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Messages - Teo

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Rumour Has It / (No subject)
« on: April 14, 2014, 11:37:43 pm »

*Dev chuckles as they walk out towards the gates of Fort Llast* "Naw, she's just this way towards Toranites... She dun' really like the church in general, never has as long as I've known her."

Rumour Has It / (No subject)
« on: April 14, 2014, 11:37:41 pm »

*Dev chuckles as they walk out towards the gates of Fort Llast* "Naw, she's just this way towards Toranites... She dun' really like the church in general, never has as long as I've known her."

Rumour Has It / (No subject)
« on: April 14, 2014, 10:52:53 pm »
"Watch out, she might zap ya. Turnin' inta a zombie dun' seem ta put people in a good mood." *Deverain leads Argos out towards where Tyrian was waiting*

Rumour Has It / (No subject)
« on: April 14, 2014, 12:38:56 am »

*Deverain is willing to allow any tests done to further the understanding of whatever is happening*

Rumour Has It / (No subject)
« on: April 13, 2014, 11:43:05 pm »

"Yes, I feel alright aside from that. And my friend is outside of town... she is somewhat mistrusting of priests. It may be wise to go out to meet her... I doubt I could get her to come in here."

Rumour Has It / (No subject)
« on: April 13, 2014, 09:40:16 pm »

Deverain speaks to anyone who wishes to hear the problem. 

"I dun' really know wha' it would feel like ta be a zombie, but I feel rotten. An' I've been havin' nightmares about bein' dead and walkin' around an' such. An' my friend... She looks like a zombie. Still can talk, think, an' she dun' walk around moanin' an such, but she has rottin' flesh and I can see her brain...

"It started when we were huntin' spiders in tha Silkwood. In tha' bottom level, by the giant spider, there was a zombie. It had a greatsword coated in frost. I didn't think much of it, an' I went out ta fight it, but it cast some spell that circled me 'fore it blew up and knocked me down. The bloody thing killed us both. Luckily, we were stonebound, an' we went back and killed the zombie. I've been feelin' bad ever since then, an' my friend's zombie-ism started right afterwords."

Just for Fun / (No subject)
« on: April 13, 2014, 11:50:36 am »

Great question and I hope other people answer as well! 

I'd have to say Metallica is my thing while I'm on Layo... It just seems right for squishing bandits and zombies :-)

Trade and Market Hall / (No subject)
« on: April 10, 2014, 10:42:31 pm »

I have aquired the ten glands.

Trade and Market Hall / (No subject)
« on: April 09, 2014, 08:05:02 pm »

*a note is left* 

I can aquire such venom.


Trade and Market Hall / (No subject)
« on: March 30, 2014, 06:07:51 pm »

And your posted lists are up to date as the price of what you need?

Trade and Market Hall / (No subject)
« on: March 30, 2014, 02:16:02 pm »

Deverain walks in to inquire about the price of a Mithril Bastard Sword, and if there is anything the guild needs that he could bring in to help pay for the sword

Introduce Yourself / Welcome to Layonara! I hope
« on: March 27, 2014, 06:30:34 pm »

Welcome to Layonara! I hope to see you in game soon!


              Toran forgive me for traveling in the company of a dark elf. Cord forgive me for traveling in the company of a dark elf. All that is good on this world, forgive me. She is one of the demon elves that took Cord prisoner, that enslave so many. And yet I saw light in her soul. Somewhere, under the confines of her goddess and her society, there is a goodness that seems to desire to reach out. She was bound by duty to redeem herself to her society, but that seems to be the main reason for her devotion. Perhaps, after her task is complete, she would be willing to give goodness a try, to leave behind the ways of her foul goddess. I do not expect or believe she would go so far to turn to Toran, perhaps not even to Az'zata. But I only wish to see her turn away from the ways of the Deep, and towards light and goodness. Perhaps I am wasting my efforts. Perhaps I am misleading myself in the belief that any of those kind who seem so devoted to their tasks could turn away from evil. But if there is any chance that she can be saved, it is worth a try. But is it wrong for me to try to aid her in completing her task, if it is to severe her ties to the underground pits? Toran guide me in my quest to save the soul of this dark elf.

Trade and Market Hall / (No subject)
« on: March 29, 2014, 06:19:00 pm »

Deverain's Old Balance - 53,098


Items Dropped Off - 

          Foehammer - 1,518 (75% of Lens)

          Last Defense Greatsword - 2,500

          Bronze Half Plate - 1,000

          Broken Glade Axe - 10,863 (75% of Lens)

          Oak Club - 800

          Enhanced Heavy Crossbow - 7,335 (75% of Lens)

          99 Bolt of the Destroyer - 15,147 (75% of Lens)

          Brownie Mail - 9,102 (75% of Lens)

          Iron Breastplate - 1,750

          50 Arrow of the Destroyer - 7,650 (75% of Lens)

          Katar of Penetration - 12,399 (75% of Lens)

          Beast Plinker - 8,022 (75% of Lens)

          Scroll of Energy Buffer x 2 - 7,000

          Scroll of Battletide - 3,500

          Scroll of Ball Lightning - 3,500

          Scroll of Mind Fog - 3,500

Total of Dropped off Items - 95,586


Items Taken -

          Adamantium Pot Helmet - 4,000

          Electric Weapon Enhancement IV * 2 - 24,000

          Boots of the Arachnea - 640 

Total of Items Taken - 28,640


New Balance - 120,044

Left 2,864 in 10% Chest

Development Journals and Discussion /     Giving up an old sword
« on: March 25, 2014, 05:45:26 pm »

    Giving up an old sword feels like betraying an old friend. My old one... Made of adamantium and infused with flame... Is no longer enough to damage some of my enemies. As much as I wish I could keep this one... I must have mithril. No doubt I will keep my old blade, but it will become retired. Perhaps I must view it as relieving a comrade of duty. It has seen much work, slaying beasts and bandits that make a dangerous world for those who have good in their heart. It has kept me and those close to me safe through countless journies. Perhaps I am writing this to relieve myself of the stress of setting it aside. It is a fine longsword... but I am ready for more. A hand and a half sword... I could undoubtably handle one. A mithril bastard sword... I just need a crate or two of coin. Perhaps I can work out a trade agreement... Ore or gems to someone who cannot carry it. But either way... my old sword is to be retired, replaced by a new blade. 

Introduce Yourself / I hope to see you in game
« on: March 09, 2014, 09:12:50 pm »

I hope to see you in game soon!

The character approval team is really helpful, especially on your first submission. If you work with them, you can be in game fairly quickly.

The character stable is also a good way to get in game quickly if you don't want to go through the submission/revising part of making a character.



Trade and Market Hall / Kelvaron Takes a Cloak of the
« on: March 02, 2014, 09:00:50 pm »

Kelvaron Takes a Cloak of the Panther, leaves 75% of the lens price, or 387 trues, in coin chest.

Trade and Market Hall / Kelvaron Takes a Cloak of the
« on: March 02, 2014, 09:00:38 pm »

Kelvaron Takes a Cloak of the Panther, leaves 75% of the lens price, or 387 trues, in coin chest.

Development Journals and Discussion / I was hired by a dwarf... a
« on: March 02, 2014, 01:27:43 am »

I was hired by a dwarf... a quite disgusting one, at that. But he had a good job, a job worth taking. A job that required me sneaking into a Lord's home, breaking into a safe, forging his signature, replacing a forged document with the real one, and escaping without leaving a trace of my presense. A task that sounds easy enough before you add in the guards, the Lord himself, the annoying cat, and the shadow that haunted the place. 

I smuggled myself in by sneaking onto a supply wagon that was going into the residence. It was an uncomfortable, smelly ride among the pork bits, but I remained unseen. The cart also had some human bodies in it, so I believe the driver may have been of interest. But I had a job, and so there was not time for investigating it further. 

The guards proved little difficulty, although the dwarf's agreement required I leave no trace, and a dead guardsman would have been trace enough. I was going up to the second level when my shadow seperated from where it should have been, and tipped over the shadow of a vase. This caused the real vase to tip over. That was my closest shave with being caught... My own bloody shadow tipping over a vase. I figured little of it, as I was on a mission and some foolish shadow would not stop me from recieving my pay.

I made my way to Lord Rensault's quarters, and used the magic pen the dwarf gave me to forge his signature onto the forged document. I also found the combination to the safe, as well as a diary entry that detailed his wife dieing in childbirth, and the child being a mutant who they now keep locked up. At the time, I still thought little of it. 

The cat in the hall outside of Rensault's quarters proved more difficult than the human guards (Who seemed fond of setting off their own traps, might I add). I could not kill it, because the death of a pet would have been noticed. However, it needed to be eliminated before it meowed so loud Rensault woke. I resorted to alchohol. I soaked a piece of corn bread with Will-O-Wiskey, and the cat seemed more than happy to eat/drink until it passed out. 

I found the son of Rensault's quarters, and a top. A shadow was spinning the top's shadow, which was causing the real top to spin. The shadow then whispered into my shadow's ear, and I heard the voice as if it had whispered into my real ear. It said it's name was Constantine, the son of Lord Rensault. It asked me to come free it. We agreed that it would aid me in getting to the safe, and I would free it. 

We trapped the old man watching the safe under a vase, and I opened the safe and swapped documents. There was a good amount of gold in the safe, but I restrained myself from taking it as to not leave a trace of my existance in the building. 

I then snuck downstairs, to the dungeons. There was a dwarf there as guard, but I struck him with his dinner plate and the butt of my knife. He fell unconsious, and I tried to make it look as if it was the work of the shadow Constantine. The son of Rensault was a horrific creature, but very skilled in the art of stealth. He agreed to teach me how he fades into the shadows from plain sight, and dazes a foe with the shadows, in return for my freeing him. 

Constantine is  a very skilled stealth artist. If he was born of Dark Elven herritage, he would be almost admirable. But as he is, I will always be superior to him. Still, his tutoring is valuble enough for me to continue learning from him. My mission is complete, my payment recieved, and I have found a valuble ally and tutor in the arts of stealth. And, as per the agreement with the dwarf, no blood spilled, and nobody was aware of my presense in the building.

Trade and Market Hall / Kelvaron's previous balance:
« on: February 23, 2014, 08:13:29 pm »

Kelvaron's previous balance: 0


          Iron Dagger - 900 trues 

          Robes of Acid - 500 trues  

          Tarnished Amulet - 1425 trues (75% lens price)

          Ring of Bull's Strength 1 - 1750 trues

          Total - 3175 trues



          1 Silver and Topaz Ring - 1750 trues

          1 Silver and Topaz Amulet - 2100 trues

          1 Iron Shortsword - 1200 trues

           Total - 5050 trues

           Left 2380 trues to cover balance, and 505 for 10% of items taken, for a total of 2885 in the transaction chest.

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