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Messages - Gulnyr

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Ask A Gamemaster / Map Scale
« on: January 05, 2008, 09:54:48 pm »
Are the scales on the maps, like this one, meant to be more or less accurate, or are they just there as a decoration to give them a properly mappy feel?

*Jennara sends a letter to Divisional Commander Breten Parth, triple sealed for security and delivered by trusted courier*

Divisional Commander Parth, greetings from Section Commander Creekskipper.

This is a report on a vision I experienced recently.

In the vision, it was dark, as if at night.  There were clouds, and sitting on the clouds was the shape of a dragon.  I felt and understanding that the dragon was speaking to someone, though I could not see anyone nor hear any words.  Suddenly, the clouds stirred near the dragon, and he jerked back his left forepaw.  The vision focused on the forepaw.  The smallest claw, the one on the outside, looked like it had been shaved bare in a small spot.  The dragon roared, clearly in anger and perhaps in pain, and the clouds shook with the noise.  He then began to move through the sky and the vision ended.  I was left with a deep feeling - an understanding - that there would be no more communication regarding this event.

The vision lasted only seconds.  Afterward, I felt a tremendous pain in my head and stayed stricken in my home for three days.  

I feel this may have been a vision of an event in the Heavens, an attack on the Lord Protector.  Though I do not wish to keep potentially important information from others, I am reluctant to speak of this to others of the Faith before hearing again from you or those with whom you will share the letter.  I do not wish to unnecessarily and potentially increase anxiety or cause any misunderstanding.

In the Service of the Lord Protector,

Knight of the Wyrm Section Commander Jennara Creekskipper
Heart of the Dragon

Ask A Gamemaster / Expertise Oddities
« on: December 05, 2007, 11:27:49 pm »
A little while back, I noticed that Expertise and Improved Expertise were turning off when Jennara was hit, and thought maybe it was just a glitch that would be fixed by a server reset.  Since then, I've seen it happen a couple more times, including today on West, which I know was reset only a few hours ago.

The enemies she has been fighting haven't been anything fancy that could, say, HiPS to make her go flatfooted or anything like that.  The feats turn off very specifically on a successful enemy hit.  I tested with Flurry of Blows and found that it did not turn off when she was hit.  It seems to be only the Expertise feats that turn off mid-combat from a successful incoming hit.

Has anyone else seen this happen, or have any idea what might be causing it?

Ask A Gamemaster / Are Law Enforcers Stupid?
« on: December 03, 2007, 06:46:24 pm »
I ask the question that is the subject of this thread because of thoughts that flowed from reading [post=724662]this post[/post].  I don't mean any offense to Falonthas in asking this stuff.

In a world where magic is real, and it is not especially uncommon that people will change size and shape, would anyone who had that potential really be held in a room with a window or behind a simple set of bars?  Would there really be no cells designed for holding mages or suppressing magic in general?

I understand that smaller towns and villages might have a simple jail, or even just a nice corner of a barn where they can chain people, but a big city like Port Hempstead should have a prison that fits the reality of a magical world.  Even if they don't have fancy cells, I really don't think the city guard as a whole is so incompetent as to give prisoners easy and obvious ways out.

Rumour Has It / Wanted for Questioning
« on: October 20, 2007, 02:11:45 pm »
Citizens and Travelers in Port Hempstead

Be Vigilant

A Mage calling herself Saida is Wanted for Questioning for her involvement in the Misuse of Magic for the Purpose of Manipulating Persons, including the Guard.

If you have Information on the Location of the Mage, or observe anyone Engaged in the Use of Magic upon the Guard in Port Hempstead, please contact one of the following as Soon as Possible:

Caighd Brendimeere
Mylindra Doesscha
Storold Doesscha
Lareth Vathach
Jennara Creekskipper

For the Safety of the City and her Citizens,

Knight of the Wyrm Section Commander Jennara Creekskipper
Heart of the Dragon

Ask A Gamemaster / Spontaneous Light Emission
« on: September 08, 2007, 05:12:58 pm »
Is there any reason that purple balls of light should spontaneously begin flowing from a character's left fist when she walks or runs?

Playing a Monk, I'm used to seeing light come out of weird places, but this one is bizarre.

Let me put this into context.  There I was, walking Jennara along, thinking of getting some pears, checking out the new look of the Ore Hills, when I needed to stop long enough to keep some ogrillons from getting too fresh.  Afterward, I started moving again and found purple balls of light falling out of her.  I thought maybe it was some weird effect marker I'd never seen before and didn't get an icon for, but the character sheet looked normal and a rest didn't fix it.  

I sent a message to the DM channel, thinking maybe Shadon was playing a joke on Jennara, but got no response.  Then I was going to ask if anyone else was seeing weird things, but the server was empty except for me.  

So I ran around some and watched, and noticed the light balls fell specifically from her left hand.  So now I'm thinking she's contracted some sort of horrible magical disease from poking an ogrillon in the wrong place.  Woe be to the weaponless!

I'm guessing this is just some strange glitch that will go away when I log out or the server is reset, but it's a really weird glitch with a coincidental starting point that makes it seem significant in some hazy, indistinct, pseudoscientific way, heh.

Rumour Has It / Attention, Friends of Krandor
« on: September 01, 2007, 04:47:29 am »

Friends of Krandor
Enemies of Undeath[/i]

Recently, a small group of people in Krandor witnessed a darkly clad individual enter the crypt nearest the water and claim it as his own.  With the authorization of the City Administrator for Public Works, and his assurance that the catacombs were public property, the crypts were investigated.

Within, many bodies had been defiled by animation magicks, and were a danger to any who entered.  Not too very deep within, after intense combat that cost three of five lives, the darkly robed figure was encountered.  Without introduction, he insisted that the authorized party were invaders who disrupted the catacombs, claimed to be the power within the crypt, and demanded all to leave before he threatened indirectly to murder and raise the group as undead servants.

When confronted with force, the darkly clad figure vanished.  Those of the Weave present had no explanation of the ability.  The remaining members of the authorized group started back to the surface.  On the way, more animated bodies were encountered, and the robed figure stood among them untouched before commanding them to attack.  The individual was again met with force, and fled quickly under a rain of blows, though well protected, before again vanishing.

The situation was reported to the Administrator, who had the crypt sealed temporarily.  Rumors were mentioned of a source of power deep in the crypts that is the cause of much of the unrest for the interred dead.  Despite the suggestion of the Administrator to seek priestly help, a majority of the authorized group determined to attempt a resolution.  Upon returning to the crypt entrance and having the bars sealing the door removed, the entrance was found to be securely held from within.  No action taken could open the door.  As more attempts were made, a greater and greater wave of discernable hatred could be felt from within.  At one point, some of the group were thrown down by invisible force, and later, the very ground was felt to shake.

To protect the citizens, no greater efforts were made to force the door.  The bars were returned to seal the door from without, and this Call for Assistance is sent to all who would help eliminate the darkness from the crypts of Krandor.  Together, we can ensure the safety of the people.

Knight of the Wyrm Section Commander Jennara Creekskipper
Heart of the Dragon

Fixed Bugs / Paperboy does not Deliver
« on: August 25, 2007, 12:09:31 am »
Description: Friday night (EDT), I saw Bumblebee approach the paperboy in Port Hempstead and ask how many papers were left.  The paperboy reported 28, I think, and I was happy the system was being used.  During a break in conversation, Jennara went to the paperboy and asked for a copy, which cost 50gp.  After the transaction, Jennara had lost 50gp, but did not receive a paper.

The paperboy script seems to work correctly except that the buyer receives no paper.

I don't believe this is directly related to the paperboy selling healing kits bug.

Location: The paperboy in Port hempstead


Reproducable: I only tried once, and didn't notice immediately that I hadn't gotten a paper.

Forum Discussion / Referrals
« on: July 28, 2007, 08:36:50 pm »
Look in the left column over there, click anyone's big fat name link, and choose "View Public Profile."  Now look in the "Forum Info" box, under all the post counts and post links, to the spot that says "Referrals."

What are Referrals?

Fixed Bugs / Spirit Dunes - Desert Mine Lighting
« on: May 25, 2007, 09:33:44 pm »
Description: The Desert Mine in the Spirit Dunes has lighting conditions as if it were outdoors.  Specifically, it is brighter during the daylight hours and dimmer during nighttime hours despite being underground.  This might relate to this bug report somehow.

Location: Spirit Dunes - Desert Mine on Mistone


Reproducible: Yep.

Fixed Bugs / Honey Smoked Salmon Missing? - TO BE ACTIONED
« on: April 08, 2007, 05:33:20 pm »
Description: According to the 3.00.4 update list, Honey Smoked Salmon was added recently as a new food type.  According to the original idea for the recipe by Carillon and a follow-up by Pen N Popper before inclusion, it should be found on the Baker's Oven.  It is not listed there in any sub-menu, nor on any other kitchen CNR bench.

Location: Any Baker's Oven.  Specifically, Castle Mask, Hlint, Krandor, Leringard Arms, and Port Hempstead kitchens were checked.


Reproducible: Yes.  Honey Smoked Salmon is never available on the Baker's Oven.

The Silver Buckle / A Call for Assistance
« on: March 25, 2007, 01:38:05 pm »
The Church of the Lord Protector requests assistance in tracking a small group of dark elven thieves into the mountains of northern Dregar in order to recover the stolen property.

All those willing to assist the Church should assemble on Dregar within the week.

On behalf of the Church,

Knight of the Wyrm Unit Captain Jennara Creekskipper
Heart of the Dragon

Leringard Arms Inn and Tavern / A Call for Assistance
« on: March 25, 2007, 01:37:34 pm »
The Church of the Lord Protector requests assistance in tracking a small group of dark elven thieves into the mountains of northern Dregar in order to recover the stolen property.

All those willing to assist the Church should assemble on Dregar within the week.

On behalf of the Church,

Knight of the Wyrm Unit Captain Jennara Creekskipper
Heart of the Dragon

Wild Surge Inn / A Call for Assistance
« on: March 25, 2007, 01:37:02 pm »
The Church of the Lord Protector requests assistance in tracking a small group of dark elven thieves into the mountains of northern Dregar in order to recover the stolen property.

All those willing to assist the Church should assemble on Dregar within the week.

On behalf of the Church,

Knight of the Wyrm Unit Captain Jennara Creekskipper
Heart of the Dragon

Fixed Bugs / Forum Clocks
« on: March 18, 2007, 02:02:33 pm »
I was looking at the calendar, and noticed that the clock at the top right corner and my computer clock don't match, with the forum clock one hour fast (EDT).  Then I noticed that the clock at the bottom center of the forum page is one hour slow compared to my computer clock, and two hours slow compared to the upper right forum clock.

I have included a .jpg to show the clocks with three different times, all images taken within a few seconds of each other.

EDIT:  Sorry I missed the previous thread earlier, but the upper and lower clocks are still not in synch.

Introduce Yourself / Hello. My name is
« on: March 15, 2007, 03:13:04 pm »
Forum Name: Gulnyr
Name: Greg
Class: Commoner (1)
Race: Human
Alignment: TN
Deity: None

Age: 31
Sex: Male

Physical Description: 175 cm tall.  61.2 kg.  Dark hair, usually cropped off very close to the scalp.  Nerd-pale skin.  Wears glasses.  Often kind of scruffy-looking.

Hobbies and Interests: Sciences (all of them, though some more than others), history, science fiction, gaming, classical music, cookies.

Background:  I was introduced to the bright red D&D Basic box set at age 12 by some slightly older neighborhood friends.  It was a lot of fun playing for a couple of years, but then they moved away.  

I found some new friends with new games.  Some were RPGs, like GURPS, Warhammer Fantasy, and Champions (aka the Hero system).  Most were tabletop wargames, like Battletech, the Star Trek Starship Tactical Combat Simulator, and Warhammer 40000 (way back in the days of Rogue Trader, when army lists came in White Dwarf and made you roll randomly for equipment).  There were never many of us, so it usually came down to some sort of battle no matter what game we were playing, but we always made sure to include roleplaying.  We developed characters for every game, not necessarily written out on paper, but always with personalities that affected the game in real ways.  Tabletop battles take on a whole new feel when you stop thinking of the counters or miniatures as chess pieces and start caring about the characters involved.

Even when we started playing against each other in computer games, we'd find ways to include roleplaying.  We made rules for mixing Risk with Age of Empires, with a backdrop of politics for our characters - the leaders of the nations - to interact within.  

I met new people online who were also interested in mixing roleplaying into the basic computer games.  One of the best experiences I had was a small community built around the game Man of War II.  It's a simulation of sailing ship combat around the time of the American Revolution on into the Napoleonic Era, but we used it to represent roughly the mid to late 1600s in the Caribbean.  Some of us played pirates, others played naval officers (mostly British), and a couple played the middle as privateers.  It was called Marooners.  We set up a forum and four of us acted as GMs.  There were general rules about what could be done when and where, but it was generally free form.  I made a spreadsheet chart with a built-in die roller for determining ship sightings and cargo in the holds of prize ships, which was about the most absolute thing about the whole setup.  The players would make posts in the forum, in-character, describing what their characters were doing in town or at sea, up to twice per day.  The GMs would then respond with descriptions of the action, playing the roles of NPCs and other ships when necessary.  Things generally built toward Fridays, as that was our night to get together online and fight out any ship-to-ship combat that resulted from forum posts.  Any player who didn't have his character in a battle could still be part of the fun by playing one of the NPC ships.  

Eventually, I circled around and found D&D again with the arrival of 3rd Edition and then NWN.  Then I found Layonara through the D&D Adventures site.  That was a little over two years ago.  Since then, I've had only two 'real' characters - Gulnyr the Grim and Jennara Creekskipper.  Gulnyr is based on a level 1 Dwarven Rogue I have on a sheet of paper.  Jennara was a little more spontaneous, but she doesn't lack any depth for it, I hope.

General Discussion / Master House Key
« on: March 05, 2007, 12:37:43 pm »
To determine which door options are available on a house, does the door check for the master key or does the door check the name of the character against the owner of the house?

Is there a way for a player to tell a master house key from a copy?

General Discussion / Behind the OotS
« on: February 17, 2007, 10:32:13 pm »
I don't know why I never did before, but I checked out some articles at Giant in the Playground Games (the Order of the Stick site).  I found this one and thought it might be a good read for every roleplayer.  The article is about PnP gaming, but is fully applicable to Layonara.

The Silver Buckle / *On each donation crate*
« on: December 08, 2006, 02:07:05 pm »
*On each donation crate, a parchment is tacked.*

Madam or Master Donor,

Your continued donations are greatly appreciated.  It should be noted, though, that citizens of Roldem, and, indeed, the vast majority of the citizens of Layonara, have no great need of ivy leaves, glass beads, empty ale bottles, bee's wax, small bottles of blood, inedible animal parts (such as venom sacks and octopus's tentacles), small packets of dead fleas, or various other knick-knacks and oddities.  

If you should have such items and wish to donate, it would be far better to speak with one of the pawn brokers of Point Harbor and leave herein a donation of coin.  If there is some reason such a transaction is impossible, the trash barrel just within this tavern's door is favorably placed to receive those items of which neither you nor the Roldemians have any need.

Thank you very much for your continued concern,

Knight of the Wyrm Flagbearer Jennara Creekskipper
Heart of the Dragon

General Discussion / Updated Portrait Pack
« on: November 10, 2006, 07:17:44 pm »
The new portrait pack has been uploaded, and is available for download in the Latest Files section.

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