01:14:44 pm »
*Armand gives some thoughts to the ideas presented, his eyes wander in silent calculations of whatever new project migth be imaginated by his strange mind, then speaks * 
I've learned to do that yes, but its not as easy as it appears, I could escape easily this trap yes, i could have done before, but i don't feel to well to leave with you all trapped here, Allow me to expand a bit on the theory of the instantaneous matter transfer, I could in thery move away from this place to where i've finished the ritual and to the area i've set up as familiar place to return, but for some place like Bydell castle, it might take about one day of preparation on the ritual here in order to have any slim chance to succeed.  
I have to correct myself a bit, sadly we won't be able to use the energies of the  portal created by Bydel mages to pull ourselves back, i should have been mistaken that with the remanant energies of the conjuration of the portal, so. no .. sadly not an option either.
I am stongly convinced that the only way we have to secure a way out is first to disable the barrier that caused the problem originally, If we had more resources we could try to find who created it and why, but each moment that passes give us less minutes away from whatever pit that thing transported us.  
With this said I need your help *Said to Lia and Jenna*  I have the intent to spend one big resource i have with me to try to disable, this is going to be a big shot in a way, since the power of this portal overcomes anything i've able to create for my arm or any formulae i know.  If you know abjuration spells for disrupting the existing patterns ( Any kind of dispel, Greater dispel , or Lesser Breach ). we could try to disrupt the patterns to deactivate this, then we'll focus on get out. 
*Then he speaks to the rest of the ones trapped there*  I don't mean to leave any of you out, but so far i know this two female-non-bullies are versed  in the ways of the Al'noth, so if any of you could help as well on the means already described, are welcome to join the common effort.  
*With this said he waits a reasonable time for Lia, Jenna or anyone else to reply before heading back near the barrier,  he is seem muttering how he probably have died a lot of times already due the teleportation process since his cells would probably had destroyed themselves and created a duplicate that actually thinks its the original* 

General Discussion / Might depend on the time, I
« on: December 08, 2016, 10:19:11 pm »

Might depend on the time, I might or might not have the day off that day, If i don't have the day off  i could probably attend after 7 pm CST, If having free day obviously will be way more posible.  but just throwing that at the hat. 

Rumour Has It / *The gnuman has kept himself
« on: December 07, 2016, 02:28:07 pm »
*The gnuman has kept himself busy as Jenna had somehow interacted with the energy barrier, once she stops doing so he somehow feels a bit relieved, his mind busy in interminable calculations on things that might or might not have something to do with the problem at hand* 
*Upon hearing his name and the sugestion from Jenna, he seems to put his actual thoughts on hold while turning at her and the group as if measuring the posibiliies.* 
- I see the situation at hand, and i was thinking to build a pole system that helps carry the people outside like a wonderful elevator made of ropes and eventually we could turn it into something permanent with cogs and more poles, and ropes ... *He seems to be imaginating the magnanimous construction, but then looks crestfallen a bit * .... if we had enough time, that is it.   Which sadly I believe we don't .
I am not sure about the golem, I can order him to start taking out to the most wounded and the mine, But i am not sure how many we could get with one golem working thru there, its one mile, The  It migth as well be activated while in the middle of the way up . 
I have some theories about what to do with the barrier, we need to weaken it with specific methods, failed to do this we'll be probably sent back to where we were before, So we need to hurry to decipher this mystery-  
*To Jenna specifically he mentions*  - I was not aware you were that proficient towards Conjuration, you managed such a huge feat to be able to travel back just with the energy of the portal, other thing you could try is to try to use the remanant energy if any of the portal that brought us here and try to use it as a tunnel to get to Bydell and request the wizards of the kingdom to actually open a portal for the soldiers to go out. , Of course as mentioned before the feat you managed was hard enough, i am not sure if you could pull it again to go towards Bydell.. specially with no strong impulse as the portal used before, so how do you feel to try that?  -
*With this said he waits for the replies of all the involved as he resumes his eyes to his calculations *

General Discussion / The time seems a bit tight
« on: December 07, 2016, 02:01:51 pm »

The time seems a bit tight for me.. at the statrting time i'll still be at work, but I'll try to get there, probably moving the char to the starting point may help. Cheers.

General Discussion / It would depend on the time
« on: December 05, 2016, 07:15:06 pm »

It would depend on the time for me , but preety much what Cbnicholson said.  Also i know the time frame for Görm is a bit earlier than our standard american zone.  So what time frame were you thinking Chak? 

Trade and Market Hall / *Robyn Returns after some
« on: December 04, 2016, 11:31:30 pm »
*Robyn Returns after some time with a wagon cart full of ore already processed and ready to work * 
- 17 Platinum Ingots at 200  =  3400
-  8 Ginseng @50 =               400
-  5 Gingers @40 =   200 
       4000 trues to credit 
Credit :  264164 + 4000 = 268164 Trues 
 // Aesthir Stargazer 

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / It was a great adventure ,
« on: December 04, 2016, 11:18:37 pm »

It was a great adventure , Kudos to the small mouse that was lurking in the dark, throwing incredible tough guardians around.  Enjoyable and good turn out .. And nobody died which is always positive. 

Thank you Cbnicholson and Serissa for the organization of the event.  

~JC/ Lance

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