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Messages - Gulnyr

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Trade and Market Hall / RE: Inventory Reduction Sale
« on: March 28, 2005, 12:18:00 pm »
//I see lion hide as 13.  Is yours a pre-correction version, maybe?

Wild Surge Inn / RE: "To Steal A Bride"
« on: March 27, 2005, 07:30:00 pm »
// May situation remains the same.  Unless I get the call from my boss saying we're heading out, I'll be here ready to go.  And, as I said before, the call usually comes at the last minute, so I probably won't be able to give you much warning if I do have to go.

Just for Fun / RE: 1111111111
« on: March 17, 2005, 10:05:00 pm »
I feel less geeky now... *frowns*

Just for Fun / A Tiny Jennara
« on: September 24, 2016, 05:56:07 pm »
Way back in 2011, I made a post about miniature painting and hoping to find a good mini to represent Jennara. Since then, a company called Hero Forge has become a thing. There, on their website, you can "sculpt" miniatures digitally from various parts and poses, and then (if you pay them) they will 3D print those miniatures and mail them to you. If you don't pay them, you can still play with the tools.I ordered a few Jennaras, a Gulnyr the Grim, and an Iri Ambercress!. So far, I have painted one Jennara:Jennara in her purple dress  Jennara in her purple dress from starboard side aftShe is not this big (assuming you're looking at this on a monitor that was born in this century). Here are some painting progress shots, one of which includes a penny for scale:Base CoatFirst ShadowThese are the base coat step and first shadow step, respectively, for the skin.First HighlightSecond HighlightAnd then the first and second highlight steps, respectively.Alive!T.I.N.Y.Then the eyes were painted and she came alive. And here's the penny for scale.Here are three of the miniatures I have yet to paint. They're dark grey plastic, so it's a little hard to see the details in this photo. They need a little cleanup to get rid of extra plastic from the 3D printing process, then priming and painting can begin. 

Ask A Gamemaster / Preventing Information Loss
« on: October 28, 2011, 07:43:12 pm »
Can we come up with something to help prevent information and decisions from being lost among the thousands of posts and threads of the forum?  Something that allows easy access to official positions without requiring a degree in Internet Archaeology, useful both for old hands and for new players?

At first I thought of stickying threads, but that just makes a weird block of threads and only slightly helps finding things because there's no index.  

Then I thought of making a stickied index thread within each forum section that lists topics/decisions/information and then links to threads about those things where the discussion took place, but threads like that are less useful if they are within restricted sections, like deity forums.

So I thought of index pages on LORE, visible to all, with as many pages/sections as necessary, all nicely linked up, with information and decisions clearly displayed so they are easy to understand and are not lost.  Links could be provided back to forum threads if it seemed important enough.

Any other ideas?

Quote from: Dezza
And yes I think if its a PC who has gone through the CDQ process and has a rank in the faith that enambles them to make such decisions 'in the field' then good on them.

Which ranks are the minimum for legally assuming the mantle of judge, jury, and executioner, please.  This is important information for players.

Ask A Gamemaster / A Little Help Please
« on: October 22, 2011, 07:28:53 pm »
Quote from: Dezza
The idea that the world should move on without us from a GM perspective is absolutely frustrating. In instances where we have done this in the past we have copped an absolute hammering by players saying its not fair, they didnt get any input, they didnt get a chance to act. Now you are saying why isnt it happening???? I prefer not to be called stupid no matter what we do. *throws hands into the air* You can't have your apple and eat it too sometimes. You have to accept and work with what you've got and I feel like a broken record on that point.

I need to know, please, who rules the world.  

Does Queen Mouring, for example, matter?  Does she make any decisions for Trelania?  Is there a government there, or do people just sit around pretending to do things?  Are they allied with Brelin?  If some tragic event befalls one, with the other act with the force of a whole kingdom?


Do adventurers rule the world?  Do all major events require the interdiction of a PC?  Will Queen Mouring, for example, do nothing, ever, unless there is interaction with one of our characters?  If a tragic event befalls Hlint, say, will the Queen act, calling in resources from her vast kingdom or is it up to a handful of adventurers to make anything at all happen to help Hlint?

Is the world alive or dead?  Is there a realistic background with a sensible hierarchy, or are we playing tiny, powerful demigods who tell kings and queens where to go?  Yes, it would be bad if everything happened without the opportunity for player input, but it is equally bad that everything requires player input.  Why is everything always all-or-nothing, black-and-white?  Find some middle ground.

Ask A Gamemaster / Misplaced Kitty
« on: September 10, 2011, 03:28:45 pm »
Very recently, a cougar has been spawning just off the road in the middle of the Lake Splendor area.  Can something be done to put it back where it belongs?  It's a little irritating to be bitten just for trying to go north along the road from Center.


Ask A Gamemaster / Bank Chest Problem
« on: August 02, 2011, 01:33:09 pm »
I logged in today with Iri and checked the bank chest, right beside where I logged out.  Instead of an inventory, I got the message "You are already using a bank chest" in bright red letters.  So I tried resting, making a deposit with the vault keeper, using the crafting benches, and logging out and in again, but it doesn't help.  I don't remember logging out with the bank chest open last night, but I may have, and I can imagine NWN being picky about that sort of thing.

I'm out of ideas, so if anyone else can help get this fixed I would appreciate it.  Thanks.

Trade and Market Hall / Fresh Chicken Eggs
« on: July 23, 2011, 02:34:21 pm »

Three dozen of the finest, freshest, most fabulous eggs from perfect, pretty, prize-winning hens.  The entirety are cradled securely in a velvety soft lining within a rugged wooden box, complete with hempen handles for dependable grip during carrying, rain or shine.

Seek Iri Ambercress to secure the purchase of this wonderful treasure!

Trade and Market Hall / Aloe For Sale
« on: July 17, 2011, 04:48:54 pm »
For Sale:

One sturdy box, suitable for travel, stuffed full of fresh, fragrant aloe, as gathered by a fierce and capable adventurer.

Seek Iri Ambercress for trade.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Livestock Chatter
« on: July 16, 2011, 03:25:03 pm »
Can we do for the cows and such what was done for jukeboxes, so that milking (etc) doesn't flood everyone's chat window?

One night, I met a Rofireinite, one of the stuffy ones, in Hlint.  Her name was Samantha.  She was really tall and covered all up with golden bits.  There was no doubt she could not hide in a corn field on a moonless night.  I asked if she was an adventurer because she didn't look like an adventurer.  And I was right!  She said she was not an adventurer, and then we went on an adventure.  Tall people.  *shrug*

First, she led us to a house with a magical portal, because we were going all the way to Center.  It was a good thing there was a portal; she said she was the worst storyteller currently alive and I believed it.  Inside the house, the portal glowed before us, maintained by some terrible, occult ritual in the cellar, I'm sure.  Potato sacrifice, maybe!  Samantha wanted me to go first since one of us had to be brave.  And then WOOOSH! and I was in Center.  I thought of all the friends I had missed on the road, but was glad to have avoided the torture of the worst storyteller alive!

We crossed town to the entrance of a grim and ominous crypt.  Samantha prayed for half an hour, asking for enough blessings to cure a plague in Port Hempstead.  When she was content (or when her voice gave out, it's hard to say), we went to the door.  The big, metal slab took all the might we two could bring to force it open.  Inside was an arcane barrier, designed to test the worthiness of adventurers by some eccentric mage, I bet!  Then there were fancy doors, and behind them skeletons!  Maybe a hundred!  Who puts fancy doors in a crypt?  *shrug*  

We started to fight the skeletons, clobbering them with our mighty might!  Samantha did a good job for not being an adventurer.  And she didn't even know it was an adventure!  She thought it was just a harvest.  Yeah!  She wanted their fingers for a witch's brew!  I would have expected that sort of thing from Corathites, but why would those who call themselves the Protectors of the Law and the Common People go about stealing dead people's fingers just because they got up again?  I don't think they think these things through.  She said they were for healing potions, but I know a witch's brew when I smell it.  Why couldn't she make healing salves like normal people, with herbs and honey?  

But we fought on!  And she took all the fingers!  It would have been bloody, but they were just bones.  I had to threaten the use of my axe on a few of the attacking skeletons, but then they all stayed away, for I was surely a ferocious sight to behold, even to a dead man with no skin or muscles.  Or eyes.  How do they see what they're doing?  Evil tells them, right to their earless heads!  Don't look at me like that - that's how evil evil is!  So! Then we opened a door and saw ghouls!  Lots and lots!  I hit the first one right in its scrawny neck with an arrow and its head fell right off!  Thunk!  Samantha was swinging a big sword through them, and I was poking eyes with my arrows, and then there was just a mess of dead ghoul parts all over.  We were a minimum-sized army of ghoul-bashing dangerousness!

Beyond the pile, we saw a skeleton with some fashion sense and a spider that almost certainly had some giant in her family somewhere, and maybe some orc, clearly not caring at all what Aeridin thinks.  Samantha looked scared and made some sort of prayer for good soap and clean laundry, and it just made the skeleton and spider mad.  They charged at us, and I fired an arrow that put a very unhidable hole in the skeleton's robe.  Then there was magic everywhere!  Samantha had praying for something different, and the skeleton and spider died.  Pow!  Take that, bug!  The spider had a lantern, and it still had oil in it, so I struck some flint and lit the wick.  I think the spider needed a reading light; it was too dark in the crypt otherwise.  

We went back outside.  Samantha gave me a little pile of treasure from our adventure.  Adventure and treasure!  Yay!  Then she gave me some healing potions she said she'd made with the finger bones.  I told her I wasn't going to drink them.  No one tricks me into drinking witch's brew.  You should remember that lesson yourself!

Fixed Bugs / Timeline Link Misdirected
« on: June 07, 2011, 04:59:45 pm »
In the pulldown menu "Layonara Links" above, the "Layonara Timeline" link goes to a non-existent LORE page.  

The problem is that the actual LORE timeline page is:
LORE: The Layonara Timeline
(note the spaces)

while the link points to:
LORE: The Layonara Timeline
(with a lack of spaces)

Just for Fun / Miniature Painting
« on: March 29, 2011, 07:03:18 pm »
I made comments on Pibe's Farseer, so it only seems fair to open myself up to criticism, too.  A thread seems like a better place for potential conversation than the gallery, so here you go.

I finally got some new supplies a while back and stripped some minis for a repaint.  So far, I've completed six Space Marines:

These guys are from the old box set of thirty marines - this thing from the '80s.  This is the first time I've done the edge highlighting and I think it came out pretty well, though a closer look at the minis shows my hand isn't super steady.  That's part of why I stared with these guys.

Here's a closer look at a single guy:

You can see a little of what I mean about the highlights if you look at the outside of his right lower leg.  See how the highlight gets wider than along the front and inside of the lower leg?  I gotta work on that.

I'm really pleased with the eyes, though.  The 2D of the picture makes it look like those could be actual lenses; they are pits in his face in reality.  Here are some more:

I painted them with the gemstone technique I mentioned in the gallery.  The eye socket was painted black, then a deep green was painted over the front two thirds, and then a spot of brighter green on the foremost quarter or third.  Then a small, white dot is added on the black to look like a reflection.  That's also how I handled the bump on the flamer:

I don't know if it was supposed to be a gem, but it is now.  I painted it like the eyes, except with red.  It's pretty dark since I left so much black showing, but that's reasonable for these marines.  When I do the ones on the Eldar I'm painting, I'll add more color so they look brighter.  I have some just about ready for the gemming up, so I'm almost done.  I'll post the pictures sooner or later, since I paint in little spurts when I have a few minutes, and "almost done" could mean a week or more.

General Discussion / Talking to Jennara
« on: September 06, 2010, 01:40:10 pm »

My notes are a mess and I'm a little out of it.  I have a memory of someone wanting to talk to Jennara - could be someones - and I can't remember who or when.  Sorry to forget you.

Try again, or for the first time.  If your character wants to talk to Jennara about anything, we'll get it done.  Post here, send a PM, mail a letter, whatever it takes.  If things don't happen in a timely manner, make noise.

When is important: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are all generally pretty open for me, and other days I can probably make some room in the EDT evenings.  Maybe.  Despite the general openness of the weekends, I don't really have any desire to sit around alone in-game for hours waiting on passersby.  That worked back in the Hlint days but isn't so fun anymore.  So if you want to talk, we'll schedule something; don't bet on a random encounter.

General Discussion / Negativity
« on: July 01, 2010, 10:40:44 pm »
Sorry if I seem negative, ever.  I don't try to be negative, just realistic.  I don't think yes-men accomplish anything, so someone has to be willing to bring up differing views and point out potential problems.  

Here's the weird thing: I actually think I'm rather optimistic.  I know.  I said it was weird.  I think we humans have so much more in us than we give.  We could do so much better in every aspect of life if we'd stop being so selfish.  I'm just not idealistic.  I don't think people as a whole will do better without being more or less forced into it.  Yeah, that sucks.  I'd like to think differently, but my inner scientist constantly reminds me that the evidence is completely against it.  The people who are acting on that great potential are overshadowed by the rest of us.

Just for Fun / Limits of Suspension of Disbelief
« on: May 29, 2010, 02:06:40 pm »
What breaks your suspension of disbelief?  

Remember those apparently simple springy things on Chell's legs in Portal?  Those were knee replacements added by the game designers after playtesters thought the character could never survive the drops and jumps.  So a gun that shoots portals is reasonable, but people falling and flying several dozen feet and being fine is outrageous?  

I actually agree with that position.  I find it's easy to accept technology and magic doing outrageous things, but there are limits to what flesh can do.  That may be partially because I think characters should have flaws.  It's also because I know what a human is, and altering the universe to make a human into something it's not breaks my suspension of disbelief.  If you want a human who can survive a three hundred foot jump and keep going as if there were no impact force, make him a cyborg or a robot instead.  Or make it happen in the Matrix, where things aren't real in the first place.  Now he's not just a human; he has been modified by the magic of technology.

I'm not sure where the line is, exactly.  A little exaggeration of real-world ability is good.  That makes things exciting and heroic.  Something that completely disregards the physics of a body isn't going to go over so well, though.  I think that's where my point was leaning [post=1313692]here[/post].  "There's a point where combat power goes from cool to ridiculous," basically.

So, one thing that breaks my suspension of disbelief is over-extension of the abilities and limits of human (and human-like) bodies.  Pretty broad one, huh?  Lot of stuff fits in there.  

What suspends your suspension of disbelief?

Roleplaying / Leaning
« on: May 25, 2010, 12:01:02 am »
By my reading of the rules, alignments are a little fuzzy but generally well established and objectively clear.  Bringing in real world concepts is the major factor that confuses understanding of the alignments; this is the capital-E Evil (game concept) vs. lower case-e evil (real world things) problem.  Another more insidious factor is the concept of "leaning" one way or another.  I submit, for consideration and discussion, that any concept or comment of "leaning" should be forgotten and avoided for clarity.

As I said, the alignments are already a little fuzzy.  There is wiggle room in each of the nine alignments.  Further, no character (or god or kingdom or organization or anything else that may have an alignment) is ever going to be a one hundred percent pure paragon of any given alignment; there is always going to be some drift or "leaning" this way or that.  It goes without saying.  

If a True Neutral character (god, kingdom, etc) "leans Lawful", for example, then there are two possibilities: 1) the character (etc) is Neutral and is to be expected to have some opinions that may cause a mild drift from the purest of pure neutrality, requiring no qualification as "leaning" since that just adds unnecessary complication for no gain at all, or 2) the character (etc) is actually Lawful Neutral and the player (writer, etc) chose wrong (and should ask for a correction, make a correction, etc).  

Neutral is actually the driftiest alignment.  On any given day, a Neutral character may "lean" any way.  Claiming any of the other alignments indicates a commitment to those ideals and the courage of those convictions.  A Good character may (and will, really) do something not Good from time to time, but always pursues Good to the fullest of his ability.  That's "alignment rule capital-G" Good, not "lower case-g what my character thinks is good" good.  If your Neutral character "leans Good" then...  Well, actually, that's part of the definition of Neutral:
Quote from: SRD
Such a character thinks of good as better than evil—after all, she would rather have good neighbors and rulers than evil ones. Still, she’s not personally committed to upholding good in any abstract or universal way.

And if your Neutral character actually is committed to "upholding good," then she's Good rather than Neutral.  And "upholding good" would be a general thing, applying to everyone rather than just those preferred by the character, which would be Neutral.  That, incidentally, is why I think many Good characters are actually Neutral, but that's a different topic.

Anyway, skip all the nonsense with statements of "leaning" alignments.  They are unnecessary and make things messy.

LORE Bugs / Correct Spelling?
« on: April 17, 2010, 03:40:07 pm »
Within the Rofirein sections (on LORE and elsewhere), are various spellings of a particular rank/position.  On some pages, like the Hierarchy, the word is spelled "Justiciar."  On others, like the Sects page, it is spelled "Justicar."  And then "Justicer" is around here and there on the forums.

I'm also not sure how any but the last should be pronounced.  "Justiciar" looks like just-iss-ee-ar or just-iss-ee-ur, which my mouth thinks is one too many syllables, heh.  "Justicar" looks like just-i-kar, which my brain thinks is silly, though I could see just-i-sar but would be left asking why not just spell it "Justicer" in that case.

Anyway, can the definitive spelling be determined and corrected on LORE, and can we know the proper pronunciation, please?

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